Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Yamina Rhouati Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for the meeting. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Richard Clewer, Simon Jacobs, David Jenkins, Dr Helen McKeown, Horace Prickett, John Smale, Ian Tomes. Mark Packard, Linda Packard, Mary Champion, Jacqui Lay, Bill Douglas and Mary Douglas |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the annual council meeting held on 13 May 2014. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting, being the Annual Meeting held on 13 May 2014 were presented.
That the minutes of the last Council meeting held on 13 May 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Announcements by the Chairman Minutes: a) Armed Forces Day Celebrations
The Chairman explained that the Council was pleased to support the flying of the Armed Forces Day flag from our main Council office buildings last month for Armed Forces Week. Celebrations were held around the County over the weekend of 28 and 29 June.
The Chairman attended along with the Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Major General Abraham representing the Master Gunner St James Park, and other dignitaries, to witness the Mayor of Trowbridge grant the Freedom of the Town to the Royal Regiment of Artillery, which had historic links with the Town going back to the First World War. The Freedom Parade was led by the Band of the Royal Artillery, followed by a Section of the Kings Troop Royal Horse Artillery pulling a gun carriage, and a marching Contingent. He commented that all were immaculately turned out.
Armed Forces weekend provides us all with the opportunity to acknowledge the dedication of the Armed Services and to show our support for them, whether serving members, veterans or Cadets. The Chairman acknowledged that these events take many months of planning and thanked and congratulated all those who worked so hard to ensure their success.
b) Her Majesty The Queen’s Birthday Honours
The Chairman was delighted to announce that a number of Wiltshire residents had received national recognition in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours’ list.
An OBE had been awarded to: Mr. Martin Colclough from Amesbury for services to Disability Sport in the Armed Forces.
MBEs had been awarded to: Mrs. Vivian Clarke from Pewsey, who is Chair of the Military Wives Choirs Foundation, for services to military families Mr. Colin Coward from Devizes for services to Equality Mr. Ralph Flower from Devizes for services to the British Engineering Industry and to the community in Devizes Mr. Alan Nix from Swindon for services to the community in Swindon Mr. Mark Romain from Salisbury for services to the Saddlery Industry and Saddlery Training in the United Kingdom and Overseas Mr. Roger Upton for services to the Cultural Heritage of Falconry in the United Kingdom and Overseas
BEMs had been awarded to: Mr. Peter Lemon for services to the communities in Grafton and Wilton Mrs. Janet Marshall for voluntary service to the Warminster & Westbury Visually Handicapped Club Mr. Edward Pomeroy for services to Young People through the Scouts and to the community in Southwick
The Council joined the Chairman in congratulating them all on receiving national recognition.
c) Town Criers’ Competition
The Chairman announced that he had attended a Town Criers’ Competition in Calne last month organised by the Town Council. Criers attended from across the country and the standard was very high. The winner came from Bromyard, Herefordshire. He was pleased to say that the Trowbridge Town Crier, Trevor Heeks and his wife had won the ‘Best Dressed Couple’ competition.
d) Miss Jean Horsfall
The Chairman wished to formally record the Council’s debt of gratitude to Miss Jean Horsfall, who died recently at the age of ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.
Questions To receive any questions from members of the public received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 22 July 2014.Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of questions from Mr Geoff Yates, Mrs Veronica Stubbings and Mrs Charmian Spickernell, details of which had been circulated together with responses by Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Phllipe, Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Transport. A copy of the questions and responses to public questions received are attached as Appendix A.
Questions were presented by Mrs Spickernell who took the opportunity to ask supplementary questions to which Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Phllipe replied.
Petitions |
Petitions Received No petitions have been received for presentation to this meeting. Minutes: No petitions had been received for presentation to this meeting. |
Petitions Update Report of the Democratic Governance Manager.
Supporting documents: Minutes: A report by the Democratic Governance Manager was presented which gave Council details of the 3 petitions received for the period since the last Council meeting.
That Council note the report, the petitions received and the actions being taken in relation to them, as set out in the Appendix to the report presented.
Notices of Motion For Council’s ease of reference the rules on how motions on notice are dealt with at Council and guidance on amendments to motions taken from Part 4 of the Council’s constitution are attached. To consider the following notices of motions.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: For Council’s ease of reference the rules on how a motion is dealt with at Council, taken from Part 4 of the Council’s constitution was presented.
Council considered the following motions: |
No. 9 - Car Parking Ticket Machines - Councillors Terry Chivers and Jeff Osborn Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Terry Chivers and Jeff Osborn.
Accordingly, Councillor Terry Chivers moved the following motion which was duly seconded by Cllr Jeff Osborn:
‘To counter all the negative publicity that Wiltshire Council has received for not operating change giving parking ticket machines, this extra money (that is in reality is not ours) should be returned to the community by way of an equivalent increase in the amount made to community area grants.’ Cllr Chivers took the opportunity to promote his motion to Council and in so doing emphasised that the Council needed to do something positive on this and allocate the extra money referred to in his motion between the Area Boards. Cllr John Thomson, Cabinet member for Highways and Transport responded to the motion. He explained that this had stemmed from the Council responding to a freedom of information request by a newspaper made to 350 Councils on overpayments on car parking. This Council unlike a number of Councils, had provided all the information requested but was then compared to much smaller authorities with fewer car parks such as smaller boroughs and district councils. This Council’s rate for overpayments as a result of not giving out change averaged at approximately 3% compared to between 6.5% to 7% for other authorities. Cllr Thomson referred to the significant costs of installing ticket machines that did provide change and the costs involved in servicing them. Such a move would increase the cost by 10p. He concluded that he considered the motion to be unsound, undeliverable, not well researched and should not be adopted. Having been moved by the Chairman and seconded and on being put to the vote, it was
That the motion be debated.
The Chairman invited Group Leaders to speak on the motion before opening the debate to other members. During the debate, Cllr Hubbard proposed the following amendment which was duly seconded: ‘That this motion is referred to the relevant scrutiny task group to explore what steps can be taken to avoid people paying more than they should for car parking’.
The debate then centred on the amendment. Cllr Chivers indicated that he would accept the amendment.
The motion as amended was then put to the vote and LOST. It was therefore Resolved: That motion no 9 – Car Parking Ticket Machines be NOT adopted. |
No. 10 - One Card for Transport in Wiltshire - Councillors Magnus MacDonald and Gordon King Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Magnus Macdonald and Gordon King.
Accordingly, Councillor Magnus Macdonald moved the following motion which was duly seconded by Cllr Gordon King:
‘Council recognises the progress that has been made by service providers to introduce Smart Card technologies on public transport across the region.
Council further recognises the potential cost savings that can be achieved through the adoption of such schemes as well as the considerable improvements in customer experience that can result.
Council notes the benefits of integrating such schemes, thus better facilitating residents being able to travel with ease, and further notes that where such schemes are integrated with associated transport schemes, such as car parking and other council services, additional savings and improvements for residents can be achieved.
Council therefore requests that the Administration work with Officers and partners to develop a 'One Card for Wiltshire' scheme that would enable a resident to use a single payment card to pay for both public transport and car parking across the county. Additionally Council requests that the possibility of adding the ability to pay for other council services should be investigated.
Council recognises that there is work being undertaken on a regional basis and that any such scheme will have to be phased in, but requests the Administration to ensure that future developments on use of Smart Cards in the county should focus on delivery of 'One Card for Wiltshire' Cllr Macdonald took the opportunity to promote his motion to Council. He considered that this should be seen as the start of a process for this Council to use the technology now available to improve travel payment arrangements for the people of Wiltshire. He commented that a number of other authorities were also actively investigating such a move and in time such arrangements could be as firmly established here as the Oyster card was in London. The Chairman moved that this motion be referred to the Leader without debate and this was duly seconded and on being put to the vote, it was Resolved: That motion No. 10 – One Card for Transport in Wiltshire be referred to the Leader for appropriate action without debate. |
No. 11 - Fire Authority Merger - Councillors Jeff Osborn and Terry Chivers Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Jeff Osborn and Terry Chivers.
Accordingly, Councillor Jeff Osborn moved the following motion which was duly seconded by Cllr Terry Chivers:
‘Recognising the dire financial circumstances facing the Wiltshire and Swindon Combined Fire Authority and the need to maintain a viable fire and rescue service for our residents; this Council declares its support for a merger between Wiltshire and Swindon CFA and Dorset CFA.’ Cllr Jeff Osborn in promoting his motion to Council urged the Council to support the merger. He considered that should the merger not take place, it would result in fire station closures and would have a detrimental impact on front line services. Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet member for Hubs, Heritage & Arts, Governance and Support Services responded to the motion. Cllr Wheeler considered that the Council should wait for full details of what was being proposed before giving its view. He therefore proposed the following amendment:
‘This council understands the financial challenges the Wiltshire and Swindon Combined Fire Authority, as with all other public services, needs to address, but urges the Fire Authority to consider all options to address those challenges. To this end this council will consider the matter fully at its next meeting on 21 October 2014 when further information on all the options is available, including the views of the residents of Wiltshire, before formally giving its response to the Fire Authority as part of the consultation process’. Having been moved by the Chairman and seconded and being put to the vote, it was
That the motion be debated.
The Chairman invited Group Leaders to speak on the motion before opening the debate to other members.
The Leader agreed that all possible options on how savings could be achieved should be considered. Due to the squeeze on public sector financing, this was a reality being faced by all public sector organisations and where working in partnership was becoming more and more of a necessity. The Leader considered that the Council should await the release of full details by the Fire Authority, examine the evidence on how savings could be achieved before it reached a conclusion.
Cllr Jon Hubbard agreed with the Leader’s comments. He explained that without the facts being available, he had not yet been able to form an opinion on the merger. He therefore supported the amendment.
This meeting had been preceded by a brief presentation by Cllr Chris Devine in his capacity as Chairman of Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority. Cllr Devine explained the financial challenges facing the Fire Authority and the possible solutions to meet them which would all need to be examined in detail and would be the subject of a 14 week consultation period. A public consultation document would be made available detailing the three options under consideration. It was noted that the consultation period would close on 20 October a day before the next Council meeting on 21 October. Cllr Devine did however, ... view the full minutes text for item 54c) |
No. 12 - Youth Service - Councillors Jon Hubbard and Trevor Carbin Supporting documents: Minutes: Public Participation
Cherry Riley and Alysha Green of Bradford on Avon addressed Council on this motion.
The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Jon Hubbard and Trevor Carbin.
Accordingly, Councillor Jon Hubbard moved the following motion which was duly seconded by Cllr Trevor Carbin:
‘Council notes the reforms to
the Integrated Youth Service outlined in the cabinet report of 15th
May 2014. This will also help
to deliver positive activities requested by Young People
and not activities imposed on Young People - thus
responding to a key concern expressed by Young People during the
consultation process.
Councillor Hubbard in presenting his motion to Council, explained that the motion was not in respect of the changes to the youth service already made by Cabinet as he acknowledged those decisions had already been made. His motion was in respect of the implementation of those decisions in respect of delivery of the service. He considered that the changes were being made too quickly and that the concept of youth work services being delivered whilst being a good approach, needed to be phased in gradually. He commented that communities would need time to train and support those engaged to deliver the service and he considered that making the changes this quickly was a high risk approach which left no room for ... view the full minutes text for item 54d) |
No. 13 - Improvements to Junction 16 - Councillors Mollie Groom and Ricky Rogers Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Mollie Groom and Ricky Rogers.
Accordingly, Councillor Mollie Groom moved the following motion which was duly seconded by Ricky Rogers:
‘That Wiltshire Council has failed to consult on or consider fully the impacts that improvements to Junction 16 will have on Wiltshire’s environment and people and I request that:
a) Junction 16 improvements are put on hold until the impacts are consulted on and considered, and b) effective public transport improvements for the Wootton Basset to Swindon corridor are sought urgently, including rail, with the opening of Wootton Bassett station and one at Mannington, and that the cycle path is brought forward from the present schedule of 2021 to 2015’. Councillor Mollie Groom presented her motion, explaining the history of the issue and urging Council to support her motion. Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economic Development, Skills and Strategic Transport responded to the motion. She explained that the motion even if adopted would not be able to change anything. She referred to Swindon Borough Council discharging of condition 99. She added that had this Council continued with its objection, it would not be engaged in the process. By remaining engaged, this Council would do all it could possibly to secure as good an outcome as possible. She emphasised that this was very important for the economy of north Wiltshire.
Having been moved by the Chairman and seconded and being put to the vote, it was
That the motion be debated.
The Chairman invited Group Leaders to speak on the motion before opening the debate to other members.
The Leader supported the views as put forward by Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe. She considered that the Council had done all it could in originally objecting in 2007. However, following unsuccessful judicial review proceedings by others, it was clear there was no point in pursuing the matter any further.
Councillor Jon Hubbard pointed out that as this was an executive matter, Council would not be able to adopt the motion even if it was minded to. The Chairman agreed but pointed out that if Council were minded, it could refer the matter back to Cabinet for reconsideration. The Leader explained that whilst she would refer to Cabinet should Council so request, in her opinion there was no new evidence to present to Cabinet. Ian Gibbons, Monitoring Officer advised Council confirmed the process over any referral to Cabinet.
Following debate, it was
That Motion Number 13 – Improvements to Junction 16 be NOT adopted.
Motion Lost |
Constitutional Changes Recommended by the Standards Committee Report by Ian Gibbons, Associate Director Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer on the review of Part 3 (Responsibility for Functions and Schemes of Delegation) and the recommendation of the Standards Committee.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Julian Johnson, Chairman of the Standards Committee presented a report which requested Council to consider proposed changes to Part 3 (Scheme of Delegation) of the Constitution which included the transfer of the Police and Crime Panel Procedure Rules and Panel Arrangements from Part 3 to a new Protocol. The changes had been considered and recommended by the Standards Committee at its meeting on 9 July 2014. Details of the changes being proposed including as tracked changed documents were presented along with the relevant extract of the Standards Committee minutes.
Councillor Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet member for Hubs, Heritage & Arts, Governance and Support Services explained that a briefing for members had been held on 24 July to explain the proposed changes in detail and provide an opportunity for members to ask questions. He commended the proposed changes.
Following debate, it was
To approve the proposed changes to Part 3 of the Constitution, including the transfer of the Police and Crime Panel Arrangements to a new Protocol subject to the following changes:
· That Paragraphs 4.9 – 4.9.8 in respect of the election of chairmen and vice-chairmen of Area Boards be referred back to the Standards Committee via the Focus Group on the Constitution for further consideration and reported back to Council. This is to particularly address the scenario where the outgoing chairman and vice-chairman are standing for election as chairman. The changes as proposed be approved pending further reconsideration.
· That paragraph 4.10 in respect of Cabinet representation on Area Boards be referred back to the Standards Committee via the Focus Group on the Constitution and reported back to Council to clarify the position on the attendance of Cabinet members where they are not standing members in their own right. That the status quo position as presented remains in the meantime.
· At paragraph 6 – Health and Wellbeing Board For clarity, 2nd bullet point replace ‘Wiltshire Council Cabinet representatives with responsibility for Children, Adults and Public Health’ with ‘The Leader of the council and 2 Wiltshire Council Cabinet Members with responsibility for Children, Adults and Public Health’. · For clarity, 3rd bullet point replace ‘1 Member of the Opposition representative’ with ‘one member who is not a member of the ruling group(s) on the council.’
Annual Report on Treasury Management 2013/14 Report by the Associate Director, Finance, Revenues, Benefits and Pensions Supporting documents: Minutes: With the Chairman’s permission, Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet member for Finance, Performance, Risk, Procurement and Welfare Reform presented The Annual Report on Treasury Management for Council’s consideration. Councillor Tonge guided Council through the document and answered members’ questions. A similar report had been considered and agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on 17 June 2014.
To note: a) Prudential Indicators, Treasury Indicators and other treasury management strategies set for 2013-14 against actual positions resulting from actions within the year as detailed in Appendix A of the report presented; and
b) investments during the year in the context of the Annual Investment Strategy as detailed in Appendix B of the report presented.
Adoption of Legislation and Byelaws in Relation to Cosmetic Piercing and Skin Colouring Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director. Supporting documents:
Minutes: With the Chairman’s permission, Councillor Keith Humphries, Cabinet member for Public Health, Protection Services, Adult Care and Housing presented a report which asked Council to approve the re-adoption of sections 14 – 17 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 and for the making of new byelaws to regulate premises carrying out various skin piercing activities.
These measures would allow the Council to regulate the cleanliness and hygienic practices of premises on which skin-piercing businesses are operating. The Byelaws had been considered and recommended by the Licensing Committee on 2 June 2014.
Councillor Pip Ridout, Chairman of the Licensing Committee confirmed that the proposals had been considered fully by the Licensing Committee.
That Council: a) formally re-adopt the provisions of sections 14 to 17 of the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982, providing for the regulation of premises conducting acupuncture, tattooing, semi-permanent skin-colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis, to come into effect on 1st October 2014;
b) agree to make a consolidated set of byelaws for the regulation of acupuncture, tattooing, semi-permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis, as set out in the model byelaws attached as Appendix 1 to report as presented, for submission to the Secretary of State for Health for confirmation, following the completion of the process to re-adopt the relevant sections of the 1982 Act and
c) agree that the current byelaws relating to cosmetic piercing and semi-permanent skin colouring, which had previously been made by the predecessor district councils, as set out in the table in paragraph 6. of the proposed new byelaws, be revoked on the confirmation of the new model byelaws.
Review of Proportionality and Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups Report by the Associate Director, Corporate Functions and Procurement Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman confirmed that following changes in the number of seats held by individual political groups on the Council, a request had been received from the Leader of the Independent group for a review of the allocation of seats to political groups.
Accordingly, a report reviewing the allocation of seats on committees to political groups was presented for Council’s consideration.
It was noted that the political composition of the Council now stood at:
Following consultation with the affected group leaders, a proposed draft scheme of committee places was presented. The net effect of the change in political group sizes is that the Independent Group gain one seat and the Liberal Democrat Group lose one seat.
(a) To note this report and the legal requirements.
(b) To confirm the aggregate number and the draft scheme of committee places available to members of the Council as set out in Appendix 2. |
Membership of Committees To determine any requests from Group Leaders for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups approved by Council under the above item. Minutes: The Chairman invited Group Leaders to present any requests for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups previously approved by Council.
Following requests made, it was
That Council approve the following membership changes:
Environmental Select Committee Councillor Mollie Groom off – Councillor ony Trotman on
Staffing Policy Councillor Graham Wright now as an independent member Add Councillor Ernie Clark and Councillor Jeff Osborn as substitutes.
Strategic Planning Councillor Graham Wright – now an independent sub Add Councillor Trevor Carbin
Southern Area Planning Councillor Graham Wright now as independent Sub Add Councillor Trevor Carbin as Sub
Appeals Remove Councillor Graham Wright as Sub Add Councillor Gordon King as Sub
Overview and Scrutiny Management Remove Councillor Mark Packard as Full Member Add Councillor Peter Edge as Full Member Add Councillor Mark Packard as Substitute Remove Councillor Trevor Carbin as Substitute
Minutes of Cabinet and Committees a. The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council and the Fire Authority as listed in the Minutes Book.
b. The Chairman will invite the Leader, Cabinet members and Chairmen of Committees to make any important announcements.
c. Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification on the minutes presented.
d. Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise any questions on the minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority – please submit any questions to Yamina Rhouati by 21 July 2014.
e. Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman moved that Council receive and note the following minutes as listed in the separate Minutes Book and this was duly seconded by the Vice- Chairman:
Cabinet 15 May 20 May, 17 June, 22 July 2014 Cabinet Capital Assets Committee 20 May, 22 July 2014 Cabinet Transformation Committee 17 June 2014
Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 8 July 2014 Children's Select Committee 29 April 2014 Children's Select Committee 3 June 2014 Health Select Committee 6 May 2014 Health Select Committee 15 July 2014 Environment Select Committee 10 June 2014
Licensing Committee 28 April, 2 June 2014
Northern Area Planning Committee 14 May, 4 June, 25 June 2014 Eastern Area Planning Committee 5 June 2014 Southern Area Planning Committee 1 May, 22 May, 12 June 2014 Western Area Planning Committee 30 April, 21 May, 11 June, 2 July 2014 Strategic Planning Committee 16 April, 14 May, 18 June 2014
Standards Committee 9 July 2014
Audit Committee 24 June 2014 Officer Appointments Committee 25 June 2014 Staffing Policy Committee 7 May, 9 July 2014 Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board 20 March, 22 May 2014 Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee 5 June 2014 Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel 11 June 2014
Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority 12 June 2014
The Chairman invited questions from members on points of information or clarification on the above minutes and gave the Chairmen of those meetings the opportunity to make any important announcements on the work of their respective Committees.
Strategic Planning Committee
Councillor Andrew Davis, Chairman of the Committee reminded members of the Committee scheduled for 30 July 2014 which would include consideration of the Army Basing Masterplan.
Audit Committee
Councillor Caswill asked the Chairman of the Committee if he was satisfied with the performance of the audit. Councillor Tony Deane, Chairman confirmed that generally, he was satisfied and that a few minor concerns were currently being addressed.
Councillor Caswill questioned why the Council still seemed to be experiencing problems with the SAP system so long after its introduction. Councillor Tony Deane explained that use of the system was evolving which brought about some minor problems which were being addressed.
Councillor Terry Chivers withdrew his question to the Chairman of the Fire Authority.
That the above mentioned minutes be received and noted. |
Councillors' Questions Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the first page of this agenda (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) not later than 5pm on Tuesday 22 July 2014. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of questions from Councillors Terry Chivers, Trevor Carbin, Ernie Clark, Chris Caswill, Ian West, Simon Killane And Bob Jones, details of which were circulated in Agenda Supplement No. 1 together with responses from the relevant Cabinet member. Details of questions and responses are attached as Appendix 3 to these minutes.
Questioners were permitted to each ask one relevant supplementary question per question submitted and where they did so, the relevant Cabinet member responded. |
Appendices Appendix 1 – Public Questions Appendix 2 - Schedule of Committee Place Appendix 3 – Councillors’ Questions
Supporting documents: |