Venue: Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre, Hulse Road, Salisbury, SP1 3NR
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: Cllr Sven Hocking in the Chair.
The Vice Chairman, Councillor Sven Hocking welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from:
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28th March 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: It was noted that the web address given in the Housing and Homelessness item should read:
Decision The minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Chairman's Updates The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.
Minutes: The Chairman gave the following updates and announcements:
· There would be a change to the order of items on the agenda, due to the travel requirements of a lead presenter for item 9.
· The Times had voted Salisbury as the ‘Best Place to Live’ for 2019.
· Salisbury was ranked as number 1 for having the lowest littering rate in England.
· Autism awareness Showcase – 21st May at the Guildhall, Salisbury
· The Big Lunch would take place on 2nd June at the Lower Bemerton Community Centre
Information items To note the written Information papers attached to the agenda, and the information available online:
a. Clinical Commissioning Group b. Healthwatch Wiltshire c. Wiltshire Council Updates d. Current Wiltshire Council Consultations Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda or circulated at the meeting:
a. Clinical Commissioning Group b. Healthwatch Wiltshire c. Wiltshire Council Updates d. Current Wiltshire Council Consultations
Comments: · Anne Trivett – Healthwatch Wiltshire had a small grants programme which we applied to. There were 41 bids put forward in total and 4 projects were supported, none of those were in Salisbury. They were wasting peoples time. |
7.15pm |
Health & Wellbeing Group Update & Funding To note the report and consider the bids for funding, as detailed in the attached papers.
· Celebrating Age – Music sessions £1500
· Older Peoples Champion – Silver Salisbury £1000
Defibrillator Project The Board is asked to ratify one funding award of £475.50 made under Delegated Powers.
Project In 2018/19 the Area Board allocated funding to an Area Board project to fund two defibrillators, to be sited within the City. At the time, the first was sited in Market Square, with the second location to be confirmed. Permission has now been given to site the second in the George Mall. The cost of that installation was £475.50.
Due to the extended timeframe of the project reaching its completion, and to enable the defibrillator to be installed as soon as possible for greatest benefit, the allocation of funding was agreed under the delegated powers divulged to the CEM in consultation with the Chairman. This decision was made at the Area Board Councillors agenda setting meeting on 17th April 2019.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the report and consider the 2 bids for funding, as detailed in the papers attached to the agenda.
Celebrating Age– Music sessions £1500 The project was in its 3rd year. The whole project was explored and Salisbury was one of 6 localities it operated. Each group was required to find match funding of £1500, and as long as projects were suitable the balance would be awarded. The project enabled older people to get out and attend the best quality cultural activities.
Question: This was your 3rd year and they are proposing a small charge, would it be sustainable? Answer: Cllr Walsh - The Board contribution was not as large as the amount of money the project attracts, it was a benefit to the community.
Decision Celebrating Age was awarded £1500 towards the supply of music sessions from the Health & Wellbeing budget for 2019/20
Older Peoples Champion– Silver Salisbury £1000 Last year for first time we had a programme of events to celebrate Older People’s day. This year the aim was to increase the activities, which would run over 3 weeks, including a day at the Guild hall, physical activities and many craft skills. Many of those offering the activities were also older people. We reach those who may be hard to reach, lonely and isolated, to encourage them to try new activities.
Question/comment: Cllr Walsh noted that Older Persons Champion, Irene had organised the whole programme of events as a volunteer. Well done.
Cllr Hoque was in full support of this worthwhile cause.
Decision Silver Salisbury project was awarded £1,000 from the Health & Wellbeing budget for 2019/20
The Board was also asked to ratify one funding award of £475.50 which had been taken under Delegated Powers, by the Community Engagement Manager.
Defibrillator Project In 2018/19 the Area Board allocated funding to an Area Board project to fund two defibrillators, to be sited within the City. At the time, the first was sited in Market Square, with the second location to be confirmed. Permission had since been given to site the second in the George Mall. The cost of that installation was £475.50.
Due to the extended timeframe of the project reaching its completion, and to enable the defibrillator to be installed as soon as possible for greatest benefit, the allocation of funding was agreed under the delegated powers divulged to the CEM in consultation with the Chairman. This decision was made at the Area Board Councillors agenda setting meeting on 17th April 2019.
Decision The Board ratified the delegated decision to allocate £475.50 to the defibrillator project for installation of the second device |
7.25pm |
Partner and Community Updates To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representative’s present.
a) Salisbury City Council (SCC) b) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council c) Police d) Fire e) Salisbury BID f) Community Engagement Manager g) Air Quality Group h) Plastics & Recycling Project Group
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received verbal updates from representative’s present.
Salisbury City Council (SCC) – Annie Child Clerk · Salisbury had been declared one of the most litter free cities in England · The Sunday Times had awarded Salisbury as the best place to live 2019 · The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had a schedule of six Community engagement meetings, with further information available on the SCC website. · The annual Mayor Making will take place on Saturday with a Civic luncheon on Sunday. Cllr John Walsh will be made Mayor for 2019/20.
Laverstock and Ford Parish Council – Karen Beard
· The boardwalk replacement project was moving forward with contracts for tenders about to be issued. · Progressing on the Neighbourhood plan · The ownership of the Country Park was transferred to the PC in April · A Ranger had been taken on and was putting together some sub working groups. · There had been slow progress on the link paths from Old Sarum to Longhedge. · Old Sarum Water Meadows was the area’s green corridor. · Thanks, were given to the Area Board for the £1000 contribution towards the hoggin path near the school. Children used it for first time last week.
Police – Inspector Pete Sparrow In addition to the written report in the pack, Inspector Sparrow updated on the following:
· A new inspector was in post for the Amesbury area, which now allowed Pete to focus on the Salisbury area. · A County Lines Intensification week was coming up with a strong focus on drug dealing problems associated with this issue. · We continue to do our checks on our vulnerable people. We had recently made 4 arrests. · Crime figures published showed there had been a decrease of 3% in Salisbury. · Burglary and vehicle crime went down 25%. Robbery went up so we will look at the possible reasons for that. · Our teams would be focusing on antisocial behaviour over the summer months.
Questions: · The geographical areas for your Officers are not clear on the update, could we have a boundary map? Answer: Yes, I will circulate one to Board members after the meeting.
· There may be a typo on p58 of the pack as the allocation of staff looks duplicated for one area? Answer: I will take a look
Community Engagement Manager – Karen Linaker A Beat the Street poster was circulated at the meeting. This advertised a new initiative to get people out and active. Collect a card/fob from either the Library or Leisure centre, make your way around the city to find the sites. Log in at each site on lampposts to show you have been out and about. A voucher award was available for participating schools.
Air Quality Group The group had not formally met since last time. The sub group had met to pull through all the amazing ideas from the themed meeting in January and were working on an action plan which would be presented at the next AQMG meeting next month.
Comments ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
7.45pm |
Salisbury Central Area Framework A presentation from Tibbalds, Planning and Urban Design on the Salisbury Central Area Framework, followed by a round table exercise and a Q & A session.
Minutes: Wiltshire Council was working to accelerate the urban development of Salisbury city centre, building on its strong historic core. This was driven not only by the desire to ensure the city recovered from the nerve agent attack of 2018, but also by the commitment to respond to the need to adapt and contribute to the economic opportunities and threats which were upon the city.
To help achieve this, the Council had appointed Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design to produce a ‘Central Area Framework’ that would raise the profile of Salisbury as an investment opportunity and guide the future development of the City.
The framework would provide a strategic urban vision for the city centre area, identifying character areas within it and make recommendations on the form of future development and interventions that can accelerate positive change, to enhance Salisbury as a place to live, work and visit.
The Board welcomed WC Director for Economic Recovery, Tom Dobrashian and Director at Tibbalds, Katja Stille, who delivered a presentation with opportunities to feedback views.
We are moving forward and aspire to be pioneering, with both private and public-sector investment in the city on a number of deliverable projects.
Talks with our stakeholders had informed the baseline report. Salisbury’s heritage was unique and draws a lot of tourism.
The baseline report had identified possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, constraints and threats to be considered.
Themes had emerged, these were:
· Character and distinctiveness · Open space and landscape · Getting around · Creating vibrancy · Bringing out the qualities
Those present were then asked if they agreed with the themes and objectives, and which three they felt were most important.
The Framework was set out into six areas, these were:
A map depicting where these areas may sit within the city was shown.
With regards to car parking and looking at the streets, there was big opportunity to make a lot of changes there. From a development perspective, we see heritage as a positive and want to build on that.
We know that younger people tend to move away and not come back. We are looking at how to retain our younger people.
Salisbury has a lot of strong stakeholders, it is our hope that we can encourage stronger joint working.
Salisbury is beautiful but we think it can do much better. Making more of the five rivers, and bringing out the history and environment.
Looking at existing projects that were already in place such as the High-street Fund and in the wider area, the Hospital and the Maltings. This framework would bring everything together. Making sure whatever happened on the sites supports the greater aim of the project.
Salisbury has Character Areas which we are looking at, establishing what they have to offer the city as a whole, pushing different purpose on to the individual areas to make more of them. The areas are:
· Cathedral · Market Place · Cultural quarter · Meadows · Chequers
People were ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
8.30pm |
Local Youth Network (LYN) To receive an update from the LYN and to consider any recommendations for youth funding projects as detailed in the attached report.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the report attached to the agenda, and considered the funding bid as detailed in the attached papers.
Life Rocks CIC – requested £3000 Towards a subsidised Music Tuition project.
The applicant gave a brief overview. The grant request was match funded to provide the sessions. This year we hoped to deliver 1000 music sessions to young people who were socially and economic disadvantaged.
Comments and questions included:
Cllr Rogers, the LYN representative noted that the LYN Group had looked at the application at its last meeting, where they scored the project 66 out of 70. This scheme was successful, there were an additional 20 children last year who missed out as it was oversubscribed. This project was supported by match funding.
Cllr Douglas asked for clarity regarding the text submitted on the application form. It was explained that the figures related to the number of people staying and leaving the project over the course of a year.
Decision Life Rocks CIC was awarded £3,000 of Youth Funding for 2019/20, towards the subsidised music tuition project. |
8.40pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider four applications for funding to the Community Area Grant Scheme 2019/20 as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Applicants present were invited to present their projects. Following discussion, the Board then voted on each application.
The application from Salisbury Cathedral had been withdrawn.
Decision Contact the Elderly was awarded £69.59 towards the purchase of a portable ramp. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20
History Society We have nearly 4k members on Facebook and a thriving magazine. We decided this year we wanted to make the history Festival bigger and better. We will be running a school’s competition to write about how they think the market square will be in the future. There will be a prize for the winning school, and the winner will be mentioned in the Salisbury Journal.
Decision Salisbury History Festival was awarded £1000 towards the History Festival. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20
Alderbury Football club The Chairman noted that it was understood that the applicant had not yet approached their own community area the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
He suggested the application be deferred until it had been considered there first, then if a top up was required, then Salisbury Area Board could be approached.
This proposal was supported by the Board.
Action: The Board requested the CEM to contact the applicant to establish the membership figures for the Salisbury Area.
Decision The Alderbury Football Club application was deferred until a later date. |
9.00pm |
Close The date of the next meeting is Thursday 4th July 2019, 7pm at City Hall, Salisbury.
Minutes: The Chairman updated on bus shelters – we are looking at the options for closing the gap, and speaking to the manufacturers
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 4 July 2019, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.