Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Tara Shannon Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions To welcome those presesnt to the meeting.
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves.
The Chairman noted the procedures for the remote meeting and advised that due to unexpected IT maintenance the Area Board would need to finish earlier than planned, at around 8.00pm. Therefore, it would be necessary to compress the agenda and if possible for people to keep their comments brief. The Chairman apologised for any inconvenience caused.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr James Sheppard.
Minutes To note the outcomes of the previous meeting on 16 June 2020. Due to technical issues no sound was broadcast or recorded on the meeting stream. Therefore, for the benefit of those that were not at the meeting please see the minutes for details of the votes on the Election of Chair (Cllr Nick Fogg MBE), Vice-Chair (Cllr Jane Davies) and the appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups.
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 16 June 2020.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 16 June 2020 were presented for consideration and it was;
To approve and sign the minutes as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
7.10pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:
· Area Board Boundary Review Consultation Due to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England boundary review of Wiltshire Council, some division boundaries will be changing and as a result Area Board boundaries are also subject to change. A consultation on the Area Board boundary changes will run from 10 September 2020 to 31 October 2020. Please see links in the agenda pack. · Connect 5 The Connect 5 training programme is about mental health and wellbeing. The programme is free of charge and available to community groups and individuals who have a role in supporting mental wellbeing. Contact for details. · Covid-19 Brief update on Covid-19 and staying safe. · Payphones Consultation BT are consulting on the removal of some payphone kiosks, one of which is in the Marlborough Community Area. BT offers the opportunity for parish councils and registered charities to adopt a kiosk for just £1, thereby protecting the heritage of the community. Details about this can be found at The consultation period on the removal of payphones runs until 28 October 2020, please contact for details.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman invited Cllr Richard Clewer to introduce the first Chairman’s announcement on the Area Board Boundary Review.
Cllr Clewer explained that following a Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) boundary review of Wiltshire Council, some division boundaries would be changing and as a result Area Board boundaries also needed to be updated. The Wiltshire Council constitution stated that each Member could only sit on one Area Board and each division had to be entirely within an Area Board, divisions could not be split across Area Boards.
For Marlborough this would mean that the number of Members sitting on the Area Board would reduce from four to three. This could create complications, as for an Area Board meeting to be quorate three Members had to be present. Therefore, if a Member could not attend a substitute would be needed. The working arrangements for Pewsey and Tidworth Area Boards were explained as these were three Member Area Boards. This worked by having a single Area Board, the Pewsey and Tidworth Area Board, which had two sub committees, the Pewsey Area Board and the Tidworth Area Board. The Members of these sub committees could substitute for each other as they were part of the overarching Area Board.
The cross-party Electoral Review Committee had proposed that the Marlborough Area Board be added to the above arrangement. There would be a Marlborough, Pewsey and Tidworth Area Board, with three sub committees; the Marlborough Area Board, Pewsey Area Board and the Tidworth Area Board. Each of the sub committee Area Boards would meet as three Member Area Boards as usual, however the three boards would meet once a year as the Marlborough, Pewsey and Tidworth Area Board to discuss wider issues and elect the Members of the sub committees. Members of these Area Boards could substitute for each other if required.
There was a consultation taking place on the Area Board boundary review, running until 31 October 2020. Parishes and the public were encouraged to respond online here or to email
Shelia Glass of Ramsbury Parish Council stated that she was concerned regarding the new Marlborough Area divisions, which were Aldbourne and Ramsbury, Marlborough West and Marlborough East, as she felt that the board was very Marlborough centric. A discussion regarding the new boundaries took place and Cllr Clewer explained that the LGBCE had determined the new division boundaries and that each division had to have roughly the same population.
The Chairman referred the meeting to three announcement’s that were published in the agenda pack. These referred to:
· Covid-19 and staying safe · Connect 5 – a mental health and wellbeing training programme, which was free of charge for community groups and individuals who had a role in supporting mental wellbeing. Those interested could contact for details. · Payphones Consultation – BT were considering removing some payphones in the Marlborough Community Area. More details could be found in the agenda pack or at A consultation was taking place until 28 October ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
7.30pm |
Partner Updates To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue · Town / Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council · Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan Supporting documents: Minutes: Updates were received from the following Partners:
· Wiltshire Police Sgt Gareth Edwards gave an update. Crime statistics were given, drug and burglary related offences were quite low over the area. The neighbourhood policing team had set priorities which were stated to be speeding, anti-social behaviour, drug offences and night time economy issues. In response to questions it was stated that the police no longer sent reports to parish councils as they produced a monthly report for Area Boards, which could be accessed online in Area Board agendas. Limited police staff and resources meant that this was more efficient.
· Town / Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council Cllr Mark Cooper, Mayor of Marlborough gave an update. Cllr Cooper thanked all the volunteers that had helped the community during lock down and stated that they were ready to re-mobilise if required. Cllr Cooper also thanked the Manton community and the Area Board as the new Manton play area was now open. The reopening of the high street scheme and social distancing measures such as widening pavements were working well in Marlborough. The Town Council had implemented free parking in the George Street car park on Fridays and thanked Steve Hind, Wiltshire Council Highways Officer for his help with these measures. CATG was working on some issues in Kingsbury Street where there were narrow pavements. It was stated that the Marlborough Mop Fair would not be taking place this year due to COVID-19. There would also be no Remembrance Parade taking place this year, but wreaths wold be laid at the war memorial in line with COVID-19 restrictions. The devolution of services and transfer of assets from Wiltshire Council to Marlborough Town Council had been delayed due to the pandemic, it was hoped that talks could recommence on this again soon. On 7 September Marlborough Town Council had declared a Climate Emergency. Cllr Richard Clewer who was also responsible for the asset transfer stated that this had been put on hold as all the staff involved had been working on the COVID-19 response. It would probably be another couple of months before the team were able to start working on this again for which he apologised.
· Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Hall, Marlborough Town Council, gave an update on this. The draft plan was now virtually complete. They were currently in a period of consultation on re-designating the Neighbourhood Plan area, this was as a result of Preshute Parish Council deciding to leave the plan area. The consultation would last until nearly the end of November. After this the regulation 14 consultation on the plan itself would start. They were still on track to hold the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan once COVID-19 restrictions allowed, which would be May 2021 at the earliest, hopefully at the same time as the local elections.
7.45pm |
Air Quality To receive a presentation on Air Quality from Brett Warren - Senior Environmental Health Officer, Gary Tomsett – Public Protection Team Leader Environmental Control and Protection and Steven Manning - Environmental Health Officer Environmental Control and Protection.
To include:
1. Brief overview/reminder of UK air quality legislative regime and overview of Wiltshire's Air Quality Strategy. 2. Air quality monitoring results in Marlborough and the local factors that can contribute to poor AQ 3. Links to the work we are currently doing on Wiltshire’s Air Quality Action Plan (which will cover Marlborough) involving key partners and the local community consultation process etc. 4. Examples of good practice in areas of the district – i.e Salisbury and the work being done in BoA etc.. Minutes: The Chairman explained that due to the unexpected time constraints on the meeting the Air Quality presentation would be shorter than originally planned, but that the officers would come to the next meeting to give the full presentation.
Brett Warren, Senior Environmental Health Officer, Gary Tomsett, Public Protection Team Leader and Steven Manning, Environmental Health Officer gave a presentation to the meeting on Air Quality.
It was explained that Air pollution was a transboundary issue and that action to tackle it was driven by national legislation and international agreements. Local Authorities also had a part to play to regularly review and asses air quality in their areas and had a statutory duty to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and to prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) where national objectives were not being met, or were at risk of not being met. Marlborough had an Air Quality Management Area for harmful Nitrogen Dioxide. The Air Quality Action Plan was currently under review.
It was stated that there were currently six locations in Marlborough where Nitrogen Dioxide was monitored. These varied in setting from street canyons where it was harder for emissions to disperse to locations off arterial routes which would give more of a background reading for the area. A graph was shown of Nitrogen Dioxide levels at these location which showed a general decrease from 2015 – 2019. 2020 figures would not be available until next year. The main location with an issue was Herd Street. The anomalies of lock down may mean that levels would be compliant in 2020.
A 29% reduction in vehicle emissions was needed in Herd Street in order to make it compliant. Most of the reduction needed was from cars. The action plan would be developed closely with key partners, for example Highways England and Public Health and various teams within the Council, such as the Carbon Reduction Team. They needed to understand why Herd Street had an issue in order to model solutions that may help. Consultations would also be undertaken. The new air quality action plan needed to be evidence based and it was hoped it would influence wider Council policies.
A graphic was shown with local actions which could be taken to improve air quality. These included:
· Traffic controls to smooth traffic flow and reduce emissions. · Segregated cycle and walk ways. · Wider pavements and cycle paths linking housing to town centres. · Implementing no-idling zones in areas with vulnerable hotspots such as schools and hospitals. · Tree/hedge planting/planting living green screens. · Pay to ride bikes. · Low emission buses/vehicles. · Electric vehicles and charging points.
The Chairman thanked the officers for their presentation and stated he looked forward to their return.
8.10pm |
Community Area Transport Group To receive an update from Cllr James Sheppard on new government funding for cycling and walking initiatives.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr James Sheppard, Chairman of the CATG, had sent his apologies so a full update would be given at the next meeting.
The 5 high priority schemes were shown to the meeting. These included: · Froxfield Traffic Plan. · Social Distancing scheme, Kingsbury Street. · Speed limits and safety on A4361. · Move 30mph sign on C189. · Speed and safety review, Frees Avenue
The next CATG meeting would take place remotely on 10 December 2020.
It was;
That Marlborough Area Board
· Note the discussions from the meeting of the CATG on 17 September. · Confirm the five high priority schemes agreed by CATG · Note that some schemes may need funding from the area board’s Capital budget in order to proceed.
8.15pm |
Health and Wellbeing Group To receive any updates from the Health and Wellbeing Group and consider any applications for Health and Wellbeing funding.
Also to include an update from a local GP surgery.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Unfortunately Jill Turner, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Group was unable to access the meeting due to technical issues.
Cllr Jane Davies gave a brief update on the Health and Wellbeing Group.
Funding was being put together for counselling and support for careers and older people isolated due to lock down. The group was also continuing to support the Jubilee Day Centre and trying to get them support from Public Health with risk assessments so that the centre could partially reopen and operate in a COVID-19 safe manner.
8.20pm |
Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding To receive any updates from the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider the following applications for youth grant funding:
· Our Time Project, £4,500.00 towards their Connect Inter-generational project.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the following application for Youth Grant Funding.
· Our Time Project, £4,500.00 towards their Connect Inter-generational project.
The applicant spoke in support of their application.
After debate, it was;
To decline the funding application for £4,500.00 from the Our Time Project.
Note: The applicant was invited to review the proposal and reapply.
8.25pm |
Update from Community Engagement Manager To receive an update from Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager (CEM).
Minutes: Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager gave an update on services that were reopening in the Marlborough Area.
Household Recycling Centres (HRC’s) · HRC’s had re-opened across Wiltshire in May; · From June, residents needed to pre-book their visit online. · This required a MyWilts account created via the Wiltshire Council website. Further information could be found here: · There were 10,000 slots per week available across 10 HRC sites in Wiltshire. · Each car slot was 15 minutes long and only 1 person could unload. · Each household was allowed two visits per month, to allow all residents reasonable access. · Social distancing should be observed on site.
Marlborough Leisure Centre · Re-opened from 7 September and swimming lessons began 21 September · The centre had reduced opening hours: 07.00-15.00 weekdays; 11.00-17.00 weekends. · Fitness suites, group exercise classes and swimming were the activities currently available at the centre. · Access would be through pre-booked sessions only, with sessions for gym and swim lasting no more than 45 minutes. · Service users would need to arrive ready to go for their session. · There were changing facilities for after swimming only – please leave promptly! · Booking needed to be online, via the Wiltshire Council website. See for more information. · COVID-19 secure measures were in place at Centres and Test & Trace information would be collected.
Marlborough Library · Re-opened on 14 September · Limited opening hours were in place: 2.00-4.00pm Mondays, 10.00am-1.00pm Wednesdays and 10.00am-1.00pm + 2.00pm-4.00pm Fridays · Currently offering an order and collect service and bookable computers by phoning library. · Librarians could offer suggested reads based on your taste in books and have them ready for collection at agreed time. · Relaunched the reservation service. Specific books could be reserved online from libraries across Wiltshire for 95p using the library catalogue. · Computers were available for pre-booked sessions for 45mins. Book them by phone at the library you want to visit · Aldbourne and Ramsbury libraries remained closed · All items borrowed before libraries closed were being renewed so there was no rush to return items yet!
8.30pm |
Any Other Questions The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor. Minutes: In response to a question from Chilton Foliat Parish Council it was stated that in order to take part in Community Speed Watch (CSW), a metro count had to undertaken to see if the criteria for CSW was met. Andrew Jack would send the required forms and details to Chilton Foliat Parish Council.
Cllr Davies recommended that in order to get an additional bin emptied the Parish Council could either lobby Wiltshire Council or contact Idverde who would undertake this for a very small fee.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
8.35pm |
Close The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 3 November 2020 at 7.00pm.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.
It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be held remotely on Tuesday 3 November 2020 at 7.00pm.