Venue: Corsham Town Hall, High Street, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 0EZ
Contact: Marie Todd
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Area Board meeting and explained that this meeting would provide an opportunity for partner organisations to outline what they had achieved over the last year and their plans for the forthcoming year. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
Councillor Sheila Parker – Wiltshire Council Councillor Jennie Hartless – Box Parish Council David Martin – Clerk to Corsham Town Council Mike Franklin – Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Inspector Martin Schorah – Wiltshire Police Christine Reid – CCAN Peter Kallmeier – Youth Development Service, Wiltshire Council Jessica Phillips – Community Librarian Josie Owens – Member of the public |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2012. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2012 as a correct record subject to the following amendment:
Minute number 7 – partner updates – delete first paragraph |
Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive chairman’s announcements including:
(a) Your say on local waste and recycling sites (b) Polling station review Supporting documents:
Minutes: (a) Local Waste and Recycling Sites
The Chairman reported that Wiltshire Council was looking for views on how people use their local recycling facilities. A review of these facilities was currently taking place and people were invited to complete an online questionnaire at or call 0300 456 0102 for a paper copy. The closing date for the consultation was 28 May 2012.
(b) Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – Consultation
The Chairman informed the Area Board that a review of polling districts and polling places was currently taking place. People were invited to complete an on line questionnaire or download one from the Council website at
(c) Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
The Chairman reminded everyone that at the last meeting £5k had been earmarked by the Area Board for jubilee celebrations. The deadline for applications to this fund was 16 April and applications should be sent to Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager. |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) - Recommendations To consider any recommendations from the CATG meeting held on 16 February 2012. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered a report by the Community Area Manager which provided an update on the position of the proposals from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meeting held on 16 February 2012.
The Area Board was requested to allocate a proportion of the 2011/12 CATG funding to contribute to proposals put forward by the Group.
The Chairman of the CATG, Cllr Dick Tonge gave a brief outline of each of the proposals and invited questions.
Cllr Peter Davis spoke against the scheme proposed for South Place in Corsham. He stated that no accidents had occurred in this area and believed that it would cause frustration to drivers due to traffic congestion. Cllr Peter Anstey from Corsham Town Council explained that the aim of the scheme was to encourage people to walk and cycle in the area.
It was confirmed that if the South Place scheme proved to be unsuccessful then the traffic scheme would be removed following discussions with the Town Council.
(1) To allocate £2,500 from the 2011/12 CATG budget to fund improvements to Lacock Road as outlined in the report.
(2) To allocate £900 from the 2011/12 CATG budget to provide 50% of the funding towards one and a half set of dropped kerbs in Colerne. The Parish Council would fund the remaining 50%.
(3) To allocate £4,451.74 from the 2011/12 CATG budget towards future developments of South Place, Corsham subject to findings from the trials taking place in April.
Reason: To improve road safety and traffic management in the Community Area.
ACTION: Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager |
Speed Indicator Device Allocation 2012/13 To consider delegating decisions relating to speed indicator device allocation to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the CATG. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered a report by the Community Area Manager regarding the process for dealing with the allocation of speed indicator devices.
To expedite the process, and to remove the need for the matter to come back to the Area Board, it was proposed to delegate authority to the Community Area Manager to approve the locations for SIDs.
Decision: To delegate authority to the Corsham Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Corsham Community Area Transport Group (CATG), to agree the prioritisation of locations for Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) within the Community Area to form the basis of the SID deployment programme.
ACTION: Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager |
Area Board Project - Allocation of Funding to Jubilee Event To consider an Area Board Project proposal to allocate funding to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Event to be held in Salisbury on 1 May 2012. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board had already agreed to support the 2012 Jubilee Celebrations by deciding to attend the event being held at Salisbury Cathedral in May. This would involve setting up a medieval style jousting tent to display what is unique and historical about the Community Area. Some local organisations had already agreed to participate and to provide displays for the event but some further financial support was now required to facilitate participation.
Decision: To agree to allocate a maximum of £2,000 from the 2011/12 budget to facilitate the Jubilee event being held in Salisbury on 1 May 2012. This would provide funding for items such as a medieval style tent, any display materials needed for the event and the transportation of display materials to and from the site.
Reason: To ensure that the event is able to successfully promote the Corsham Community Area.
ACTION: Dave Roberts, Community Area Manager |
Partner Updates To receive updates from the following partners giving an overview of the last year and details of priorities for 2012/13:
(a) Wiltshire Police (b) Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – To include information regarding the Integrated Risk Management Plan for 2012-15. (c) NHS Wiltshire (d) Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives (e) Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN) (f) Chamber of Commerce (g) Youth Development Service (h) Corsham Area Board – Summary of Activity 2011/12 Supporting documents:
Minutes: (a) Wiltshire Police
PC Hazel Anderson presented the police update. Volunteers were being sought to take part in community speedwatch schemes in the area. Officers were continuing to raise awareness and speak to dog owners regarding dog fouling. People were encouraged to inform the police if they were aware of any rogue traders operating in the area. PC Anderson was pleased to announce that crime figures had significantly decreased in the area.
(b) Wiltshire Police Authority
Gill Stafford gave an update regarding the Wiltshire Air Ambulance/Police Helicopter. In the future there would be one central contract for police helicopters and the aircraft would be based at Filton which provided better visibility than Colerne. Some parts of Wiltshire would also be served by services based in Thames Valley and Dorset. The current contract with Wiltshire Air Ambulance would run until December 2014.
(c) Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
A written update was circulated with the agenda papers. A consultation was currently taking place regarding the Fire and Rescue Service. Anyone interested in taking part in the consultation could do so via the following email address or by telephoning 01380 731114.
(d) NHS
A written update was circulated with the agenda papers.
(e) Box Parish Council
The Parish Council would be supporting an exciting initiative entitled “Box Rock Circus” which would be a 7m diameter circle positioned on the Recreation Ground. This would include a display of Sedimentary Igneous and Metamorphic rocks together with “dinosaur footprints”.
The Parish Council was also planning a jubilee celebration event when many different activities would be taking place.
(f) Colerne Parish Council
CCTV had been installed at the Recreation Ground and was a good deterrent against vandalism. The Colerne Parish Plan had now been completed. A community café had been set up and was open on Wednesdays and Fridays; this was supported by the Parish Council.
The junior football club now contained 30 members and was very popular. The new footpath supported by the CATG was very well used. Some dry stone walling work had been carried out by the new footbridge and footpaths had also been cleared. The Emergency Winter Plan had also been prepared.
In the future the Parish Council was planning dropped kerbs, road resurfacing and a Diamond Jubilee Fete on 3 June with many different events including local bands. Proceeds would go to the village and local charities.
(g) Corsham Town Council
Reports from Corsham Town Council giving details of its corporate plan, priorities for 2012/13 and community activity undertaken in 2011 were circulated with the agenda papers.
Cllr Peter Anstey reported that good progress was being made towards objectives. He also thanked the Shadow Community Operations Board members for the work they were undertaking to bring the campus project to fruition. Corsham was a good place to live and work and the neighbourhood policing teams were very effective and crime had fallen in the area. He also thanked the Area Board for the work undertaken to reduce speeding in ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
North Wiltshire Credit Union Judith Hibble from the North Wiltshire Credit Union will talk about the work of the Credit Union and how the organisation can help those in the Corsham community area. Minutes: Judy Hible from the North Wiltshire Credit Union talked about the work of the Credit Union and how the organisation could help those in the Corsham community area. The following issues were covered:
· The Credit Union could provide community-based savings accounts and loans · People could avoid the big banks by banking locally · Savings are fully protected · The local credit union in Corsham is run by local volunteers · Wiltshire Community Bank has collection points across Wiltshire: Three credit unions working together (North, South & West) Wiltshire (North and Kennet) Credit Union 01249 248313 There are collection points at the Corsham Tourist Information Centre, Rudloe Community Centre and the NWCE Shop at 60 Redland, Chippenham · Membership was currently 55 · Pickwick (North) is one of the ten most deprived areas in Wiltshire and would be one of the area most affected by benefit changes · 13% of the population (6 million adults) have no savings (NS&I’s Savings Survey, June 2011). · More than a third of consumers (36%) say they don't have enough money to cope in an emergency. · A quarter of Britons (25%) say they are less likely to save over the next three months · Credit unions encourage local community saving and are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme · The Credit Union could provide loans at far cheaper rates than doorstep lenders. · Budgeting accounts and prepaid debit cards were also available · The Corsham Credit Union needs more members as it currently has a high loan to credit ratio. |
Corsham Community Campus Update To receive an update from Allan Bosley, Chairman of the Shadow Community Operations Board regarding the campus project. Plans and drawings will be available at the meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: Allan Bosley, Chairman of the Corsham Community Operations Board (COB), gave an update regarding the campus project. Plans and drawings were available at the meeting. The following issues were discussed:
· Funding from Wiltshire Council was now in place. · The planning application had been submitted. · A virtual tour of the building was shown at the meeting. · The campus building would be developed before existing buildings were knocked down to ensure continuity of facilities. · It was important to integrate both services and the community. · A full set of plans were now available at Corsham Town Hall. The principle was captured in these plans but there was not a great deal of detail as yet. · The next stage for the COB would be to consider the detail for the building. A larger group of people would be needed to consider these details and working groups would be created giving an opportunity for people to get involved. · Further details were available on the campus website – |
Corsham Community Consultation Event - 22 February 2012 To receive an update from CCAN regarding the community consultation event held on 22 February. The Area Board will be asked to consider any proposals arising from the event. Supporting documents: Minutes: Sally Fletcher, from CCAN, gave an update regarding the Corsham Community Consultation Event which had taken place on 22 February 2012. The following details were outlined:
· A full list of community priorities was circulated with the agenda papers. · There were three priorities for each of the eight themes discussed at the consultation event. · Economy – One local businessman had offered to take the lead in setting up a panel of local business people. · Transport – Three neighbouring Community Area Partnerships (Corsham, Melksham and Devizes) has come together to work out a joint plan of action. · Children and Young People – The Extended Schools Network were going to work up a new project involving the setting up of parenting groups outside schools and running family events. · Environment – CCAN were doing some work to find out why water quality is classed as “poor”. · Campus – Three areas were flagged up to the Community Operations Board as follows:
(a) Tackling community area wide transport links. (b) Making the most of the opportunity offered by the campus in developing a wide and varied cultural and leisure programme. (c) Using the campus potential as a hub for community information to help with education and promotion of recycling.
· Wiltshire Council – Several groups identified the need to lobby Wiltshire Council and apply pressure to bring about change including:
(a) Urgent roll out of superfast broadband across the community area. (b) Setting and enforcing higher environmental standards for housing development. (c) Improved kerbside collection to expand what can be recycled locally. (d) Housing survey to provide better understanding of local needs.
· It was hoped that the Area Board could contribute to developing an effective Action Plan for the next 12 months. · It was important to ensure that the momentum from the event carries on by using visits of portfolio holders or by inviting other relevant speakers to the Area Board meetings and organising more interactive sessions. · Favourable comments had been received from those who attended the event and there were some encouraging examples of individuals and groups taking the initiative. · CCAN would bring a further report to the Area Board meeting in May.
(1) To endorse the list of community priorities set out in the report to use as a key point of reference (e.g. when deciding on community grants) to form a starting point for the Work Plan that CCAN will present for approval in May.
(2) To agree to write to the Leader of Wiltshire Council informing her that the event had identified the need for change in relation to the following areas:
· Urgent roll out of superfast broadband across the community area. · Setting and enforcing higher environmental standards for housing development. · Improved kerbside collection to expand what can be recycled locally. · Housing survey to provide better understanding of local needs.
To seek a response from the Leader identifying what action the Council will be taking in relation to the issues raised.
ACTION: Cllr Alan MacRae, Area Board Chairman |
Future Meeting Dates Future meetings will take place on the following dates:
Thursday 24 May 2012 – Colerne Village Hall – 7pm Thursday 26 July 2012 – Lacock Village Hall – 7pm Thursday 20 September 2012 – Corsham Town Hall – 7pm Thursday 22 November 2012 – Corsham Community Centre – 7pm Thursday 24 January 2013 – Corsham Town Hall – 7pm Thursday 21 March 2013 – Box Pavilion – 7pm
Minutes: It was noted that future meetings of the Area Board would take place on the following dates:
Thursday 24 May 2012 – Colerne Village Hall – 7pm Thursday 26 July 2012 – Lacock Village Hall – 7pm Thursday 20 September 2012 – Corsham Town Hall – 7pm Thursday 22 November 2012 – Corsham Community Centre – 7pm Thursday 24 January 2013 – Corsham Town Hall – 7pm Thursday 21 March 2013 – Box Pavilion – 7pm |
Appendix - CCAN Report Supporting documents: |