Issue - meetings

Interim Management Arrangements for Wiltshire Contracted Leisure Sites

Meeting: 08/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 108)

Interim Management Arrangements for Wiltshire Contracted Leisure Sites

*                   Confidential report from the Chief Executive to follow.


This report is exempt under paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for ICT, Digitalisation, Operational Assets, Leisure and Libraries presented the report which proposed a way forward for the interim leisure centre management contract.




  1. To undertake a re-procurement through the open procedure with risk sharing clauses.


  1. To note and endorse the following contract changes:


i.               Waive set management fee (currently £181k per annum) but include ability to profit share with open book accounting


ii.             50/50 shared cost for COVID19 related closures agreed through open book accounting


iii.            Loss of Revenue for any maintenance closures, with a capped liability of 50% of costs to a maximum of £75,000 per annum (£150,000 for length of contract)


iv.            50/50 shared cost for any facility closures, with a capped liability of £25,000 per facility


v.             Melksham Blue Pool stays in the contract for one year (2021/2022) and then removed from contract on 01 April 2022 to prepare for the Melksham Campus which will open summer/autumn 2022


vi.            Agree to pay the Loss of Revenue for Melksham Blue pool works when they take place in April/May 2021 at circa £80,000


  1. To delegate to the Director for Community and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for IT, Digitalisation, Operational Assets, Leisure and Libraries to take all necessary steps to implement this decision including the award of contract for the management of the sites on completion of the procurement exercise.


Reason for Decision:

To ensure the continued provision of leisure services across Wiltshire’s currently outsourced sites.