Issue - meetings

Issues Updates

Meeting: 03/02/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 14)

Issues Updates

To receive updates on those issues highlighted at the previous Area Board meeting and received since the last meeting.


Sally Hendry, Community Area Manager, updated the Board on the issues, wide and varied, that are concerning the community area.


White Horse – The White Horse was painted by English Heritage 3.5 years ago at a cost of approximately £23K.  English Heritage report that it is scheduled to be re-painted every 10 years. There is no scope for volunteers to paint it as there are significant health and safety implications.


Speed Checks – There are a number of metro counts being undertaken around the community area at the moment.


Grot Spots – As a part of Community Payback/Wiltshire probation service are undertaking a clear up, cut back and litter pick of Wellhead woods.


Heywood Traffic – There have been meetings with the Parish Council and Tumblewood School. Warning signage will be erected in the following two weeks.


Westbury Library - Westbury has favoured relatively well in the review, having to cut back its hours by 5.5 hours a week.  Volunteers are welcome.


Neil Tribick from Westbury Leisure Alliance (WLA) updated the Board on the current situation of Westbury’s leisure facilities.  All Councillors were written to, many of whom claim not to have received the e-mail asking that Westbury Leisure facilities remain under Council control.  The Leisure review now falls under the remit of the Work Place Transformation Team and it now comes under the Estate Review rather than Leisure.  The Alliance is still chasing Councillor Wheeler for a response to the initial e-mail from the Alliance but to date he has not responded.


The Chairman suspected that information would be limited until the outcome of the next Cabinet meeting on 15 February where the financial position of the Council would be discussed.