Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 15 May 2018 7.00 pm

Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA

Contact: Tara Shannon  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.


In response to questions from Sylvia Card, Chairman of the local Labour Party the Chairman advised that the closure of Braeside and Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centres would be dealt with in the Chairman’s Announcements.




Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Fire Service Station Manager James Plumley.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 13 March 2018.

Supporting documents:




To confirm the minutes of the meeting on 13 March 2018.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

·         The Big Pledge

·         Update on ‘The Parade’

·         Becoming a Foster Carer

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


·         The Big Pledge 2018. The Big Pledge 2018 was to return on 14 May, the meeting was encouraged to sign up on The Big Pledge website to undertake sport or activities to complete ‘active minutes’, with the possibility of winning a Fitbit or trophy for the most active team.

·         Update on ‘The Parade’ – Highways had confirmed that works to The Parade would be undertaken within the financial year.The Board would be advised of dates.

·         Becoming a Foster Carer – The Chairman summarised the written report in the agenda on the need for foster carers in Wiltshire and how to become one.

·         Salisbury Recovery - The Salisbury Recovery was going well and Salisbury was to host the grand final of the elite cycling OVO Energy Series Tour on 31 May 2018. Free Parking hours had been adjusted to after 12pm weekdays and all day on the weekends. The adjustment to free parking had been requested by traders who felt that commuters were taking up the free parking spaces.

·         Closure of Braeside and Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centres – The Chair spoke regarding the withdrawal of Council provision at Braeside and Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centres. A question had been received from a member of the public regarding the Area Board’s view on the closures and they requested that the Council seek alternative ways of running the centres. The Chair explained that Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet decision was taken following the consideration of a wide range of implications. The Council had invited expressions of interest from organisations who may be interested in running one, or both of the sites and six expressions of interest had been received at that point. The Cabinet would then decide at its next meeting on 12 June 2018 whether any of the expressions of interest were viable. An online petition relating to the closure of the centres was due to be debated at the full Council meeting on 22 May 2018. The public were welcome to attend the Council meeting or watch it live online via the Council’s website.


In response to questions from the audience, Cllr Clewer, at the Chairman’s invitation, stated that Wiltshire Council were looking at the expressions of interest to see if any were viable. If any of these expressions of interest did prove to be viable then it would be the Council’s preference to use one of these outside providers to run the centres. However the Council had decided that they are not able to run the facilities themselves. The centres had been overtaken by other services and providers and it was simply not viable for Wiltshire Council to run the centres.


After further questions from the audience it was reiterated that the best forum to raise the matter was at the full Council meeting on 22 May 2018.










Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  5. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Town / Parish Councils
  8. Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


Attention was drawn to the written reports from partners attached to the agenda.


·         Wiltshire Police

At the Chair’s invitation, Inspector Chris Martin introduced himself to the meeting. He had been in his new role of Inspector for Marlborough, Pewsey and Devizes for approximately seven weeks. Inspector Martin summarised the agenda report. In response to questions from the Board, Inspector Martin stated that the target response time in rural areas was 20 minutes and in urban areas was 10 minutes. These targets were being achieved with a 90% success rate. The police service was looking at bringing back the Community Messaging Service, PSCO’s has been allocated to oversee this project. Marlborough Police Station was to close, as the Police needed to make savings of 30%. However the Police were working with Wiltshire Council to find a location for a touchdown centre in Marlborough and the front desk would still be manned. Community Policing would not be effect by these changes.


·         MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)

Richard Pitts of the MADT advised the meeting that the Raspberry Pi Jam would be taking place Saturday 19 May 2018. A Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable, easy to use single board computer, aimed at teaching, learning and making. Attendees would also be able to use virtual reality to see what it is like to drive the Bloodhound (the world’s fastest car).


  • Town / Parish Councils

The newly elected Marlborough Town Mayor, Lisa Farrell, gave an update from the town council. After consulting with the town on 20mph speed limits, the majority of respondents (66%) preferred the option where a 20mph limit would be implemented throughout the full qualifying areas of Marlborough, with the addition of 20mph carriageway roundels on St Martins and Kingsbury Street. Other comments received also requested that speed restrictions and safety measures should be implemented at George Lane. Marlborough Town Council would be responding to a consultation run by Wiltshire Council on parking charges and encouraged others to do the same. The consultation was to close on 21 May 2018. The Coopers Meadow Play Area was to be upgraded. A civil war re-enactment of the battle of Marlborough was to take place on 27/28 July 2018. Eight organisations had benefitted from small grants awarded by the town council during 2017/2018.


·         Community Engagement Manager Update

Officer Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager, advised the meeting that he works from Marlborough Library on Wednesdays. Anyone seeking information on the Area Board or advice regarding grants was welcomed to visit him there.


The Area Board budget for 2018/2019 had been finalised, the total budget was £71,706.


The World War One Centenary tree planting project was well underway, with eight locations selected across the community area. 1,700 trees would be planted for November 2018.


An update was given on the Big Pledge 2018.


The Community Area Transport Group (CATG) was made up of Area Board Members, Town and Parish Councillors and meets quarterly. The function of the Community Area Transport Group was for raising long-standing problems  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.



Update on the Wiltshire Electoral Review

A presentation from Cllr Clewer on the proposals for electoral division and Local Government Boundary Commission consultation.


The Area Board received a presentation from Cllr Clewer, Cabinet member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts & Tourism & Housing about the Electoral Review being undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, (LGBCE) to determine both the overall number of councillors on the Council, and the pattern of divisions within the Council.


Cllr Clewer explained that the Review was required because 25 Divisions within Wiltshire had a variance from the average in the size of their electorate of more than 10%, and 2 Divisions had a variance from the average of over 30%. In particular Cllr Clewer referred to the current electorate for Marlborough and the projected electorate for 2024 along with the projected numbers for 2024 in each Parish.


The Area Board noted that the LGBCE draft recommendations for the number of Councillors for Wiltshire Council had been delayed. Once the draft recommendations had been released there would be a period of public consultation, prior to final recommendations from the LGBCE and Parliamentary approval. The review’s outcome, if implemented, would apply from the next elections in May 2021.


In response to questions Cllr Clewer stated that there were likely to be significant changes to division boundaries in the Marlborough Area and that it might be wise to anticipate a reduction in the number of Councillors in the Marlborough Area. Members of the public and parish councils were encouraged to take part in the consultation when it starts.





Be 'Scam Savvy' - How to avoid cybercrime and rogue traders

·         A presentation from Emma Carroll of Wiltshire Council Trading Standards on their ‘Friends Against Scams’ awareness session.

·         A presentation from Caroline Gray, NatWest Community Banker on Online Safety and How to Avoid Financial Trickery.


·         The Chair introduced Emma Carroll Senior Public Protection Officer, Wiltshire Council, to present Trading Standards ‘Friends Against Scams’ awareness session.


Trading Standards work with partner agencies such as the Police and Victim Support when tackling scams. Trading Standards would like to get 1 million people signed up to their ‘Friends Against Scams’ scheme. As a ‘Friend Against Scams’ people can talk more openly about scams and encourage the reporting of scams. The presentation detailed different types of scams, how to spot victims, consequences of scams and gave details and case studies of scams in Wiltshire.


·         Caroline Gray, NatWest Community Banker gave a presentation on Online Safety and How to Avoid Financial Trickery. Details were given on how to stay safe online including not clicking on links in emails, never giving your password or pin too anyone, checking the email address messages are sent from, using virus software and not giving away too many details on social media.



Community Area Grant Scheme

To consider the following applications for youth grant funding:


·         Marlborough Area Development Trust, Digital Makers - £2990.00 for further equipment and support resources.


To consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme.


·         Marlborough Parkrun - £1850.00 to establish a new parkrun event for the town;

·         Ogbourne Village Hall - £4816.00 to refurbish and update the hall’s flooring;

·         Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub - £5000.00 to rebuild the porch and create new disabled access;

·         Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub - £5000.00 to install a brand new kitchen.

Supporting documents:


An application to Youth Grant Funding was considered.


Richard Pitts from MADT spoke in support of the application. The Local Youth Network recommended that the Area Board approve the funding and it was;




To grant the Marlborough Area Development Trust, Digital Makers project

£2990.00 for further equipment and support resources.


Applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme were considered.


A representative of parkrun spoke in support of the Marlborough parkrun application. Their intention was to run parkrun events - a 5km walk or run, every Saturday morning on Marlborough common. They are free events open to everyone. In response to questions the representative stated that the funds would be used to train staff, purchase a laptop, barcode scanners, timers and to set up the website. After the initial set up fee there would be no ongoing fees for this. Participants would be encouraged not to drive to the events however there was hard standing available on the common as well as overflow parking. Marlborough Town Council were in support of the project and arrangements. The Board had further questions regarding the number of volunteers and whether this would be sufficient.


A representative of Ogbourne Parish Council spoke in support of the application to refurbish the Parish Hall’s flooring.


Mr Howard Witt, Vice Chairman of Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub spoke in support of both their applications. Mr Witt explained that the pub had been in trouble so a community alliance was formed which raised £288,000, including a £100,000 loan and they purchased the pub in March 2018. They planned to add value to the pub and diversify including a microbrewery, community shop, using renewable energy and making the pub core to the  community. Unplanned projects had used a lot of funds so they needed to focus on planned projects including installing a kitchen, which would cost £42,000 and creating disabled access, as wheelchair users had to use the back door.


In response to questions from the Board Mr Witt stated that the Parish Council had not increased the precept for the parish to raise funds for the project as several of the community alliance were members of the Parish Council and they were worried about a conflict of interest. They also did not want to show favouritism as there were several other pubs in the parish. The Plunkett Foundation (which supports community pubs) had recommended that they go the tenant route and employ a manger for the pub. There would be an expectation setting document which would be contractual, detailing their requirements of the tenant manager. The pub would be a free house and would try to use local breweries.


It was,




To approve in principal the application from Marlborough parkrun for £1850.00 to establish a new parkrun event for the town, delegating powers to the Community Engagement Manager to grant the funds once the boards questions had been answered and concerns addressed.


To grant Ogbourne Village Hall £4816.00 to refurbish and update the hall’s flooring with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.



Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


There were none.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 24 July 2018.


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be held on Tuesday 24 July 2018 at 7pm at The Assembly Room, Marlborough Town Hall.