Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Wednesday 24 July 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Lacock Village Hall, East Street, Lacock, SN15 2LF

Contact: Kevin Fielding  Tel: 01225 706612, Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman opened the meeting, welcoming everyone to Lacock and introducing the members of the Area Board.


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies from members of the Board.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 13 March and Tuesday 21 May 2019

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 13 March 2019 and 21 May 2019 were presented for consideration, and it was,




To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee



Councillor Philip Whalley delcared a non-pecuniary intrest in the application from Corsham Cricket Club by virtue of being a social member of the club. He declared he would not vote on the item.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following chairman’s announcements:


·         Winter Weather Provisions


·         Highways Improvements and Traffic Survey Requests


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the announcements attached to the agenda regarding winter weather provisions and highways improvements.


Police Update

Inspector Mark Luffman

Supporting documents:


An apology was received from Inspector Mark Luffman. The written report was received, and it wsa noted that car crime and theft in Wiltshire were down from the previous year.


Fire & Rescue Update

Station Manager Darren Nixon

Supporting documents:


An update was received from Darren Nixon, Station Manager. Advice was given on safety around bodies of water given the hot weather, and information provided no response figures.


The National Trust in Lacock

Graham Heard - General Manager Lacock and North Wiltshire



Graham Heard, General Manager Lacock and North Wiltshire, National Trust, provided a presentation on the preservation, management and enhancement of Lacock Abbey and Village, which involved 32 full time staff as well as seasonal staff and many volunteers.

Details were provided on the level of maintenance that was udnertaken as well as new projects such as the Abbey tea room, and collaborative work with Wiltshire Council and the Parish Council on traffic issues, signage and the plans to increase visitors to 200,000 a year.


The Board gave thanks for the presentation and questions were raised on rennovation work on listed buildings, group rates for visitation, coordination with health and wellbeing groups in the wider area and details of the annual turnover of the estate and business.


Spotlight on Lacock Parish - local priorities


A presentation was received from Sheona Beaumont, a locally based artist specialising in photography. Details were provided of projects relating to photography and theology, as well as cultural work in support of the Peacock Arts Trail which in 2019 would have a venue in Lacock. Several other artists including a painter and stained glass artist were producing works to be displayed in the local church, and there would be an exhibit of work from children from the local school. It was also noted that there was to be an installation arising from the Lacock Remember’s project which the Area Board had helped fund, to interview and photograph people with experience or family stories in World War 2. The Peacock Arts Trail would run from 5 October to 13 October, with a preview on 4 October from 1530-1800.


A presentation was also received from Jane Durrant, Chairman of Lacock Parish Council, who spoke about the extensive work with the National Trust which was a big part of the parish, but also on the work being undertaken where possible to mitigate traffic concerns, and consider all residents from elsewhere in the parish and visitors. Details were provided of liaison with the local school, which it was noted by the Board had falling numbers and details were sought on efforts to encourage young families to move to the area.


Wiltshire Scrapstore

Jane Wheeler


A presentation was received from Jane Wheeler on the Wiltshire Scrapstore, based in Lacock for the last 13 years, a local charity which received surplus materials from businesses and individuals and utilised them for creative activities rather than go to landfill. The charity included over 70 volunteers including those with mental, emotional and physical difficulties, and had opened a second location in Wilton. Details were provided of the shop, café and many other community based activities run from the warehouse.

The Board thanked the charity for their work in the community, and in response to queries it was stated that it was almost self sufficient in funding and that this remained the goal. It was also stated planning permission had been applied for for the current site by the landlord, but that this had not been determined and therefore it was not known if alternative locations might need to be sought in the future.


Transition Corsham

Adam Walton and Jane Roberton – Transcoco


Plastic waste in the Corsham community area


A presentation was received from Adam Walton of Transcoco on Transition Corsham, an initiative to reduce plastic waste in the community area which had received funding from the Area Board.


Businesses in the local area had been contacted, with many making commityments or already committed to reducing plastic waste, with further information provided to assist them. Many had also signed up to a national scheme to allow people to refull water bottles upon request, to reduce purchase of plastic bottled water. The group had spoken at schools, church groups and the Chamber of Commerce as well as local media, and undertaken monthly litter picks and were investigating options to increase the number of recyclables.


The Board thanked Transition Corsham on its work and sought further details on some of the initiatives they were undertaking.


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


·         Town Council


·         Schools


·         Spotlight on parishes


·         Healthwatch



Supporting documents:


The update from Corhsam Town Council was noted, including that after a period of delay the neighbourhood plan should shortly be ready to go out to referendum, although it might require an update fairly soon thereafter.

Colerne Parish Council noted they had appointed a new clerk and of a working party relating to the market place.


An update was also provided on the Electoral Review of Wiltshire Council, noting that the Local Government Boundary Commission for England had delayed its final recommendations, which would now be published on 1 Octobr 2019. It was reported that the Electoral Review Committee was hopeful that the LGBCE had taken on board concerns regarding the initially proposed division which included Notton with Chippenham Lowden and Rowden, and that Colerne was not included in the name of the Box and Colerne Division, but that it would not be confirmed until the final recommendations were published.


An update was also received from Healthwatch.


Working Group updates

·         Community Area Transport Group (CATG)


·         Youth projects – requests for funding


·         Health and Wellbeing group


Supporting documents:


The notes of the last Community Area Transport Group were received.


A presentation was then received in relation to a previously funded youth project on counselling, and a new follow up project no mental health awareness. The Board also heard from a parent whose son had committed suicide, and their work to raise awareness and support for mental health issues.


An application for £2435.00 by the applicant Thrive for the Mindreset project was therefore considered and on the motion of Councillor Ben Anderson, seconded by Councillor Ruth Hopkinson, it was,




To award £2435.00 to Thrive for the Mindreset project.


Reason: The grant met the youth grant criteria.


An application for £895.00 from applicants Corsham Cricket Club as part of their 5 year cocking for academy players was then considered. On the motion of Councillor Ben Anderson, seconded by Councillor Ruth Hopkinson, it was,




To award £895.00 to Corsham Cricket Club for 5-year coaching for Corsham CC academy players.


Reason: The grant met the youth grant criteria.


Councillor Philip Whalley did not participate in the Corsham Cricket Club application.


Health and Wellbeing Group

An update was then received from Kevin Gaskin from the Health and Wellbeing Group. The group had met on 10 June 2019 and continued to involve further groups and organisations. There had been a focus on utilising library services to benefit the older and lonely. Details were also provided on Dementia Awareness and Celebrating Age, and it was noted that Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care team were organising a meeting in August with Older Peoples Champions and Health and Wellbeing groups to improve collaboration.


Community Area Grants

To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.


Grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at:

Supporting documents:


An application had been received for £2376.93 from 1st Neston and Box Scout Group for new activity and camping kit. It was noted that if awarded part of the funding would need to come from the youth grant funds as it involved funding training, not capital funding. It was also confirmed local scouts and other groups shared equipment where possible.




To award £2376.93 to 1st Netston and Box Scout Group for New activity and camping kit.


Reason: The grant met the community grants criteria.


Public Question time


There were no further questions. It was stated it was intended the next two meetings would be themed meetings, one on digital matters and the other on culture and arts.

