Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Yamina Rhouati Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Announcements by Outgoing Chairman Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Roy While advised Council that he would not be seeking re-election. As outgoing Chairman, he took the opportunity to thank the staff who had supported him during his chairmanship, in particular Jean Potter. He also made the following announcements:
A. ‘fly a flag for the commonwealth’ ceremony
On Monday, 9 march, Commonwealth Day, the Chairman was joined by Mr. Robert Floyd, Deputy Lieutenant, who represented the Lord-Lieutenant of Wiltshire, for a short ceremony to ‘fly a flag for the Commonwealth’. After a short ceremony, the commonwealth flag was raised up the flagpole to mark this special day.
The Council was pleased to participate in this national initiative, which enabled people in their local communities to become involved and join with others nationwide in associating themselves with a widespread public expression of commitment to the Commonwealth, appreciation of the values it stands for, and the opportunities offered to its citizens around the world.
Similar ceremonies were held in other Wiltshire towns, including Trowbridge and Swindon.
B. Wiltshire and Swindon youth orchestra
The Chairman had attended the Wiltshire and Swindon Youth Orchestra’s Easter concert at the Wiltshire Music Centre, which once again, gave a stunning performance.
The Chairman encouraged councillors to attend these concerts to support these talented young people and enjoy an evening of true professionalism and musical accomplishment.
Election of Chairman 2015/16 Nominations will be sought orally from those present at the meeting. Voting will be by way of a show of hands unless at least 10 Members request the holding of a secret ballot.
Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Roy While called for nominations for the position of Chairman of Council for 2015/16.
Councillor Richard Britton was proposed by Councillor John Smale and seconded by the Councillor Julian Johnson. There being no further nominations and on being put to the vote, it was
That Councillor Richard Britton be elected Chairman of Wiltshire Council for the municipal year 2015/16.
The Chairman read out and signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman of the Council witnessed by the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Richard Britton in the Chair
Election of Vice-Chairman 2015/16 Nominations will be sought orally from those present at the meeting. Voting will be by way of a show of hands unless at least 10 Members request the holding of a secret ballot.
Minutes: The Chairman called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of Council for 2015/16.
Councillor Alison Bucknell was proposed by Councillor Dick Tonge and seconded by Councillor Chuck Berry. There being no further nominations and on being put to the vote, it was
That Councillor Alison Bucknell be elected Vice-Chairman of Wiltshire Council for the municipal year 2015/16.
The Vice-Chairman read out and signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Vice-Chairman of the Council witnessed by the Monitoring Officer
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Howard Greenman, George Jeans, Ian Thorne, Tony Trotman, Mark Packard, Nick Blackmore and Desna Allen, Ian West.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the last meeting of Council held on 24 February 2015. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 24 February 2015 were presented.
That the minutes of the last Council meeting held on 24 February 2015be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Announcements by the Chairman Minutes: A. New Wiltshire councillors The Chairman took the opportunity to thank ex-councillors Nick watts and Liz Bryant for their service during their time at Wiltshire Council.
He also offered a warm welcome to Councillor Melody Thompson, who would be representing the Chippenham – Hardenhuish Division and to Councillor Anna Cuthbert, who would be representing the Bromham, Rowde and Potterne Division.
B. Death of former Councillors
The Chairman drew the meetings attention to the news of the sad deaths of three Wiltshire councillors, as follows:
Mr. Colin Read was a Wiltshire councillor from 2001-2005 in mere, serving his community with dedication and commitment. In addition to being a Mere parish councillor, he was also chairman of the Wiltshire rugby football union.
Mr. George Applegate was an active councillor in Trowbridge in the 1960s-80s, including a former chairman of Trowbridge town council and West Wiltshire district council (1981-83). He ran several local businesses (heating engineering), farming and water divining throughout the world. He was also a founder member of the Trowbridge rotary club.
And finally, Major Colin Stone who was a former Kennet district councillor who gave dedicated service to his electorate.
C. Big pledge engagement opportunity
The Chairman stated that the previous day had seen the launch of the 2015 Big Pledge – make a difference campaign. He went on to state that this year there were 12 pledges that people could make as an individual, a group, a business or a community. Wiltshire’s big pledge was a county-wide campaign endorsed by Wiltshire Council’s Legacy Board.
This was part of the ongoing work to encourage Wiltshire residents to lead healthier and more active lives. The campaign aimed to make a difference to an individual’s health and wellbeing; and make a difference in the local community. Wiltshire’s Big Pledge would challenge people to get healthy, volunteer, or make a positive change in 2015.
Council officers would be on hand during the lunch break and after today’s meeting to help Councillors who wished to make a pledge including participating in a photo opportunity to support the campaign. D. Members’ Training on The Sap Portal The Chairman stated that a training session would be available to members in the Kennet room after this meeting on the use of the SAP portal system for submitting members’ expenses.
Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.
Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.
Questions To receive any questions from members of the public received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Tuesday 5 May 2015. Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman reported the receipt of statements and questions from Mr Michael Sprules, Mrs Spickernell, Mr Ian James and Mrs Iris Thompson details of which were circulated in the agenda supplement. This also included written responses from the relevant Cabinet member and verbal responses as appropriate were given at the meeting. The Chairman provided questioners with the opportunity to ask a supplementary question.
Mrs Spickernell spoke in support of her question, expressing disappointment at the written response she had received, and stated that she felt that too much power was concentrated in the Cabinet at the expense of the wider community and other Councillors.
In response, the Leader, Councillor Jane Scott stated that the Council would take all views into account, but that she felt that the Council and the Cabinet was a good example of transparency in decision making and highly regarded as such. She referred to the openness of meetings of Cabinet where public participation was very much welcomed. Area Board which centred on the consideration of issues considered as important by the local communities.
Councillor Sturgis, in response to a supplementary question from Mr Sprules, stated that the manifesto pledges to subject all social housing to the right-to-buy had yet to be drawn up for consideration by Parliament. The Council would respond at the time to any formal consultation on such proposals.
In response to a question from Mr James, Councillor Sturgis stated that the modelling work regarding flooding was still to be carried out by the Environment Agency.
In response to a question from Mrs Thompson, Councillor Sturgis stated that officers were satisfied that the design of the proposed scheme was satisfactory and that a road safety audit would take place upon its completion.
Mr McCall gave a statement on behalf of campaign to Better Trowbridge, in which concern was expressed about the division of responsibilities and gave a plea that all Councillors have an opportunity to debate how power should be distributed in the County.
Former Councillor Nick Watts attended the meeting to congratulate to new Councillor for his old division.
Mr Gowen gave a statement on behalf of Group 5. He expressed concern that the Council had withdrawn its grant to the organisation with insufficient consultation. He went on to extol the virtues of the organisation and stated that cancellation of the grant had tarnished its reputation.
Councillor Jon Hubbard, on a point of order, expressed concern that some answers given verbally should have been available in writing.
Councillor Sturgis, in response, stated answers had not been available in time to disseminate in writing and were therefore given verbally at the meeting as allowed for in the constitution.
A copy of questions received together with the written responses given are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
Petitions Supporting documents:
Community Infrastructure Levy Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director Supporting documents:
Minutes: Councillor Toby Sturgis, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste, presented a report, including a supplement circulated on the 12 May 2015. The Chairman drew Council’s attention to the recommendations of Cabinet which had considered the matter at its meeting on the 11 May 2015.
Cllr Sturgis explained that this included the adoption of the CIL charging schedule, planning obligations supplementary planning document, Regulation 123 list and associated community infrastructure policies as set out in the various appendices presented as part of the report. He also drew Council’s attention to changes made to the document as circulated in the Agenda Supplement. Cllr Sturgis also explained on how the document had evolved, it’s progression through the draft stage and the consultation mechanisms and feedback including scrutiny input. The main principle of the CIL would allow the Council to seek monies for infrastructure especially given that the process for using S.106 Agreements for this purpose had been tightened up considerably.
It was noted that there were some areas that might require further definition. Cabinet had agreed to a further review in due course and had agreed to the preparation of a communication plan to help community and parish groups to understand their role within the strategy. There was an opportunity for new Neighbourhood Development Plans to include a schedule of infrastructure requirements. It was also noted that the Examiner had required two modifications as outlined in the report presented.
Having been duly proposed and seconded, it was:
(i) To note the content of the Examiner’s report on the examination of the Wiltshire CIL Charging Schedule (Appendix 1 of the report presented); and accepts the modifications in the Appendix of the Examiner’s Report, which the Examiner considers are necessary to improve clarity.
(ii) That the Wiltshire CIL Charging Schedule proposed in Appendix 3, as amended as set out in (i) above together with the other proposed minor modifications identified in the interest of clarity (Appendix 2 of the report presented), be approved as the appropriate basis for charging CIL in Wiltshire.
(iii) To adopt the proposed Regulation 123 List at Appendix 5 and the Instalments Policy as set out in Appendix 6 of the report presented alongside the Wiltshire CIL Charging Schedule in (ii).
(iv) To adopt the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document as proposed in Appendix 8 of the report presented.
(v) To agree that the Associate Director for Economic Development and Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property and Waste and, the Associate Directors of Finance and Legal and Governance, will undertake the final stages associated with the formal adoption and implementation of CIL, including any minor textual changes to documents in the interest of clarity and accuracy.
(vi) To agree an implementation date for CIL of Monday 18 May 2015.
(vii) That the Associate Director for Economic Development and Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Development Management, Strategic Housing, Property ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Notices of Motion For Council’s ease of reference the rules on how motions on notice are dealt with at Council and guidance on amendments to motions taken from Part 4 of the Council’s constitution are attached.
To consider the following notices of motions:
Supporting documents: |
No. 18 - Community Grants - From Councillors Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn Supporting documents:
Motion withdrawn
No. 19 - Burnbake Trust and Group 5 - From Councillors Jeff Osborn and Peter Edge Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Jeff Osborn and Peter Edge, worded as follows:
“This Council views with concern the manner in which the policy on voluntary sector group funding has been implemented. In particular two well regarded voluntary furniture recycling groups, in different parts of the county, have been poorly treated – the Burnbake Trust and Group 5. They have had all their Wiltshire Council funding withdrawn, with little or no consultation.
The consequence is that these organisations are now at risk of closure, with a loss of local community resilience and serious reputational damage to this Council. Council need to reconsider; discuss the matter further with all those involved and seek to salvage something practical from this drastic situation”.
To assist Council in its consideration of the above motion, a briefing note had been circulated.
In speaking to his motion primarily in respect of Group 5, Councillor Jeff Osborn referred to the comments made by the Chair of Group 5 earlier in the meeting. He stated that he remained concerned that there had not been adequate correspondence with the affected groups. Furthermore, he stated that it was a small group fully run by volunteers, who did not charge for the furniture they provided and that they provided a very valuable service to the community. He considered that the reduction in their grant had tarnished the Group’s reputation. He asked that relevant Lead Members visit the organisation to discuss the situation.
Councillor Laura Mayes, the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, in her response focused on two key issues about consultation and what could be done to address the current situation. The Council had committed to making strategic savings for 2015/16 and that all Voluntary and Community Sector organisations had been advised by letter that the Council was looking to make cuts in this area of at least 10%. She apologised that Group 5 did not appear to have received its letter. The Council also wanted all voluntary organisations to be less reliant on the Council being their sole funders.
In relation to the Burnbake, the Council had provided initial set up and regular funding. Burnbake had secured funds from a number of sources including charitable trusts and raised funds itself, leading them to build up significant reserves.
In relation to Group 5, Councillor Mayes explained that it received funding from Selwood Housing, Trowbridge Town Council , it did not try to raise funds itself. She compared it to other similar organisations which made a small charge for their furniture as a way of generating some income and suggested it should try and undertake some fundraising measures. Furthermore, officers had offered to discuss these issues and would continue to offer assistance in Group 5 securing other sources of funding.
On being moved by the Chairman and seconded by the Chairman, it was Resolved:
That Motion No. 19 be debated.
On opening the debate initially to Group Leaders, Councillor Jane Scott stated that some ... view the full minutes text for item 41b) |
No. 20 - RUH Hopper Service - Councillors Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Jeff Osborn and Helen Osborn worded as follows:
“Council remains concerned with the overall manner in which the decision to cease funding the RUH Hopper has been handled. A decision was made without consulting other agencies, such as Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the RUH and the local Link schemes.
Council notes growing public unease regarding this matter as evidenced by the increasing numbers supporting the relevant petition.
Council urges the Administration to do everything possible to ensure this invaluable service continues and that members and the public are regularly updated on progress towards this objective.”
The Chairman drew Council’s attention to the briefing note circulated to assist Council in its consideration of the motion and to the earlier presentation of two related petitions.
In speaking to his motion, Councillor Jeff Osborn referred to a letter which accompanied a petition from a user of the service which highlighted the difficulties typically faced by members of the public trying to attend RUH appointments. He expressed his hope that a solution could be reached and expressed concern that negotiations with the relevant parties could be so protracted. Ultimately he looked to the Health & Wellbeing Board to bring the matter to a resolution.
In response Councillor Phillip Whitehead, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, explained that he would be happy to support the motion with some amendments to the wording as follows:
Council notes Council urges the Administration to do everything possible to ensure this invaluable service continues and that members and the public are regularly updated on progress towards this objective.”
Councillor Jeff Osborn accept the amendments to his motion and agreed by his seconder. He also sought an assurance that efforts would be doubled to reach a positive resolution on this matter.
Councillor Whitehead went on to thank the petitioners, and emphasised that their views should also be referred to the CCG and the RUH. He provided some background regarding the service and the meeting he had had with health partners. He emphasised his view that Wiltshire Council had no statutory duty to fund this service and that it should be funded by the Health Service.
Councillor Jane Scott stated that it was never the Council’s intention to stop this service without a suitable replacement being in place and asked that the resolution be amend include reference to referring the petition to the Health & Wellbeing Board to ensure that health partners, who attended that meeting, would be made aware of the issues raised.
Councillor Jon Hubbard acknowledged the efforts being made to address this issue of public concern and he welcomed the ... view the full minutes text for item 41c) |
No. 21 - Reduction in the number of Councillors - Councillors Jeff Osborn and Terry Chivers Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of the above mentioned motion from Councillors Jeff Osborn and Terry Chivers worded as follows:
“That Council recognises the need to economise in these hard times and should therefore instigate a process of reducing the number of members to 70.”
Whilst it appreciates that this cannot immediately happen, as division boundaries will need to be revised, it is important that the process starts now, to indicate to the public that we are serious in our commitment to save money.
The Chairman drew attention to a briefing note circulated to assist Council in its consideration of the motion.
In speaking to his motion, Councillor Jeff Osborn stated that the motion had been drafted in response to the public sentiment that the number of Councillors should be cut in response to decrease in the budget. This would have the effect of reducing the amount spent on members’ allowances. However, having read the explanatory briefing note and understanding that the time required to address this was relatively long which would also involve boundary reviews, he stated that he would withdraw the motion.
Motion No. 21 withdrawn
Review of Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups and Appointment of Committees Supporting documents:
Appointment of Committees and Review of Allocation of Seats on Committees to Political Groups |
Appointment of Councillors to Committees |
Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairman of Committees |
Appointments to the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Authority Minutes: The Chairman referred Council to the various items on the agenda on appointments – numbered 11 (a), (b) and (c), and 12, reports on which were presented. He explained that unless anyone had any comments to make on the individual items, he intended to take them together. The Chairman noted that Group Leaders had been consulted on the principles of what was being proposed.
In relation to item 11 (a) – Appointment of Committees, the Chairman reminded Councillors on the Pewsey and Tidworth Area Committee that they had been convened to meet on the rising of this meeting in order to elect its chairman and vice-chairman and establish the Pewsey Area Board and Tidworth Area Board. It was noted that all Area Boards would be asked to elect their respective chairmen and vice-chairmen at their first meeting in accordance with the arrangements set out in the constitution.
The Leader moved a composite motion as circulated in respect of the appointments noting a correction in the member proposed as vice-chairman of Standards Committee being Councillor Jerry Wickham and this was duly seconded.
On being put to the vote, the Leader’s motion was CARRIED and it was;
(a) To note this report and the legal requirements. (b) To re-appoint the following committees with the terms of reference as set out in the Constitution:- · Strategic Planning · Area Planning – East, North, South and West · Licensing · Standards · Overview and Scrutiny Management · Children’s Select · Health Select · Environment Select · Audit · Appeals · Staffing Policy · Officer Appointments · Pension Fund · Local Pension Board (terms of reference agreed by last Council). · Police and Crime Panel · Health and Wellbeing Board
(c) To appoint those Area Boards, constituted as area committees as set out in paragraphs 12 to 14 and Appendix 1 of the report presented and within the Constitution, to comprise the Unitary Councillors for that area (updated to include newly elected members). (d) To approve the aggregate number of committee places available to members of the Council being 174 and the number on each committee as follows:- (Appendix 3 – schedule of committee places)
Appointments to the Local Pension Board Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director Supporting documents:
Minutes: Council had agreed at its last meeting to establish the Local Pension Board as required by the relevant Regulations. Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet member for Finance, Performance, Risk, Systems Thinking, Procurement and Welfare Reform presented a report which asked Council to approve appointments to the Board, namely 3 scheme member representatives, a Group 3 employer representative and the Independent Chairman to the Local Pension Board (LPB) following the completion of a recruitment process.
Councillor Tonge stated that, currently, there were no persons nominated for Group 1 and Group 2 employer representatives and that these appointments would come back to Council for approval. He also highlighted minor changes made to the Board’s terms of reference under delegated powers to include at paragraph 80 which should refer to expenses and not allowances and replacing reference to independent remuneration panel with administering authority.
To approve the following appointments to the Local Pension Board:
1. As Scheme member representatives:
2. As Employer representatives (Group 3):
3. As Independent Chairman:
Annual Reports |
Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 2014/15 Councillor Simon Killane, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee will present the Annual Report of the Committee.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Simon Killane, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee presented the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2014/15. Cllr Killane highlighted the work carried out during the year and particularly the work undertaken to positively challenge the work of Cabinet; how the Select Committee’s workplan was prioritised to ensure consistency with the Council’s Business Plan; the work to develop scrutiny arrangements for the SWLEP, the work to enhance budget scrutiny, allowing Members of the opposition to present for scrutiny their alternative proposals. Furthermore, Councillor Killane singled out the Financial Planning Task Group for praise in their hard work.
Cllr Killane then gave the opportunity to the chairmen of the Select Committees to comment on relevant key activities during the year for their respective committees.
Children’s Select Committee - Councillor Jon Hubbard commended the great team, and in particular the support from officers Henry Powell and Emma Dove. Highlights of the year included: the SEND task group led by a co-opted member; the setting up of a standing task group on Childhood Sexual Exploitation, with a focus on preventative work; and that a Schools Improvement task group was being established. Furthermore, he thanked the Vice-chair and Members of the committee and in particular thanked the co-opted members of the Committee for their hard work.
Health Select Committee – Councillor Christine Crisp stated that the Select Committee had had a busy year with the dramatic changes in the landscape of Health services, including some high profile working groups in Homecare and Mental Health. Furthermore, she expressed the desire that the Select Committee would continue to work productively with partners and the new Health & Wellbeing Board. She expressed her thanks to Vice Chair and the other members of the Committee for their hard work.
Environment Select Committee – Councillor Peter Edge expressed his thanks to the members of the Committee and the officers supporting the Committee. Highlights of the year included the Community Infrastructure Levy task group, the Waste task group, work on Investing in Highways, Flood plan and Car Parking Review. In the coming year the Committee would be looking at Community Transport, Neighbourhood Planning and Gypsy and Traveller issues.
Councillor Simon Killane, in summary, thanked the Chairs for their hard work and commended the report to the meeting.
To receive and note the Annual Report of Overview and Scrutiny for 2014/15.
Annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Panel 2014/15 Councillor Laura Mayes, Cabinet member for Children’s Services will present the Annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Panel.
Supporting documents: Minutes: At the Chairman’s invitation, Councillor Laura Mayes introduced this item. She explained that the role of the Corporate Parenting Panel was to secure Councillor involvement and commitment throughout the Council to deliver better outcomes for children and young people who were looked after. All Councillors were reminded of their responsibilities as a “corporate parent” for children and young people who were looked after in Wiltshire.
Councillor Alan Macrae, Portfolio Holder for Safeguarding presented and guided Council through the Annual Report on the Corporate Parenting Panel.
A presentation was made by Bethany Lewis, Jo Harris and Claire Ashton discussing their work as Children in Care Council members and their experiences.
Councillor Macrae expressed his warm thanks for the excellent presentation, thanked members for their generous donations of Christmas presents and encouraged their attendance at future Panel meetings. Furthermore, he thanked Lisa Pullin, Democratic Services Officer, for her hard work in supporting the Panel meetings and Karen Reid, Head of Service for Virtual Schools and the young people who had contributed so successfully to the meetings of the Panel.
The Chair added his thanks for the excellent presentation.
Councillor Jon Hubbard, as a member of the Panel, gave thanks to the officers who supported their work, encouraged Members to visit Aspire House and to attend future Panel meetings.
(a) To receive and note the Annual Report of the Corporate Parenting Panel and ratify the improvements required to strengthen Corporate Parenting in Wiltshire.
(b) To Record the Council’s thanks for the young people who presented, namely Bethany Lewis, Jo Harris and Claire Ashton.
Annual Report on Executive Decisions Taken Under Special Urgency Provision Report by Robin Townsend, Associate Director - Corporate Function and Procurement
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Council received an annual report as required by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Regulations 2012 concerning decisions taken by Cabinet under the Special Urgency procedure. The report related to the period since the last such report to Council in May 2014.
The Leader confirmed that two decisions had been taken by Cabinet using the Special Urgency procedure during this period. A report on the Porton Science Park and a Report on the Better Care Plan, details contained in the report. She confirmed that the relevant Regulations had been complied with and that this was a procedure only used in exceptional and urgent circumstances.
That Council notes the report presented and that two decisions had been taken under the special urgency provisions since the last report to Council.
Minutes of Cabinet and Committees a. The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council and the Fire Authority as listed in the in the Minutes Book which can be accessed at .
b. The Chairman will invite the Leader, Cabinet members and Chairmen of Committees to make any important announcements.
c. Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification on the minutes presented.
d. Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise any questions on the minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority – please submit any questions to Yamina Rhouati by 1 May 2015.
e. Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues.
Minutes: The Chairman moved that Council receive and note the following minutes as listed in the separate Minutes Book and this was duly seconded by the Vice-Chairman:
Cabinet - 15 March, 21 April 2015 Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - 3 March 2015 Children’s Select Committee - 27 January, 14 April 2015 Environment Select Committee - 17 February, 14 April 2015 Health Select Committee - 10 March 2015 Strategic Planning Committee - 11 February, 11 March, 22 April 2015 Northern Area Planning Committee - 18 February, 11 March, 1 April 2015-07-01 Eastern Area Planning Committee - 19 February, 2 April 2015 Southern Area Planning Committee - 26 February, 19 March, 9 April 2015 Western Area Planning Committee - 25 February, 8 April, 29 April 2015 Audit Committee - 10 March 2015 Staffing Policy Committee - 4 March 2015 Joint Strategic Economic Committee (SWLEP) - 1 April 2015 Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board - 26 March 2015 Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee - 12 March 2015 Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel - 5 March 2015 Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority - 12 February 2015
The Chairman then invited questions from members on points of information or clarification on the above minutes and gave the Chairmen of those meetings the opportunity to make any important announcements on the work of their respective Committees.
That the above mentioned minutes be received and noted.
Dates of Council meetings 2015/16 Recommended:
To approve the Council meetings for the remainder of 2015/16 as follows:
14 July 20 October
2016 2 February (if required) 23 February (budget meeting) 10 May (Annual Council)
Minutes: On report by the Chairman, it was
To approve the Council meetings for the remainder of 2015/16 as follows:
14 July 20 October
2016 2 February (if required) 23 February (budget meeting) 10 May (Annual Council)
Councillors' Questions Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the first page of this agenda (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) not later than 5pm on Tuesday 5 May 2015. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman reported receipt of questions from Councillors Terry Chivers, Jeff Osborn, Helen Osborn, Chris Caswill and Ernie Clark details of which were circulated in Agenda Supplement No. 1 together with responses where available from the relevant Cabinet member. Details of questions and written responses provided are attached as Appendix ? Verbal responses were also provided as indicated.
Questioners were permitted to each ask one relevant supplementary question per question submitted and where they did so, the relevant Cabinet member responded.
Question 4 – Councillor Chivers – Supplementary question – would provision be made for payments to be made by direct debit or standing orders? Councillor Tonge explained that whilst this would not be available for the first payment, the Council was looking at direct debits for subsequent payments. No decision had yet been made, assessing all factors to ensure the process would be cost effective.
Councillor Helen Osborn – Questions 5-8 – Supplementary question – asked why the extra costs were not accounted for such as asbestos and other difficulties encountered and why were the contractors not there rather giving up half way through. Councillor Thomson explained that the contractors had not given up half way through. The Council wanted to make changes to the contract and the quote from the contractor in place was too high in our opinion and alternative arrangements were made with another contractor.
Question 10 Councillor Chris Caswill – Supplementary question – whether Councillor Sturgis had read all the consultation responses received to the Draft Chippenham Site Allocation Plan Councillor Toby Sturgis explained that he had not yet read all responses which were currently being itemised. In his opinion a large proportion of the responses suggesting the Plan was unsound, was an orchestrated response.
Question 13 – Councillor Caswill - Supplementary question – asked when will Councillor Sturgis be able to provide written responses to these questions. Councillor Sturgis explained that these were verbal responses.
Question 14 – Councillor Caswill – Supplementary question – original timetable provided for revised plans to come before this Council meeting so there is therefore a need for a revised timetable and when will this be made public. Councillor Sturgis explained that the revised timetable could not be made public until such time as we consider the responses. . Question 17 – would you agree that this particular part of the Care Act was an example of a government delegating responsibility to local authorities without adequate evidence of the impact of such delegation. Councillor Humphries explained that prior to the pre-election campaign, there was a lot of lobbying with the government who was in the process of reviewing financial support to councils and we await the outcome of this.
Question 18 – wouldn’t you accept that reports from the CQC stating that on occasions medicines not provided, residents on occasions not given adequate care plans. Councillor Humphries explained that every care plan produced by Mears has been reviewed, now have a fantastic system in place for dealing with ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
Appendices Appendix 1 – membership of Area Boards Appendix 2 – membership of Committees Appendix 3 - Councillors’ questions Supporting documents: |