Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 23 July 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA

Contact: Tara Shannon  Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Election of Chair for 2019/2020

To elect a new Chair for 2019/2020.


Supporting documents:


Cllr James Sheppard, seconded by Cllr Nick Fogg MBE, moved that Cllr Stewart Dobson be elected as Chairman for 2019/2020.


There being no other nominations, it was:




To elect Cllr Stewart Dobson as Chairman for 2019/2020.


Cllr Dobson then took the Chair.



Election of Vice Chair for 2019/2020

To appoint a Vice-Chair for 2019/2020.



Cllr Jane Davies, seconded by Cllr Stewart Dobson, moved that Cllr Nick Fogg MBE be elected as Vice-Chairman for 2019/2020.


There being no other nominations, it was;




To elect Cllr Nick Fogg MBE as Vice-Chairman for 2019/2020.




Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

To welcome those present to the meeting.



The new Chairman thanked Cllr James Sheppard for his work as the previous Marlborough Area Board Chairman and wished him every success in his new role as Chairman of the Council.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.




Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.



There were no apologies for absence.





To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 14 May 2019.


Supporting documents:




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on14 May 2019.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.




Chairman's Announcements

To note the following items for information – written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online. 


a)            Winter Weather preparations –

Wiltshire Council will once again be running the Parish Emergency Assistance Scheme (PEAS) which gives local Town and Parish Councils the opportunity to get hold of vital kit which can be used during adverse weather events. The application form is now available from We kindly ask that any requests for equipment are made by the end of August 2019.


The weather team can help you develop plans and also help with the provision of certain items to help make parishes more resilient when extreme weather arrives.


b)           Healthier communities –

A new project by Wiltshire Council to help residents on a low income improve their health by becoming more active was launched in May.


Wiltshire Council’s Healthier Communities project will target ten areas across Calne, Chippenham, Salisbury, Trowbridge and Melksham and will provide estate-based sport and physical activity opportunities to residents living in identified locations. Residents from each community will be invited to take part and shape future provision.


c)            Highways improvements and traffic survey requests –

Wiltshire Council is changing the way highway improvements and traffic surveys are requested by members of the public and through Town and Parish Councils. The current process requires updating to improve the customer experience and to reduce the steps involved. The proposed new system will foster a closer working relationship with town and parish councils, whilst providing a better and more informed experience for members of the public.



Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


·       Winter Weather Provisions

Wiltshire Council would once again be running the Parish Emergency Assistance Scheme (PEAS) which would give Town and Parish Councils the opportunity to get hold of vital kit which could be used during adverse weather events. The application form was now available from Requests for equipment should be made by the end of August 2019.


·       Healthier communities

A new project by Wiltshire Council to help residents on a low income improve their health by becoming more active was launched in May. Wiltshire Council’s Healthier Communities project would target ten areas across Calne, Chippenham, Salisbury, Trowbridge and Melksham and would provide estate-based sport and physical activity opportunities to residents living in identified locations. Residents from each community would be invited to take part and shape future provision.


·       Highways Improvements and Traffic Survey Requests

Wiltshire Council was changing the way highway improvements and traffic surveys were requested by members of the public and through Town and Parish Councils. The current process required updating to improve the customer experience and to reduce the steps involved. The proposed new system will foster a closer working relationship with town and parish councils, whilst providing a better and more informed experience for members of the public. The Chairman directed people to the agenda report for more details.


·       Consultation on Proposal to increase Downland School capacity

The Chair announced that there was an additional late announcement that was not included in the agenda.

Wiltshire Council was proposing to increase the number of places at Downland School from 69 places to 90 from September 2019.

Downland, a special school, situated on the southern edge of Devizes, that supports the needs of children and young people who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) identified to support their Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.

A consultation on the proposal was now open and would run until 21 September 2019.

At the Chairman’s invitation Cllr Davies as Portfolio Holder for Education and SEND spoke briefly explaining that Wiltshire Council had been looking at special needs provision. One aim was to increase outreach from special schools to support mainstream schools, this expansion was part of that process. People were encouraged to email to comment.







Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  5. Transition Marlborough
  6. Town / Parish Councils


Supporting documents:


Written updates were available in the agenda pack and supplements from the Police, the Fire Service, Healthwatch Wiltshire and the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.


In addition to the written updates, the following verbal updates were given by partners present:


·       Wiltshire Police

Acting Inspector Pete Foster referred the meeting to the written report in the agenda pack, which was in a new format. There was no specific update since the last meeting. Marlborough Police aimed to move to the corner house at the end of September. Operationally this wouldn’t make a difference, the police would still provide the same level of service. Inspector Foster then offered to answer questions.

In response to a question regarding crime levels rising when police stations closed the inspector stated that the Marlborough police team had always been based in Devizes and there would still be an enquiry desk in Marlborough. Crime rates had reduced in Marlborough and a new police community coordinator had been employed. Nationally funding and staffing had reduced and although everyone would like more, new ways of working, for example better new technology ensured that police officers no longer had to be tied to a desk.

The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Jerry Herbert stated that you could either concentrate your resources or spread them thinly and it was more efficient to concentrate them. Fraud and cybercrime now had a new digital investigations unit and they had led several prosecutions. They also had a crime prevention role and could be available to attend community events if requested.

Cllr Chris Williams, Portfolio Holder for Communities and Area Boards stated that the cybercrime team had attended area boards to do presentations and that you could sign up to the messaging service online for updates on cyber crime issues.

In response to a question from the audience regarding levels of prosecution and penalisation, which was 8% nationally, it was stated by the Deputy PCC that Wiltshire was within national levels. Prosecutions and penalties depended a lot on the type of crime and the evidence needed. Drug crimes had high rates of prosecution, others less so. This was often dependent on the evidence required by the Crime Prosecution Service.


·       Fire Service

Wayne Rosling on behalf of Dave Adamson, Station Manager, gave a brief update to the meeting and summarised the agenda report. Safe and Well visits could be booked through their website. There was still a need to recruit on call fire fighters. The Marlborough Unit had attended 20 incidents. There were no questions from the audience.


·       Town and Parish Councils

Mervyn Hall, Mayor of Marlborough Town Council gave an update to the meeting.

The Town Council was hosting a Civil War Re-enactment of the Battle of Marlborough on The Common on 27/28 July 2019.  This would be staged by the English Civil War Society there would also be a Living History in Priory Gardens and many other activities including an exhibition at The Merchant’s House.

The new toilet facilities at the Town Hall were now  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.



Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding

To receive any updates on the Local Youth Network.


There were no applications for Youth Grant Funding.




It was noted that there had not been a LYN meeting since the last area board and there were no applications for Youth Grant Funding.




Road Safety

Jane Deeley, Road Safety Manager, to be in attendance to discuss her role and answer questions.


Sgt Simon Drewitt, Road Safety Unit, Wiltshire Police to discuss his role and answer questions.


Community Speedwatch will also be in attendance.




Jane Deeley, Wiltshire Councils Road Safety Education Manager gave a presentation on road safety.


Figures on Road Traffic Collisions could be difficult as some RTC’s were not recorded (if the police did not attend or the people involved did not go to hospital). Figures could also be skewed if for example, a mini bus with lots of people on board was involved. So, although figures were useful in giving an idea of trends and in securing funding, statistics were about people and the aim of Jane’s team was to help people.


In 2018 in Wiltshire, including the M4 and trunk roads, 228 people were killed or seriously injured. This was slightly up from 2017, but there was a general downward trend. 25 of the 228 were killed. There were 970 slight injury accidents, which was down about a third. Motor cycles were a particular concern as 4 of the deaths were motor cycle riders. This was mainly older people rediscovering or starting biking (rather than young people). Male car drivers featured highly (however there was context to be considered here – possibly male drivers drive more miles).


The team were hoping to pick up highways data (e.g. when they replace signs, fix lights, mend walls etc) as that sort of data indicated little accidents. It was hoped that they could merge all the data.


Jane and her team of 2 educations safety officers were responsible for education and training. Their aim was to drive behaviour changes, so they looked at why people behaved like this and how it could be changed. It was no good just reprimanding them – they must find something that works. The team had limited capacity due to its size. They undertook a lot of work on skills such as ‘Bikability’ (like cycling proficiency). They also ran walk safe courses which were free. Youngsters were trained on push scooters. This was a good way to reach young people to get them to think about how they use the roads.

There was a ‘Pass Plus’ scheme for new drivers (approx. 6 hours) which included night driving, motorway driving and other things that weren’t covered on training. There was a similar scheme for older drivers.


The National Driver Offender Scheme – which looked at safe and considerate driving (usually for those who have bene charged with driving without due care and attention etc) was run in partnership with the police and fire, IAM and Turning point.


Future plans – in 2019 the government launched a statement – a lifetime of road safety. The thoughts behind this were to get basic skills in early life and continuously develop those skills. Locally plans were to include; better analysis of data, stronger across department working, linking sustainable and safer travel, supporting schools and youth groups to provide education to pupils and parents; evaluation and increased publicity.


Roger Fooks of Community Speedwatch then gave a brief presentation to the meeting. Community Speedwatch had started 5 or 6 years ago, Wiltshire  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.



Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups 2019/2020

To consider the Area Board representatives to Outside Bodies and Memberships of Working Groups as detailed in the attached report.


To appoint representatives to the following Outside Bodies for 2018/2019:


·         Avebury Solstice Operational Planning Meeting

·         Avebury World Heritage Site Steering Committee

·         Marlborough Local Youth Network (LYN)


To appoint representatives to the following Working Groups for 2018/2019:


·         Community Area Transport Group

·         LYN Management Group

·         Health and Wellbeing Group


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the Outside Bodies and Working Groups report attached to the agenda.


It was proposed that the Area Board reconstituted the working groups of the Area Board and appointed working group representatives and members to outside bodies as detailed in the report.




The Marlborough Area Board agreed to:


a) Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;


b) Reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B;


c) Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.


d) To defer the appointment of an Older Persons and Carers Champion until a later meeting.







Update from Community Engagement Manager

Alexa Davies, Community Engagement Manager (CEM), to give any updates.


Alexa Davies, Community Engagement Manager gave an update to the meeting.


National Armed Forces Day in Salisbury had been a great success. Approximately 40K thousand people attended over the weekend, which had included a military parade, a fly past, and a performance by the Kaiser chiefs. Cllr Dobson had arranged a coach, with Area Board funding, for people to go down and all those who went had a great day.


A representative of the Marlborough Royal British Legion spoke and thanked Alexa and Wiltshire Council for a fabulous day.


A summer reading challenge was to take place between 13 July and 7 September for 4 to 11-year olds.


Details were given regarding the types of funding available from the area board and people were encouraged to contact Alexa for details, on: 01249 706610 or







Community Area Grant Scheme

To consider the following applications to the community area grants scheme:


·         Savernake Explorer Scout Unit, £1751.00, towards Savernake Explorers Equipment Storage Facility.

·         Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub, £5000.00, towards village pub porch with wheel chair access.

·         Lambourn RDA Incorporating Carriage Driving Ltd, £2500.00, towards  Lambourn Riding for the Disabled - New Pony


Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the Community Area Grant applications as detailed in the agenda and agenda supplements.


Representatives of the Savernake Explorer Scout Unit, Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub and Lambourn RDA Incorporating Carriage Driving Ltd spoke in support of their applications.


The Board considered the applications for community area grant funding and it was;




·       To grant Savernake Explorer Scout Unit, £500.00 of the £1751.00, towards Savernake Explorers Equipment Storage Facility.

REASON: The board and MTC had previously supported the group and the board wanted the limited funding available to last the year, to support as many groups as possible.

·       To grant Winterbourne Bassett Community Pub, £2,500 of the £5000.00 requested, towards village pub porch with wheel chair access.

REASON: The board wanted the limited funding available to last the year and to be able to support as many groups as possible

·       To grant Lambourn RDA Incorporating Carriage Driving Ltd, £1000.00 of the £2500.00 requested, towards Lambourn Riding for the Disabled - New Pony.

REASON: The board wanted the limited funding available to last the year and to be able to support as many groups as possible




Community Area Transport Group

To consider any updates and recommendations from the CATG.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Nick Fogg MBE updated the meeting.


In conjunction with highway engineers, the CATG focused on 5 projects at a time. Of the 5 current projects, 4 were moving rapidly to fruition, the other, on the A4 was very difficult to resolve.


The minutes of the meeting were in the agenda pack if people wanted further details.  


The 20mph limit in Marlborough, had been through statutory processes and it was hoped that it would be implemented in early October. At the dangerous bend in Chilton Foliat safety measures and signage were being installed.


Other projects that will replace those that come through to fruition.



Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


There were none.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

Supporting documents:


Due to the timing of the Health and Wellbeing meeting, the reports were published in agenda supplement 1 and considered under Urgent Items.


Jill Turner, Chair of HWBG gave an update to the meeting. The group had been focusing on the job description for the Older Persons and Carers Champion and planning for a HWB event in the summer of next year.


Jill Turner spoke in support of the following application for Health and Wellbeing funding which was considered by the board and it was;




·       To grant an Area Board Led Initiative, proposed by Jill Turner, HWBG Chair, £1,500.00, towards funding an Older Persons and Carers Champion.







Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 2 September 2019, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be on 2 September 2019, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall.