Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Email: Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting. Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Cllr Caroline Corbin Cllr Kelvin Nash Cllr Mary Champion Cllr Kathryn MacDermid (Substituted by Cllr Adrian Foster)
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 September 2024. Supporting documents: Minutes: Resolved
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 05 September 2024, as a true and correct record.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements through the Chairman. Minutes: The Chair was sad to announce that in October, Dr Mike Thompson resigned as the Clifton Diocese Co-opted Member of the Children's Select Committee. Dr Mike Thompson had been a member of this committee (and its predecessors) since 2002. He also chaired the Schools Organisation Committee and the strategic working group on Further Education and has been a school and college governor.
On behalf of the Committee, Cllr Hubbard thanked him for his unwavering commitment to ensuring the best educational opportunities for children and young people in this county.
Dr Mike Thompson also passed his best wishes to the committee and its future activities.
The Chair was also extremely sorry to announce that Marie Gondlach would also be leaving Wiltshire Council. Marie was described as a great support to the Chair and Vice-Chair who was always passionate about the work of the Children’s Select Committee. Further described as professional, diligent and focused on scrutiny and outcomes for children and young people, the Chair wished Marie all the best for the future on behalf of the Committee.
Lastly, the Chair informed the Committee that there would be a Chair’s briefing on Childcare sufficiency on 3 December 2024 and that all committee members were welcome.
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the front of the agenda for any further clarification.
Questions To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution.
Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the front of this agenda no later than 5pm on Tuesday 19 November in order to be guaranteed of a written response. In order to receive a verbal response questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Thursday 21 November. Please contact the officer named on the front of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Minutes: There was no public participation.
Alternative Provision Update To receive a report on the current Alternative Provision for children and young people in Wiltshire not attending mainstream or specialist schools.
Supporting documents: Minutes: John Spring, Head of Service Targeted Education introduced the report.
The Committee thanked officers for the report and expressed frustration at the actions of certain schools that have withdrawn from county-wide Alternative Provision schemes and have high numbers of students being permanently excluded. Councillors questioned why these schools were not being publicly named to allow parents to make more informed decisions on school choice.
During debate, the following was clarified for the committee:
Cllr Suzanne Wickham reminded Councillors that Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, an Alternative Provision provider, had an open invitation for Councillors to visit.
To receive an annual report on Alternative Provision. To be next scheduled for 5 November 2025.
To note the report.
Affordable Schools Strategy To consider the Affordable Schools Strategy for primary and secondary schools to reduce inequalities.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: This item was deferred.
Early Years, Childcare and Entitlement Strategy To consider the Early Years, Childcare and Entitlement Strategy which outlines how the Council will meet its statutory duties and the Wiltshire plan’s strategic objective ‘Best Start in Life’, to improve outcomes for young children and families.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chair informed the Committee that they were being asked to consider and approve the proposed Early Years, Childcare and Entitlement Strategy.
Emma Cooke – Early Years Manager, delivered a short presentation, which was included in the minutes and invited questions and comments on the strategy.
Councillors welcomed the strategy and thanked officers for their work. Councillors raised concerns at the level of EHCPs given the national context and Wiltshire Council’s Safety Valve program.
During debate, the following was clarified for the committee:
To endorse the strategy.
To receive an annual update on the progress of the action plan of the Early Years and Childcare strategy. To be next scheduled for 3 September 2025.
Safeguarding Vulnerable People Partnership (SVPP) Annual Report To receive the Annual Report of the SVPP, with reference to the work of the partnership in safeguarding children and young people. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair stated that this report had been circulated in the Agenda Supplement. It was proposed that given the number of items and restricted time, that the standing task group be tasked with considering the annual report and report their findings in January’s meeting.
For the Children Select Committee Standing Task Group to review the sections of the SVPP Annual Report relating to children and young people and report its findings to committee at its meeting on 15 January 2025.
Families and Children's Services Roadmap 2024-2026 To receive an update on the Families and Children’s Services Roadmap, as resolved by the committee in October 2023. The roadmap provides a strategic overview of the quality assurance framework and service plans in place for Families and Children’s services.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Gary Norton-Sanders, Service Manager, Quality Outcomes for Children and Families briefly introduced the report and invited questions and comments.
The 9 priorities were specifically highlighted:
1. Children in Safe, Loving Homes – Our ambition is for all children to grow up in homes filled with love, care, and security. 2. Protecting the Most Vulnerable – We will do everything in our power to protect the most vulnerable children from harm. 3. Supporting Families Early – Our focus is on preventing problems before they start, ensuring children have the best start in life. 4. Improving Care for Children in Care – We are committed to providing the highest quality care for children in care and ensuring they have every opportunity to succeed. 5. Listening to Children and Families – We will listen to the voices of children and families, making sure they are heard and their needs are met. 6. Supporting Mental and Emotional Wellbeing – We will ensure every child has the emotional support they need to succeed, fostering resilience and confidence. 7. Protecting from Exploitation – We will provide safe spaces for children and protect them from harm, including exploitation and abuse. 8. A Skilled and Compassionate Workforce – Our workforce will be skilled, compassionate, and committed to supporting every child and family to achieve their best. 9. Quality Services for All – We will make sure that every child and family receives the highest quality support, every time.
Councillors thanked officers for a “fantastic, proactive and ambitious” plan that is very clear. Councillors requested a data set to sit alongside parts of the plan to allow cross-referencing.
It was clarified that it was a purposeful choice to communicate a front facing sheet without lots of heavy data, but that feedback was welcomed.
To receive an update evidencing progress against the 9 priorities of the Roadmap, to be scheduled for 5 November 2025.
Executive Update to the Youth Provision and Area Board Youth Funding Task Group Recommendations To receive an executive update on progress against the actions outlined by the executive in January 2024 in response to the recommendations of the Youth Provision and Area Board Youth Funding Task Group, Sept 2023.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair reminded the Committee that the Youth Strategy would be an agenda item in January 2025. Members were invited to ask questions relating to the upcoming update which could be fed back for answers in January.
To forward questions raised by members concerning the update and request that these are addressed under the Youth Strategy agenda item at committee on 5 January 2025.
Regular updates Updates on information valuable for the committee, but unlikely to require a decision.
Members of the committee are therefore invited to indicate in advance of the meeting if they would like further information or have questions on these regular updates, so that relevant officers can be invited to attend the meeting. |
Update from Wiltshire Youth Voice Representative An update including a summary of recent activities of the Wiltshire Youth Union (WYU) and Children in Care Council (CiCC). Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair thanked officers for providing the report, however proposed that an annual report may be more appropriate than at every meeting.
To note the report and consider outside the meeting whether to move to an annual report instead of regular updates.
School Ofsted Judgements An update including information regarding the most recent Ofsted Inspection reports, presenting an ongoing view of the effectiveness of schools as seen by Ofsted Inspection. Supporting documents: Minutes: The written report was noted.
DfE Changes - Update from Department for Education An update on developments relating to children’s services arising from the Department for Education. Supporting documents: Minutes: The written report was noted.
Working together to improve school attendance The DfE published new non-statutory guidance in May 2022 to help schools, trusts, governing bodies and local authorities maintain high levels of school attendance. The guidance applies from September 2022.
This regular update is an opportunity for the committee to be aware of the latest requirements, as set out in the guidance. Supporting documents: Minutes: The written report was noted.
Schools Forum To receive a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of Schools Forum, to enable the Children’s Select Committee to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Schools Forum through the year. Full agendas and minutes for the Schools Forum can be accessed here Schools Forum | Wiltshire Council Supporting documents: Minutes: The written report was noted.
Corporate Parenting Panel To receive a very brief update highlighting key items from the last meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel, to enable the Children’s Select Committee members, as Corporate Parents, to be informed in a timely manner of the work undertaken by the Corporate Parenting Panel through the year. Supporting documents: Minutes: The written report was noted.
Safety Valve update To receive regular updates from officers on the development of the Safety Valve project, as well as input from the overview and scrutiny representative. Supporting documents: Minutes: Ben Stevens briefly introduced and summarised the report.
Councillors requested that where possible the dataset was shared with the Committee in advance of the meeting, as it had been incredibly useful in past meetings.
To note the report.
To set up a member briefing on new interventions as proposed in the report.
Directors' update To receive a verbal update from Directors highlighting any key issues (current or emerging), successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which may not require a full agenda item and are not covered elsewhere on this agenda. This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: There was no significant update.
Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holders' update To receive a verbal update from the Cabinet Member and / or Portfolio Holders highlighting any news, successes or milestones in their respective areas since the last meeting of the committee, which may not require a full agenda item and are not covered elsewhere on this agenda. This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: Cllr Suzanne Wickham wanted to draw attention to the Reverse Careers fair and hailed it as a great success.
Chair's update To receive a verbal update from the chair on any work undertaken or news since the last meeting that would not require a full agenda item and would not be suitable under Chairman’s Announcements (where no debate is allowed). This is also an opportunity for matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: There was no update.
Overview and Scrutiny Activities Updates The committee will receive updates from active Task Groups, Rapid Scrutiny exercises and the committee’s board representatives.
A report by the Senior Scrutiny Officers providing an update on Task Group activity since the last meeting is attached. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair drew the Committee’s attention to the need for members for the vacancies on the Homelessness and Young people rapid scrutiny and stated that the other vacancies had now been filled. Resolved
To note the update on task group and rapid scrutiny activities provided To seek members for the vacancies on the Homelessness and Young people rapid scrutiny – the other vacancies have now been filled.
Forward Work Programme The Committee is asked to note the attached documents showing the relevant items from the overview and scrutiny forward work programme and the latest version of the strategy list for the Children, Education and Skills directorate. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Resolved
To note the updates from the meeting and approve the Children’s Select Committee Forward Work Programme.
Date of Next Meeting To note that the next scheduled meeting is due to be held on 15 January 2025 at County Hall, Trowbridge, starting at 10.30am. Minutes: The next meeting of the Children’s Select Committee will be on 15 January 2025.
Urgent Items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
Glossary |