Venue: Civic Centre, St Stephens Place, Trowbridge. BA14 8AH
Contact: Tara Shannon Senior Democratic Services Officer
Note: Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for the meeting.
Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Election of the Chairman To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Kieran Elliott, Senior Democratic Services Officer, invited nominations for the position of Chairman.
Cllr Tamara Reay nominated Cllr Kelvin Nash for the position of Chairman for the forthcoming year. This was seconded by Cllr Philip Whitehead. There being no other nominations it was,
To elect Cllr Kelvin Nash as the Chairman for Devizes Area Board for the forthcoming year.
Election of the Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.
Minutes: The new Chairman, Cllr Kelvin Nash called for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Cllr Laura Mayes seconded by Cllr Simon Jacobs nominated Cllr Iain Wallis as Vice-Chairman. There being no other nominations it was,
To elect Cllr Iain Wallis as Vice-Chairman of Devizes Area Board for the forthcoming year.