Agenda and minutes

Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 27 January 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA

Contact: Adam Brown  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present to introduce themselves.


The Chairman also noted those parish representatives who were in attendance.



Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




a.               To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 25 November 2014

b.               Update on actions and outcomes arising.

Supporting documents:




To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting on 25 November 2014 as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr Stuart Dobson declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 10. Cllr Dobson was a member of Marlborough Town Council and had voted on the item at a Town Council level. Cllr Dobson stated that with the Officer’s report now in front of him that he would consider the issue with an open mind.


Cllr Nick Fogg MBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 10. Cllr Fogg was a member of Marlborough Town Council and had voted on the item at a Town Council level. Cllr Fogg stated that with the Officer’s report now in front of him that he would consider the issue with an open mind. 


Chairman's Announcements

To note the following items for information – written briefing notes are available in the full agenda pack, or online. 


If you would like the Area Board to consider or discuss any of these items in more detail, please speak to the Community Area Manager, or the Democratic Services Officer.


a)    Wiltshire Council Financial and Service Plans

b)    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group: Integrated Performance Management Report

c)    Dementia in Wiltshire: The Role of Healthwatch Wiltshire

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


a.               Wiltshire Council Financial and Service Plans


b.               Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG): Integrated Performance Management Report


c.               Dementia in Wiltshire: The Role of Healthwatch Wiltshire




To send a letter to Balfour Beatty thanking the two employees located in Marlborough for their work in the community area.


Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
  4. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  5. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Marlborough Community Operations Board (COB)
  8. Positive Activities for Young People
  9. Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)
  10. Town / Parish Councils

Supporting documents:


  1. Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)


Dr Jonathon Rayner, Dr Ted Wilson, and Sarah MacLennan were in attendance to provide an update from the CCG. The written update was included in the Wiltshire CCG Chairman’s announcement.


Most of the data in the update was from November 2014, and had not yet taken into account any Christmas pressures. There had been increasing demand for services, and the use of out-of-area business had doubled.


Measures had been put in place through working with partners and Wiltshire Council to reduce pressure. Particular attention was paid to social and mental health workers, and individuals located in isolated areas.


National waiting time targets were still being successfully met, and more investment was being placed into community nurses and therapists. It was noted that the new NHS Chief Executive had written a five year forward review which mirrored Wiltshire Council’s five year strategy.


In response to questions it was heard that there was no easy explanation to the waiting times experienced at Great Western Hospital (GWH) over Christmas. Increases in demand were said to be a result of a longer living population. People were being admitted to hospitals when they would be better suited to being cared for at home; this was stated as being one area of improvement.


In response to a question on ambulance response time to rural areas it was explained that performance was still at an acceptable level. Accessibility issues made the 8minute response time challenging in rural areas, and performance was impacted by call outs to non-life threatening incidents.


  1. Wiltshire Police


A written update was provided.


A total of 208 drivers had been caught speeding. Some of these had been stopped, while others had been reported or received warnings.


The community messaging had sent out a message in the light of three recent burglaries reminding people to keep their jewellery out of sight, and to lock up their properties.


  1. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


A written report was circulated at the meeting.


The Combination Order to bring together Wiltshire and Swindon Combined Fire Authority and Dorset Fire Authority had been submitted to the Secretary of State. Subject to no need being found for an enquiry it was expected that the Combination Order would be made February 2015.


Following this the required legislation could be passed by the end of March 2015, which would allow the new Fire Authority to come into being on 1 April 2016. It was noted that the new name for the body would be “Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority”.


  1. Healthwatch Wiltshire (HWW)


Paul Lefever was in attendance to provide an update on the work of HWW. The written update was included as a part of the Chairman’s announcements.


A few public meetings had taken place, but the consultation would be open until early March.


HWW would monitor Wiltshire Council and the CCG’s dementia strategy through the “100 Group” workshops.


  1. Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT)


There were currently twenty one community WiFi nodes up and running, seven were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site (WHS) Management Plan 2015

Sarah Simmonds will be in attendance to promote their new management plan and its public consultation. Members are given the opportunity to comment.


Sarah Simmonds, World Heritage Site (WHS) Officer for Avebury, was in attendance to deliver a presentation on the Stonehenge & Avebury WHS Management Plan 2015.


The plan had been produced for 2015-2021 and was out for review until the 1 March 2015. This was the first time that Avebury and Stonehenge had been placed together.


Aims included protecting the site’s outstanding universal value, their monuments, and their interrelationship within the landscape. The size of the landscape was said to cover fifty square kilometres. It was stated as being the County’s duty to protect, conserve, and present the site.


The management plan was described as a framework and long term strategy for protecting the site. A great deal of engagement had occurred with key partners, the National Trust, Wiltshire Council, and the RSPB amongst others. The plan set out the aims, policies, and actions. One hundred and eight actions had been created, with the framework setting out their delivery.


With regards to planning and policy, it was said that supplementary guidance would be produced in the future in order to take into account what was happening at a national level.


Risks to the site included cultivation, burrowing animals, and vehicle and visitor footfall damage. Work was taking place with landowners to manage the damage from cultivation, and the damage from burrowing animals was being looked into so that it could be managed on a landscape level. Sustainable tourism was being followed through working with Visit Wiltshire to prevent damage and maintain access.


A transport strategy had been recently produced on the issue of the A303. The aim was to help reduce its dominance in the landscape, and to help people move throughout the area without being restricted by busy roads.


The vision and list of priorities were said to be available online. It was confirmed that West Kennet and Silbury Hill were included.


Climate Local Initiative

Claire Langdon will be in attendance to discuss the Council’s plans to cut its own and residents’ carbon emissions, and how the green agenda can be used to create new jobs and boost Wiltshire’s economy.

Supporting documents:


Clare Langdon, Manager for Wiltshire Council’s Green Economy Team, was in attendance to deliver a presentation on the Climate Change Local Initiative.


The Climate Local Initiative was a way for the Council to communicate and recognise any achievements. It was launched in 2012 in order to reduce carbon emissions, 93 Councillors had signed up.


An interactive quiz took place on energy knowledge within Wiltshire.


Wiltshire Council’s energy costs in the previous year had totalled £13.6million. The total energy spend in Wiltshire in the same year was £470million.


An inefficient oil boiler at Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre had been replaced with a biomass alternative, which would save £12,000 per year. Marlborough Leisure Centre’s facilities had been upgraded to combined heat and power, along with upgraded lighting in order to save money and reduce carbon emissions.


Work in the local community was taking place within Transition Marlborough in response to climate change. Transition Marlborough had worked with the Sustainable Energy Across the Common Space project (SEACS), which aimed to help vulnerable houses retain heat and energy more effectively to improve living conditions. Kennet Community Energy for North and East Wiltshire were focusing on solar and biomass projects.


The next steps were said to include the opportunity to develop an energy resilience plan, which would improve the ability to respond to future energy challenges. Engaging with the external sector would be utilised in order to identify where energy resilience could be targeted. Local businesses would be worked with to provide specialist support to small businesses.


Alongside this a local energy advice line would be set up to support and signpost. Renewable, local energy would be encouraged and sustainable low-emission vehicles would be promoted.


A question was asked on sustainable cars. It was noted that more funding was coming from central government, and that decarbonising cars, along with car-sharing and ultra-low emission cars would be promoted.


It was noted that they were at the start of observing the progress of solar energy. Two photovoltaic arrays had been activated and a further twenty on buildings were expected by the end of the year.


Air Quality Action Plan

Rachel Kent will be in attendance to talk about Wiltshire’s new air quality monitoring website. Discussion over setting up an Air Quality Action Group to monitor air quality and put in place small-scale projects to alleviate problems may also be had.


Rachel Kent, a specialist from the Wiltshire Council Public Health team, was in attendance to deliver a presentation on the Air Quality action plan.


The air quality website had been launched at the end of November 2014 ( An automatic monitor would be installed during the next month. This would monitor the quality of air across Wiltshire, from good, to moderate, to poor. Previous to this any data on the quality of air would be a year and half out of date. The website and equipment would provide more up to date data and the ability to create graphs.


A “Know and Respond” facility was available for those with respiratory problems. This would provide email and text alerts on flagged monitors across Wiltshire. Information on pollutants and health advice were also available on the site.


Outside Saint Peter’s School had been proposed as the location for an Osiris particulate monitor in Marlborough. Currently Marlborough had non-auto nitrogen diffusion tube monitors. These were stated as not being completely accurate. All data from these monitors needed to be sent off at the end of the year to go through a bias removal.


A question was asked one what actions were in place to improve the quality of air across Wiltshire. The consultation on the air quality action plan had finished and areas for strategic improvement had been highlighted, these included work with highways.


Community Asset Transfer of Water-Meadow at George Lane - "Cooper's Meadow"

For the Area Board members to consider Marlborough Town Council’s request for the Community Asset Transfer of the water-meadow at George Lane known as “Cooper’s Meadow”.

Supporting documents:


The principle of the transfer of community assets was supported by Wiltshire Council in order to empower and strengthen local communities. Transferring appropriate public assets to communities aimed to build more responsive services that better meet local people’s priorities.


The Area Board was asked to consider an application submitted by Marlborough Town Council for the transfer of Coopers Meadow, Marlborough




To approve the transfer subject to the matters referred to in paragraph 9 of the officer’s report.


Funding for Improvements to Treacle Bolly Bridleway, Marlborough

Supporting documents:


Stephen Leonard, Senior Rights of Way Warden, was in attendance to introduce the report.


The bridleway linked Pewsey Road toward Manton. Surface quality of the bridleway had deteriorated over years, and was flagged by Transition Marlborough in 2013.


North Wessex Downs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) had come up with funding for half of the proposed works on the Marlborough side to improve the surface to cope with all-weather conditions. The total quote for the work was £4000; AONB would contribute £2000 to the cost, the Area Board was asked to provide the remaining £2000.


In response to questions it was noted that bridleways were open for walkers, cyclists, and those on horseback to use. It was also noted that Wiltshire Council would be responsible for the maintenance of the route.




To provide £2000 match funding to enable the Treacle Bolly scheme to progress in early 2015.


Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

To note the discussions held at the CATG meeting of 8 January 2015 and for the Area Board to approve the proposed list of schemes for 2015/16.

Supporting documents:


Cllr James Sheppard introduced the CATG report.


It was noted that out of the total £16,726 available funding Marlborough CATG’s remaining budget for 2014/15 was £4,760.


The Area Board was asked to confirm the list of roads in their areas to be treated in the coming year.




1.     To note the discussions held at the CATG meeting of 8 January 2015 as outlined above and the progress towards developing priority schemes.

2.     To confirm the list of Major Maintenance schemes for 2015/16 and the additions to the list as recommended by CATG.


Community Area Grant Scheme

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


a)    Mildenhall Village Hall – requested £4,752 towards new fuel efficient boiler and heating system.  Recommendation: Meets criteria. 


b)    Avebury Parish Council – requested £625 as contribution towards analysis of finds from an archaeological dig at The Avenue, Avebury in summer 2015.  Recommendation: Meets criteria

Copies of the completed application forms and grant application packs for the

Community Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area

Manager or electronically at

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered two applications for Community Area Grant funding. Andrew Jack, the Community Area Manager, introduced each application, following which a representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.




1.     Mildenhall Village Hall was awarded £4752 funding towards a new fuel efficient boiler and heating system.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15


1.     Avebury Parish Council was awarded £625 funding towards analysis of finds from an archaeological dig at The Avenue, Avebury in summer 2015.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.


Any Other Questions

The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor.


A question was asked on concerns that the re-bedding of a wall by the riverside would affect water flow. It was clarified that this could be put on the relevant Town or Parish Council’s next agenda.


The Area Board was asked if it could put on a hustings in light of the general election on 7 May 2015 for the five candidates from Devizes. Cllr Fogg said that he would look into whether this was possible.


Evaluation and Close

The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 24 March 2015, 7.00pm at Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board would be on Tuesday 24th March 2015, 7.00 pm at Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA.