Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 06/09/2010 - Pewsey Area Board (Item 7)

7 Partner Updates

To receive any updates from partners:


a)            Wiltshire Police;

b)            Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service;

c)            NHS Wiltshire;

d)            Pewsey Community Area Partnership – the Partnership will seek the Area Board’s endorsement on the enclosed revised Community  Plan which was adopted by the Partnership on 10 June 2010;

e)            Parish Councils.


Supporting documents:


(a)       Wiltshire Police


Inspector Andy Peach commented that he had nothing further to add to the written update which had been tabled.


Bob Woodward, of Pewsey Parish Council, noted that the Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme in Pewsey, while relatively successful, was limited to one road, while there were four main roads into Pewsey, each with a speeding problem.  He asked whether, since the volunteers, training and equipment was in place, the scheme could be permitted to operate on other roads in Pewsey.  Inspector Peach confirmed that, subject to a risk assessment on the sites in question, there was no problem in principle with the established CSW scheme operating on other roads.  The Neighbourhood Policing Team would be asked to liaise with the Parish Office regarding reference numbers for the other sites, so these could be used when CSW teams advised of their specific locations.


Responding to a question regarding the decision to disband the Camera Safety Partnership, Inspector Peach confirmed that the police would continue to work with and support CSW teams to tackle speeding.  In addition, it was noted that static and mobile number-plate recognition cameras would continue to be used to catch drivers without insurance, tax and MOT.


(b)       Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


            In his role as Chairman of the Fire Authority, Councillor Brigadier Robert Hall referred the meeting to the written update at page 29 of the agenda, commenting that there had only been two fires in the area, with nine further call-outs under the co-responding arrangements with the Ambulance Service.


It was also noted that pro-active work was being undertaken with Canal boat users on the Kennet and Avon Canal, to reduce incidents of boat fires.


Councillor Hall also referred to the Performance Reward Grant application from the Fire and Rescue Service in relation to the Salamander project.  This bid had received support from the Area Board at the meeting on 10 May 2010, however recent in-year cuts in the service’s budget had made this project unviable and so it would not be going ahead.


(c)        NHS Wiltshire


The meeting was referred to the updated written update which had been tabled.


(d)       Pewsey Community Area Partnership


Bob King, Chairman of the Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP), introduced the revised Pewsey Community Area Plan, copies of which had been tabled.  The plan set out the priorities and issues in the Community Area, setting out progress and on-going actions.  The plan had been adopted by PCAP on 10 June 2010 and the Area Board’s endorsement was now sought.



The Pewsey Area Board agreed to endorse the Pewsey Community Area Plan (adopted 10 June 2010).


(e)       Parish Councils


The Chairman referred to the updates at pages 35-37 in the agenda. There were no further updates.