Venue: Online
Contact: Stuart Figini Email:
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||
6.30 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome everyone to Calne Area Board and introduce the Councillors and Officers present. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present. The Chairman welcomed Councillors Allison Bucknell and Ashley O’Neill. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies or substitutions for the meeting. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Ian Thorn, Cllr Tom Rounds, Darren Nixon – Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, Kevin Wells – Calne Foodbank and Danielle Blake – Rise Youth.
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2020.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2020 were approved and would be signed at a later date.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will provide information about:
· COVID-19 Community Pack · Healthy Us Weight Management Programme Launch
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included in the agenda pack:
· COVID-19 Community Pack · Healthy Us Weight Management Programme Launch
6.40pm |
Impact of COVID-19 Upon Young People in the Calne Community Area To note priorities relating to impacts upon young people, identified so far through conversations at the area board and more broadly in the community.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received a presentation from the Community Engagement Manager (CEM) about the impacts of COVID-19 on young people in the Calne Community Area.
The Area Board noted that the CEM’s for each Area Board would be preparing a Recovery Plan for their Community Area. The Plan would include a number of priorities identified following conversations with the local community about the impact of COVID-19 on young people. Concerns identified during the conversations included:
· Links between poverty and literacy · Provision of joined up, relevant youth support, guidance and activities · Listening to young people
The CEM reported that the concerns detailed above led to a number of actions points to be included in the forthcoming community area status report, which will inform the future actions and ongoing priorities for the Area Board and the Calne Area Community.
The Area Board commented on the Calne Code Trail and provision of laptops/tablets for pupils self-isolating. The CEM confirmed that the Status Report would identify the direction of travel for the issues raised and where to focus budgets.
The Chair thanked the CEM for her report and contributions from those attending the meeting.
Decision: To note the report.
6.45pm |
Moving Towards Recovery To receive feedback from local groups and organisations relating to their experiences during the Covid-19 crisis, issues for continued action and development of a Calne Community Area Recovery Plan.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received feedback from the following local groups and organisations relating to their experiences during the COVID-19 crisis:
· Older People/Carers Champion – Diane Gooch Diane Gooch reported on the responses received for a recent wellbeing survey for the over 65’s in the Calne Community Area and the impact of COVID-19 on their lives. The report included a number of actions points.
In response to questions from the Area Board, Diane confirmed that (i) Calne Community Transport was available to all and in some cases training was required; (ii) unfortunately it was not possible to bring forward the proposed afternoon tea event from January/February 2021 to December 2020; (iii) the Town Council had offered support with the use of its venues for events in 2021; (iv) Katy Brown, Community Coordinator was in regular contact with lonely and isolated members of the Calne community.
The Chair thanked Diane for her presentation and outstanding work undertaken with older people and carers in Calne.
· Calne & Lyneham Libraries – Joanna Smith Community Library Manager Jo Smith gave an overview of the library service and how it had been delivered in a new and innovative way in line with Government restrictions.
In response to questions from the Area Board, Jo confirmed that an order and collect service had been offered since September 2020, moving forward from January 2021, a browsable service would be provided alongside an increase in opening hours.
The Chair thanked Jo for her presentation and expressed the Area Boards appreciation for all the library staff hard work to keep services running during the pandemic.
· Calne Leisure Centre Cllr Hill informed the Area Board that he had recently visited the Leisure Centre and was impressed with the recent refurbishment. The Centre appeared to be very busy whilst he was visiting, and the community was pleased to access the facilities again.
· Katy Brown – Area Coordinator Katy provided an update on the work of Help in the Community. They had continued to make contacts to the vulnerable and lonely since lockdown 1. Calne Central were providing a critical service with hot meals and an opportunity for people to chat with others in the community.
7.15pm |
Town and Parish Council COVID-19 Experiences An opportunity for the Town and Parish Councils to share their experiences and an opportunity to update the Area Board relating to their work during the pandemic.
Minutes: The Area Board received updates on work undertaken during the pandemic, from the following Town and Parish Councils in the Calne Community Area:
· Calne Town Council – Mark Edwards, Kim Street and Cllr Rich Jones Mark provided an update on the work undertaken by the Town Council during lockdown 1, lockdown 2, the support for recovery and the issues and challenges ahead.
· Bremhill Parish Council – Isabel McCord Isabel reported that at the start of the pandemic the Parish Council had established those residents who were classed as vulnerable. The Parish Council provided help with the delivery of shipping to these residents. During the pandemic it was recognised that neighbours offering support to the vulnerable. It was noted that the Parish newsletter was a very good method of delivering information to residents. The Pandemic was also an opportunity to review the Parish Council Emergency Plan.
· Calne Without Parish Council – Ed Jones No report
· Cherhill Parish Council – Simon Tomlinson The Parish Council had set up a volunteering school for residents to help out the vulnerable. As with most other Parishes, neighbours were helping out where necessary and residents were making their own arrangements as the pandemic progressed.
The Chair thanked all the Town, Parish Council’s and all communities for the huge contributions made during the pandemic.
7.30pm |
Area Board Funding
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Community Engagement Manager gave an overview of the grants budget position for 2020/21. The Area Board noted that the following allocations were available to invest in grant applications:
· Capital Grant Scheme - £36,204 · Positive Youth Activities - £16,585 · Health and Wellbeing/Older Person Champion - £4,954
The Area Board also considered one application made to the Community Area Grants Scheme and were informed of the allocation of funds decided under delegated authority by the Community Engagement Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Area Board.
Resolved: 1. To note the latest budget position for 2020/21.
2. To award Cherhill Village Hall £2,500 towards replacement chairs.
3. To note the allocation of funds of previous projects supported under delegated authority: a. Calne Foodbank - £500 towards moving costs – remedial works b. Calne Clean-Up Crew - £760 towards promotional equipment for use at future events.
Our Community Matters To receive any updates from:
· Community Partnership · Health & Social Care Forum
Minutes: There were no updates from Calne Community Safety Forum and the Health & Social Care Forum.
7.40pm |
Partner Updates To receive an update from the partners listed below:
a. Wiltshire Police – presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner of the PCC Annual Report and Update b. Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service c. NHS Wiltshire d. Healthwatch e. Town and Parish Councils.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board received and noted updates from the following Partners:
· Wiltshire and Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) The Police and Crime Commissioner, Angus Macpherson, presented the PCC 2020 Update and Annual Report 2019/20. Mr Macpherson reported on Operation Uplift, recruitment intakes and policing during the pandemic.
In response to questions about the use of the redundant Police Station in Calne during the Pandemic, Mr Macpherson confirmed that the Police Estate Management Team considered the building to remain surplus to operational requirements following its temporary use.
· Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service There was no report.
· NHS Wiltshire The Area Board received an update from Emmy Butcher, Beversbrook Medical Centre about proposals to deliver Flu vaccinations for over 50’s and the potential differences in delivering the COVID-19 vaccinations.
In response to questions about the mental health of young people during the pandemic, Emmy reported that the NHS had seen an increase in mental health issues across all cohorts during the pandemic. Resources were available and being promoted for young people by schools.
· Place of Use Disability Youth Club – Corrina Davidson The Area Board received an update from Corrina – Chair of the Youth Club, who explained that the Youth Club had been closed since March and this was having an adverse impact on the young people. Attendance at the youth club provided an opportunity for face to face interaction and rest bite care for carers.
The CEM reported that the work she was undertaking with young people more broadly could include those who attended the disability youth club and the sharing of information across the county. The CEM confirmed that contact would be made with other CEMS and Area Coordinators to establish a coordinated approach.
· Healthwatch The written update was noted.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair reported that she was willing to accept the notes of the CATG meeting held on 26 November 2020 as an urgent item for consideration by the Area Board. This would allow the Area Board to consider and approve the recommendations of the CATG meeting, which will allow officers to implement the decisions before the end of the year (December 2020).
• To note the discussions and updates outlined in the report • To close the following Issues: 3-20-2, 3-20-8 and 3-20-10 • To add the following Issues to the Priority List: 3-20-1 and Covid Response Site 5 A3102 Silver Street / Spring Lane • To add the following Issues to the Priority List (with funding): 3-19-7 (£1,322), 3-20-3 (£560) and 3-20-4 (£210)