
1st Publication, Budget Papers 2017/18 - Tuesday 24 January 2017 1.00 pm

No. Item


Wiltshire Council Financial Plan Update 2017/18

Report by the Corporate Directors: Dr Carlton Brand and Carolyn Godfrey; the Monitoring Officer, Ian Gibbons and S151 Officer, Michael Hudson.


This also includes the proposed Budget Book and Fees and Charges.


These documents will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 1st February and Cabinet on 7th February for recommendation to Council on 21st February.


If you have any trouble in accessing these documents, please the officer listed above.


Report (Pages 1-45)




1)            Cabinet’s Updated Business and Financial plans 2013-15, which includes budget proposals for 2017/18 and budget book:


Appendix 1A – Financial Plan Update 2016-2021 (Page 46)

Appendix 1B – Service Budget Summary (Pages 47-49)

Appendix 1C – 2017/18 Individual Service Budget Books (Pages 69-110)

Appendix 1D – Assumptions used to set the budge (Pages 51-54)

Appendix 1E – Capital Programme (Pages 55-56)

Appendix 1F – Housing Revenue Account (Page 57)

Appendix 1G – Fees and Charges (Pages 111-164)

Appendix 1H – Public Health Grant Planned Expenditure (To Follow)


2)            General Fund Reserves Assessment (Pages 60-67)


3)            Engagement Feedback (To Follow)


I.             Schools Forum – 12th January 2017

II.            Tenants Panel – 30th January 2017

III.          Financial Planning Task Group – 27th January 2017

IV.          Overview and Scrutiny Management – 1st February 2017

V.                Group Leaders JCC – 3rd February 2017

Supporting documents: