Agenda and minutes

South West Wiltshire Area Board - Wednesday 13 June 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Bishopstone Village Hall, Bishopstone SP5 4AD

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Appointment of a Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the Municipal year.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Wayman opened the meeting and apologised for the late start to the meeting, Board member Councillor Jeans had been delayed and it was hoped that he would arrive in time for the first item, however as he had not yet arrived the meeting started at 7.08pm.


Nominations for Chairman were sought.



Councillor Bridget Wayman was elected Chairman of the South West Wiltshire Area Board for the municipal year 2012/13.


Appointment of Vice Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the municipal year.


The Chairman, Councillor Wayman asked for nominations for Vice-chairman.



Councillor Richard Beattie was elected Vice-Chairman of the South West Wiltshire Area Board for the municipal year 2012/13.


Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To note that appointments to outside bodies which were made by the Board last year along with any changes as detailed in the attached document will continue for 2012/13.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the report attached to the agenda.




The South West Wiltshire Area Board agreed:


1.     The representation of Board members to outside bodies would continue as detailed in the table attached to the Report, for the municipal year 2012/13.

2.      To reconstitute the Working Group(s), and to agree to re-appoint to Working Group(s) as set out in appendix B of the report.

3.     To note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in appendix C of the report.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


·       Councillor Thomson – Cabinet member

·       Mark Stone – Service Director assigned to the Board



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were none.



To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 11 April 2012.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday 11 April 2012, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising

The Board will discuss any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting.


There were none.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman.


·       New £350 smaller grants scheme – Information attached

Supporting documents:


New £350 smaller grants scheme

For the first time small grants of up to £350 were available to any group for projects that were aimed at building a stronger community.  The application process had been simplified, and the applicant does not have to be a formal group with a constitution.


For more info contact the Community Area manager or click on the link:


Queens Diamond Jubilee event 1 May 2012

A slideshow of pictures taken at the Jubilee event on 1 May 2012, had been on show on the screen prior to the meeting. The Chairman gave thanks to everyone who had contributed to the tent adding that it had been a great success.


Thanks were then given to Stephen Harris, Community Area manager for his efforts in the coordination of the tent exhibits prior to the event and on the day.


Bishopstone Village Hall

Major J Thompsonof Bishopstone Parish Council gave thanks to the Board for their contributions towards their project to rebuild one side of the hall. A DVD was on display in the foyer, showing the stages of the work from start to finish.


Opening of Wilton Pavilion

Councillor Beattie had attended the recent opening of the Wilton Pavilion. The surrounding landscaping was still to be completed and shutters would soon be in place to keep the building secure.


Tisbury Market Consultation

The Wiltshire Council Markets Team and are looking to expand their service into towns. They are conducting surveys of local residents to establish if demand exists for new markets. They are sending out surveys with a return date of 30 June 2012, these will dictate if plans for a new market are progressed.


Olympic Torch Events

The Olympic Torch is due to come through South West Wiltshire (Wilton, Barford St Martin, Fovant & Ludwell) on Thursday 12 July 2012.  On 11 July the torch will be entering Salisbury, and there will be a free celebration event held at Hudsons Field.  Various celebrations are planned along the route, for more information contact Stephen Harris Community Area Manager or by phone 01722 434211.


Wilton Cycling Event

Wilton Town Councillor Phil Matthews had attended a meeting that day with the British Cycle Association. It was hoped that the Wiltshire Cycle Race would be held in Wilton again this year on 12 August 2012.


Youth Project Funding

The Board receive a short presentation from the Wilton Explorer Scouts, in support of their bid for funding from the Youth Project Funding Budget 2011/12.

Supporting documents:


At the Extraordinary Board meeting held on 22 March 2012, the Board considered Youth Funding bids for 2011/12. The Wilton Explorer Scouts (WES) had submitted a bid, but were unable to attend to present it to the Board at that meeting.


The Board invited the WES to attend this meeting to present their project to the Board. Their bid was for £1,000 towards the purchase of camping equipment.


The Chairman thanked the group for their presentation and explained that as the group only currently had nine members, the Board felt that an award of £500 to purchase the camping equipment would be more suitable. The Chairman suggested that once the group had increase in size, they could come back in the future to apply for funding towards other projects.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board awarded £500 to the Wilton Explorer Scouts from the Youth Funding Budget for 2011/12, for their project to purchase new camping equipment.


As there was a balance of £473.44 remaining in the Youth Initiatives budget for 2011/12, the additional £26.56 was allocated from the South West Wiltshire Area Board Funding budget for 2012/13.


Councillor Led Initiative Funding - Councillor Tony Deane


The Chairman had agreed to accept as Urgent Late Business the late item submitted by Councillor Deane, due to the time restraints imposed.


Copies of the proposal were circulated at the meeting and are attached to the back of these minutes.


Bid for funding for costs associated with the planning application related to preliminary work on the Tisbury Campus site in connection with the road access from the Hindon Lane development site.


The land at the top of Weaveland Road is owned by Wiltshire Council.  Wiltshire Council’s Southern Area Planning Officers have been consulted and advise that a Planning Application is required for this change.


Tisbury Parish Council have been involved in discussions and unanimously agreed at their last PC meeting that they would instruct the Consulting Engineers WSP to complete drawings and submit the application in the name of the Parish Council, providing funding is available from the Area Board.


The recommendation is that the Area Board provides funding for the Planning Application. The breakdown of the estimated fees are:


·       Producing the Plan for the application - £450.00

·       Completing the Application Forms and certificates for the submission - £500.00

·       Transport Statement (if required by Wiltshire Council Highways Department)  -   £850.00

·       Contingency (based on 1 days additional Engineers work) - £750.00

                                                                                                                Total £2,550.00 + vat = £3,060.00

(VAT is levied on these fees but can be claimed back by the Parish Council).


The Board considered the proposal made by Cllr Deane and expressed the wish that the cost of the application should be reimbursed from the Campus Budget when funding had been authorised by Cabinet in the near future.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board awarded £3,060 from the Funding Budget for 2012/13, with the following conditions:


1.     Copies of the quotes for work are provided to the Community Area Manager prior to fund being released.

2.     Any unspent funds are returned to the Area Board.

3.     If the Parish Council is able to claim back the VAT, this element of the award would be returned to the Area Board.


It was noted that Councillor Green abstained from voting on this item.



Partner and Community Area Updates

The Board will receive verbal updates from partners present. Some written updates are also attached


1.     Police – updates attached

2.     Fire – update attached

3.     NHS – update attached

4.     Wiltshire Council – updates attached

5.     Tenants Panel – Invited to provide update at the meeting

6.     Youth – to be circulated at the meeting

7.     Community Area Partnerships

·       TAPCAP – Annual report and accounts 2011/12 (attached)

·       WilCAPAnnual report and update to be provided at the meeting



Additional information:


For news & information about WilCAP, please visit:

You can also follow WilCAP on!/wilcap_Rachael 

WilCAP photos also on

Supporting documents:


Police - Inspector Andy Noble

There had been a change to the way that crime was reported on the updates, the category ‘victim based crime’ was a total of all crimes reported to the police by the public.


There had been an increase in criminal damage across the whole of Wiltshire, mainly in the built up areas, but also in rural areas. In the South West Wiltshire community areas there had been an increase in reported car damage and outbuilding burglaries, where quad bikes, fuel and farm machinery had been stolen.


An operation was underway to tackle theft from cars at local beauty spots, Inspector Noble stated that it was very important to target this type of lower level crime, which was often carried out by several members of one family. He hoped to be able to report back on the progress of this at the next meeting.


Inspector Noble asked people to be vigilant and to report any crimes by using the 101 telephone number.


The Police were very stretched at present on a regional scale due to the forthcoming Olympics.


Questions and Comments were then received, these included:


·       There had been an increase to the recorded numbers of reported substance misuse in Wilton, was this being looked at by the police?


Answer: Drug misuse is something that if the police don’t go out looking for it then it does not get reported. It is all about positive activity.


The spike in figures for Wilton was due to the Beat Officer for that area carrying out proactive work following the recent death of a young person. It had been suggested that there could have been links to cannabis misuse among other young people in the area, so the officer sought out information and obtained search warrants. Cannabis was found at several addresses which resulted in arrests and consequently a spike in the figures for substance misuse for the area.  


·       Wilton Town Councillor, Phil Matthews noted that they were grateful for the work of PC Rachel Jennings and asked if her post would be covered whilst she was on maternity leave?


Answer: Rachel’s post will not be replaced whilst she is on leave, but instead there will be cover from other teams from Salisbury and Southern Wiltshire. Rachel will be continuing to work in the back office until she goes off on maternity leave, covering more of the paperwork side of the role for the team, so that fellow officers can cover her beat duties.




Wiltshire Police Authority (WPA) – Joy Hillyer

The WPA was currently managing the transition from a Police Authority to having a Police Crime Commissioner. Residents will have the chance to vote for the first Police and Crime Commissioner for the Wiltshire Police area on Thursday 15 November 2012.

This figure will be responsible for overseeing the work of Wiltshire Police on behalf of residents in the Force area. The Police and Crime Commissioner will directly replace Wiltshire Police Authority, the group of 17 councillors and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



Volunteering in Wiltshire

The Board will receive a presentation on Volunteering in Wiltshire.


Presented by:Sandie Lewis, Head of Service, Communities and Voluntary Sector Support (for Wiltshire Council) and Vanessa Wells, Development Worker at Volunteer Centre Wiltshire


The Board received a presentation from Sandie Lewis (Head of Service, Communities and Voluntary Sector Support) and Vanessa Wells (Development Worker at Volunteer Centre Wiltshire).


Sandie explained that the council were looking at new approaches to volunteering such as ‘time credits’.


This was a new way of getting people involved in their local community and engaged people who wouldn't normally consider giving their time. The scheme offers volunteers 1 credit per 1 hour of volunteering work given.  


Each credit is worth one hour of time on a chosen activity or course. The credits can be exchanged for things like training courses, swimming sessions and lessons and could be used in certain sports centres.


There had been:


        1500 volunteering opportunities promoted through the Volunteer Centre

        A rise in no of volunteers, the figure had doubled in the last year to 2265

        An increase in the number of unemployed volunteers by 36% and half of all enquirers were aged 30 or under


Comments and questions were then received:


·       A Leisure Credit Scheme was already in operation in the South West Wiltshire community areas, which was a scheme specifically for young people.

·       There had been a call for volunteers for libraries last year, following this there had been some concerns that an increase in volunteers would allow for a reduction in paid staff, so volunteers had not always been welcome.

Answer: In Wiltshire, there had been no library closures, each library still had members of paid staff, some of which also had volunteer workers alongside these staff. Volunteers were not in place to carry out the professional tasks of the staff but to assist them.


As there are cuts to council budgets, communities need to make a decision on whether they want to provide support, one of the ways they can do this is by volunteering.


·       Are volunteers insured to carry out work on highways?

Answer: When the council recruits, funds and supports volunteers to work alongside officers, they are covered by the councils insurance. However the council also supports many voluntary groups, which are not covered by the councils insurance.


The Chairman thanked Sandie and Vanessa for the presentation.




Informal Adult Education

The Board will receive a presentation on Informal Adult Education in Wiltshire.


A formal view from the Area Board regarding the preferred option for the future provision of these services is required. The proposed options are listed in the attached report.


Officer: Simon Burke, Head of Business and Commercial Services


Supporting documents:


Simon Burke, Head of Business and Commercial Services gave a presentation to the Board on the proposed options for the future delivery of Adult Education in Wiltshire.


The Board and those present at the meeting considered the proposed options, these were:


1.     Wiltshire Council to take no action in relation to informal adult education.


2.     Wiltshire Council to be a direct provider of informal adult education.


3.     Wiltshire Council to facilitate the provision of informal adult education at a local level.


4.     Wiltshire Council to coordinate and promote informal adult learning opportunities offered across the county.


After discussion the Board proposed a fifth option, this was:


5.     Informal adult education to be provided by local Campuses around the county with assistance from Wiltshire Council.


Simon Burke explained that comments of all the Area Boards would be collated and reported back to Cabinet in September.


Results from the audience were:


Option 1 = 2 votes. 

Option 2 = 2 votes. 

Option 3 = 5 votes. 

Option 4 = 0 votes.  

Option 5 = 9 votes. 


This was then ratified by the Board.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board supported a fifth option;

Which was for Informal adult education to be provided by local Campuses around the county with assistance from Wiltshire Council.



Area Board - Feedback and Discussion

To note the attached report on feedback received on South West Wiltshire Area Board meetings 2011/12.


To note the key issues which arose from the Community Planning Event held on 5 March 2012, as detailed in the attached report.


Officer: Stephen Harris, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


Feeback on Area Board meetings

The Chairman drew attention to the attached officer’s report which gave an update from a recent consultation held with members of the South West Wiltshire Community Area Network, including all Parish Councils, where comments were invited on how Area Board meetings run.


A summary of the feedback included:


·       What works well

·       What could be improved

·       Suggested actions for the future

·       Action points for the future



The South West Wiltshire Area Board noted the action points for the future as detailed in the report.


Community Planning Event

The Board noted the officer’s report attached to the agenda. The South West Wiltshire Area Board recognises that it is better to set achievable goals, and has, therefore, decided to focus on the following areas for 2012/13:


-        Economy, Jobs and Skills.
Priorities identified at the Community Planning Event include; supporting existing small/medium sized businesses and encouraging new businesses to start, measures to tackle youth unemployment, cost of heating oil, faster broadband speeds.

-        Health and the Environment.
Priorities identified at the Community Planning Event include; tackling water supply/demand issues in the area, sustainable living, health issues relating to an aging population.

-        Housing.
Priorities identified at the Community Planning Event include; affordable housing for local people, tackling fuel poverty.

Although these areas will be prioritised, other actions raised that the Area Board considers to be achievable will also be tracked. The Chairman stated that Councillor Beattie would be progressing future work on the theme ‘Economy, Jobs and Skills’.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board noted the attached report highlighting the 2012/13 Area Board priorities identified, as listed above.


Questions and Comments included:


Mary White from Mere Parish Council thanked the Board for the funding awarded to them towards the fireworks for their Jubilee celebrations. The celebrations had been hugely appreciated by parishioners.



Tisbury Community Campus

To receive an update from a member of the Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB).


Cllr Tony Deane


Councillor Tony Deane provided an update to the Board, this included:


·       The SCOB were producing a business plan which would be presented at Cabinet on 10 September 2012.

·       There were plans to incorporate a community skate park at the site

·       A meeting with key partners would be scheduled in the next 2/3 weeks






Community Area Transport Group

To receive an update from a member of the group.


To note the minutes from the last CATG meeting held on 22 May 2012 and to consider the officers report, detailing recommendations for funding future projects.


Cllr Tony Deane


Note: a copy of the new Terms of Reference for the CATG is attached to item 03 of this agenda.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Tony Deane gave an update to the Board, this included:


·       The CATG welcomed bids for new small schemes, anyone wishing to submit a bid should contact the Community Area Manager.

·       At the last CATG meeting, officer’s had agreed to the implementation of white lines in Teffont.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board noted the minutes from the last CATG meeting, attached to the agenda.


The Board considered the two recommendations for funding from the CATG budget as detailed in the officer’s report and listed below.



Amount Allocated by CATG

Total cost of project (as estimated by Senior Highways Engineer)

Notes and Actions Required

Changes to signage and road markings at the Walnut Pub Junction in Mere



£200 contribution to be requested from Mere Parish Council; funds received would be returned to the CATG budget

Dropped kerbs in Spracklands, Dinton



£50 contribution has been agreed by Dinton Parish Council; funds received will be returned to CATG budget






The South West Wiltshire Area Board agreed to release funds from the CATG budget for 2012/13 to the two schemes as detailed in the above table.



Community Asset Transfer

The Board will consider a Community Asset Transfer of the recreation field at Vale View, South Newton to be transferred to South Newton Parish Council in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy. As set out in the attached report.


Officer: Stephen Harris, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


The Board considered an application for the transfer of the recreation field at Vale View, South Newton to be transferred to South Newton Parish Council in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy, as detailed in full in the Officer’s report attached to the agenda.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board approved the transfer of the recreation field at Vale View, South Newton to South Newton Parish Council in accordance with Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy and subject to the matters referred to in paragraph 9 of the Officer’s report.



Community Area Grants Criteria for 2012/13

The Board will consider the proposal to include additional criteria to the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2012/13, as detailed in the attached report.


Cllr: Richard Beattie

Supporting documents:


Councillor Beattie proposed that the South West Wiltshire Area Board includes the following as part of the Community Area Grant Criteria, when considering applications for funding:


Where projects are put forward by a community based group other than the Parish Council, it would be considered whether the benefits go to the whole community or only to those who choose to join that group.

·        If the benefits were to the whole community the Parish Council should be expected to make a significant contribution.

·        If the benefits were only to those who chose to join that group then the Parish Council would not be required to contribute.

 Comments and questions included:

·       What was considered ‘significant contribution’?

·       Not all village halls are owned by the parish council, so projects involving the village hall may not always involve or benefit the parish council.

·       Parish council’s set their precepts in October the previous year, they would need to know about the projects then so that they could set the precepts to accommodate them.

·       It was suggested that the idea of a consultation with parish councils on raising the precepts was needed county wide rather than just across the South West Wiltshire community areas.

Councillor Jeans added that effective consultation with Parish Councils on this was needed and that some of the smaller parishes would need to raise their precepts.

Councillor Beattie agreed that further discussion was needed between the Board members to find the best way forward.



Delegation of Powers

The Board will consider the attached report which proposes to grant delegated power to the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman. This would enable urgent decisions on the allocation of funds (of up to £750 per financial year) for costs associated with Area Board related events. 

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the proposal to delegate powers to the Community Area Manager, to make decisions on expenditure of up to £750 per financial year, as detailed in the Officer’s Report.



The South West Wiltshire Area Board agreed to delegate powers to the Community Area Manager as follows:


1.     That in respect of urgent matters that may arise from time to time between meetings of an Area Board, the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the South West Wiltshire Area Board, be granted delegated authority to make decisions provided any expenditure does not exceed £750 in total for the financial year, from the South West Wiltshire Area Board budget for 2012/13. 


2.     A report explaining the decision and the reasons why it was considered to be urgent shall be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Area Board to ensure that such decisions are subject to public examination. Any additional spending beyond £750 would need to come to the Board for approval.




Update on Issues

To note the attached Issues report and to receive any further information on  the progress of issues to date.


Officer: Stephen Harris, Community Area Manager

Supporting documents:


Stephen Harris, Community Area Manager gave an update in addition to the updated Issues table, circulated at the meeting. Two Issues would be closed as both had been referred to metro counts but had not met the threshold to be considered for Community Speed Watch or the centrally run Speed Indicator Device (SIDs) programme.  However, both had been added to the Community Speed Indicator Device programme.


Issues can be tracked online by clicking on the link:


To log a new Issue please click on the link below:





A copy of the Forward Plan is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Wednesday 15 August 2012, 7.00pm at The Grove Buildings Mere.

Late Papers for Item 10 - Youth Update

Supporting documents:

Late paper - Item 10 - Fire Update for May

Supporting documents:

Late Papers for - Item 9.1 - Councillor Led Initiative Funding - submitted by Cllr Deane

Supporting documents:

Late papers - Item 19 Issues Table

Supporting documents: