Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 19 September 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Hub & Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0RD

Contact: Edmund Blick  Email:

Note No. Item

10 mins


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present in the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies.  



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6 June 2017.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.

10 mins


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman, including:


1.    Draft Housing Site Allocations Consultation

2.    Bobby Van Trust- Free Online Safety Support

3.    Potential sale of the former Priestley Grove Youth Centre

4.    Changes to the household recycling centre (HRC) at Stanton St. Quintin, which will be closing for refurbishment this winter

5.    Emergency Plans

6.    Public Meetings – Challenges Ahead

7.    Assertive Outreach

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack.

10 mins


Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


·        Wiltshire Police

·        Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·        NHS Wiltshire/ CCG

·        Town and Parish Councils

·        Calne Area Parish Forum


Supporting documents:



Sgt Dom Pocock was in attendance and referred to the Police Update in the agenda. A criticism was raised at the lack of Police presence in Calne, namely that there was one PCSO covering the area. Sgt Pocock advised the Board that Calne would soon be receiving an additional PCSO and that staffing and allocation of resources was under constant review.


Fire & Rescue Service

Tom Burns- Station Commander for Calne was in attendance and referred to the Update in the Agenda.


Town and Parish Councils

Verbal updates were received from Town and Parish Councils. Notably, Cherhill Parish Council representatives informed the Board that a plan for a new village hall had been sent to Wiltshire Council for review and they were awaiting amendments. Compton Bassett Parish representatives asked the Board to visit its local church, and to consider making donations towards it maintenance. Hillmarton Parish representatives announced a successful GoatFest on 8 September 2017 and also drew attention to a recent Flower Festival that was held in the local church. Cllr Trotman, as the Mayor of Calne,  reported on a successful heritage week, and the upcoming Music & Arts Festival in Calne.


Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association (WNHWA)

To receive a presentation from but Mike Lynbrandwood.

Supporting documents:


A presentation was received by Mike Lynbrandwood, who gave apologies for Mike Davidson. Mike advised that they were reinvigorating Neighbourhood watch, and producing stickers and signs to promote the group. He explained that it was all about keeping an eye out and looking after each other. He said that Wiltshire had a wealth of ex-service men in the area, and urged the community to look at using them. The Board were urged to join community messaging, by visiting the website: The Board was also invited to attend the groups next meeting: North Wiltshire Open Forum, Chippenham Town Hall, Saturday 30 September 2017, 14:00-16:00. The Board discussed the possibility of providing funding to the group, but advised that more work had be done by the group, in considering alternative funding options, in the first instance.

20 mins


Our Community Matters

 Update on local priorities/working groups:


1.    Local Youth Network (Chairman, Jordan Holt)

Including two funding applications and to note one delegated decision

2.    Older People and Carers Champion (Diane Gooch)

3.    Health & Wellbeing Group (Diane Gooch)

4.    Dementia Friendly Working Group (Diane Gooch)

5.    Air Quality working group (Cllr. Hill)

6.    Section 106 working group (Cllr. Trotman)


      To note the actions discussed in the meeting held on 5th September 2017.


      To note working group concerns about delays being experienced with regards to schemes, such as those detailed in the notes. (caused because of officer resource constraints and of particular concern in view of time limitations that are attached to s106 agreements).


      To consider supporting a request that Wiltshire Council’s term contractor (Atkins) be commissioned to undertake design work that is delaying progress on schemes, including those outlined in the notes.


7.    Calne Our Place Project (Chair, Naomi Beal)

8.    Calne Community Safety Forum (Chair, Glenis Ansell)

9.    CATG Highways working group (Cllr. Crisp)


As a result of local and general elections and the summer break the Area Board and working group meetings schedule experienced some disruption. The meeting did not take place on 25th May 2017 and the most recent report to be considered relates to the 14th March 2017.


The Calne CATG is due to meet again on 12th October and will report to the Area Board again on 21st November.



10.Training & Skills working group (Cllr. Thorn)

11.WW1 centenary commemoration – update on tree planting project (Jane Vaughan)


Supporting documents:


The Board was provided with an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board Working Groups:


Local Youth Network


Helen Bradley- Local Youth Facilitator provided an update on Youth Grants:

Grant Applications:

1.    Wordfest: £250

Awarded under delegated authority, to provide youth engagement activities as part of Wordfest 2017. A Vlogging (youtube) workshop practitioner will be procured to provide workshops throughout a day in workshop week, to engage with Calne Wordfest Literacy Festival.



The Board agreed unanimously to note the award.


2.    Alabare: £899.93

Kieran Osborne- a representative from the group, explained that the application sought funding for a project, which involved a range of activities and experiences for the young people within the Alabare

services ranging from crafting to mountain climbing, to help them with educational and employment barriers.



The Board agreed unanimously to note the award.


LYN Initiative

1.    Participatory Budgeting: £5000

The Board were advised that LYN would like to hold another youth event to showcase local groups with a focus on physical activity and healthy lifestyles. In addition to this event the LYN would like to hold a participatory budgeting exercise where young people vote for projects to receive funding.



The Board agreed unanimously to note the award.


Older People and Carers Champion

Diane Gooch gave a verbal update and advised the Board that 1 October 2017 was UN International day of the Older Person and they would be working with the Community Hub volunteers and Calne Voices to hold an afternoon tea party and inviting other organisations to attend.


Health and Wellbeing Group

David Evans gave a verbal update stating that the next meeting of the group would be 17 October 2017, 10:00-12:00, at James House Calne.


Dementia Friendly Working Group

The Chairman gave a verbal update explaining that they were currently working on a project to recruit local hairdressers into a scheme to be more dementia friendly, (reminding customers of appointments closer to the date for example). The next meeting of the Calne Dementia Action Alliance would take place on 18th October 2017.


Air Quality Working Group

Cllr Hill stated that the group had met recently and were very concerned about air quality in Calne. He explained that Lorries were the main problem, stating DEFRA figures that emissions from lorries, equate to that of 26 private cars.



The Board agreed unanimously:

1.    To note the working group concerns about delays being experienced with regards to schemes, such as those detailed in the meeting notes, which have been caused because of officer resource constraints and are of particular concern in view of time limitations that are attached to s106 agreements.


2.    To support a request that Wiltshire Council’s term contractor (Atkins) be commissioned to undertake design work that is delaying progress on schemes, including those outlined in the notes above*.


Calne Our Place Project

There was no update from this group.


Calne Community Safety Forum

Glenis Ansell- Chairman of the Group gave an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.

20 mins


Waste Management Strategy

To receive a presentation from Martin Litherland (Head of Waste Management) and Vicki Harris (Principal Waste Services Officer).

Supporting documents:


Martin Litherland- Head of Waste Management gave a presentation, detailing the proposed new Waste Management Strategy, which was explained as covering a period of 10 years, to support the delivery of Wiltshire Council’s new business plan.


The Board were advised that a new waste contract for Wiltshire’s Household Recycling Centres will commence on 2 October 2017, with FCC Environment, and that there would be some closures during the transition period between 23 and 28 October, but that there would be no changes to the Lower Compton Recycling Centre.


The Board was presented with an overview of performance, with over 700,000 bins and boxes being emptied from 215,000 households each fortnight. The Council managed 243,000 tonnes of waste and recycling in 2016/17, a significant decrease on 2014/15. Furthermore, it was explained that in 2016/17, 21% of waste was sent to landfill, compared to 78% in 2003. Further details were given as to where the Council are seeking to make improvements. For example, residents produced 566 kg of non-recycled waste per household, but analysis shows that much of this could be recycled.


It was explained that savings of approximately £4 million had already been made, with the net budget reducing from £35.221m in 2014/15 to £31.241in 2015/16, by charging for garden waste collection, introducing permits for vans and trailers, and charging charities for access to Household Recycling Centres. It was explained that the budget for 2017-18 was £31.88 with plans to introduce charges for non-household waste items at Household Recycling Centres.


A series of example questions from the Consultation were presented to the Board, these were answered individually by attendees using handsets, who were advised that their responses would be collated and form part of the Consultation, (see attached results).



10 mins


Area Board Funding

·        To consider 4 Community Area Grants applications  to the Scheme

·        To note 1 delegated decision

·        To consider revisions to 2 previous grant applications

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to 2 previous grant applications:


1.    Calne Town Football Club- Floodlights and Ground Improvements: £5000.00

It was explained that the club did not generate the funds it had anticipated and so the project was reduced to replace the floodlights and ground improvements were not competed.


2.    Calne Community Day Centre- Dishwasher: £1295.00

It was explained that the dishwasher was less expensive than anticipated and so the remainder of the monies was put towards additional investments in the kitchen.



The Board agreed unanimously to approve amendments to these awards.


Consideration was also given to 4 applications:


1.    1st Calne Guides- Camping Equipment: £2009.98

Cllr Hill proposed, seconded by Cllr Crisp.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


2.    Wiltshire Citizens Advice- Flexible Citizens Advice Service: £978.00

Cllr Hill proposed, seconded by Cllr Crisp.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


3.    Calne Community Area Fairtrade Group- Project supporting Calne Campaign to become Fairtrade Community: £880.69

Cllr Crisp proposed, seconded Cllr Hill.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


4.    Calne Town FC- Floodlights and Ground Improvements: £5000.00

Cllr Crisp proposed, seconded Cllr Trotman.



The Board agreed unanimously to award the funds.


To note one Delegated Authority Award:


1.    Calne Men’s Shed- Connection of Electricity: £655.00




The Board ratified this award.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

Supporting documents:


There were no urgent items.


It was confirmed that the questions submitted with the agenda had received written responses prior to the meeting.



The next meeting of Calne Area Board will be on the 21 November 2017.


The next Area Board meeting would be held at 6:30 pm on Tuesday 21 November 2017 at Calne Hub & Library, The Strand, Calne with refreshments available from 6.00 pm.