Venue: Colerne Village Hall, Martins Croft, Colerne, Chippenham, Wilts SN14 8DT
Contact: Kevin Fielding Tel: 01225 706612, Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year 2018/19
Minutes: Cllr Ruth Hopkinson was appointed Chairman for 2018/19.
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year 2018/19
Minutes: Cllr Phil Whalley was appointed Vice-Chairman for 2018/19.
Chairman's Welcome To welcome those present to the meeting Minutes: Cllr Hopkinson thanked Cllr Whalley for his hard work as Chairman of the Area Board. She advised that she wanted to increase public engagement, with more local issues on future Area Board agendas. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 22 March 2018 Supporting documents: Minutes: · That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 22 March 2018 were agreed as the correct record.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Appointment to Outside Bodies To appoint Area Board members to outside bodies and to reconstitute working groups.
· Community Area Transport Group · Local Youth Network · Health and Wellbeing Group · Pound Arts Minutes: The following appointments to Outside Bodies were agreed:
· Community Area Transport Group – All members
· Local Youth Network – Cllr Ben Anderson
· Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Brian Mathew
· Pound Arts – Cllr Phil Whalley |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following chairman’s announcements:
· Becoming a Foster Carer
· Salisbury Recovery
Supporting documents: Minutes: The following chairman’s announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:
· Becoming a Foster Carer
· Salisbury Recovery |
Partner Updates To receive any updates from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service · Health Services · Town and Parish Councils · Chamber of Commerce · Digital Corsham · Schools & Education Supporting documents:
Minutes: The following partner updates contained in the agenda pack were noted:
· Wiltshire Police
· Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
· Health Services
· Corsham Town Council
Focus on Colerne · Refurbished Village Hall - Anne Nickolas · Martins Croft Play Area - Katherine Pugh · Rugby Club · School Crossing - Mark Solomon · Neighbourhood Plan - Peter Brookes
Minutes: The Area Board members were given a short tour of the Martin Croft play area and the new play equipment which had been installed with help from Area Board grant funding.
Feedback from local residents had been very positive, with many praising how disability friendly it was.
Colerne Gardening Club were thanked for their hard work in helping to landscape the play area.
A short power point presentation was given showing the history and recent refurbishments to Colerne village hall.
A short power point presentation was given highlighting the new Colerne Rugby Club building.
A short presentation was given outlining the Colerne neighbourhood plan
Cllr Brian Mathew advised that an assessment was now being carried out and travel plan put together for the proposed Colerne school crossing.
The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates. |
Corsham High Street Project Larry St Croix will talk about the latest news from this exciting heritage project Minutes:
Larry St Croix gave a short presentation outlining the Corsham High Street Project [CHSP] heritage project.
Points made included: · The Corsham High Street Project [CHSP] had the potential to be one of the most interesting and significant projects ever to be undertaken in Corsham and soundings from owners of buildings on the High Street have resulted in enthusiastic responses.
· The main aim of the project was to record as many buildings as possible in the High Street – their architecture, fabric and building techniques – through photography, documentary research, sketches and surveyed drawings and archaeological investigation eg dendrochronological [tree ring] dating.
· The objectives were to produce records of individual buildings, an archive which would be curated at the Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre and, eventually, a publication which would be of interest and use to local people, schools, historical groups, Corsham Town Council etc.
· The project was being promoted by the Corsham Civic Society in collaboration with Wiltshire Buildings Record who would provide advice, training and some specialist services. The involvement of local volunteers and their training was an important element of the project.
· The project had been launched at Corsham Town Hall on 12th April. The Chairman thanked Larry St Croix for his presentation. |
Your Data - Your Rights Martin Head from the Corsham Institute will speak about the findings from a recent local survey around personal data and your rights Minutes: Martin Head from the Corsham Institute will speak about the findings from a recent local survey around personal data and your rights.
Points made included: · That from 25 May 2018, new measures would be introduced in this country to allow you to have more control over how your data was used and shared.
· That the Corsham Institute through an online survey, where looking to understand what you know about your personal data and how it’s used and shared. Listening, learning and working with you, Ci would then identify the information you need to help you understand your rights as well as how and when you can use them.
· Were now looking to set up a Digital Corsham focus group.
· That a workshop was planned for Wednesday 20 June at Hartham Park. The Chairman thanked Martin Head for his presentation.
Grant Funding
The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
· The Corsham High Street Project is requesting £4,000 towards equipment for the project
The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following applications to the Youth Grants Scheme:
· Corsham Cricket Club is requesting £875 towards Training for coaches to extend participation Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Wiltshire Councillors considered two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
Decision The Corsham High Street Project awarded £4,000 towards equipment for the project.
Decision Corsham Cricket Club awarded £875 towards Training for coaches to extend participation. |
Questions and Close Minutes: There were no questions. |