Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Thursday 20 March 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Corsham Town Hall, High St, Corsham SN13 0EZ

Contact: Eleanor Slack 

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Area Board meeting at Corsham Town Hall.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from:


Cllr Pauline Lyons - Box Parish Council

Cllr Jennie Hartless - Box Parish Council

Dave Martin – Corsham Town Council




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2014.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2014 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr Shelia Parker declared an interest in the Box Twinning Group and the Box Community Speed Watch grant applications and would not participate in the vote on these applications.


Cllr Alan Macrae declared an interest in the Air Training Corps, Corsham for Walking and Corsham Twinning Association grant applications and would not participate in the vote on these applications.


Cllr Philip Whalley declared an interest in the Corsham town Council WW1 Group grant application and would not participate in the vote on this application.


Cllr Dick Tonge declared an interest in the Corsham School grant application and would not participate in the vote on this application.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following chairman’s announcements:


Housing Allocations Policy

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the announcements as provided within the agenda pack.


These included:


a)    Housing allocations policy


There was a high demand for affordable homes in Wiltshire. Housing is allocated according to the Council’s Allocations Policy. The introduction of the Localism Act in 2011 gave Wiltshire Council the opportunity to review its policy and make necessary changes. A summary of the outcome of the changes could be found in the agenda pack. 


b)    Balfour Beatty Contract


Information regarding what services are provided to the local community through Balfour Beatty living places contract were circulated at the meeting.



Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Chamber of Commerce

(f)   Shadow Community Operations Board

(g)  Schools Updates

Supporting documents:


a)    Police


Inspector Nick Mawson drew attention to the update contained within the agenda pack. Following a wallet theft in the area, attendees were reminded to keep their pin numbers safe and secure.


b)    Fire and Rescue


An update was contained within the agenda pack.


c)    Box Parish Council


The Parish Council’s review of working arrangements had resulted in savings. A set precept had been used for the year, which had been a success. The Council were in the process of planning WW1 commemoration events.


d)    Colerne Parish Council


The BMX track was being refurbished and would include a picnic area. The scheme, which was partially funded by the Area Board, was expected to be completed in June.


e)    Corsham Town Council


An update was included in the agenda pack. The council was in the process of planning a summer fete, which would include a fly pass. Corsham had also been awarded Walkers are Welcome status.


f)     Corsham Chamber of Commerce


An update was included within the agenda pack. It was confirmed that the error relating to the Hartham Park planning application had been rectified. The annual general meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 26 March.


g)    Shadow Campus Operations Board


The transition board were in the process of considering how existing services would transition into the campus building.



Presentation from Neston School

A representative of Neston School will provide a presentation on the school.


Tim Awmack, Governor of Neston School gave a presentation to the Area Board. He explained that two additional classrooms had recently been built at the school. A number of parking issues had resulted and the school were seeking to accommodate coaches outside the school through street marking.


Transcoco update


Adam Walton updated the Area Board on the work of Transcoco. Corsham had recently been awarded fair-trade status. The premium paid on fair-trade products ensured a fair price for producers and addressed environmental issues in local communities. Towns must demonstrate a proven commitment to fair-trade products and a minimum number of businesses in the area must use fair-trade products before fair-trade status can be awarded. Transcoco were holding a meeting on Tuesday 25 March starting at 7.30pm at the Corsham Pound.



Youth Activity Review

Communities across Wiltshire are being consulted on what youth activities they would like in their local communities as part of a wide-ranging review.  Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services at Wiltshire Council, will present details of the review being undertaken.


Communities across Wiltshire were being consulted on what youth activities they would like in their local communities. Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet member for Children’s Services at Wiltshire Council gave a presentation on the review being undertaken.


The review was sparked by a youth services report presented to Cabinet on 21 January 2014. The current youth service was 10 years old and required updating. The council sought to ensure the continued protection of vulnerable children. In accordance with Department of Education guidance, focus of the review was on enabling local communities rather than purely providing services.


In the Corsham community area, there were 1,700 potential users of the youth service. The Area Board had initially allocated £4,000 for the provision of youth services, but had spent approximately £26,000.


The consultation outlined four potential options, these were:


a)    Retain the current in-house service but reduce the cost

b)    Outsource youth service to a third party

c)    Encourage and support staff to form a Public Service Mutual

d)    Develop a community led approach


The consultation which started on Friday 31 January would run for 10 weeks. The Area Board were encouraged to contribute to the consultation which could be accessed on the Wiltshire Council website. The new youth plan was due to go before Cabinet on 15 May.


Following questions, provision for young people in the Corsham Campus building was discussed.


A petition was also presented to Cllr Laura Mayes.



What Matters to You?

The Board will be asked to consider the outcomes from the ‘What Matters to You’ event on 5 March 2014 and select priorities for 2014/15.

Supporting documents:


The ‘What matters to you?’ conference was held on 20 March 2014 and over 120 members of the public and partner agencies took part. The event focused on the data set out in the Community Area Joint Strategic Assessment 2014-16 and used themed roundtable discussions to identify local priorities underpinned by JSA evidence. All participants had an opportunity to vote on the priorities and the results were included within the agenda pack. Project ideas were developed which related to the priorities identified.


It was resolved to:


      Adopts the priorities identified by the ‘What matters to you’ community event and works to facilitate local action to tackle those priorities.

      Considers earmarking funding to promote, initiate and support community-led action around the selected priorities.

      Considers appointing a lead member to champion any priority (priorities) adopted.

      To submit reports to the Board on progress made to address the priorities to ensure that positive outcomes are delivered.





Dementia Strategy

A presentation on the Wiltshire Dementia Strategy will be provided.

Supporting documents:


Rhian Bennett, Commissioning Manager gave a presentation on Wiltshire Council’s dementia strategy. She explained that nationally 1 in 3 people were affected by the condition. In Wiltshire, approximately 6,500 people were living with dementia, two thirds of whom were living in the community. Around 250 people were living with the condition in the Corsham community area.


Wiltshire council’s dementia strategy aimed to treat each person living with the condition as an individual, ensuring that they had access to appropriate care and support. Local communities had an important role to play as the council sought to enable those with the condition to continue living in the community.


The Dementia strategy was developed by the Council and the Dementia board. A public consultation was taking place and would end on 19 May 2014. The consultation could be accessed via the Wiltshire Council website





Library Memory Groups

To receive a presentation on Library Memory Groups in Wiltshire.


Rhian Bennett, Commissioning Manager gave a presentation on library memory groups in Wiltshire. There were four library memory groups across the county, located in Mere, Pewsey, Purton and Warminster. Research had shown that taking part in community activities could be beneficial for individuals living with dementia by improving their social interaction and mood. The weekly groups were aimed at people with memory loss and their carers. The groups had been set up as part of a 18 month pilot which was being funded by Wiltshire Council and the CCG. The Area Board were encouraged to contact Rhian Bennett for more information.



CATG Report

To consider the CATG report and its recommendations arising from the last meeting held on 20 February 2014.

Supporting documents:


It was resolved to:


Contribute a maximum of £2,000 from the CATG budget towards alterations to Mon’s Lane noting that Lacock Parish Council have also been requested to contribute £1,000.





CCAN Update and Funding Request

Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN) will present an update report and submit a request for funding.

Supporting documents:


Kevin Gaskin gave an update on the work of Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN). The group had focused on supporting local projects, and were encouraging project ideas from the community. The group were working on campus travel plans which sought to identify how individuals would travel to the campus. The next meeting was due to take place on 31 March.


It was resolved to:


·         Allocate Administrator/Project Officer (including travel) costs amounting to £2,700 for 200 hours to cover Network activities including the JSA 2014 Consultation Event and WW1 Projects.

·         Allocate £300 for the purchase of sound recording equipment.




Funding Applications

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·         1st Corsham Sea Scout Group - £2,000 towards new boating equipment

·         Leafy Lane Playing Fields - £1,841 towards movable goals and a defibrillator

·         Box Preschool Playgroup - £5,000 towards toilet and kitchen refurbishment

·         BW Cups - £1,000 towards a marquee/tent

·         Corsham Primary School - £2,477 towards community computing literacy project

·         Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership - £990 towards instrument amnesty project

·         Corsham Parochial Church Council - £1,336 towards WW1 war memorial restoration

·         Suffrage Centenary Committee - £493.34 towards a commemorative plaque

·         Box Twinning Group - £500 towards exchange visits

·         Air Training Corps - £500 towards training computers

·         Corsham for Walking - £500 towards an annual walking festival

·         Corsham Twinning Association - £497 towards public address equipment

·         Corsham Town Council/WW1 Group - £1,465 towards war memorial restoration

·         Corsham Town Council/WW1 Group - £500 towards WW1 recruiting office re-enactment

·         The Corsham School - £5,000 towards parent/child literacy programme

·         Box Community Speed Watch - £493 towards ‘Be Bright, Be Safe, Be Seen’ project

Supporting documents:




To award 1st Corsham Sea Scout Group - £2,000 towards new boating equipment.


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Leafy Lane Playing Fields - £1,841 towards movable goals and a defibrillator.


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Box Preschool Playgroup - £5,000 towards toilet and kitchen refurbishment


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award BW Cups - £1,000 towards a marquee/tent


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham Primary School - £2,477 towards community computing literacy project


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership - £990 towards instrument amnesty project


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham Parochial Church Council - £1,336 towards WW1 war memorial restoration


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014





To award Suffrage Centenary Committee - £493.34 towards a commemorative plaque


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Box Twinning Group - £500 towards exchange visits


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Air Training Corps - £500 towards training computers


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham for Walking - £500 towards an annual walking festival


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham Twinning Association - £497 towards public address equipment


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham Town Council/WW1 Group - £1,465 towards war memorial restoration


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Corsham Town Council/WW1 Group - £500 towards WW1 recruiting office re-enactment


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award The Corsham School - £5,000 towards parent/child literacy programme


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014




To award Box Community Speed Watch - £493 towards ‘Be Bright, Be Safe, Be Seen’ project


Reason for decision: the application meets grant criteria for 2014





Future Meeting Dates

Future meetings of the Area Board will take place on the following dates:


22 May 2014 – 7pm – Corsham Town Hall

24 July 2014 – 7pm – Corsham Campus

25 September 2014 – 7pm – Corsham Campus


Future meeting dates:


5th June 2014 – 7pm - Colerne Village Hall

24th July – 7pm – Corsham Campus

25th September – 7pm – venue TBC