Issue - meetings

Temporary Closure of Wiltshire Leisure Sites' Cafes and Creches

Meeting: 08/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 107)

Interim position of Wiltshire Leisure Sites' Cafes and Creches

*                  Confidential report from the Chief Executive to follow.


This item is exempt under paragraph 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for ICT, Digitalisation, Operational Assets, Leisure and Libraries presented the report which progressed the decision to open Wiltshire leisure facilities in a staged way and made recommendations for an interim position for Wiltshire leisure sites cafes and creches for at least the next 12 months.


Cllr Blair-Pilling highlighted a number of options considered for the Cafes and Creches and explained the reasons for the recommended option.   




  1. To temporarily close Creche and Café facilities at Wiltshire in house leisure sites for 12 months, and to note the future financial viability of these services will be kept under review.


  1. To delegate to the Director for Communities and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for ICT, Digitalisation, Operational Assets, Leisure and Libraries, to take all necessary steps to implement this decision.



Reason for Decision:

To ensure continuation of financially viable leisure provision in Wiltshire and to reduce the financial risk to the Council.