Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Tara Shannon Senior Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions To welcome those present to the meeting.
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Marlborough Area Board, explained the procedure for remote meetings and invited Cllrs to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Minutes To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 26 January 2021.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 26 January 2021 were presented for consideration and it was,
To confirm the minutes of the meeting on the 26 January 2021.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
7.05pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:
· COVID-19 Update Please follow the regulations and stay at home wherever possible. An update on targeted COVID-19 community testing for asymptomatic people is included in the agenda pack.
· Census 2021 Census day will be on March 21 and households can take part online. See for more information.
· Last Area Board before the May elections! A big thank you to all Members, officers, partners, community members and residents that have been involved in the last 4 years.
· Fostering in Wiltshire We are currently seeking to recruit 100 new foster carers over three years so that our children can continue to live in their local communities, within Wiltshire. To become a foster carer, people need to be over 21 years of age and have a spare bedroom. More details are available on the fostering website:
· Wiltshire Independent Visitor Scheme The Wiltshire Independent Visitor Scheme provides independent befriending support to children in the care of Wiltshire Council. Our volunteer Independent Visitors (IVs) play a really important role, visiting the young person they are “matched” with regularly, listening to them and taking an interest in their lives. They offer consistency, and quality, fun, one to one time. IVs make a long-term commitment to support a young person until they leave the care system, and often beyond this time. If you would be interested in becoming an Independent Visitor please visit
· Become a Councillor Would you be interested in becoming a councillor? There are further details in the agenda pack or see Becoming a councillor - Wiltshire Council for further information.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman made the announcements as detailed in the agenda. Additionally, particular thanks were passed on to Cllr Stewart Dobson who was retiring. The Chairman, who was also retiring stated that he had enjoyed his time as Chairman of the Area Board and passed on thanks to all the Marlborough Area Board Councillors, the parishes, attendees and the Community Engagement Manager and Democratic Services Officer.
7.15pm |
Partner Updates To receive updates from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue · Healthwatch Wiltshire · B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG · Town / Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council · Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan · Climate Action Marlborough
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates were received from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police Inspector Tina Osborn was in attendance and gave an update to the meeting on crime figures and planned projects for the area. There had been a slight rise in overall crime figures for the area with 43 crimes reported. With regards to burglaries there was no pattern to them, so intelligence gathering and prevention work was underway. Incidents (rather than crimes) reported to Police had reduced. The force had been concentrating on speed enforcement at various sites including Community Speed Watch (CSW) sites and CSW teams would be kept up to date with enforcement activities. School engagement had been another priority as restrictions were being relaxed. There had been some concerns on social media around dog thefts, however so far there had been no reports to the police during 2021 of dog thefts in Wiltshire. The Inspector reminded everyone to be vigilant and to keep dogs securely. Suspicious activity should be reported to 101 and crimes in progress to 999. In response to questions it was stated that it was expected that crime figures may increase slightly as lock down was relaxed and as the evenings got lighter. It was explained that the Police Constables in Marlborough also covered Pewsey, and they were supported by PSCO’s who also covered both areas.
· Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. Dave Adamson of the DWFRS gave an update to the meeting and highlighted his written report in the agenda. The service had recently been inspected by the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services and received a positive report. The fire service were still assisting the ambulance service by driving ambulances, were helping out at the mass vaccination centre in Salisbury and helping to respond to category 1 cardiac arrests when necessary. A consultation was underway on the DWFRS Community Safety Plan and people could comment on this at up to 13 May. There had been 20 call outs from 12 January to 8 March, which was less than usual due to the lock down.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire Joanna Wittels of Healthwatch Wiltshire gave an update to the meeting. She highlighted the written report in the pack, and stated that they had received 319 feedback comments from 1 – 28 February 2021 and these were broken down into the following areas: o 189 COVID vaccinations o 45 GPs o 26 Dentists o 21 Mental Health o 15 Adult Care o 12 Hospital Healthwatch volunteers were busy undertaking forums and webinars and their website was busy, receiving high volumes of traffic. A survey had been undertaken on healthcare services and the report for that would be available soon. It was highlighted that the mental health forum met monthly and that a survey on autism had been launched.
· B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG The Chairman stated that there was a written report in the agenda pack.
· Town / Parish Councils o Marlborough Town Council The MTC Mayor, Cllr Mark Cooper gave an ... view the full minutes text for item 76. |
7.40pm |
Community Status Report To receive an update from Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager on the Community Status Report.
Report to follow. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager, gave an update on the Community Status Report.
The officer explained that a draft of the report had been brought to the Marlborough Area Board meeting in January. More detail had been added to report since then. It was explained that the report replaced the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment process which had been cancelled due to the pandemic. The JSNA process used to identify many priorities, however part of the thinking behind the Community Status Report was that there could be a rolling list of five top priorities, similar to CATG, these could then be worked on by the Area Board and the community area. The board could then make decisions, spend money and support projects that were relevant to the needs of people living in the Marlborough Community Area. Some of the emerging themes so far were highlighted, such as:
1. Marlborough was a large & very rural population with a higher than average older population. 2. A key issue is therefore around isolation – access to services, transport, loneliness. 3. Support and positive activities for young people is difficult due to rural area, distance into town and secondary schooling. 4. Unemployment rates, those claiming universal benefit and debt had increased during COVID. 5. There was a high number of independent businesses. Support is needed to keep town centre vibrant. 6. Average house prices were significantly higher than average so excluded younger and local buyers – demand for affordable housing was high but building completions are low. 7. The internet opened some doors but also could exclude other people. 8. There was a lot of support for protecting the environment and to promote eco-friendly living. 9. We know we need to do more to facilitate sustainable modes of travel 10.Communities will need support to get back up and running when it is safer to do so.
7.45pm |
Health and Wellbeing To receive the following items related to Health and Wellbeing:
· Update from Suzy Deering of the Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership. · Update from Jill Turner, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Group.
To consider the following applications for Health and Wellbeing funding:
· Arts Together, Marlborough, £2,017.95 towards creative activities for older people. · The New Road Centre, Marlborough, £1,620.00 towards a trip for vulnerable residents. · The Jubilee Centre, Marlborough, £960.00 towadrs their Move It exercise programme.
Further details on the grants can be found in the grant report at agenda item 12.
Minutes: The board received an update from Suzy Deering, Communication Officer for the Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership (KAMP).
KAMP had taken on a contract to provide the COVID vaccination project with the Kennet Primary Care Network (PCN) made up of 4 local practises working together. They now had Marlborough Leisure Centre up and running, provided 10 vaccinators and ancillary staff who were providing 100s vaccines a day. There were 3 local centres for vaccinations at Ramsbury, Pewsey and Marlborough.
Bar charts were shown detailing how many vaccinations had been provided amongst priority groups. Second doses had started being given out as well. Progress was going well. The programme was being run in parallel with NHS England vaccination centres which had caused a bit of confusion as people were getting 2 lots of invites, which was causing a lot of enquires.
They had now instigated quiet sessions at the beginning of the clinics (for example for those who were needle phobic or for people with learning difficulties.)
As a PCN they were to deliver to top 9 groups and they were looking at whether they should undertake the contract for the under 50s, this was still under discussion.
Cllr Jane Davies stated that all feedback she had received was incredibly positive. Cllr Davies had volunteered as a Link driver and a steward for the vaccination centre. Ms Kamp thanked all volunteers.
Jill Turner, Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Group gave a brief update to the meeting. There were concerns regarding the impact of COVID and lockdown, particularly mental and physical deconditioning. The HWBG were putting in help and support where they could.
Applicants for Health and Wellbeing funding spoke in support of their applications. The applications for Health and Wellbeing funding as detailed in the agenda were considered and it was,
· To grant Arts Together, Marlborough, £2,017.95 towards creative activities for older people.
· To grant The New Road Centre, Marlborough, £1,620.00 towards a trip for vulnerable residents.
· To grant The Jubilee Centre, Marlborough, £1,562 towards their Move It exercise programme. This was more than the £960 applied for, but as there were funds left in the budget for the year and the centre did such worthwhile work, the board agreed to award all remaining funds.
8.00pm |
Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding To receive any updates from the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider the following applications for Youth Grant Funding:
· Marlborough Youth Football Club, £5,000.00 towards survey work towards new 3G pitch. · Area Board Initiative – Marlborough Sports Forum, £5,458.00 towards supporting young people into sport
Further details on the grant applications can be found in the grant report at item 12 of the agenda.
Minutes: Representatives of the grant applications spoke in support of their applications. The grant applications for youth funding as detailed in the agenda were considered and it was,
· To grant Marlborough Youth Football Club, £5,000.00 towards survey work towards new 3G pitch.
· To grant the Area Board Initiative – Marlborough Sports Forum, £5,458.00 towards supporting young people into sport.
8.10pm |
Community Area Transport Group To receive any updates from the CATG and approve any recommendations.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr James Sheppard as Chairman of the CATG gave an update to the meeting. Cllr Sheppard stated that CATG funds were short, road condition and traffic speeds were an issue. Cllr Sheppard felt that perhaps some initiatives would be better placed in a different area. If re-elected next year Cllr Sheppard hoped he or the new area board members could look into that. Thanks were passed to regular CATG attendees and to Steve Hind the Highways Officer and Andrew jack the Community engagement Manager. It was explained that a sixth high priority scheme had been added to the list. The scheme to move the 30mph sign on C189 at Baydon and Aldbourne was now complete and this had been signed off list. Some of the successes of the CATG were also highlighted.
It was,
· To note the discussions held at the CATG meeting of 4 March 2021. · To confirm the six high priority schemes agreed by CATG: o Froxfield Traffic Plan – Design work to Eastern gateway complete – construction programmed for mid-May. Marlborough CATG will continue to monitor after Froxfield’s move to Pewsey AB. o New double yellow lining + layby on The Avenue – layby agreed with NT & stakeholders. Design now ongoing. Lining will be carried out during dry weather. o Speed limits & safety on A4361 – The speed limit change has been agreed between BB&WM and Avebury PCs. Work to the TRO to change the speed limits is progressing. Broad Hinton PC working with Cllr Bridgit Wayman on developing project further. o Safety & speed review, Frees Ave – Funding allocated from area board Capital budget. Review not yet carried out due to pandemic. o Ogbourne Maizey, new 20mph assessment – this new project was prioritised during the meeting and work has not yet begun. o Widening of footpath at Van Diemens Close – chosen as priority but will not be worked on by CATG
8.15pm |
Area Board Recap of the last 4 years To receive a recap from Marlborough Area Board Councillors on Area Board work during the last 4 years.
Minutes: Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager gave a recap of the Area Board over the last four years.
· There had been 21 Area Board meetings in four years, several were missed in spring / summer 2020 due to the pandemic, then meetings moved online · The Area Board covered the town and 18 parishes, and 18,000 people lived in the community area · The Area Board operates two different sub-groups: o Community Area Transport Group o Health & Wellbeing Group · There was an annual budget of approx. £73,000 · There was an audience of 35+ at face to face meetings · The Area Board communicated with 1,000+ each week via Our Community Matters.
Amounts given via Area Board grant funding through the three different grant schemes; Capital projects; Health & Wellbeing for older and vulnerable people and Youth funding aimed at 13-19 year olds (up to 25 with SEND) were given with a total of £227, 218.00 awarded over the 4 years.
Details of specific projects to which grants had been awarded were also given as were highlights of the work of the CATG project.
8.20pm |
Community Area Grant Scheme To consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
· Ramsbury Parish Council, £5,000.00 towards a new wheelchair accessible roundabout. · Love Marlborough Kids Meals, £2,500.00 towards a new commercial oven. · Marlborough Sports Club, £3,950.00 towards repairs to fencing around sports ground. · Ramsbury Defibrillators, £850.00 towards a new defibrillator for village. · Devizes and District Foodbank, £730.00 towards a new delivery van. · Avebury Parish Council, £3,765.00 towards new Speed Indicator Devices for village. · Area Board Initiative – Marlborough TC, £1924.00 towards a new Speed Indicator Device for town.
Supporting documents: Minutes: It was explained that unfortunately there were not enough funds left in the budget to support all the applications in full.
Applicants of the organisations of applying for grants spoke in support of their applications.
The board then considered each application in turn and after debate and advice form the Community Engagement Manager on funds remaining and rules surrounding delegated powers, it was;
· To defer the application from Ramsbury Parish Council for £5,000.00 towards a new wheelchair accessible roundabout, to the new financial year and after the elections when the new board was in place, at which point the application could be considered by the board. The board noted their support for the project but due to a lack of funds left in the budget, there were unable to award the funds at this time.
· To grant Love Marlborough Kids Meals, £2,500.00 towards a new commercial oven.
· To defer the application from Marlborough Sports Club, for £3,950.00 towards repairs to fencing around sports ground, until the new financial year, due to a lack of funds this financial year. As this was a time sensitive project, the board agreed that on or shortly after 1 April 2021 the grant could be awarded in full via the delegated authority of the CEM.
· To grant Ramsbury Defibrillators, £850.00 towards a new defibrillator for village.
· To grant Devizes and District Foodbank, £560.00 towards a new delivery van, with a further £1,050 to be awarded on or shortly after 1 April 2021 via the delegated authority of the CEM.
· To grant Avebury Parish Council, £1882.50 towards new Speed Indicator Devices for village, which was half the amount requested, due to a lack of funds left for the financial year.
· To grant the Area Board Initiative – Marlborough TC, £1882.50 of the £1,924.00 requested towards a new Speed Indicator Device for town, due to a lack of funds.
8.45pm |
Any Other Questions The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor. Minutes: There were no questions.
Cllr Sheppard and Cllr Davies passed on their thanks to the retiring councillors, Cllr Nick Fogg MBE and Cllr Stewart Dobson.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
8.50pm |
Close The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 18 May 2021 (time to be confirmed). This meeting will be to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and appoint Members to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for the forthcoming year.
The next full meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 15 June 2021 at 7.00pm.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and announced that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 18 May 2021 (time to be confirmed). This meeting would be to elect a Chair and Vice for the forthcoming year.
The next full meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 15 June 2021 at 7.00pm.