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Contact: Stuart Figini Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and officers present. He thanked and paid tribute to former Cllr Christine Crisp who served the community in Calne and led the Area Board as Chair for many years.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies.
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 9 March and 18 May 2021. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the meetings held on 9 March 2021 and 18 May 2021 were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chairman at a future meeting.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will provide information about:
· Area Board Operational Model 2021 Onwards · The 2023 Boundary Review Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included on the agenda:
In relation to the Boundary Review a number of comments were received on the effect it would have on the Calne area, the included that the review would be very contentious for Calne as the town had stronger links to Chippenham rather than other local market towns, and the proposed expansion of Chippenham may impact Calne to a greater degree; residents of the Calne Community Area should be consulted about the links with other local towns, especially as a number recognise Melksham or Devizes as their other ‘go to’ towns.
Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups To appoint representatives to Outside Bodies, and to reconstitute and appoint to Working Groups for the year 2021/22. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The following appointments to Working Groups and Outside Bodies were made for the forthcoming year:
Outside Bodies: a) Calne ‘Our Place’ Project – Cllr Tom Rounds b) Calne Dementia Action Alliance – Cllr Tony Trotman c) Calne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllr Tom Rounds d) Calne Local Youth Network – Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney e) Calne Marden House – Cllr Ian Thorn
Working Groups: a) Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – Cllr Ashley O’ Neill b) LYN Management Group – Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney c) Health & Wellbeing Group – Cllr Tom Rounds d) Calne S106 Working Group – Cllr Tony Trotman
In addition to the above appointments, the Area Board requested that the status of the Air Quality Management Area and associated action plans and Management Group should be reviewed. As such, no lead Councillor was selected at this time.
Calne Community Area Status Report To consider the report of the Community Engagement Manager.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board considered the report of the Community Engagement Manager (CEM), Jane Vaughan, which provided an overview of the Community Area Status Report. The Community Area Status Report combined the main messages gathered from local data and discussions with the local community. From these discussions and the gathering of evidence, the information provided a base from which priorities were identified that the Area Board could focus its resources upon.
The Area Board then considered the following priorities for the Calne Community Area for the forthcoming year and assigned Area Board Members to each priority:
· Young People including those living with SEND – Health, wellbeing and positive activities – Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney · Older and Vulnerable People and families – Health, wellbeing, isolation and access to services – Cllr Tom Rounds · Environment – addressing climate change targets – Cllr Ian Thorn · Local Economy – promotion of sustainable business and support for the economically vulnerable – Cllr Tony Trotman · Community Resilience – cross community area communication and co-operation – Cllr Ashley O’Neill
It was noted that each Area Board Councillor would champion one or more of the priorities. The priorities would then feed into a rolling work plan detailing how each priority is progressing, with regular update reports to the Area Board.
It was noted that engagement with other groups would be beneficial for the Area Board Environment Champion, these could include, Sustainable Calne, Wiltshire Climate Alliance and the Air Quality Monitoring Group.
1. That the Area Board approves and adopts the Community Status report
2. That the Area Board considers the following concerns, identified through the Status update process and discussions at previous area board meetings, for further investigation, and appoints Area Board Members as Champions for each priority as detailed above:
· Young People including those living with SEND – Health, wellbeing and positive activities · Older and Vulnerable People and families – Health, wellbeing, isolation and access to services · Environment – addressing climate change targets · Local Economy – promotion of sustainable business and support for the economically vulnerable · Community Resilience – cross community area communication and co-operation
3. That the Area Board produces a rolling action plan to demonstrate where it will contribute to addressing the identified issues and appoints a lead member for each priority area.
4. That the Area Board will prioritise its resources including funding upon those issues identified in the status report.
5. That the Area Board requests that the Community Engagement Manager and lead members work with key partners, agencies and community groups to encourage them to consider where they are best placed to take actions around the priorities identified.
6. That regular updates are submitted to the Area Board on progress made in relation to its own action plan.
7. That the Area Board expresses its thanks to those who gave their time to help bring this report together.
Calne Area Transport Strategy To receive a report about the Calne Area Transport Strategy introduced by Anne Henshaw.
The Area Board are being asked for any views and comments to feedback into the Strategy.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received an update from Anne Henshaw in relation to the Calne Area Transport Strategy.
Anne explained that the purpose of the
Calne Area Transport Strategy is to outline the proposed approach
to meeting specific transport objectives for Calne and Calne
Without, and identify a prioritised list
of complimentary schemes and interventions that are shown to
address known and well-evidenced issues. The Strategy has been developed by the
Calne Area Transport Group (CAT) and Wiltshire Council with support
from Atkins. It builds upon previous work by CAT to develop it into
a full Transport Strategy for the area, that will identify the key
priorities for future interventions, and provide a foundation for
The Area Board noted that without the background evidence, any promoted schemes are unlikely to be prioritised and be successful in securing funding through competitive bidding processes against other schemes. Anne asked for any comments to be forwarded to her so that these can be included in the evidence base and fed into the process going forward.
Comments from the Area Board included the study area and concerns about the impact of developments in Chippenham on parishes other than Calne and Calne Without, air quality management in the area and purchase of equipment to monitor particulates and traffic movement around the Curzon Street and High Street area of Calne.
The Chair thanked Anne for an excellent presentation and encouraged Area Board members to forward any comments on the Study to Anne.
Partner Updates To receive an update from the partners listed below:
b. Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service
Supporting documents:
Minutes: a) Wiltshire Police
The Area Board considered the update report from Insp James Brain, Wiltshire Police. Comments from the Area Board included the use of the vehicle in Calne to observe suspicious activity and the potential for it to used to observe hare coursing during the hours of darkness.
b) Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
The update report of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service provided by Darren Nixon, Station Manager was noted.
c) NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group
There was no update report.
d) Healthwatch Wiltshire
The written update was noted.
e) Older People’s Voices
The update report provided by Diane Gooch was noted.
f) Calne Health & Social care Forum (Health & Wellbeing Group)
There was no update report.
g) Rise Youth
Danielle Blake, Youth Co-ordinator from the Rise Trust and Gemma Blake provided an update about the work undertaken during the lockdown with young people. Gemma explained that they provided a listening ear, offering support and the importance of young people making good choices going forward.
Over the past few weeks, they have begun to see young people more and noted that relationships with young people have got stronger, with them often messaging staff regarding issues that might be troubling them.
It was noted that a new meeting space was needed for the youth and the Area Board suggested that funding may be available to support a more suitable venue.
h) Town and Parish Councils
· Bremhill Parish Council – Isabel McCord provided an update for the Area Board. Isabel reported that the Parish Council was now holding ‘in-person’ meetings and their Annual Parish Meeting would be held soon. The Parish Council had recently responding to the Local Plan Review Consultation and the Future Chippenham Project Consultation, and were due to review their Neighbourhood Plan which was now out of date.
· Compton Bassett – Julian Barlow provided an update for the Area Board. Julian reported that the Parish Council was now holding ‘in-person’ meetings. One of the main issues being considered by the Parish Council included traffic management. Road Closures in Calne were impacting the road through the village as cars were using it as alternative route. It was suggested that the CATG could consider proposals to alleviate the issue. The Parish Council were also considering the creation of a village green.
· Calne Town Council – Alan Hill provided an update for the Area Board. Alan reported on the following matters
o Cllr Rich Jones was elected Town Mayor at the Annual Meeting and Mayor Making on 17th May, o the Town Council will be hosting a number of family events during the school summer holidays, o The next meeting of the Town Council is scheduled for Monday 26 July 7pm in Town Hall. o Issues with the obstruction of public thoroughfare and use of storage provided for Wheelie bins in the underpass between Church Street and the Heritage car park; The Area Board agreed to support the Town Council in its efforts to resolve the situation. o Works ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Community Engagement Manager - Delegated Decisions To consider a proposal to authorise the Community Engagement Manager to agree expenditure up to £5,000 and urgent matters, in consultation with the Chair and with the agreement of the Area Board, when they arise in between Area Board meetings. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered a report about Community Engagement Manager delegated decisions which included the following proposal:
Decisions taken between meetings will be reported in the funding report to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board. Where a significant number of urgent matters arise between meetings, a special meeting may be called, following consultation with the Chairman to determine such matters.
The Areas Board noted that due to changes in the Area Board operational model, as detailed above in the Chair’s announcements, the Area Board would be reducing the number of ‘business’ meetings to four a year. The proposal above would provide the CEM with the flexibility needed and allow them the ability to respond to community need outside of formal Area Board meetings. It was stressed that the views of all Area Board members would be sought prior to expenditure decisions being made.
To approve the above proposal.
Community Area Grants To determine any applications for Community Area Grants. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board considered a number of applications for Community Area Grant funding. The Chairman invited a representative of the applicant to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.
To award the following grants:
1. Calne Cricket Club - £5000.00 towards replacement mower and cricket equipment – Community area grant
2. Calne Community Area Fairtrade Group - £758.64 towards Calne Fairtrade Town promotion event at the Pocket Park 14 August 2021 - Community area grant
3. Calne Town Council - £4640.00 towards Calne Youth Outreach August 21 to March 22 – Youth application submitted as an Area Board initiative
4. Calne Tennis Club – £1743.00 towards Tennis Courts Repair - Community area grant
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items
Future Meeting Dates and Close The next meeting of the Calne Area Board is scheduled for 7 September 2021 starting at 6.30pm. Minutes: The next meeting of the Calne Area Board is scheduled for 7 September 2021 starting at 6.30pm.
The Area Board asked for the re-introduction of a Public Networking session ahead of the start of future Area Board meetings. This would provide an opportunity for local residents to meet with their local Wiltshire Councillor to discuss local issues and an opportunity for representatives of Area Board Partners (Police/Fire/Health Services etc) to engage with local residents too.