Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 3 December 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Online

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)


Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman Cllr Atiqul Hoque welcomed everyone to the online meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held Online, on Thursday 8 October 2020.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 October 2020  were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chairman at a later date.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



In relation to item 10 – Community Area Grants, Cllr Hocking noted that he was in discussions with the applicant for the Anybody Can Cook application, regarding the possible use of his catering equipment. Due to this he would not take part in the discussion or vote on the item.


In relation to item 10 – Health & Wellbeing Funding – Safe and Supportive Salisbury Application, Cllr Walsh noted that in his capacity of City Mayor, he featured in the booklet to be printed, but as this was a non-pecuniary interest he would take part in the discussion and vote on the item.



Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.



River Park

Following on from the presentation at the last Area Board, the consultation on the River Park Masterplan and Phase 1 proposals of the River Park scheme had now commenced.  Details could be found on the Council’s web-site and would close on 8 January.    


Area Board Champions

Both of the Area Board Champions were praise and thanked for their work.


Carers Champion, Helen Dowse, was organising a ‘Christmas Stocking Surprise’ for nearly 100 of the unpaid carers in the city. Helen had been working tirelessly on the project, collecting donations and making up Christmas Stockings for these often, unsung heroes in our community.


Older People’s Champion, Irene Kohler, had organised the Silver Salisbury teas project in October, which saw 175 older people, who were unable to get out and about or were still isolating or shielding, receive a fantastic afternoon tea. Not content with this success, Irene was now looking to repeat the project in February 2021.



Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Police – CPT webpage link

b)    Fire - attached

c)     Salisbury BID – website

d)    Salisbury City Council website

e)    Healthwatch Wiltshire – attached

f)      Clinical Commissioning Group - attached


g)    Maltings and River Park – Following on from the presentation at the last Area Board, the consultation on the River Park Masterplan and Phase 1 proposals of the River Park scheme has now commenced.  Details can be found on the Council’s web-site:

    Consultation closes on 8th January and comments are welcome.   




To receive any verbal updates from Partners in attendance.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Police - Inspector Pete Sparrow

The figures around crime reporting were pleasing, recorded crime was at 199 crimes for the whole of Salisbury in November 2020, which was significantly down compared to the same period last November where there were 331 recorded crimes. Violent crime was also down from 95 to 73 for the same period.


Inspector Sparrow would try to circulate a report to members in due course.



Fire – Station Manager Matthew Maggs 

In addition to the written report attached to the agenda, Matty noted that there hd not been a dramatic increase in attendance, it had in fact decreased, this was put down to more people working from home.


Salisbury City Council – Liz Sirman

The shops were now open please encourage everyone to shop locally. The Christmas markets will open on Sunday.



The Impact of Covid on Schools, Health & Care Services in Salisbury

The Board has invited three representatives to come and talk about how Covid has impacted on them and the people they serve in Salisbury, measures taken to cope during imposed restrictions and how they have adapted to meet the needs of the community.


·       Katy Gillingham – Salisbury Medical Practice (communications and engagement lead)

·       Gareth Jones – Sarum Academy (head of 6th form)

·       Matthew Airey – Wessex Care




The Board had invited representatives from some of the services in Salisbury to share how Covid had impacted on their organisation and what measures they had needed to take to cope and meet the needs of the community during the pandemic.



Katy Gillingham - Salisbury Medical Practice.


Katy ran through a presentation which detailed how they have coped at the practice and some of the steps taken:


Impact and adaptations

        Branch site changes

        Pre-booked appointments only

        New appointment system

        Hot and cold sites

        Working with other Practices

        Referrals/Minor Surgery

        Adapted flu clinics


·       Fisherton House site was closed to walk in patients

·       Bemerton Heath surgery recently re-open

·       The min impact had been a review of the appointment system, and the adaptation to a telephone system.

·       Introduction of same day GP telephone appointments - morning and afternoon.

·       Video consultation – triage could view symptoms such as rash etc.


A huge amount of calls were received especially in the morning, so the phone lines were increased to 60, resulting in patients getting through a lot quicker.


There had been the introduction of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ sites, where people with certain symptoms could be separated and then seen in the hot site.  


There had been a big impact on the flu clinics, these were held at Sarum Academy and there had been wonderful feedback following these.


It was hoped that here would be more information to circulate on the Covid Vaccine clinics soon.


Covid-19 Procedure


        Cleaning high touch areas three times a day

        Screening patients before attending appointments

        Wiping chairs down after each patient

        Open windows to ensure ventilation

        Socially distanced waiting rooms

        Patients arrive 5 minutes before their appointment

        Face coverings/PPE


Positive Outcomes

        Staff working from one site –teamwork

        Same day appointments for patients

        Introduction of video consultations

        Uptake of online services

        Engagement with our local community


Thank you to all of the businesses and individuals that donated PPE at the start of the Covid pandemic. We are still open for business


Questions and comments:

  • All very grateful for the hard work of the national health service over the last months, it really had been an extraordinary period.
  • Could you explain your personal role? Answer: Engaging with the community, to be the in-between person, I am able to relay information back to the GPs, and help the practice be more of a community hub rather than just a health centre.
  • The flu clinic at Sarum Academy was very well run, I attended and there was an orderly process, efficient and effortless. Congratulations. If that is a model for the Covid vaccination clinics, they would be seamless.  




Matthew Airey from Wessex Care.


We are a strategic partner of the local authority and the NHS our provision ranges from nursing care through to specialist dementia care


Main challenges

Some of the equipment needed and its availability, however we had pre- considered this and had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.



The Future of Salisbury City Hall

Following the continuing temporary closure of Salisbury City Hall due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Cllr Rogers proposes that Salisbury Area Board supports the re-opening of the historic entertainment venue as soon as is safe and practical.


The Board is asked to support the proposal to request that Wiltshire Council  conducts any community engagement and/or consultation should the usage change, through the Salisbury Area Board.



We have been asked by Cllr Rogers to support the re-opening of the Salisbury City Hall as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.


The Board was asked to support the proposal of Cllr Rogers, to request that Wiltshire Council conducts any community engagement and/or consultation

should the usage change, through the Salisbury Area Board.


Cllr Rogers noted that the 8 Board Cllrs were the representatives of the city and should be involved if there was to be any change to the operation. People had been in touch with him about this issue as it was a much-loved venue in the city. It was important to be able to take the views of the public


Cllr Walsh supported the recommendation, adding that the city Hall was build with money put together for a war memorial for people that died in the second world war. There would be uproar if anything was done that was not considered by the Area Board.


Cllr Dean had previously spoke to the Leader of the Council, when it first closed, he had assured him that there were no plans for a change of use and that when permitted the City Hall would be in use again for a new calendar of events with the existing staff.


Cllr Dalton noted that all of the staff at City Hall had been made redundant so there would not be a staff to run it if it did open tomorrow.



The Salisbury Area Board requested that should the use of City Hall change in any way, that it conducts any community engagement and/or consultation through the Area Board.





Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

The board is asked to note the minutes of the CATG meeting that took place on 17 November 2020 and consider and recommendations for funding ad detailed therein.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the report from the last meeting on 17 November which was attached to the agenda.


Cllr Hocking (Chairman of CATG) gave an update on the recommendations for funding and current schemes.


The Street Nameplate Refurbishment Scheme was nearly complete. A list of work already carried out and the outstanding work in the two remaining areas (Bishopdown and Harnham) was being compiled for consideration and would be brought to a future meeting.



The Salisbury Area board approved the recommendations for funding as detailed in the attached CATG report.







Area Board Funding

Current financial position of funds available at this meeting:

·       Community Area Grants budget - £37,063.28

·       Young People’s funding budget – £15,532.00

·       Health & Wellbeing budget - £1190.22



Community Area Grants Scheme

To consider applications for funding as detailed in the Grants report attached and listed below:



Amount requested

Applicant: Hampworth Croquet Club
Project Title: Keeping Hamptworth Croquet Club Open  Phase 2

View full application







Applicant: Five Rivers Indoors Bowls Club
Project Title: Five Rivers Indoor Bowls Club - Motorised Wheelchair

View full application






Applicant: Devenish Bradshaw Trust
Project Title: Devenish Bradshaw Trust - City to Countryside Dog Trails

View full application






Applicant: Secret Spitfire Charity
Project Title:
Secret Spitfire Memorial and blue plaques

View full application






Applicant: The Any Body Can Cook Community Interest Company
Project Title: L
ocal Pantry Salisbury

View full application






Applicant: Milford Street Bridge Project ( St Edmunds Community Association)
Project Title:
Milford Street Bridge Project - Covid Updates and Futureproofing

View full application






Applicant: Alabare Christian Care & Support
Project Title:
Hygiene Privacy for Homeless

View full application






Applicant: Macklin Road Residents Association
Project Title:
Macklin Road Estate Centenary Plaque

View full application







Youth Funding



Amount requested

Applicant: Wiltshire Youth Futsal League

Project Title: Wiltshire Youth Futsal League Sports Hall Hire


View full application





Health & Wellbeing Funding



Amount requested

Applicant: Safer & Supportive Salisbury
Project Title: Printing costs of booklet of Salisbury Covid Stories

View full application









Area Board Intergeneration Project Funding

At Salisbury Area Board meetings during March & May 2020, a total of £5000.00 was set aside from the youth budget for an Intergenerational Project. 

Following this, a project brief was created, and applicants were invited to submit proposals by the end of September 2020. Three proposals were received. 


On 9th November a panel featuring Cllr Ricky Rogers, Irene Kohler (Older Peoples Champion, Helen Dowse (Carers Champion) and members of our youth panel interviewed the applicants. The Panels recommendation that the £5000.00 funding be awarded to Salisbury Museum (project detailed in attached papers).


The Board is asked to approve the recommendation for funding.


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the applications for funding as detailed in the agenda pack. Applicants present were invited to give a brief overview of their projects, followed by an opportunity for questions.


Community Area Grants:


Hampworth Croquet Club – requested £5,000

The applicant Stephen Bennett spoke in support of the project.



·       How many members did you have? Answer: Approx. 60

·       What fundraising had taken place? Answer: We had been applying for funding and were successful with £1k from Persimmons Homes, Membership fees brough in £3500, and crowd funding supported by sports England. Also applied to Southern Wilts AB which also allocated £5000. Had approached PC however, had not had much joy in communicating with them. 

·       Why had there been a change in the lawn care situation? Answer: The previous system was for all of our funds to be handed over to the landlord in return for maintenance. That arrangement had ended and now there was a new regime where we must maintain the lawn ourselves.

·       The club was outside of our community area. Should be down to the PC as well.

·       You are equidistant to Southampton, so I suggest you also look further afield to provide some support.

·       There were only 2 clubs that offered this across the whole of Wiltshire, there must be quite a few of our residents who partake. Happy to support some level of funding.

·       Cllr Dean - £5k was a generous amount from Southern AB. As there were only 50 – 60 members, it was likely half would be from the Salisbury area. I propose £1000. This was seconded by Cllr Rogers.



The Hampworth Croquet club was awarded £1000 towards the project.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2020/21.


Five Rivers Indoor Bowls club – requested £1,000

The applicant, Diane Makepeace spoke in support of the application.


The Chairman moved the motion to award in full, this was seconded by Cllr Douglas.



The Five Rivers Indoor Bowls club was awarded £1000 towards the purchase of a motorised wheelchair to accommodate greater participation.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2020/21.



Devenish Bradshaw Trust – requested £2,127.44

The applicant David Burton spoke in support of the application.


Questions and comments:

·       Cllr Dean noted that whilst the project was a nice thing to do, he felt that perhaps it was not as deserving as some of the other projects.  

·       The exercise aspect was supported by some members.


The motion to award a lower amount of £1000 was put forward by Cllr Dean. This was seconded by Cllr Walsh.



The Devenish Bradshaw Trust was awarded £1000 towards the city to countryside dog trails.


The application met the Community Area Grants criteria for 2020/21.



Secret Spitfire Charity – requested £5,000

The applicant Chris Walley spoke in support of the application.


Questions and comments


The Chairman noted his support for this exciting project and moved the motion to award the full amount. This motion was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.






The date of the next meeting is Thursday 22 January 2021 at 6.00pm.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on 21 January 2021.