Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 6 June 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Library, The Strand, Calne

Contact: Edmund Blick  Email:

Note No. Item

6.30 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present at the meeting.  


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies.


There were no apologies.  



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7 March 2017 and Tuesday 16 May 2017. 

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7 March 2017 and Tuesday 16 May 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Ian Thorn declared that he was a Trustee of Wiltshire Music Centre and would, therefore, abstain from determining the Grant Application under Agenda Item 12.

6.40 pm


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements.



The Chairman announced that Calne Community Hub and Library was introducing an addition self session on Thursdays. They explained that the existing self-service sessions from 8am Monday - Friday and 9am on Saturdays have proved popular with working people and families on their way to school. The extra evening opening will mean library customers can now access the library 3 evenings a week, Monday, Thursday and Friday.


It was explained that the new self-service hours will be promoted to the community over the coming weeks and increase the total opening hours of the building to 57 hours per week.


The Chairman advised anyone seeking further information about the facilities and services in the Calne Community Hub & Library to speak to a member of library staff or email Rebecca Bolton, Library Area Manager (North) E:


Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies

To make appointments to Working Groups and Outside Bodies for the forthcoming year:


Working Groups

·        Community Area Transport Group

·        Campus Working Groups

·        LYN Management Group

·        Health and Wellbeing Group

·        Air Quality Working Group

·        Calne s.106 Working Group

·        Calne Dementia Action Working Group


Outside Bodies

·        Calne Heritage Centre Trust

·        Calne Local Youth Network (LYN)

·        Calne "Our Place" Project

·        Marden House –

·        Calne Dementia Action Alliance


Supporting documents:


Appointment to Working Groups and Outside Bodies


The Board appointed the Working Groups and Outside Bodies as specified in the Appendixes.


Working Groups:

·        Community Area Transport Group

o   To be represented by Cllr Christine Crisp, who was thanked by the Board for her long and excellent service in this area.

·        Campus Working Group

o   It was agreed that this was no longer required as a Working Group and Cllr Alan Hill confirmed that he would carry on engaging with Health and Wellbeing Centre work and would report back to the Area Board as required.

·        Locality Youth Network Management Group

o   Cllr Tom Rounds was asked if he would be interested in the position but he said that as the portfolio holder for Waste he would need to check with the Leader of the Council first. Cllr Rounds would confirm with the Chair following the meeting.

·        Health and Wellbeing Group

o   David Evans had resigned his role of Older People Champion, but confirmed that he would continue to Chair the Calne Health and Social Care Forum. The Health and Wellbeing Group would continue to operate within this Forum and Cllr Christine Crisp would represent the Area Board.

·        Air Quality Working Group

o   Both Cllr Alan Hill and Cllr Ian Thorn volunteered for the position as representative for this group. Cllr Alan Hill spoke of his concerns surrounding the Hills Centre and HGV congestion. Cllr Ian Thorn welcomed Cllr Hill to the position of Chairman, but requested to be Vice-Chairman. This was agreed by the Board.

·        Calne’s s.106 Working Group

o   Cllr Tony Trotman agreed to stay on as Chairman.

·        Calne Dementia Action Steering Group

o   Cllr Christine Crisp agreed to stay on as Chairman.


Outside Bodies

·        Calne Heritage Trust

o   Cllr Tony Trotman agreed to represent the Area Board.

·        Locality Youth Network

o   Vacant

·        Calne Our Place

o   Cllr Tom Rounds to represent the Area Board.

·        Marden House

o   Cllr Tony Trotman agreed to represent the Area Board.

·        Dementia Action Alliance

o   Cllr Christine Crisp agreed to represent the Area Board.



The Board agreed to appoint to Working Groups and Outside Bodies, as listed above.




Welcome to Calne Area Board

An introduction to the Area Board by Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager.


Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager gave a presentation welcoming new Members of the Area Board and the Town and Parish Councillors.


The presentation explained the role of Community Engagement Manager. Specifically, the role of supporting grant applications and participation in Youth and Community Projects. It also gave an overview of Calne’s local priorities, surrounding Children and Young People, Culture, Economy, Health, Wellbeing and Leisure and Older People, and explained the role of the Joint Strategic Assessment meetings in this process.


Reference was also made to recent Community Events, including the Great British Spring Clean, and upcoming Events, such as The Big Pledge- London Calling and First World War Commemorative Tree Planting.


Cllr Alan Hill took this opportunity to thank Jane Vaughan for all her efforts as Community Engagement Manager. He also suggested that there was scope for a Working Group looking at Employability and Skills and asked Cllr Ian Thorn to consider if he would be interested in such a project.



It was agreed that Councillor Thorn would meet with the Community Engagement Manager to discuss a potential group and this would be discussed and considered by the Board at the next Area Board ABC meeting.



Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


·        Wiltshire Police

·        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·        NHS Wiltshire

·        Town and Parish Councils

·        Healthwatch

·        NHS Wiltshire CCG

Supporting documents:


Verbal updates were received from Town and Parish Councils:


Notably, that Calne Town Council and Calne Without Parish Council were progressing in working together on an Transport Strategy for Calne area.


There was also a discussion surrounding potholes and the fact that Wiltshire Council would not repair many of them and that some Parish Councils were looking at self-help schemes.


It was also announced that Cherhill White Horse had been re-chalked by volunteers in the Cherhill Parish Council area.



Our Community Matters:

Update on local priorities/working groups:


·        Local Youth Network (Jordan Holt)

·        Older People and Carers Champion (Diane Gooch)

·        Health and Wellbeing group

·        Dementia Action Alliance steering group (Cllr Crisp)

·        Air Quality working group

·        Section 106 working group (Cllr Trotman)

Supporting documents:


Local Youth Network

·        Helen Bradley- Local Youth Facilitator gave an update on the LYN, as the Chairman- Jordon Holt, had sent his apologies. It was highlighted that whilst the Local Priorities had considered Mental Health to be the biggest issue for Young People of Calne, the Network considered that jobs, education and training should be the priority, as many young people did not see suitable prospects for their futures in Calne.


Older People and Carers Champion

·        Apologies were received from Champion Diane Gooch and a verbal update was received from Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager.


Health and Wellbeing Group

·        Verbal update received


Dementia Action Alliance

·        Verbal update from Cllr Christine Crisp


Community Area Transport Group

·        Cllr Christine Crisp gave an update on issues the Group had had with the pedestrian safety improvement proposals at White Hart Junction in Calne. Cllr Crisp explained that they were looking to apply for substantive maintenance funding to assist but due to complications, this was now dropped and that plans would have to be revived in the future.


Air Quality Working Group

·        No update provided.


s. 106 Working Group

·        Cllr Tony Trotman provided a presentation showing proposed plans for developing footpaths and cycle-ways around Calne. It was explained that this would be done with funds that had been obtained through s.106 arrangements from building developers.  A map was shown displaying the proposed sites, and a detailed explanation was given on each proposal. Cllr Trotman explained that the motive was developing a safe route all around Calne, for schoolchildren and people working in Calne.


The Big Pledge

Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager to introduce ‘The Big Pledge’ for 2017, with a short video to be shown.


A short video was shown advertising The Big Pledge- London Calling.


First World War Commemorative Tree Planting

A presentation and discussion lead by Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager about a proposal for Wiltshire to plant 10,000 trees to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. Possible planting options will be presented to meetings for discussion.


Jane Vaughan- Community Engagement Manager introduced the project, explaining that it was a legacy project to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War. The Project was explained as an ambition to plant the same number of trees around Wiltshire, as those who lost their lives in the First World War.


The Board were advised that the aim was to start planting trees in November 2018. However, it was discussed that all options were still on the table and individual Area Boards could look at their own proposals. Ideas such as planting a forest, with all those who lost their lives across Wiltshire, or on a smaller more Town and Parish basis. The project was received enthusiastically by those present and representatives of Parish Councils agreed to take the issue to Parish Forum, to see what community suggestions they could come up with and how they might work together to be involved.



Area Board Funding

To consider one application to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


·        Wiltshire Music Centre Celebrating Age: £1500

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to the application made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.


Wiltshire Music Centre Celebrating Age: £1500


A representative from the group explained that the application was part of a £200, 000 application, with half of that coming from the Music Centre.


The project was looking to reach out to older people, working against isolation, by working with existing groups, to develop range of services for 3 years. They said that they would be looking for annual payments, so would return to the Board next year with a similar request.


Cllr Alan Hill proposed awarding the funds which was agreed by the Board.



The Board agreed to award the funds. Cllr Ian Thorn abstained.





Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no Urgent Items.



Open Forum

This section is to enable members of the public to raise issues to Councillors and Members for consideration.


If a member of the public should wish to raise an issue in this meeting then they are advised to contact the Democratic Services Officers, as above, to enable research and consideration ahead of the Area Board Meeting.


An issue has been raised by a Mr and Mrs Vinos, which has been provided in report form. There will be an opportunity for this to be discussed at the meeting.

Supporting documents:


Stan Woods- Calne Fairtrade Group’s Chairman, gave a presentation promoting Calne’s efforts to become a Fairtrade Town and seeking the support of the Area Board in this process. Stan Woods explained some of the work already being done in Calne, particularly working with local schools.


Members of the Area Board gave their support to the project and Cllr Tom Rounds, in particular gave his approval, stating that in addition to the economic and tourist benefits, there was a moral incentive to become a Fairtrade town.



The Board voted unanimously to support the Fairtrade project.




The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday 19 September 2017, 6:30pm at Calne Library, The Strand, Calne.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 19 September 2017 at Calne Library, The Strand, Calne.