Issue - meetings

Issues Updates

Meeting: 19/08/2010 - Westbury Area Board (Item 8)

8 Issues Update

To receive an update on local issues raised through the community issues system.

Supporting documents:


Sally Hendry, Community Area Manager, provided an update of community issues that had been received, a summary of which was included in the agenda at pages 33 to 38.


Sally announced that, in response to an issue that had been raised, a new pedestrian crossing had been installed on the A350 near the Cedar Hotel to improve pedestrian safety. There had also been a number of dog fouling warning stickers placed around the Community Area to discourage illegal dog fouling. Sally also had some dog fouling stickers that could be handed out for people to use if they had particular problems in their areas.


Another issue that had recently been resolved was rubbish dumping at Bitham Brook which had become very unsightly. Sally announced that, after some investigation, Wiltshire Council was found to be the owner of the land and Street Scene officers had arranged for the site to be cleaned up next week.


Anybody with a local issue that required attention could submit a form either by post, online, or by contacting Sally for further details.