Issue - meetings

Salisbury & South Wilts Sports Club, Wilton Road, Salisbury, SP2 9NY - Proposed Amendment to Design Of Proposed Sports Pavillion, Subject of Application S/2008/2089.

Meeting: 15/07/2010 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 67)

67 Salisbury & South Wilts Sports Club, Wilton Road, Salisbury, SP2 9NY - Proposed Amendment to Design Of Proposed Sports Pavilion, Subject of Application S/2008/2089.

To inform Members on the proposed changes to the design of the proposed sports pavilion building, previously considered as part of application S/2008/2089. 

Supporting documents:


Public Participation:


John Youings spoke in support of the application.

Cllr Chris Cochrane, the local member, spoke in support of the application


The senior planning officer outlined the application. Under consideration were a number of changes to note and approve as part of an ongoing application. 1 letter of additional correspondence had been received.


Councillors received clarification of the positioning of the building within the site, and on the reasons for the change in design.




To approve the application with the amended plans for the sports pavilion, and subject to the previously requested S106 agreement and conditions (or any revised terms and conditions thought appropriate due to the change of design) - as per option 4.1a contained in the officer’s report.