Venue: The Guild Hall, Market Place, Salisbury SP1 1HJ
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome and Introductions Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Sven Hocking welcomed everyone to the joint themed meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and Salisbury City Council, to look at Climate Change in the City.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from:
· Station Manager Maggs – Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th September 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision The minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Cllr Atiqul Hoque declared an interest in Item 10 – Community Funding, Health & Wellbeing application from the Muslim Association, as he was the Treasurer.
He clarified that the applicant was not the Muslim Association itself, but was acting as a facilitator to support the project. He did not take part in the vote for that application.
Chairman's Updates The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.
Minutes: Bus Shelters Since the last meeting the matter had been considered at CATG (report included with Item 9). There was a recommendation for funding to make modifications to the shelters to alleviate the amount of rain that currently came through the gap at the top.
Comment: Mr Brown noted his dissatisfaction with the shelters which he felt were of poor design and a waste of money. He requested that the shelters were replaced with an improved design to provide adequate shelter.
Household Recycling Centre (HRC) Due to roadworks being undertaken on Stephenson Road between 18th October and 18th November, Salisbury HRC would be closed Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November as there would be no vehicular access permitted.
However, the site would open on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th November instead.
All HRCs moved to their winter opening times from 1 November to 1 April: 10am to 4pm, and the Salisbury site is now normally closed on Thursdays and Fridays. The HRC in Amesbury is closed on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Salisbury Reds Following a request at the last Board meeting, the Chairman had contacted Salisbury Reds to request financial support for bus stop replacements who had responded positively, and further communication was planned with them to take this forward. |
Information items To note for information, the following written papers or on partner web pages online:
Healthwatch Wiltshire – Paper to note Clinical Commissioning Group – paper to note Wiltshire Council – paper to note
Supporting documents:
Minutes: There had been a change to the previous format of Partner Updates. Partners were now invited to provide written updates or online links which were included in the agenda pack for information.
The Board noted the information available in the agenda pack and circulated at the meeting.
· Salisbury City Council · Salisbury BID · Community Messaging · Healthwatch Wiltshire · Clinical Commissioning Group · Wiltshire Council · Police – attached to minutes
7.05pm |
Updates - Maltings and Central Car park, Central Area Framework, & High Street Fund To receive updates:
· Maltings & Central Car park · Central Area Framework · High Street Fund
Officers: Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director for Economic Recovery & Victoria Moloney, Head of Southern Wiltshire Economic Recovery. Minutes: Victoria Moloney, Head of South Wilts Economic Recovery gave updates to the Board:
Future High Street Fund An Economist had been appointed to help with the business case to support the bid.
Central Government had moved the timescales and the full business case is now expected to be submitted around June 2020.
Central Area Framework The Second consultation would start in January 2020
Maltings & Central Car park Phase 1 demolition work had begun on site. Progress report and update going to Wiltshire Councils full Council meeting on the 26th November.
It was noted that phase 1 is privately funded
Government Community Governance Review – Update Cllr Richard Clewer – Deputy Leader – Chairman of the Electoral Review Committee gave an update. A copy of the slides from his presentation are attached to these minutes. A decision is due to be made by Central Government in January 2020
It was noted that Salisbury City Council, relevant Parish Councils and a number of residents in the West Harnham area would be consulted and that the recommendations will be approved by Central Government in January 2020.
Information is also available Online
7.15pm |
Climate Change To hear from Wiltshire Council and Salisbury City Council on the work they are doing to tackle Climate Change.
Followed by a workshop where we will consider project ideas on how we approach climate change as a community in Salisbury.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for coming for this themed event, and handed over to Councillor Richard Clewer, Deputy Leader of Wiltshire Council, for a presentation on Wiltshire Councils commitments and progress on tackling Climate Change.
Key points of the presentation were: -
In February 2019 Wiltshire Council resolved to:
· Seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030 · Establish carbon baseline and renewables baseline
Wiltshire Council Cabinet committed to make Wiltshire Council carbon neutral by 2030.
A Global Warming and Climate Emergency task group has been established to consider: Renewable energy generation, energy use and efficiency in the following areas: -
· Planning · Transport and air quality · Waste · Land use · Business and industry · Carbon baseline and renewable energy baseline
Residents requested to consider a Green Pledge and act on some of the following:
• Leave the car at home and walk more • Take shorter showers and turn off taps when brushing teeth • Try and use as little single-use plastic as possible • Use a reusable cup • Use bags for life • Recycle as much as you can • Turn off lights when not using them • Install a smart meter to help you manage energy use
The Chairman then introduced Cllr Jeremy Nettle, Leader of Salisbury City Council (SCC) gave a presentation on what SCC was doing to tackle Climate Change.
Key Points were: -
Cllr Nettle thanked all who had been involved with the Eco Fair prior to the Area Board and recognised those local groups supporting to include Salisbury Transition City, Salisbury LETS, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Co-Cars, Extinction Rebellion, Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership, Salisbury Community Energy, The Pantry Partnership, Salisbury Repair Café, Wiltshire Warm & Safe, Wessex Water, Community Fridge and South Wilts Biodiversity Group.
· SCC declared a Climate Change Emergency at Full Council on 17 June 2019, budgeted £56,000 funding in support and resolved to:-
ü Work to make Salisbury as carbon neutral as possible by 2030 ü Work with partners to achieve “clean air” in Salisbury by 2022, in particular by taking action to reduce vehicle emissions, supporting public transport, cycling and walking ü Replace or convert all council-owned or operated vehicles to electric powered vehicles as soon as is practically possible ü Encourage the rapid phasing out of diesel-powered buses in the City by bus operators and their replacement by cleaner or non-polluting alternatives ü Increase wherever possible the extent of pedestrianised areas within the City centre ü Undertake a comprehensive programme of improvement of the insulation of all council-owned property, ü Ensure that such property shall be fitted with solar panels wherever possible ü Do everything within its power to ensure that such standards should also apply to any new buildings which are permitted within the City
Actions SCC had already taken:
• New recycling bin in the Market Square • Recycling of domestic waste in kitchens/staffrooms • Green waste recycling from our parks/open spaces • Annual Tree planting programme • Introduction of Wild ... view the full minutes text for item 77. |
8.15pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider the recommendations from the CATG as detailed in the report in full. The funding recommendations are listed below:
· Issue 6204, Fly tipping Gradidge Lane - £300 · Foliage removal to Footway outside Prebendal House - £800 · Issue 7070, Milford Mill Bridge CS signs - £260 · Replacement bus shelter amendments - £2000
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the recommendations from the CATG as detailed in the Report attached to the Agenda.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board approved the following CATG funding:
· Replacement bus shelter amendments - £2000
8.20pm |
Community Funding
Community Area Grants Scheme
Youth Funding The Group met on 18th October and made the recommendations as detailed below:
Health & Wellbeing The Group met on 15th October and made the following recommendations:
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the following funding requests:
Community Area Grant Scheme
The Board considered two bids to the Community Area Grant Scheme.
Five Rivers Indoor Bowls Club – requested £784
Decision Five Rivers Indoor Bowls was awarded £784 towards the purchase of a defibrillator. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20
Salisbury Street Name Initiative – requested £17,000
Cllr Hocking proposed to continue the repaint / repair / renew project started in 2018 noting the request amount was above the usual £5,000 limit and that Salisbury residents were very supportive.
Decision Salisbury Street Name Plates Initiative was awarded £17,000 towards street nameplate repair/renew initiative. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20
Youth Grants
The Board considered two bids for funding from the Youth Activities Budget. Applications were considered by the Youth Panel on 18th October.
Salisbury Museum – requested £2250. The recommendation from the Youth Panel was to award £1500
Decision Salisbury Museum was awarded £1500 of Youth Funding towards Stone Age Long Board Project.
Salisbury 2020 – requested £5000. The recommendation from the Youth Panel was to award the full amount.
Decision Salisbury 2020 was awarded £5000 of Youth funding towards the TechSTEM event.
Health & Wellbeing Funding
The Board considered three bids for funding from the Health & Wellbeing (HW) Fund. The HW Panel considered applications and made recommendations for funding on 15th October.
Salisbury Pride UK – requested £2000.
The recommendation from the HW Panel was to award £1000.
The motion to fund the project at the recommended amount of £1000 was made by Cllr Dalton. This was seconded by Cllr Rogers.
After discussion, Cllr Walsh requested an amendment to the motion, and asked that the Board award the original full request of £2000. This was accepted by Cllr Dalton, and seconded by Cllr Rogers.
The Board voted on the motion to award £2000. The motion failed.
Cllr Dean then moved the motion to award £1000, this was seconded by Cllr Brown.
The Board voted on the motion to award £1000.
Decision Salisbury Pride UK was awarded £1000 of Health & Wellbeing funding towards Salisbury Pride UK 2020.
Salisbury Muslim Association – requested £1030.
The recommendation from the HW Panel was to award the full amount.
Decision Muslim Association was awarded £1030 towards Rabbat ul Bait – Queen of the home project.
Art Social Prescribing – requested £1000.
The recommendation from the HW Panel was to award the full amount.
Decision Art Social Prescribing was awarded £1000 towards the Art Social Prescribing project.
The date of the next meeting is xxxx, 7pm at xxxxx.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked Salisbury City Council for hosting the meeting at the Guildhall, and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 23rd January 2020, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.
Presentation Slides Supporting documents: |
Police Update Supporting documents: |
Climate Change - notes Supporting documents: |