Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget

Meeting: 27/07/2010 - Cabinet (Item 120)

120 Revenue Budget

Supporting documents:


Councillor Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Risk presented a report which advised of the latest position regarding the revenue budget monitoring for 2010-11. The report covered the period April to May 2010 and included a departmental analysis of the outturn position.


It was explained that current figures, which were only projected, forecast an overspend at this stage. However she was confident that the year would end with a balanced budget, as previously, and officers were working to ensure this.


The report also dealt with the impact of the emergency budget announced by the Coalition Government in June. This included a range of measures including direct reductions in grant funding for local government which were implemented and would impact directly on the Council in the current 2010/11 financial year as detailed in the report. All services in the Council were currently looking at measures to address the shortfall in the area based grant.


Cllr Jeff Osborn, spoke on behalf of the Budget and Performance Scrutiny Task Group. He explained that the Task Group took the view that the shortfalls were as a result of two main areas namely, normal pressures on the budget, and a decline in the Area-based grants.


Questions were raised on various aspects of the budget to which Cllr de Rhe Philipe and other Cabinet members responded.




That Cabinet note the report pending the next monitoring report highlighting all actions being taken.


Reason for Decision


To enable Cabinet to approve a corporate approach to managing the financial pressures and Government reductions.