Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 03/02/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 6)

6 Partner Updates

To receive updates from partners – Parish and Town Councils, Fire and Rescue Service, NHS, BA13 + Community Area Partnership and Chamber of Commerce.

Supporting documents:


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue

Update from Wiltshire Fire and Rescue was included in the agenda at pages 41 to 42.


NHS Wiltshire

Update from NHS Wiltshire for December and January were included in the agenda at pages 43 to 48.


Edington Parish Council

Cllr Michael Jones expressed his concern over the recent announcements regarding cuts to rural bus routes and asked for a report to be brought to the next Board detailing the cuts, if any, to Wiltshire’s rural bus routes.


Westbury Town Council

Cllr Christine Mitchell reported that all the Christmas events went extremely well and were very popular.  The next event will be a French Market to be held on 30 April 2011.


Cllr Sue Ezra, reported on the work being undertaken on Vision for Westbury. Westbury Town Council is working with Wiltshire Council to prepare a new Vision and Scoping Study for Westbury which will inform planning policy and set out clear recommendations to address issues in the town.

Following the Christmas Street Event Day to talk to residents they received 350 comments about how they felt about the town, in general it was felt that;

·         It was a nice town

·         Shopping facilities should be improved

·         Leisure and community facilities should be improved

·         Roads and public transport should be improved


Westbury Chamber of Commerce

The Chairman announced that the Chamber of Commerce, TransWilts Community Rail and Wiltshire Council were supporting the TransWilts rail proposal, a north-south rail service for a 6 train per day service in each direction operated by First Great Western serving the 8 stations between Salisbury and Swindon.

He reminded people of the New Wiltshire Business Competition for further details on both visit the Wessex Chamber of Commerce website


BA13+ Community Area Partnership (CAP)

Reverend Jonathan Burke Chairman of BA13+CAP updated the Area Board.  The main focus of work for the CAP continues to be the Community Plan linked with Vision for Westbury, Restorative Justice and the young person’s transport plan.  The BA13+CAP has a funds of £12,000 grants can be allocated for up to £500 to non - profit making organisations.