Issue - meetings

Forward Work Plan

Meeting: 03/02/2011 - Westbury Area Board (Item 15)

15 Community Area Grants

To consider any applications for funding from;


a)     Community Area Grant Scheme – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.


b)     Performance Reward Grant Application – to consider any applications for funding from this scheme.



Supporting documents:


a) Councillors considered 5 applications for Community Area Grants.


1.    An application has been received from Westbury Town Council – award £545 to match fund the purchase of a mobile projector, screen and whiteboard for community use.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £545 to Westbury Town Council.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s prioritiesof Westbury area community plan (Improving economy/tourism P.9).



2.    An  application has been received from Edington Parish Hall – award £3250 to match fund replacement windows in the village hall.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £3250 to Edington Parish Hall.





The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s prioritiesof engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering, and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27 ).




3.    An application has been received from  the Dilton Marsh Flower and Produce show – award £320 to fund publicity and set up costs for a village flower and handicrafts show.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £320 to Dilton Marsh Flower and Produce show.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people and increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27 ).


It should be noted that should the show become an annual event, there could not be repeat funding available from the area board.


4. An application has been received by Coulston Parish Council - award £105 to match fund the connection of water to village allotments.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £105 to Coulston Parish Council.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with the aims of the Westbury area community plan (Improving leisure/recreation P.27; Parish observations P.34)



5. An application has been received by Crosspoint– award £1000 to fund the purchase of computer equipment for a drop-in community centre.




Westbury Area Board awarded the sum of £1000 to Crosspoint.




The application met the Community Area Grants criteria 2010/11 and linked to Wiltshire Council’s priorities of engaging with local people; increasing numbers involved in volunteering and with many aims of the Westbury area community plan.


b)  Performance Reward Grant Scheme


Councillors considered two applications for funding from the Performance Reward Grant Scheme.


1. An application had been received by The Laverton Institute Trust requesting a grant of £44,379 to fund the refurbishment of the toilets and provision of a separate toilet for the disabled and a baby-changing facility.





Westbury Area Board strongly support this application and hope it succeeds.


2) An application has been received from the new Wiltshire Infrastructure Support Service – ‘GROW’ Enhancing Community Support includes a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15