Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA
Contact: Tara Shannon Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions To welcome those present to the meeting.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.
The Chairman also welcomed Cllr Allison Bucknell, Cabinet Member for Area Boards to the meeting.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: There were no apologies for absence, however it was noted that Cllr James Sheppard would be arriving late to the meeting.
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 3 September 2019.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 3 September 2019 were presented for consideration and it was;
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 3 September 2019.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: Cllr Nick Fogg, MBE, declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 13, in particular the grant application from Minal (Mildenhall) Parish Council, as Cllr Fogg knew the Chairman of Minal Parish Council well. He declared that he would not take part in the debate and would not vote on the item.
7.05pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chairman (written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online):
· New Fly-Tipping Campaign – We’re Targeting Fly Tippers The new We're Targeting Fly-tippers (WTF) campaign aims to combat the scourge of fly-tipping by offering residents a reward of up to £200 in high street vouchers if they report information that leads to the successful prosecution of an offender or the payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). Email with as many details as possible to report fly-tipping. · British Telecom Proposed Payphones Removal Consultation The council has received notification from BT regarding consultation on its current programme of proposed public payphone removals. BT propose to remove payphones with low usage levels following a full consultation. Wiltshire Council will also carry out a consultation. Responses received by 14 January 2020 will be included in our return to BT. Please see the agenda report for full details and email Mary Moore, Economic Development and Planning, on to comment. · Community Governance Review Wiltshire Council are undertaking a Community Governance Review, which is a process to provide the opportunity to review and make changes to governance arrangements to town and parish councils. For further information and to comment please go to · Wiltshire Green Pledge Earlier this year Wiltshire Council pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030, and its councillors have agreed to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. To help with this, The Green Pledge has been launched which is asking people to commit to making small changes that can have a big positive impact on the environment. Please go to to make a pledge.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
· New Fly-Tipping Campaign – We’re Targeting Fly Tippers The new We're Targeting Fly-tippers (WTF) campaign was announced. The campaign aimed to combat the scourge of fly-tipping by offering residents a reward of up to £200 in high street vouchers if they report information that leads to the successful prosecution of an offender or the payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). Email with as many details as possible to report fly-tipping.
· British Telecom Proposed Payphones Removal Consultation The council had received notification from BT regarding a consultation on a programme of proposed public payphone removals. BT proposed to remove payphones with low usage levels following a full consultation. Wiltshire Council would also carry out a consultation. Responses received by 14 January 2020 would be included in our return to BT. Please see the agenda report for full details and email Mary Moore, Economic Development and Planning, on to comment. The Chairman noted that parish councils and registered charities could adopt a kiosk for £1.00. Uses for these kiosks could include mini libraries, or a space for a defibrillator.
· Community Governance Review Wiltshire Council were undertaking a Community Governance Review, which was a process to provide the opportunity to review and make changes to governance arrangements to town and parish councils. For further information and to comment please go to
· Wiltshire Green Pledge Earlier this year Wiltshire Council pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030, and its councillors had agreed to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. To help with this, The Green Pledge had been launched which was asking people to commit to making small changes that could have a big positive impact on the environment. Please go to to make a pledge.
7.15pm |
Partner Updates To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue · Health Services · Town / Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council · Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Written updates were available in the agenda pack from the Police, the Fire Service, the CCG and Healthwatch Wiltshire.
In addition to the written updates, the following verbal updates were given by partners present:
· Wiltshire Police PC Emily Grigor was in attendance. In response to questions it was stated that the officer would feedback that people would prefer monthly parish drop in sessions to be advertised more widely in future, rather than just on Facebook.
· Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Station Manager Dave Adamson was in attendance and referred people to the agenda report. The Chair of Aldbourne Parish Council stated that it would be useful if the reports the DWFRS provided for the Area Board could be circulated to parishes in leaflet form.
· Town/Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council Cllr Mervyn Hall, Mayor of Marlborough gave an update to the meeting. Marlborough had done very well in the ‘In Bloom’ competition, winning a gold award. They were also getting a good reception for their conservation efforts. A meeting had been organised between traders and police do discuss possibly setting up a shop watch scheme to try to prevent shoplifting, which had been a problem of late. Remembrance activities in the area had been very successful drawing quite large crowds. The Christmas Lights Switch On event was planned for Friday 22 November. There would be a Christmas market, live entertainment, street entertainers, a Santa’s grotto and a small funfair. The lights would be switched on at 6.30pm and the High Street would be closed to traffic from 1pm to 9pm. Sunday 24 November, 10.00am to 12.00pm was to be ‘Tidy Town Day’. Volunteers were to meet at Coopers Corner in George Lane car park and would get free tea and cake in return for helping. Anyone who could help was encouraged to attend. A 20 mph limit was now in force in the High Street.
· Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan There had been delays with the sustainability appraisal for the neighbourhood plan. Therefore, the 6 week consultation would now be starting after Christmas. The team were working on affording protection to local green spaces and Barton Park had made the list of protected areas.
7.35pm |
Petitions · Barton Park/College Fields, Marlborough Public Open Space Petition. To receive a petition from Charmaine Bartlett, requesting that Wiltshire Council pass the above area to Marlborough Town Council through an asset transfer, so the local community can determine how it is used.
Minutes: · Barton Park/College Fields, Marlborough Public Open Space Petition.
The Chairman introduced the item, informing the meeting that a petition had been received which met the threshold for a debate at the Area Board in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme.
At the invitation of the Chairman the petition organiser, Charmaine Bartlett, presented the petition which had received 207 signatures, and which requested that Wiltshire Council pass Barton Park/College Fields to Marlborough Town Council through an asset transfer, so the local community could determine how it was used.
In presenting her petition, Ms Bartlett wanted to highlight the importance of the area to the community. It was explained that in 2018 at a public enquiry the area was designated as public open space. The proposed Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan had also identified it as local green space. The aim was to protect the area and let the local community decide facilities and how the area was used. Therefore it was requested that the area be transferred to Marlborough Town Council through an asset transfer.
The Chairman thanked Ms Bartlett for the petition and stated that the board would note it and pass it on to the correct team for consideration.
To note the petition.
7.40pm |
Waste Collection Changes To receive a presentation from Tracey Carter, Head of Waste Services, Wiltshire Council, on upcoming changes to the way waste and recycling is collected in Wiltshire, including collection day changes.
Minutes: Cllr James Sheppard arrived at 7.40pm.
Martin Litherland, Head of Service, Waste Management, Wiltshire Council, gave a presentation on upcoming changes to the way waste and recycling was collected in Wiltshire.
Wiltshire Council was changing the way they collected waste, moving to co-mingled collection for recycling, this system had been proven to be successful in many areas of the country. Collections would still be fortnightly, although as a consequence of the changes, some collection days would change. Residents would be notified by post several weeks in advance of any changes to collection days. Once residents had received this letter they would also be able to view changes online and print a calendar if they wished. It was expected that changes would be implemented in the new year.
Under the new system, glass and textiles would still go in the black box. Anything else recyclable could go in the blue lidded bin. Examples of items that could go in the blue lidded bin were plastic bottles, pots, tubs, trays, cardboard boxes, food and drink cartons, paper, food and drink cans, aerosols and foil.
It was requested that people rinse and squash items if possible. Rinsing the items helped to maintain the quality of the materials and squashing them simply means you can fit more in the bin.
The black box would still be used for glass. The reason glass would still be kept separate was that the re-processors like to have it separate to prevent glass shards getting into other recycling. The collection vehicles have a separate pod for glass. Textiles could also be put in the black box however these must be begged up and the bag tied. Unfortunately duvet’s and sleeping bags could not be recycled.
The Council did not make a profit from recycling, however money raised from recycling helped to offset the cost of collecting waste.
Hopefully the proposed changes would make it easier for residents to recycle and should therefore increase recycling rates. The changes would also mean that one vehicle could collect all recycling. This meant that Wiltshire Council could get rid of about 38 vehicles from the road, which in itself would help to reduce carbon emissions and costs.
A new materials recovery facility was being built in Calne, which would sort the mixed recycling.
Residents could sign up for email alerts from the waste service at in order to be kept up to date with developments. You could also register to get a larger bin or an extra bin at this address.
If parishes and community groups required advice or help regarding spreading the news about the changes they were welcome to email:
Details were given regarding the End Destination Charter, which was a voluntary scheme developed by the Resource Association to promote openness and transparency over end destinations of waste. Wiltshire Council had signed up to this scheme and published annual reports on line at:
In response to questions it was stated that Wiltshire Council had an ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
7.55pm |
Update from Community Engagement Manager Alexa Davies, CEM, to provide an update.
Minutes: Alexa Davies, Marlborough Community Engagement Manager gave a brief update.
A date for the diary was the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment event, which would look at selecting priorities for the community area. This would take the place of the March Area Board, so would take place on Tuesday 24 March 2020, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall.
The Chairman reiterated the importance of the event and encouraged all to attend.
8.05pm |
Community Area Transport Group To consider any updates and recommendations from the CATG, as follows:
The minutes of the CATG meeting on 19 September 2019 are attached for information.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr Nick Fogg, MBE gave an update to the meeting.
It was confirmed that the next CATG meeting due for 12 December 2019, was not being cancelled, although it clashed with the General Election. So the meeting was encouraged to attend.
The minutes of the last meeting could be seen in the agenda pack. The top 5 priorities scheme generally seemed to be working well, with some issues now being resolved. Unfortunately others seemed to get stuck in the pipeline, the CATG would still keep pushing for these to be resolved.
They were looking at putting a pedestrian crossing in the High Street in Marlborough but the location was still to be determined.
There were no questions.
8.15pm |
Health and Wellbeing Group To receive an update from the Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group.
There were no applications for health and wellbeing funding. Supporting documents: Minutes: Jill Turner, Chair of the HWBG gave an update to the meeting.
People were encouraged to apply for health and wellbeing funding, they could contact Alexa Davies, the Marlborough CEM on for more details.
The main issue encountered by the group was the appointment of the Older Person and Carers Champion (OPCC). Funding had been secured for this and a job description developed. Unfortunately however, Wiltshire Council guidance had changed and having an OPCC was no longer recommended. Therefore, the group were looking at what they could use the funding for.
The Marlborough Health and Wellbeing day would be Saturday 6 June 2020. This would be held in Priory Gardens from approximately 10.00am to 3.00pm.
The Chairman thanked Jill for her update.
8.20pm |
Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding To receive any updates on the Local Youth Network.
There were no applications for Youth Grant Funding.
Minutes: There would be a get together of Northern LYN meetings on Monday 25 November, when LYN groups from across the north of the county would be able to share ideas and best practice for moving forwards. They were also looking to start proactively providing activities, for example mental health training for volunteer sports coaches.
There had been no applications for youth grant funding, so people were encouraged to apply. Contact Alexa Davies on for details. The grant funding criteria for the different types of grants was briefly explained, these could be seen online at
8.25pm |
Community Area Grant Scheme To consider the following applications to the community area grants scheme:
· Aldbourne Youth Council (AYC), £3,735.50, towards AYC exterior area renovation. · Chilton Foliat Community Association, £4,948.00, towards building a Chilton Foliat Community Clubhouse. · Manton Community Outdoors, £5,000.00, towards new play equipment and new sports equipment. · Minal (Mildenhall) Parish Council, £860.00, towards the replacement of dangerous stiles.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Community Area Grant applications as detailed in the agenda.
Representatives of all groups applying for funding spoke in support of their applications.
The Board considered the applications for community area grant funding and it was;
· To grant Aldbourne Youth Council (AYC) £2,500.00 of the £3,735.50 applied for, towards AYC exterior area renovation. Reason: The board wanted the limited funding available to last the year and to be able to support as many groups as possible · To grant Chilton Foliat Community Association, £3,000.00 of the £4,948.00 requested, towards building a Chilton Foliat Community Clubhouse, with the condition that the money would be ring-fenced for the group until the group had raised all the other funds needed for the project. · Reason: In order to ensure all funds are raised and that the limited funding available lasts the year and supports as many groups as possible. · To grant Manton Community Outdoors, £2,500.00 of the £5,000.00 requested, towards new play equipment and new sports equipment. · Reason: The board wanted the limited funding available to last the year and to be able to support as many groups as possible. · To grant Minal (Mildenhall) Parish Council, £860.00, towards the replacement of dangerous stiles.
8.35pm |
Any Other Questions The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor. Minutes: There were none.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
8.45pm |
Evaluation and Close The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on Tuesday 28 January 2020, 7pm at Marlborough Town Hall.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be held on Tuesday 28 January 2020, 7pm at Marlborough Town Hall.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and wished them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.