Agenda and minutes

Licensing Committee - Monday 19 September 2016 10.30 am

Venue: West Wiltshire Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Lisa Pullin 

No. Item


Apologies and Substitutions

To receive any apologies and details of any substitutions.


Apologies were received from Councillors Davis, Hewitt and Randall.



To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2015 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2015 were presented to the Committee.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2015 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Chairman's Announcements


There were no Chairmans’s announcements.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.




If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification.




To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director) no later than 5pm on Monday 12 September 2016.


Please contact the officer named on the first page of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


No questions had been submitted from the public prior to the meeting and there were no members of the public present at the meeting.


Minutes of the Licensing Sub Committees

To receive and sign the minutes of the following Licensing Sub-Committees:


The draft minutes of the following Licensing Sub Committees were presented for consideration:



Eastern Area


20/04/16         Application for a Premises Licence, National Trust Ltd, Avebury                   National Trust areas in Avebury


22/06/16         Application for a Variation to a Premises Licence                                             Hillworth Park, Hillworth Road, Devizes



Northern Area


14/09/15         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      The Old Bank House, The Strand, Calne


09/12/15         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      Wadswick Green Retirement Village, Corsham


16/12/15         Application for a Variation to a Premises Licence                                             Morrisons, Cepen Park North, Chippenham


16/12/15         Application for a Temporary Events Notice                                                         SN15, 17 Station Hill, Chippenham


19/01/16         Application for a Variation to a Premises Licence                                             SN15, 17 Station Hill, Chippenham



Southern Area


14/09/15         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      Ludgershall Sports and Social Club, 37 Tidworth Road,                                Ludgershall


05/10/15         Application for a Personal Licence                                                                     


02/03/16         Application for a Variation to a Club Certificate            

                        Salisbury Lawn Tennis Club, Old Blandford Road, Harnham,                                   Salisbury


29/06/16         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      Harnham Local, 1 Harnham Road, Salisbury



Western Area


04/11/05         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      1 Bratton Road, Westbury


24/05/16         Application for a Premises Licence                                                                      Field Trip Festival, Grange Farm, West Ashton, Trowbridge


22/06/16         Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence                                             The Three Daggers, Edington, Westbury


26/07/16         Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence                                             Foresters Arms, Sandridge Road, Melksham




That the minutes of the meetings detailed above be approved and signed as correct records.


Update on the Licensing Service: September 2016

Linda Holland – Licensing Manager will present an update to the Committee on the work of the Licensing Team. 

Supporting documents:


Linda Holland (Licensing Manager) referred to the update on the Licensing Service that was circulated with the Agenda.  She highlighted the following:


·                There were now a number of high profile festivals/events being held in Wiltshire which she and her team supported by way of inspections and prevention visits.  They were proposing to hold a festival training/engagement day in March 2017 for both existing and potential new events to Wiltshire.  They would offer peer learning from well-established events and give new organisers guidance from a number of key organisations and partners.


·                Licensing had been working with Tom Ward (Public Health Specialist for alcohol and drugs misuse) with an aim to enable the Wiltshire Substance Misuse Service (WSMS) and they had attended events to offer relevant messages about misuse to festival goers and this was received positively.


·                The Licensing Team were also hosting three trade seminars in September and October offering free advice and guidance to the trade.  The events were being run to support the important role that businesses have in their local communities whilst highlighting evolving changes and best practices.  The seminars would include speakers from a variety of organisations and partner agencies all providing information and answering questions and concerns.  A Chairman’s announcement and leaflets to circulate should be made available to all relevant forthcoming Area Boards.  The Chairman encouraged Members to attend the seminars if they were able to.


The Committee made the following observations/raised questions as below:


·                Is Longleat going to be the venue for Glastonbury Festival? 


This is obviously a decision for the organisers, and the site was considered, but recent press articles have indicated this is now not considered a feasible option due to the impact/mess left on the festival site afterwards.  In Glastonbury the site takes months to be returned back to normal and Longleat we believe have stated they would not wish for their premises to be closed to the public whilst clean up took place during their busy summer months.


·                The Committee and Portfolio Holder wished to congratulate the Licensing Team on the volume of work that they handle and the work they do with promotion/prevention and engagement with the trade.




That the Committee note the update.


Briefing Note - Introduction of Public Spaces Protection Orders

Tom Ward, (Public Health Specialist – Substance Misuse and Community Safety) has prepared a Briefing Note (attached) which gives background information regarding changes to legislation.  This change requires all current Designated Public Places Orders (DPPO) to be replaced by a Public Spaces Protection Order by October 2017.

Supporting documents:


Tom Ward (Public Health Specialist – Substance Misuse and Community Safety) referred to the Briefing Note on the introduction of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) that was circulated with the Agenda.  He highlighted the following:


·                All current Designated Public Protection Orders (DPPO) had to be replaced by a PSPO by October 2017.  Wiltshire currently has DPPO’s in 8 towns across the county.  A DPPO creates an offence when a person refuses to stop drinking alcohol when asked to do so by the Police or a Police Community Support Officer. 


·                The new Orders can be bespoke to the town to address the problems in that particular area.


·                The first PSPO order to be considered is to cover the Trowbridge area.  A multi-agency meeting held agreed that the order was required to address the large number of alcohol related incidents.  This was also put out to public consultation – 98% were in favour of the Order.


·                A PSPO has a 3 year life span and if there is currently a DPPO in place we have to apply to convert it.  Salisbury and Chippenham are being considered next.


·                By October 2017 all DPPO’s will expire and each area will be reviewed to see if conversion to a PSPO is required.


The Chair commented that there is positive evidence (i.e. fewer occurrences of alcohol related incidents) that having these Orders in place is useful and they should continue.


The Portfolio Holder commented that he had been monitoring the establishment of a PSPO in Swindon and there had been uproar as residents in some areas were saying that they were not aware of this introduction and that they did not want it.  There would be a Members Briefing Note prepared so that all Wiltshire Councillors were aware of the proposed changes before they were implemented.  It would give details of the areas affected and the timescales involved so that Members could inform their constituents.




That the update be noted.


Proposed Appendix to the Council's Statement of Principles on the Gambling Act 2005

The report of Linda Holland (Licensing Manager) sets out proposals for a new appendix to be added to Wiltshire Council's Statement of Principles on the Gambling Act 2005 on Local Risk Assessments, following consultation, and seeks the Committee's approval of that Appendix for submission to Council.

Supporting documents:


Linda Holland (Licensing Manager) referred to the proposed Appendix to be added to the Council’s Statement of Principles on the Gambling Act 2005 that was circulated with the Agenda.  She highlighted the following:


·                As of 6 April 2016 it became necessary for all gambling premises to conduct a local area risk assessment.  Guidance on the preparation of how to carry out a Local Area Risk Assessment to meet the Council’s expectations had been prepared and it was proposed that this be annexed to the existing Statement of Gambling Principles.


·                Premises that require a local risk assessment included Adult Gaming Centres, Family Entertainment Centres, non-remote betting (Betting shops), non-remote bingo, non-remote casinos and remote betting intermediary (trading room only).


·                In the risk assessment, applicants and existing licence holders must take into consideration how they intend to operate their business within the local area.  They will need to consider the likely harm that their premises could have to the local community and consider that in relation to the licensing objectives.


·                The big name betting shops (Betfred and Coral) already have these risk assessments in place, but each premise have to consider the local area as the assessments cannot be generic.


·                There were 37 premises in Wiltshire that this would have an impact on and these were mostly betting shops.


·                If the inclusion of the Appendix was agreed by the Licensing Committee they would be asked to recommend that the document be agreed by Council at their next meeting on 18 October 2016.




That the Licensing Committee agree the inclusion of the proposed Appendix A – Local Risk Assessment to the Council’s Statement of Gambling Principles and recommend to Council that it be adopted at their meeting on 18 October 2016.


Dates of Future Committee Meetings

Members are asked to note the future meetings of the Licensing Committee, all to commence at 10.30am:


5 December 2016

13 March 2017

12 June 2017.


Members noted the dates of future meetings of the Licensing Committee as detailed below, all to start at 10.30am:


5 December 2016.

13 March 2017.

12 June 2017.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which in the opinion of the Chairman, should be taken as a matter of urgency. Urgent items of a confidential nature may be considered under Part II of this agenda.


There were no urgent items.