Agenda and draft minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 23 January 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury, SP2 7TU

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Cllr Sven Hocking welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4th November 2019.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4 November 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Updates

An update from the Chairman on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board and upcoming news and events for the area, including:


·       New Carers Champion – Helen Dowse

·       Salisbury Train Station – Parking development 

·       Salisbury Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Event (JSNA)


New Carers Champion


Helen Dowse had been appointed as the new Carers Champion for the area, working as a volunteer with Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury Medical Practice and Carers Support Wiltshire (CSW). 


Involved in the two Carers Cafes at Salisbury District Hospital and Salisbury Medical Practice.  The cafes are primarily to provide help, support and information for adult Carers. 


  • Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust (SDH) – open every Thursday from 2.30 – 4pm.


  • Salisbury Medical Practice (SMP) - held on the first Tuesday of the month in Fisherton House on Wilton Road from 10.30 to 11.30am.




Salisbury Train Station


South West Railway would like to add an additional level to the car park on the south side of the station which was already in the lease. This would be part of the Franchise Commitment to create additional car parking.




Salisbury Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)


Every two to three years the Salisbury Area Board hosts an event to bring together partners and interested people, to discuss and set the priorities for the area by combining service led data with local insight and opinion. The next JSNA event for Salisbury will take place on Thursday 21st May, 7.00pm at City Hall Salisbury.


Bus Shelters


A contactor has been appointed and remedial works on the five shelters would follow in due course.


Salisbury Climate Change Forum


At the Area Board meeting on 4th November 2019, the Board called for people to come forward to form a working group to look at Climate Change issues.


The first meeting of this newly formed group would be held as a public event on 26th February 2020, 6.00pm at the Guild Hall, where everyone was welcome.



Information items - To note

a.     Wiltshire Council Updates

b.     Healthwatch

c.     Clinical Commissioning Group

d.     Police

e.     Fire

f.       SCC – link (written update attached)

g.     Salisbury BID - link

Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written information items, attached to the agenda or circulated at the meeting. These were:


a.     Wiltshire Council Updates

b.     Healthwatch

c.     Clinical Commissioning Group

d.     Police

e.     Fire

f.       SCC

g.     Salisbury BID

h.     PCC precept consultation


The Board congratulated Amanda Newbery and the Purple Flag Team for securing the accreditation.




Network Rail - Proposed changes to Gramshaw Road Level Crossing

Information on Network Rail’s plans for the closure of Gramshaw Road Level Crossing, and replacement with a stepped footbridge.


Speaker: Pam Elkington, Liability Negotiations Adviser Wessex



Pam Elkington, Liability Negotiations Adviser for Network Rail, and Colin McGowan, Level Crossing Manager for the area presented information and answered questions on the plans for the closure of Gramshaw Road Level Crossing, and replacement with a stepped footbridge, as part of an early stage consultation.


It was noted that: -


The residents in the closest houses would be consulted prior to the general public consultation, mobility access would assessed but due to the site layout a ramp may not be possible. 


A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes



New Waste & Recycling Service 2020

Information on the changes to Waste and Recycling collections planned to take effect in February 2020.


Officer: Tracy Carter, Waste Management & Carbon Reduction Lead Officer


Tracy Carter, Waste Management & Carbon Reduction Lead Officer, gave a presentation on the proposed changes to the Waste & Recycling service for 2020.


A copy of the presentation slides are attached to the minutes.


Key points included:


·         Plastic film, black plastic or plant pots of any colour would not be collected

·         Bins should be out by 7am on the day of collection

·         Some collection days would change – info available online

·         The black box would be for glass and textiles only

·         A reduction to the number of collection vehicles & reduced environmental impact

·         A new materials recovery facility

·         All collections would remain fortnightly

·         online email updates available

·         For larger or additional blue-lidded bin register via the council’s website via the following link

·         Wiltshire Council is a signatory to the End Destination Charter and publishes an annual return on its website


Notes: -


There were no electric vehicles with the capacity/range currently on the market to replace the current diesel offering but Wiltshire Council would review the market on a regular basis.


The new vehicles collect both blue and black bins at the same time so reducing the number of vehicle runs.


Residents urged to report when bins are not returned to the house from which they were taken so that the contractor / collection team could be advised.


The blue recycling bags blow around the streets when empty.


A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes.




Salisbury Central Area Framework / High Street Fund Updates

To receive updates from Victoria Moloney, Head of South Wilts Economic Recovery Team, and Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director for Economic Recovery.


Victoria Moloney, Head of South Wilts Economic Recovery & Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director for Economic Recovery presented updates on:


Salisbury Central Area Framework (CAF)


        A consultation would run from 16 January to 28 February 2020

        Exhibition about the CAF and other projects would be on 29 January, 2:30 to 7.00pm, at the United Reformed Church.

        Displays also available at the Library 16 January - 28 February


High Street Fund (HSF)


        Draft business case due in March

        Full business case in June

        Decisions anticipated in Autumn 2020

        Emerging proposals include:

o   Fisherton Street City Gateway Enhancements

o   Station Quarter

o   Transport Accessibility

o   Illuminating Salisbury

o   Heritage Artisan Arcade





Area Board Funding

Area Board current financial position:


Community Area Grants

Young People

Health and Wellbeing

Opening balance





Awarded to date




Current Balance




Balance if all grants are agreed based on recommendations






Community Area Grants:



Amount requested

Applicant: Sarum Academy
Project Title: Sarum Academy Climbing Wall

View full application







Applicant: Able Hands Together CIC
Project Title: Able Hands Together CIC Barn

View full application






Applicant: CMS
Project Title: River Bourne Island Project

View full application



Applicant: Hoodwink Theatre
Project Title:
Seniors Silent Disco

View full application



Applicant: Safer & Supportive Salisbury
Project Title:
Salisbury’s Hidden Figures Pilot Project

View full application



Applicant: Salisbury BID
Project Title:
Empty Shop Window Dressing

View full application



Applicant: Community Transport South Wiltshire
Project Title:
Community transport computer replacement and upgrade

View full application





Youth Funding:



Amount requested

Applicant: South Wilts Grammar School

Project Title: The Hearing Project


View full application


Applicant: Area Board Initiative

Project Title: Sarum Ward Xmas


View full application


Awarded under delegated powers

Applicant: Wiltshire Creative

Project Title: Take Over Festival


View full application


Applicant: Salisbury Live

Project Title: Salisbury Live 2020


View full application


Applicant: Harnham Schools Association

Project Title: Harnham Slope Fun Run


View full application


Applicant: Barford Hornets

Project Title: Barford Hornets Football Club


View full application


Applicant: Family Counselling Trust

Project Title: Family Counselling Trust Wiltshire. - Mental Health

View full application



Health & Wellbeing Funding:



Amount requested

Applicant: Community Transport South Wiltshire
Project Title: Supporting Isolation and Loneliness for Vulnerable People

View full application



Applicant: TEDx Salisbury
Project Title: TEDx Salisbury
View full application









Applicant: Dance Six-0
Project Title:
DANCE SIX-0 Dancing for Health Project for Elderly People
View full application




Applicant: Salisbury Older People’s Champion
Project Title:
Silver Salisbury 2020 Steering Group & Programme Planning
View full application






Supporting documents:


The Board considered the following funding bids:


Community Area Grants Budget 2019/20:


Sarum Academy – Climbing Wall – requested £5,000


The Board supported part funding towards this project, on the understanding that there would be a concession for young people from locally deprived areas, and suggested the applicant approach two neighbouring Area Boards for additional funding contributions.



Sarum Academy was awarded £3000 towards the Climbing Wall project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Able Hands Together CIC – Barn Project – requested £5,000


The Board supported part funding of 80% of the requested amount, to reflect the 80% of participants which were reported to come from the Salisbury area.



Able Hands was awarded £4000 towards the Barn Project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Milford Preservation Group – River Bourne Island Project – requested £1,000

David Lovibond.



Milford Preservation Group was awarded £1000 towards the River Bourne Island Project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Hoodwink Theatre – Seniors Silent Disco – requested £3055



Hoodwink Theatre was awarded £3055 towards the Seniors Silent Disco project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Safer & Supportive Salisbury – Salisbury’s Hidden Figures Pilot Project – requested £5,000



Safer & Supportive Salisbury was awarded £5000 towards Salisbury Hidden Figures project.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Salisbury BID – Empty Shop Window Dressing – requested £5,000

Robin McGowan



Salisbury BID was awarded up to £5000 towards the Empty Shop Window scheme.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20


Community Transport South Wiltshire - Community Transport computer replacement and upgrade – requested £ 1257.50



Community Transport South Wiltshire was awarded £1257.50 towards a Computer replacement.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20



Youth Funding Budget 2019/20:


South Wilts Grammar School – The Hearing Project – requested £1050

Our goal is to make Salisbury the first deaf friendly city in Europe.



The Board supported the Recommendation of the LYN to award £1050 to the Hearing Project – SWGS.


Area Board Initiative – Sarum Ward Xmas – requested £250



The Board noted that an awarded of £250 had been made under Delegated Powers on 14 November 2019, to the Sarum Ward Christmas Initiative, due to the project taking place before the next Area Board meeting.


Wiltshire Creative – Take Over Festival – requested £5,000



The Board supported the Recommendation of the LYN to award £5000 towards the Take Over Festival 2020.


Salisbury Live – Salisbury Live 2020 – requested £2900



The Board supported the Recommendation of the LYN to award £2900 towards Salisbury Live 2020.


Harnham Schools Association – Harnham Slope Fun Run – requested £430

(12th July – all ages welcome. 1k 3k 5k runs available)



The Board supported the Recommendation of the LYN to award £430 to the Harnham Slope Fun  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.




The date of the next meeting is Thursday 26th March 2020, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.


2020/21 meeting dates:


26 March / 21 May / 2 July / 1 October / 26 November / 21 January / 4 March



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 26th March 2020, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.


Attachments: Slides

Supporting documents: