Issue - meetings

Proposed Loan to Wiltshire Museum

Meeting: 23/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 104)

104 Proposed Loan to Wiltshire Museum

Report by Executive Director Alistair Cunningham OBE.



Supporting documents:


Cllr Richard Clewer presented a report proposing funding to Wiltshire Museum for the acquisition of a storage facility.


Cllr Clewer explained that the National Planning Policy Framework, where a potential development could impact on archaeology in an area, suggests that the Council acting as Planning Authority may have a duty to impose planning obligations on the developer in respect of archaeological heritage. The planning obligations may require the developer to commission a study of

the site and to deposit the resultant objects and reports referred to as archives

with an accredited museum.  The acquisition of a storage facility enables such deposits not to infringe on space in the museum’s interpretation and gallery space.


In response to a question from Cllr Ian Thorn, Chair of the Financial Planning Task Group, about the museums ability to repay the loan, Cllr Clewer explained that one of the ways the loan would be repaid included developers being charged a storage fee for any artefacts placed in the storage facility.




1.    To approve the grant funding of £0.125m to Wiltshire Museum to part fund the acquisition of a storage facility.

2.    To approve the principle of a loan to Wiltshire Museum to fund the remainder of the acquisition up to the value of the Property.

3.    To delegate authority to the Interim Director of Finance and Procurement in consultation with the Director of Housing and Commercial to enter into appropriate formal arrangements for the award of a loan to Wiltshire Museum up to the value of the Property.


Reason for Decision:


1.    To ensure that the Developers are able to fulfil their obligations under the National Planning Framework, and thus enabling the Council to fulfil its duties in terms of imposition of planning obligations.

2.    To maximise the interpretation and gallery space within Wiltshire Museum