Agenda and minutes

Melksham Area Board - Wednesday 3 February 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Join the on-line meeting here

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements



·         Wiltshire Local Plan review and separately, the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan - consultations running until 9 March 2021


·         Remembering Brian Warwick


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Melksham Area Board meeting.


The Melksham Area Board members were introduced.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted


·         Wiltshire Local Plan review and Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan.


·         Remembering Brian Warwick – Cllr Seed and the Area Board members paid tribute to the late Brian Warwick.




Apologies for Absence


Inspector Gill Hughes – Wiltshire Police



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 December 2020


Supporting documents:




·         That the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 14 December 2020 were confirmed as the correct record


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Jon Hubbard declared non-pecuniary interests in the Young Melksham grant application


Cllr Pat Aves declared non-pecuniary interests in the Melksham Town Council grant applications


Cllr Nick Holder declared non-pecuniary interests in the Care Support Wiltshire grant application


Cllr Phil Alford declared non-pecuniary interests in the Public Open Spaces Network grant application







Census 2021

Jonny Corbett - Census Engagement Manager for Wiltshire, Office for National Statistics

Supporting documents:


Jonny Corbett – Census Engagement Manager gave a short presentation


Points made included:


·         That the census was a survey that happened every 10 years and everyone took part.


·         That the Office of National Statistics was responsible for the census in England and Wales.


·         That the census was important because it gave the most detailed information we had about our society.


·         Scotland and Northern Ireland hold their own around the same time.


·         That the census provided information that government needed to shape policy, allocate resources, plan services and monitor equality


·         Any questions about our partnership activities with local authorities please email at


           Bookmark the Census 2021 website:


           Follow us on social Media #Census2021 


The Chairman thanked Jonny Corbett for his presentation


Priority for People - Melksham 2021

Gerald Milward-Oliver - Townswork


Supporting documents:


Gerald Milward-Oliver of Townswork gave a short presentation that outlined a  strategy for the next 15 years to help people, vehicles and goods move around the Melksham community area, while taking account of residents health, welfare and the climate emergency. It was agreed by the Town Council that this needs to be an exercise involving the Area Board and the Parish Councils. It is being initiated in full liaison with Wiltshire Highways as part of the Business Case for the proposed Melksham bypass to explore how a bypass will release road space and capacity on the existing A350 corridor and within the town centre, providing opportunities for walking and cycling improvements.


Points made included:


·         That Melksham Town Council had carried out a review of opportunities, challenges and drivers facing Melksham Town over the period of the next Local Plan.


·         That ‘Movement’, one of the Next Steps proposed as part of the Review – leading to a strategy for movement in and around the town to meet the needs of people and the climate emergency.


·         That the project was designed to involve the community area as a whole with Melksham Town Council providing resource and leadership


·         Working with Wiltshire Highways to help inform the potential for complementary active travel initiatives associated with the Melksham bypass project, helping ensure the bypass had a net beneficial impact on the town and community area.


·         Working with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group as they progressed with the NP Review as part of the process for the next Local Plan


The Area Board agreed that it is not able to contribute towards project costs at this early stage of the process, but councillors confirmed their in-principle-support for the project and willingness to be a partner in the Movement Working Group going forward.


The Chairman thanked Gerald Millward-Oliver for his presentation



Community Area Status Report

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager



It was agreed to defer this item to a special meeting, date to be confirmed.


(Date now agreed as Wednesday 10 March 2021)


Health and Wellbeing Group

·         To approve the minutes of the HWG meeting held on Monday 25 January 2021


·         To receive a report on the "Cook an Extra Portion" Christmas meals initiative and Lockdown #3 response


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the Health & Wellbeing Group meeting held on Monday 25 January 2021 were agreed as the correct record


Cllr Nick Holder outlined a report on the "Cook an Extra Portion" Christmas meals initiative and Lockdown #3 response from Age Friendly Melksham


Points made included:


·         That some 51 Christmas dinners were delivered to people who would otherwise have been alone or not had a Christmas dinner


·         That all meals were cooked by volunteers who “Cooked an extra portion” to share


·         That the group were now exploring running a Sunday Lunches project in the future



The Chairman thanks Cllr Holder for his update



Written Partner Updates

To note any written partner updates

Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates were noted:


·         Fire & Rescue


·         Clinical Commissioning Group


·         Healthwatch Wiltshire



Budget Position

Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager



Peter Dunford - Community Engagement Manager outlined the budget position 2020/21 as follows:


Unallocated balances:


Community Grant Fund (capital) - £12,622

Youth Grant Fund (revenue) - £4,898

Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund (revenue) - £6,200




Applications for Grant Funding

Community Grants:


·         Avon Needs Trees requesting £5,000 towards purchase of land at Seend for new, permanent, community woodland


·         Melksham Music and Drama requesting £4,000 towards radio microphones to perform “Joseph” at the Assembly Hall


·         Bowerhill Residents Action Group (BRAG) requesting £2,511

towards public outdoor seating for Bowerhill


·         Melksham Town Council requesting £2,500 towards developing a technical specification for a CCTV system in the town centre


·         Melksham Town Council requesting £2,080 towards investing in Market Place Markets and gazebo infrastructure


·         Riverside Club requesting £1,820 towards new front doors and internal painting and decoration


·         Bulkington Playground Committee requesting £1,000 towards playground equipment


·         Steeple Ashton Guides requesting £500 towards a laptop computer and projector


  • Cllr Led bid from Cllr Alford requesting £10,000 to re-launch the Public Open Spaces Network Fund in 2021



Youth Grants:


·         Whorwellsdown District Girlguiding requesting £2,048 towards rebuilding confidence and engagement of youngsters by enabling Rangers and Young Leaders to gain skills and experience to lead in the future


·         Young Melksham requesting £4,305 towards the operation of the “No Limits” SEND club



Health and Wellbeing Grants:


·         Cllr Holder requesting £3,000 towards support for young carers


·         Carer Support Wiltshire requesting £2,500 towards counselling for unpaid carers


·         Centre for Independent Living requesting £1,000 to facilitate connections between people in Melksham as part of the “Community Connectors” project


Supporting documents:



Avon Needs Trees awarded £5,000 towards purchase of land at Seend for new, permanent, community woodland from the Open Spaces Network Fund budget



Bowerhill Residents Action Group (BRAG) awarded £2,511 towards public outdoor seating for Bowerhill from the Open Spaces Network Fund budget



Melksham Town Council requesting £2,500 towards developing a technical specification for a CCTV system in the town centre – Deferred to be taken at the first Area Board after the local council elections in June when a full report could be provided by the Town Council (recorded vote – unanimously voted to Defer)



Melksham Town Council requesting £2,080 towards investing in Market Place markets and gazebo infrastructure – Refused

Area Board members felt that this application should be funded from the Town Council’s precept (recorded vote 2 Against, 3 For and 1 Abstention)



Riverside Club awarded £1,820 towards new front doors and internal painting and decoration



Bulkington Playground Committee awarded £1,000 towards playground equipment from the Open Spaces Network Fund budget



Steeple Ashton Guides awarded £500 towards a laptop computer and projector



Melksham Music and Drama requesting £4,000 towards radio microphones to perform “Joseph” at the Assembly Hall

Deferred to be taken at the first Area Board after the local council elections in June when a more detailed report could be provided



Cllr Led bid from Cllr Alford awarded £7,791 to re-launch the Public Open Spaces Network Fund in 2021


Youth Grants:



Whorwellsdown District Girlguiding awarded £2,048 towards rebuilding confidence and engagement of youngsters by enabling Rangers and Young Leaders to gain skills and experience to lead in the future



Young Melksham awarded £2,850 towards the operation of the “No Limits” SEND club – Jon Hubbard abstained from the vote



Health and Wellbeing Grants:



Centre for Independent Living awarded £1,000 to facilitate connections between people in Melksham as part of the “Community Connectors” project



Carer Support Wiltshire awarded £2,500 towards counselling for unpaid carers



Cllr Holder awarded £2,700 towards support for young carers


Public questions

Members of the public are invited to ask questions relating to Area Board business



There were no public questions raised


