Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Tuesday 10 November 2020 6.30 pm

Venue: On-Line Meeting

Contact: Kevin Fielding  Tel: 01225 706612, Email:


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the on-line meeting and introduced the councillors and officers present.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.



To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 15

January 2020 and Tuesday 16 June 2020:


·         15 January 2020 Corsham Area Board


·         16 June 2020 Corsham Area Board (Election of

           Chairman & Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year)

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 15January 2020 and Tuesday 16 June 2020 were approved as the correct records.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



Chairman's Announcements


·         That the Area Board members would be meeting to discuss the Gigaclear broadband rollout in the Corsham community on Thursday 12 November. It was expected that an update would be given at the January 2021 meeting.


·         That the Health & Wellbeing group would next meet on Wednesday 18 November at 1pm.



Police & OPCC Update

Angus Macpherson Police and Crime Commissioner and

Inspector James Brain Wiltshire Police


To view the Corsham Police Update:



Angus Macpherson – Police & Crime Commissioner gave a brief presentation.


Points made included:


·         That both the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner had remained in post for a further 12 months due to the pandemic.


·         That an updated police & crime plan and annual report had now been produced.


·         Operation Uplift - the national announcement of a further 20,000 police officers to be achieved by March 2023. The police service had been asked to introduce 2,000 extra officers by March 2020, rising to 6,000 extra officers by March 2021.


·         Policing during the pandemic - The Government had provided the police service with additional powers to police regulations issued because of the pandemic. The detail of these powers had changed on a number of occasions, Wiltshire Police followed the College of Policing guidance to Engage, Explain and Encourage, only Enforcing as a last resort.


·         All Fixed Penalty Notices issued were scrutinised both for correct use of the legal powers and for proportionality. Wiltshire had led the way in the latter, and in the transparency it demonstrated in reporting this. Only a small proportion of the FPNs had been rescinded.



·         That recruitment of Special Constables had now stopped.


·         That Wiltshire Police were constantly trying to recruit from minority groups



Inspector James Brain briefly outlined his role within the local policing team.


The written update attached to the agenda pack was noted.


A short Speedwatch presentation was given.


Points made included:


·         That 86 out of 110 teams had resumed checks in their community areas since 6 July 2020


·         That some 1099 sessions had been held across Swindon & Wiltshire


·         That some 251,193 vehicles had passed through checks


·         That 11,340 speeders were recorded with 10,473 letters/action


·         That Speedwatch was an effective deterrent, with few repeat offenders


·         That local police teams always tried to join the Speedwatch volunteer groups when operational duties allowed


Anti-social behaviour – Sgt Marshall was doing enforcement and preventative work in the local community area and would give an update at January 2021 Area Board meeting.


The Area Board thanked Angus Macpherson for his time as the Police and Crime Commissioner.


It was felt that good work was being carried out by local teams in the Corsham community area.


The Chairman thanks Inspector Brain and the Commissioner for their updates.



Springfield Campus update

Presentation from Dan Webb – Health and Wellbeing Manager



Dan Webb – Health and Wellbeing Manager, Springfield Community Campus gave a short presentation.


Points made included:


What’s on offer at the Springfield Community Campus


·         Gym


·         Swimming


·         Group Exercise Classes


·         Club’s/Bookings


·         Library - Click & Collect Service plus computer bookings (45min Slots only) from 16 November, Monday 10am-12noon Wednesday and Friday 10am-2pm



Moving forward


·         That the focus had been on sports clubs returning to Springfield


·         National Governing Body Guidance & Government Guidance would be adhered to


·         Activities were booking only


·         That a queuing system had been put in place outside of the campus building


·         That the Springfield Community Campus had received a National Promoter Score of 68%


·         That t the campus had received just under 40,000 visits since it re-opened


·         Due to the pandemic the Springfield Community Campus had lost 46% of memberships


The Area Board thanked Dan Webb and his team for their hard work during the pandemic.




Pound Arts update

Russ Tunney – Director at Pound Arts will share an update on recovery and re-opening, the restoration project and new programme of digital engagement


Russ Tunney – Director at Pound Arts gave a short update on the recovery and re-opening, the restoration project and new programme of digital engagement at the Pound Arts Centre.


Points made included:


·         That the centre started providing on-line shows and events to try and survive during the pandemic. These events were delivered as a free service, people were asked for donations rather than being charged for tickets


·         Some of the planned upgrades that the centre had scheduled for 2020 had now taken place including new air conditioning, with others now in the pipe line


·         That the centre had received lots of encouraging messages from the local community


·         That the centre had to now look at the new norm – on-line performances being the way forward


·         That creative arts were hugely important to the wellbeing of people


The Chairman thanked Russ Tunney for his update and wished the Pound Arts Centre continued success.



Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


·         Town & Parish Councils


·         Healthwatch & CCG


·         Transcoco

Supporting documents:


Written updates were received from Corsham Town Council and Colerne Parish Council.


A video from Corsham Town Council from their “story town” project was shown, highlighting life and residents experiences of Corsham.



Community Area Grants

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme



Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors considered three applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:



Wiltshire Scrapstore and Resource Centre awarded £2,400

for the reopening of Scrapstore Cafe with Covid19 distancing



Waste Not Want Not awarded £698.87 for replacement carpet and barrier matts



Pound Arts Centre awarded £4,232 for Will Lawton Music Therapy Equipment




Working Group updates and requests for funding

·         Youth


·         Health and Wellbeing group


·         Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

Supporting documents:




·         On-Line meeting arranged for Wednesday 18 November for the re-launch of the Local Youth Network



Health and Wellbeing Group


·         The meeting notes of the 10 September & 21 October were agreed


·         That the group had continued to meet during the Pandemic


·         That the group had achieved a good networking role, sharing information, providing links to Wiltshire Council and the Wellbeing Hub


·         Impressive volunteer support – almost 400 across the area


The Area Board noted funding approvals to:


·         Celebrating Age £1000 with £500 also allocated by Corsham Town Council


·         Behind Closed Doors £2250 with £2000 also allocated by Corsham Town Council



Community Area Transport Group (CATG)


·         The meeting notes of the 2 September were agreed  


·         It was noted that the proposed pedestrian crossing at Rudloe – Bradford Road would be delivered during December 2020




Public Question time


There were no public questions.

