Agenda and minutes

South West Wiltshire Area Board - Wednesday 17 July 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: New Remembrance Hall, Remembrance Field, Charlton SP7 0PL

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Jose Green welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


·         Councillor George Jeans – Board member.

·         Claire Churchill – Fovant PC

·         Roger Weaver – Bowerchalke PC

·         Jeani Grant – Swallowcliffe PC

·         Mike Ash – Bishopstone PC

·         Nigel LefroyBurcombe PC

·         Eunice Beer – Tenants Group

·         John PendrillDonhead St Mary PC

·         Phil Matthews – Wilton TC & Mayor of Wilton

·         Mike Leonard & Ron McKinlay – Volunteer Coordinators for the Digital Literacy Project

·         Inspector Alan Webb - Police


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.



To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2013.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 5 June 2013 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising

The Board will discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.


Mike Franklin of Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, noted that at the last meeting the Board had requested further information regarding the spike in figures for the month of May. Station Manager Dave Dunford had put this down to  a number of accidents along the A303.


Cllr Wayman asked for further information relating to accidents along the A303. Steve Harris, Community Area Manager agreed to request the information from the Station Manager for the next meeting.


Action: CAM to request further information relating to accidents along A303 from the Salisbury Station Manager.


Cllr Deane noted that he had requested a list of response times for the Tisbury Community Area for the Campus.


Mike confirmed that Cllr Deane’s request had been received and was being processed.


Cllr Deane noted that the Community Speed Watch (CSW) scheme in Dinton and Teffont was still experiencing difficulties in processing the data, however it was understood that this would improve in September once the new CSW administrative posts were in place.


Sergeant Neil Duffin added that during the interim period, the Neighbourhood Policing Teams were assisting with processing the data.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive updates including:


·       Area Board Survey

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


·       Congratulations were given to PC Pete Jung (community beat manager for Wilton Rural) who had been recognised in the Local Bobby category of the NFU Mutual awards, for his efforts which included arranging regular Farm Watch surveillance. He is greatly appreciated within the community.


·       Some villages had been dissatisfied that grass cutting had been behind schedule, the wider issue had been discussed at Full Council and the grass cutting was now back on schedule.


·       There was a call for volunteers to take part in trialling and commenting on cycling routes through the AONB areas within the community areas. A similar scheme for walking routes had already been rolled out, the final versions of those would be promoted in due course. Anyone interested could sign up to the scheme by contacting Steve Harris.


·       The results of the Area Board Satisfaction Survey carried out earlier in the year were attached to the agenda. The results had indicated that people in the South West would be interested in changing the start time of the Area Board meetings. The Chairman asked those present whether they would like an earlier start time, those present did not express a preference either way.


Current Consultations

To note the information on current consultations, to take part and for further information, visit the consultation portal:


The Community Area Manager displayed current consultations on the display screen, these included:


·         Carers Voice

·         Bus Route Review

·         Sun Awareness

·         Housing Needs Survey


To view and take part in current consultations online, follow the link:




Community Conversation - Priorities and Projects for 2013/14

The Community Area Manager will provide an update on the attached Area Board Priorities set in 2012/13.


Following this there will be an opportunity for you to help set achievable projects and priorities for 2013/14. This will include small group discussions to generate ideas which will then be fed into an interactive voting session.


Officer: Steve Harris, Community Area Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager explained that during 2012/13 the Area Board held a community event which had identified three main themes. These were:


1.    Economy, Jobs and Skills

2.    Health and the Environment

3.    Housing


Due to the limited number of attendees at the meeting, the Board decided to postpone the group discussions which had been planned and would instead circulate a survey to the Community Area Network to establish tangible ideas for Area Board priorities for 2013/14.


Action: Community Area Manager to circulate survey.



Partner and Community Updates

To receive any Partner updates, questions and statements. Some written updates are also attached to the agenda:


a)    Police – Neighbourhood Policing Teams

b)    Fire

c)     NHS

d)    Youth

e)    Highways Update

f)      Speed Indicating Devices (SIDS)

g)    Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Development Plan

h)    Wiltshire Online Update

i)       Digital Literacy – Volunteer Coordinators

j)      Wiltshire Neighbourhood Plans

k)     Wiltshire Good Neighbours


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.

Supporting documents:


Police – Sergeant Neil Duffin

There were no major updates, current priorities continued to focus on non-dwelling burglaries. In the areas where the NPT was assisting with Community Speed Watch (CSW) they had seen some success.


Fire – Mike Franklin

Five fires had been reported during June, three of these were accidental, and one was a combine harvester fire.

There had been a barn fire in Swallowcliffe, which had been caused by the overheating of newly baled hay which led to spontaneous combustion; a second barn fire was prevented by the firemen pulling out the bales from the barn before they also caught fire.

Mike also spoke about the risks of using Chinese lanterns and drivers throwing out cigarette stubs on to dry grass verges.


Youth – Jaki Farrell

A copy of the written update given at the meeting is attached to the end of these minutes.


Highways Update

A written update was attached to the agenda.


Speed Indicating Devices (SIDs)

An update would be given at the next meeting. For information on how to tackle perceived speeding in your village, contact Steve Harris, Community Area Manager.


Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Development Plan (SNDP)

Sue from Shaftesbury, explained that they were currently out for public consultation on what people wanted for Shaftesbury. Negotiation was underway with Tisbus to circulate the SNDP information on the buses, which could then visit the villages surrounding Shaftesbury, in order for the communities to participate in the consultation. An online survey would also be available soon.


The Chairman offered assistance in circulating the SNDP consultation information via the Community Area Manager.


Wiltshire Online Update

A written update was attached to the agenda.


The Chairman explained that Government had announced a 2 year delay in Broadband provision across the country.


However work had already begun to install Broadband in four locations across Wiltshire, in the south of the county the two locations were Alderbury and Downton. It was hoped that across the South West, there would be a 96% coverage achieved.


The Board was actively working to ensure that the South West Wiltshire (SWW) community areas received their share of the funding available.


Once work starts within the SWW area, a member of the Wiltshire Online team would attend to provide an update.


Questions and comments included:


·       Would there be a minimum community size which would determine who would get the Broadband provision? Answer: It was thought that it would depend on whether or not there was a green telecoms cabinet within community.

·       Cllr Deane would request a list of where the green telecoms cabinets were within the SWW community area.


Action: Cllr Deane to request a list detailing the location of the green telecoms cabinets across SWW.


Digital Literacy – Volunteer Coordinator

Following the online event which was held in Mere during April, one volunteer had signed up to become a Digital Champion and three registered learners were now assigned to him.


Wiltshire Neighbourhood Plans

A copy of the Neighbourhood Planning update is attached to these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Tisbury Community Campus Update

To receive an update from a member of the Tisbury Campus Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB).


Cllr Tony Deane


Councillor Tony Deane gave an update on behalf of the Shadow Campus Operations Group (SCOB).


·         The first learning and skills courses would be available from September 2014.

·         A ribbon cutting ceremony was planned for June 015.

·         A public consultation on proposals for the Campus would take place during early September 2013.

·         The Architect had met with Stakeholders.

·         Information on the availability of incubator units would be circulated to gain interest.

·         Yeovil College will pursue the courses outlined for 2014. Wiltshire College have gone away to see which courses they could offer for September 2014.

·         There had been some interest in the proposals to move the library from the high street, up to the campus. Cllr Deane had offered to take these people to the Devizes campus in September to enable them to see one up and running.


Questions and comments included:


·         Could the Architect be asked to liaise with Tisbury Arts Group, as they have not been in contact with him yet. Answer: Cllr Deane would feed back to the Architect

·         Which courses would be available in September 2014? Answer: Initially there would be courses in Health and Social Care and IT. The Café could be used as a teaching point. There was a possibility that there could also be a uniformed public service type course.

·         Could any other courses be added to the list for September 2014, such as an agricultural course? Answer: We need to start with the list we have already and increase the courses once we have started in September.




Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

A member of the CATG will provide an update; following this the Board will consider the recommendations for funding from the CATG budget for 2013/14, as detailed in the attached report.


Cllr: Tony Deane


Supporting documents:


Councillor Tony Deane provided an update to the Board. In addition to the allocated CATG budget for 2013/14 the Area Board could submit bids for funding to the Substantive Scheme.


Two possible schemes for funding from the Substantive Scheme were; a scheme in Fovant and one at the Community Shop in Broadchalke. If both schemes were successful, then CATG would recommend allocating approximately £10,000 to each.


Last year the council started a review of unclassified and C roads. At the last meeting of the CATG, they decided to wait on prioritising the 2 roads (C12 & C57) within the SWW community areas. The findings of the C12 review would be brought to the next CATG meeting.


Following the update the Board considered the recommendations for funding from the CATG budget for 2013/14, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved to release CATG funding for 2013/14 to the following projects:



Estimated Total Cost

Amount Allocated by CATG

Notes and Actions Required

Weight limit signage in Water Street, Mere



£250 contribution to be requested from Mere Parish Council

Layby and bus stop opposite new community shop in Broad Chalke



CATG funding would be offered as part of a substantive CATG funding bid. Decision likely to be made in July/August 2013.

Fovant triangle project on A30

Consultants are currently fully costing this scheme


CATG funding would be offered as part of a substantive CATG funding bid. Decision likely to be made in July/August 2013.








Community Area Grants

The Board members will consider 3 applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·       Chalke Valley Sports Centre (on behalf of Broad Chalke PC)

·       Semley Village Hall

·       Wilton Village Shopping Management ltd

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered 3 applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2013/14. Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their application, following discussion the Board members voted on each application in turn.



Chalke Valley Sports Centre (on behalf of Broad Chalke PC) was awarded £4,900 towards a new boiler and water softner.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2013/14 and demonstrated a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan for 2011/2026 as detailed in the Officer’s report.



Semley Village Hall was awarded £5,000 towards new play equipment and a nature garden.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2013/14 and demonstrated a link to the Wiltshire Community Plan for 2011/2026 as detailed in the Officer’s report.



The application from Wilton Village Shopping Management ltd was deferred until the next Area Board meeting.


The Area Board advised that the applicant should meet with the Wilton Town Council to enable them to work together on a revised application for this project. The Board advised that the new bid should be submitted by the Town Council and that Wilton Village Shopping Management ltd make contributions to the scheme..




Community Issues System

To consider the recommendation of the Community Area Manager to close the Issues highlighted in green.

Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager gave an update on the Community Issue System:


·         Issue 2611 – the Signs in Swallowcliffe have now been erected.

·         Issue 2811 – Obstructive parking in Bowerchalke had been addressed.

·         Issue 1312 – A local resident in Dinton had indicated that they would be willing to carry out a Lorry Watch in the area.

·         The Area Board had previously allocated funding for renewal of some  white lines. This work would be completed by the time of the next CATG meeting.

·         Additional parking spaces had been requested in Barford, Tisbury and Fovant.

·         To log a pothole people should call CLARENCE on 0800 232323.





The Chairman wished Steve Harris the best of luck with the imminent arrival of his child and then closed the meeting.


The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Wednesday 16 October 2013, 7.00pm at Mere Social Club.


Attachment - Youth Update

Supporting documents: