Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6.30pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Cllr Bridget Wayman, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board. Members and officers introduced themselves.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
· Cllr Nick Errington · Cllr George Jeans |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held Online, on Wednesday 30 June 2021.
To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 30 June, were agreed as a true and correct record. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman explained that the legislation allowing local authorities to take public meetings and decisions online was not extended past 6 May 2021. Area Boards held online after this date would need to have any funding decisions ratified through the Leader Delegated Decision process before funding could be released.
Cllr Pauline Church joined the meeting at around 6:44pm. However, as decisions were being ratified by the Leader, the meeting was able to get underway at 6:30pm with two councillors present. |
6.40pm |
Police & Crime Commissioner An introduction from the newly elected Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC), Philip Wilkinson.
The Area Board would like to hear from the PCC particularly about proposals to combat speeding in our towns and villages.
Followed by an opportunity for Q & A. Minutes: The newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Swindon and Wiltshire, Phillip Wilkinson, provided some background information about his career, as well as what he saw as his key priorities. The PCC reiterated that he came from a rural community and would bring his experience working on inter agency plans and as a military special forces officer to the role. He stressed that rural crime was his top priority, given its links to serious organised crime, County Lines and wider drug related issues.
Other points covered included
· New mobile speed cameras. · Increased dialogue with communities. · He urged the community to take part in the consultation on the annual Police and Crime Plan.
During the course of the discussion the key points raised were:
• Members welcomed the bottom-up approach and opportunity for further engagement. • The public asked questions about what could be done to better utilise the data from speed indicator devices (SIDs) and how the available information could be retained and coordinated. The PCC stated that his office would coordinate the Speed Watch teams more effectively and that there was currently a lack of oversight. • Members pressed the PCC on enforcement action and whether they could expect a proactive response where speeding hot spots had been identified. The PCC stressed the effectiveness of the new camera that he had recently purchased and pledged to purchase another two, so that they could be deployed in the areas of greatest need. • The relative merits of fixed and mobile cameras were discussed. The PCC confirmed that the fines from mobile cameras could be retained by his office whereas the fines from fixed cameras would be sent to central government. He also stated that he was not minded to invest in fixed cameras because of their higher procurement cost. He noted that mobile cameras were more effective because speeders would not always know where they were. • The PCC also stressed that cameras were required to be of a certain quality to provide sufficient evidence for a successful prosecution, so deploying cheap fixed cameras would not be effective. • In response to comments from the public that they rarely saw the police, the PCC noted that lots of crime was committed after dark and that given all of their competing priorities, it was important to target resources in the way in which they would be most effective. • When asked about his views on opening a new custody suite in Salisbury, the PCC said that he did share concerns about the facilities at Bourne Hill and felt that the building limited capacity to respond of serious offences. He reported that he had held discussions with the Leader of Salisbury Council and had asked the Chief Constable about operational requirements, both with and without a custody suite. He noted that a decision would be made once he had a firmer idea of operational requirements and would be contingent on budget and the available property in the area. • Concerns were ... view the full minutes text for item 27. |
7.00pm |
Partner and Community Updates To receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:
· Police – Neighbourhood Teams Inspectors Tina Osborn & Al Lumley
· Fire & Rescue · Youth
To note the following written updates attached to the agenda:
a) Police c) Wiltshire Council Items for Information: · Ash Dieback (slides & paper) · Climate Strategy & Natural Environment consultations
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Engagement Manager. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Warminster CPT
Inspector Al Lumley provided an update from Warminster CPT (Mere & Tisbury), which covered most of the South West Wiltshire Area Board. Inspector Lumley compared Warminster figures with the rest of Wiltshire, noting that there were very similar overall trends. In 64 percent of stop and search cases no items were found, which was in line with the Wiltshire average.
He then identified four key priorities for the area:
• Speed enforcement was a particular issue due to the rural road network. It was seen as a priority to support Speed Watch teams. • Inappropriate use of E scooters was becoming an issue, so there a focus on education and targeting persistent offenders. • There was a focus on rural crime as, during harvest, there had been a spike in the theft of GPS equipment. • Concerns existed about an increase in catalytic convertor theft given that they were a particular focus of criminal gangs in rural locations.
Salisbury CPT
Inspector Tina Osborn, spoke about the priorities for the part of the Area Board covered by Salisbury CPT.
The key points raised were:
• Speeding was a key focus with increased patrols in Netherhampton Road in Harnham as well as The Avenue in Wilton. • E scooters were also identified as an issue, as they had been in the Warminster CPT. • Proactive operations had been carried out with other police forces to combat rural crime. • The coming months were likely to see in increase in poaching and hare coursing, so visibility in rural areas was due to be increased.
In response to questions about whether a team could be deployed in Dinton to support the Speed Watch team, the inspector stated that they would get out to support the team if capacity allowed. Dinton was covered by Amesbury CPT but Inspector Osbourn also worked in that CPT.
Youth Update
Community Engagement Manager (CEM) Karen Linaker spoke about plans for a programme of activities in the autumn and the Christmas holidays as part of the FUEL Programme. She also noted that each Area Board was running a youth survey throughout September and October in order to get the views of as many young people as possible.
Jakki Farrell, from the charity Seeds4Success, provided an update on the FUEL Programme, a free holiday activity and food project run during school holidays throughout 2021. She noted that they worked with Mere School and Mere Foodbank to run a series of activities throughout the summer. Whilst priority was given to those pupils needing free school meals, activities were also open to other pupils. The activities, heavily assisted by young leaders, ran for four days per week over four weeks. Between 67 and 77 pupils attended each week. In total 36 different pupils took part in the scheme that had one of, free school meals, an EHCP, or were a Child Looked After. It had not yet been confirmed whether the scheme would be repeated in 2022 but Jakki was encouraged that ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
7.15pm |
Highways 5 Year Maintenance Programme The Board will receive a presentation on the Highways Maintenance programme and have an opportunity to feedback any comments.
Officer Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer - Highways Supporting documents: Minutes: Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer for Highways, referred the Area Board to the draft of the maintenance plan and explained that the final version would be published around March/April 2022. Given that the aim was to get all of Wiltshire’s roads to similar condition and due to the relatively poor condition of its roads, the South West Wiltshire Area Board area had been allocated over £1 million more than the average Area Board over the five years to 2026/27. In order to catch roads before they deteriorate quickly, early intervention would be necessary. In some cases it may appear that roads in reasonable condition were being prioritised but by replacing the surface course, rather than digging up the whole road, less carbon would be emitted. The officer noted that further information was available on the Council’s website and that she would welcome feedback about the post 2022-23 priority list.
The Area Board welcomed the fact that South West Wiltshire was seen as a priority given that it had more miles of road than any other Area Board in the county. They pledged to consider the plan in greater detail and encouraged participation from parishes. |
7.35pm |
Area Board Action Plan & Priorities An update from the Community Engagement Manager, Karen Linaker. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The CEM provided an update on the progress made towards the six priority areas identified by the Area Board in their action plan. She also reassured the attendees that the plan could be amended as new priorities were identified. The progress towards the goals so far included:
• Planning a Health & Wellbeing event at Langford Lakes on 29 September, including with support from the local church. • Get Out Get Active had started at Chalke Valley Sports Centre and had received lots of interest. • Steady progress had been made on the Make A Friend, Be A Friend Project, an older people’s isolation project. As the focus had been on getting older people to attend social clubs progress had been limited by Covid-19. • The Wilton activities in the Silver Salisbury outreach programme 2021 were due to start in September and had received funding from the Area Board. • The first year of the Celebrating Age Programme had been very successful. • The first LGBTQ+ event for young people had been held in Burcombe Village Hall. • Cllr Nick Errington had led the first of the Area Board’s Health and Wellbeing meetings the previous week. At the meeting proposals for strengthening and increasing the number of local dementia support groups and activities were discussed. |
7.45pm |
Eco Friendly Villages Event Update An update following the Area Board Climate Change and Eco Friendly Living Online event, held on 26 July 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: As the Area Board’s lead member for the environment, Cllr Nabil Najjar, gave a presentation about an online Eco Villages event held in July 2021 by parish councils and other local partners. The key aim was to refine how the Area Board could help support community led eco-friendly initiatives by sharing best practice.
Cllr Najjar set the context by providing background information about Wiltshire Council’s two environmental strategies, the Climate Strategy and the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy. The core aim of the Climate strategy was to make Wiltshire Council carbon neutral by 2030 through measures such as providing cleaner transport, cutting waste, moving to more sustainable energy sources and a focus on the green economy. The Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy focused more on the natural environment, such as sustainable farming and resource management. As both strategies were out for consultation, Cllr Najjar encouraged people to attend engagement events.
As an Area Board they were looking to work with parishes as well as with other groups, such as Nadder Community Energy, to build upon the county wide strategies. As such, Cllr Najjar encouraged people to come forward to share innovative ideas so they could help shape local priorities.
The South West Wiltshire Area Board noted the draft Climate Change and Green and Blue Infrastructure strategies and urged residents, organisations and businesses across the Tisbury, Wilton and Mere Community Areas to contribute to the consultations ahead of the closing date of 17 October 2021. |
7.50pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To note the actions and recommendations as set out in the report from the last meeting of CATG held on 25 August 2021, as detailed in the attached papers. A summary of the items requiring a funding decision are:
· 6a - £7,300 · 6d - £1875 · 9a - £240 · 9b - £202.50 and £375 · 9c - £457.50
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the minutes from the last meeting held on 25 August 2021 and considered the recommendations for funding, as detailed in the agenda pack.
To approve the recommendations for CATG funding asset out in the report. • 6a - £7,300 - Quidhampton bid • 6d - £1,875 – speed limit assessment at The Avenue, Wilton. • 9a - £240 – unsuitable HGV sign at Sutton Mandeville • 9b - £202.50 and £375 - sign and nameplate in Sutton Mandeville • 9c - £457.50 - unsuitable HGV sign in Swallowcliffe |
7.55pm |
Area Board Pedestrian Gate Scheme - Update Area Board to confirm one further amendment to this scheme, updated flyer attached. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
To amend the wording of the Pedestrian Gate Scheme to confirm that there was up to £1,500 available per parish council in 2021/22 for an unlimited number of gates, with parish council match funding. |
8.00pm |
Area Board Funding Area Board Funding: The Board is asked to consider the funding applications as set out in the attached report and summarised below:
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered the funding applications as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda. Applicants in attendance were invited to speak in support of their projects and answer any questions that arose.
Area Board Initiative
Young People’s Event at Mill on the Brue requesting £3,500
The Chairman spoke introduced the Area Board Initiative.
The Area Board awarded £3,500 to support the young people’s event at Mill on the Brue.
Reason The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22
Community Area Grants
Fovant Youth Club requesting £4,000
A representative from the Youth Club spoke in support of the project, saying that a disabled access toilet would enable them to increase inclusivity.
The Area Board awarded £4,000 to support Fovant Youth Club towards a disabled access toilet.
Reason The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22
Semley Village Hall requesting £5,000
The Area Board awarded Semley Village Hall £5,000 towards audio/visual equipment.
Reason The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22
Fovant Parish Council requesting £4,430
The Parish Clerk from Fovant Parish Council spoke in favour of the scheme, which he felt would allow for better data collection than existing devices.
During the discussion it was noted that speed indicator devices of this type would not be affordable for every community. However, given that road safety was an issue for villages near to the A30, and that the project would be useful in developing best practice, they felt that the information from the project could benefit other parishes within the Area Board.
The Area Board Awarded Fovant Parish Council £4,430 towards three speed indicator devices.
Reason The application met the funding criteria for 2021/22
Alzheimer’s Support – requesting £2,500
The Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Support spoke in support of their application for funding to help deliver a new dementia centre to serve South West Wiltshire. She noted that their existing centres were located elsewhere in the county. The new centre would include a day care as well as providing an office base for dementia advisers and other support staff.
During the discussion the following points were raised:
• Members asked how the centre would benefit residents within the Area Board given that the centre was located in Salisbury and that parts of the South West Wiltshire Area Board were closer to Warminster, the site of one of their existing centres, than Salisbury. In response the Chief Executive explained that the centre in Salisbury would support a large portion of the Area Board’s population. To evidence this she noted that they were currently supporting 40 people in the South West Wiltshire geographical area living outside of central Salisbury. She also expected that the number of people being supported would increase if the new centre was established. • The Chief Executive confirmed that a roving model would not be deliverable given the length of appointments and the infrastructure required to offer day care. • In response to questions about alternative sources of funding, the Chief Executive confirmed that ... view the full minutes text for item 34. |
8.30pm |
Close The next meeting of the Board is on Wednesday 15 December 2021, at 6.30pm Minutes: The Chairman confirmed that the next meeting of the Area Board would be on Wednesday 15 December at 6:30pm.
The deadline for funding requests is 4 weeks prior to the meeting date, please contact for further information.