Venue: The North Wiltshire Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for this meeting only Minutes: On the nomination of Councillor Allison Bucknell, seconded by Councillor Ruth Hopkinson, it was,
Resolved: To elect Councillor Graham Wright as Chairman for this meeting only. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declaration of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Consideration of Dispensation Requests To consider dispensation requests from Councillors Phil Alford, Jack Oatley, and any others who may submit requests ahead of the meeting date. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered requests for dispensations as set out in Agenda Supplements 1 and 2, from Councillors Phil Alford, Jack Oatley, Jon Hubbard, Jo Trigg, Edward Kirk, David Vigar, Mel Jacob, Stewart Palmen, Caroline Thomas, Sam Pearce-Kearney, Jane Davies, Daniel Cave, Antonio Piazza, and Tony Trotman.
Councillor Kirk attended to make a statement in respect of his request, and then withdrew.
The Sub-Committee reviewed the requests, considered the criteria under which a dispensation could be granted, and after debate it was,
Resolved: 1) To grant dispensations to remain in the room, and to vote, in respect of matters relating to an Other Registerable Interest as set out below, as follows:
· Councillors Phil Alford, Jack Oatley, Jon Hubbard (Members of Melksham Town Council) · Councillors Jo Trigg, Edward Kirk, David Vigar, Mel Jacob, Stewart Palmen, Daniel Cave, Antonio Piazza (Members of Trowbridge Town Council) · Councillor Jane Davies (Member of Marlborough Town Council) · Councillors Sam Pearce-Kearney, Tony Trotman (Members of Calne Town Council)
For a period up to the conclusion of the current council term (12 May 2025) for the following reasons:
To prevent impediment to transaction of council business, in the interests of persons living in the Council’s area, and as otherwise appropriate.
2) To not grant a dispensation in respect of the request from Councillor Caroline Thomas.
3) To note the additional requests from Councillor Sam Pearce-Kearney did not require a dispensation, and to refer to the Monitoring Officer for advice.