Agenda and minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 31 January 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Winterslow Village Hall, Middleton Road, Winterslow, SP5 1PQ

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman Councillor Richard Britton; welcomed everyone to the last meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board. This would be the last meeting before the elections in May. The first scheduled meeting of the new Area Board would be held on Thursday 6 June 2013.


The Chairman welcomed and introduced Councillor Keith Humphries, Cabinet representative for Public Health and Protection Services.





There were none.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2012.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2012, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



In relation to agenda item 11, Councillor Richard Britton noted for information that he was Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP).


Chairman's Announcements

Southern Wiltshire Community Blog site


Work to create an online blog site for the Southern Wiltshire community area was underway. The site could be used to present information on community matters and to promote local events and activities.


The site would be launched on 25 February 2013, further details would be circulated by Tom Bray, Community Area Manager.


Current Consultations

To note the attached information on the following current consultations:



Closing Date

More information

School Term and Holiday dates 2014/15

8 February 2013

Term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools are set by the local authority in consultation with neighbouring authorities, schools, groups representing school staff and parents.

We are currently consulting on three options of term and holiday dates for 2014/15. Visit our consultation page for more information and details of how you can give us your views.

Draft Anti - Bullying Strategy 2012-2015

8 February 2013

This draft strategy is an update to, and builds on, the previous Anti-Bullying Strategy (2008-2011) and the work carried out under the direction of the Anti-Bullying Steering Group. It builds on current work being done with our children and young people to promote resilience, celebrate differences, challenge all forms of discrimination and develop a safe environment where bullying does not thrive (including online). Views are sought on this consultation draft – to be submitted by Friday 8 February 2013.

Consultation responses/enquiries: To send feedback on the draft strategy please email your response to

Schools admission consultation

8 February 2013

Wiltshire Council is asking all parents, schools, governors, members of the public and other groups with an interest in the local area, for their input in helping shape the proposed admission arrangements for volunatary controlled and community schools.

Wiltshire's Joint Healh and Wellbeing Strategy - Consultation survey

14 February 2013

Wiltshire's draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out the areas where joint working will be a priority between organisations in the coming years. It will be reviewed again in 2014. We are very grateful for your views on this draft strategy. The consultation lasts for 3 months from 14 November 2012 until 14 February 2013. For more information see Wiltshire's Joint Healh and Wellbeing Strategy

Domestic Abuse Strategy Consulation

19 February 2013

The PDFdraft Domestic abuse reduction strategy draft Domestic abuse strategy 99kb sets out how the Swindon and Wiltshire Community Safety Partnerships are committed to working together to seek resolutions to reduce the prevalence of domestic abuse. 

We are encouraging as many people as possible to take part in the DA reduction strategy consultation by answering a few short questions.

If you have any queries about the DA reduction strategy consultation please contact one of the following:

Wiltshire Council Safer Communities Team - 01225 716610

Swindon Borough Council DV Reduction Co-ordinator - 01793 466512

PDFDraft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document 7mb

19 February 2013

The Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document provides technical advice on how to deal with planning applications that could have an impact on air quality with a view to ensuring consistency in the approach to proposed new developments. The document addresses mitigation measures, air quality assessments and consistency. It is an evidence document in support of the Draft Wiltshire Core Strategy of which air quality has its own policy (core policy 55).

PDFDraft Contaminated Land Supplementary Planning Document 3mb

2 April 2013

The Contaminated  ...  view the full agenda text for item 6.


The Board noted the current consultation details provided in the agenda. For further information or to take part in any of the current consultations online, follow the link:



Cabinet Member - Cllr Keith Humphries

Councillor Keith Humphries, Cabinet member for Public Health and Protection Service, will answer questions about his area of responsibility.


His portfolio includes:


o   Public health

o   Community safety

o   Environmental health

o   Trading standards

o   Licensing

o   Emergency planning


Councillor Keith Humphries, Cabinet member for Public Health and Protection Service, gave an overview of some of the areas of his responsibility.


·       Over the last year and a half the council had been working to integrate public health as much as possible into all services provided by local government.


·       Childhood obesity was a national problem, with rates rising over recent years. Wiltshire however is one of two councils across the country, to have achieved a drop in childhood obesity figures last year.


·       In and around Salisbury, there are alcohol related issues, with 1 in 65 people being admitted to hospital with alcohol related illnesses and injuries.


Comments and questions included:


·       Recent proposals to devolve the work of the Lorry Watch from Trading Standards to Parish and Town Councils was not supported. Answer: There are issues over the length of time it takes to track down the owner of a vehicle. It is not as simple as just entering the number plate details, as other criteria are also required, to form a valid search. The council used to support this work but as numbers have increased, there are too many now. The council holds a license to operate the search system and are currently looking to see if the parish councils can operate under the same license, so that they would not have to pay for their own. This issue will be discussed in more detail and proposals will be drawn up. Parish Councils will be given the chance to feed into the debate.




Wiltshire Council's Items for Information

To note the attached items for information:


·       Update - Wiltshire Online: Connectivity and Provision

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the update on the Wiltshire Online, Connectivity and Provision, which was attached to the agenda.


The Chairman added that the contract for broadband provision had recently been signed and that a super fast broadband project was now underway.



Our Community Area

Verbal and written updates to include:


·         Fire & Rescue Service – December update

·         Police

·         Youth Service Update - Mal Munday (Head of Service: Integrated Youth & Family Support)

·         Good Neighbour Scheme – Nikki Wilson

·         Wiltshire Involvement Network (WIN) – written update

·         NHS – December Update

·         Southern Wiltshire Issues System

·         Community Area Transport Group

·         Any other comments or reports

Supporting documents:


Fire & Rescue Service

Mike Franklin showed the Board an example of a flashing armband which had been funded by Public Protection, for distribution to local school children in years 5 to 6.  Some of the armbands had also been set aside for distribution from the local fire station to those who would be made safer by being more visible at night. The December update was attached to the agenda.


Wiltshire Fire Authority 

Councillor Devine had attended a meeting of the Fire Authority where they had been working to set the budget. The budget had been cut by 4/5 million, one consideration was the possibility of raising the precept to cover cuts. Talks were underway with the Fire Fighters Union on the resource transformation in order to reshape the fire service to best serve Wiltshire.



A written update was attached to the agenda.


Youth Service Update

Mal Munday (Head of Service: Integrated Youth & Family Support) delivered a presentation to the Board which included:


·       Integrated Youth Service ‘Offer’

The Integrated Youth Service spans the open access offer (youth clubs and settings) in addition to ‘targeted/specialist’ youth work involving young people who have had issues with substance abuse, may be unemployed or not on a training course or who have been involved with the youth offending team. This includes working with those who have committed serious offences.


Open Access (Youth Club work) is needs led, where we are able to offer developmental opportunities for young people to help them meet some of their aspirations.


Wiltshire council is one of the few councils across the country which has retained an in-house open access youth offer. The Leader of the Council Councillor Jane Scott has made a commitment to provide open access youth services. However we do not have infinite resources and must allocate our budget accordingly to enable us to provide all of the services we offer.


·       Funding and resources for Southern Wiltshire

In the Southern Wiltshire community area, there is an allocation of £33,000 (direct youth work hours costs with other on-costs stripped out) which could be used for open access youth services, out of that £17,500 is spent on the services of a Youth Development Team Leader. The remainder pays for youth work hours up to 26 hours a week.


It is important that the community is involved when deciding on how best to distribute the 26 hours of youth work around the community area. If that had not happened in the past then it should start from now on. Mr Munday apologised if the perception was that the communication has recently not been as good as it could have been. A meeting with the Youth Development Team Leader will be  arranged after her return from annual leave in order to feedback on the key issues.


·       11 to 19 Strategy

The 11 to 19 Strategy was signed off by Cabinet in September 2011. The strategy involves working closely with third sector voluntary organisations in providing opportunities for young people to come  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



NHS Reforms - Clinical Commissioning Group

To receive a presentation from Scott Carruthers, Group Director for the Sarum Locality.



The Board received a presentation from Scott Carruthers, Group Director for the Sarum Locality.


The three former Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) decided to form one CCG. This was achieved in March 2012. The CCG is GP led, which allows voices of the patients to be heard, as well as involvement from other healthcare professionals.


Some of the work underway includes:


·         Improvements to waiting times for hospital referrals.

·         Transformation of community services, to promote joined up working with other services.

·         Projects to make Primary Care staff available to those attending A & E departments with minor injuries and complications.  





Police and Crime Plan Consultation

To receive information on the Police and Crime Plan Consultation.


Presented by: Kieran Kilgallen, Chief Executive to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. 


Supporting documents:


Kieran Kilgallen, Chief Executive to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) delivered a presentation on the Police and Crime Plan Consultation.


The PCC’s role is to commission services to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service. The PCC will set a five year Police and Crime Plan, which will set the strategic direction of policing in Wiltshire and Swindon.

Engagement and consultation about the plan will take place as follows:




14 and 18 January

Community and voluntary sector workshops in Salisbury and Swindon

6 February

PCC will be putting the budget to the Police and Crime Panel for their approval

18 February

Publication of draft plan on PCC website –

18 February – 10 March

Formal public consultation via a website feedback facility

28 March

Publication of final plan


Questions and comments included:


·       The Chairman noted that the Police and Crime Plan must also go to the Police and Crime Panel for approval. The panel will hold the PCC to account for the Plan’s delivery and will fulfil an important role in scrutinising the work of commissioner.

·       Swindon Borough and Wiltshire Council’s Community Safety Partnerships will both lose a chunk of their budgets to the Commissioner as will Public Health, will there be any consultation with those two organisations? Answer: Yes, at present we are working closely with the PCO’s and the Neighbourhood Policing Teams, when we are certain of what is deliverable, then we will go for consultation.

·       In cases where you are looking to share premises with Councils, are you also including shared sites for the Fire Service? Answer: We certainly are considering these options. The local authorities have depots which may be viable options.


The elected Police and Crime Commissioner; Angus Macpherson would be visiting all 18 Area Boards during 2013.


The Chairman thanked Kieran for his presentation.



Footpaths Update - Area Board Theme 2012/13

To note the attached update report and to hear the outcome of the footpath meeting on 28 January 2013.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Leo Randall gave an update on the progress of the Footpath Project since the last meeting.



A well attended Footpath meeting was held on 28 January 2013, those in attendance were positive and enthusiastic about moving the project forward by forming a working group to continue with future action days and fundraising.


Come along to any of these activity days


Where? Time: 9.30am to 4pm




Downton (Saturday)














Downton (Saturday)




West Dean


Walks Guide

Tom Bray, Community Area Manager would be contacting those parishes which had not yet submitted walks in their area. Once all of the details had been collated work would be underway to look at producing a document for publication.


Tom urged everyone to promote the above dates locally to gain as much interest in the scheme as possible.


Tara, Youth Worker, asked if the young people could be involved with the activity days. Tom confirmed that the activity days were an opportunity for everyone to come together and offer as little or as much help as possible.



Volunteering Awards

The Chairman will announce the winners of the Southern Wiltshire Volunteering awards for 2012/13, for the following categories:


·       Working together with young people in our community

·       Working to support older people in our community

·       Working to help keep our community safe

·       Working to improve our footpaths


Supporting documents:


The Board had received six nominations for the Volunteering awards for 2012/13. The Chairman proposed increasing the amount of funds allocated to this project from £200 to £300, to enable awards to be made to all six applicants.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board granted a further £100 towards the Voluntary Awards project for 2012/13.


The Chairman explained that each award would be handed out individually by the relevant local ward member, at a time arranged by them in liaison with the recipients.


The winners of the Southern Wiltshire Volunteering awards for 2012/13 were:


Working together with young people in our community

Carolyn Port (Winterslow Youth Zone and Play Day)

& Richard Rendall (Whiteparish Youth Club)


Working to support older people in our community

Whiteparish & Landford LINK Scheme


Working to help keep our community safe

Whiteparish First Responders


Working to improve our footpaths

South Wiltshire Ramblers’ Heavy Gang

& Mick Avery – Landford Footpath Group





Community Area Grants

To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants budget for 2012/13.


·         Winterslow Youth Zone - £300 for a new table tennis table

·         5 x 5 x 5 = Creativity - £2,400 for a community art project at Old Sarum

Supporting documents:


The Board considered two applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2012/13. The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their applications, following discussion the Board members voted on each application in turn.



Winterslow Youth Zone was awarded £300 to purchase a new table tennis table.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2012/13 and demonstrates a direct link to the Community Plan for 2010 - 15 as detailed in the Officer’s report.



5 x 5 x 5 = Creativity was awarded £2,400 towards a community art project at Old Sarum.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2012/13 and demonstrates a direct link to the Community Plan for 2010 - 15 as detailed in the Officer’s report.


Other Funding - Young People’s Music Festival Project

There is a Youth Music Festival being organised for July 2013 that will involve school workshops leading up to the event. The event will comprise of an area for young people to perform the music they have created in the workshops and also a play day style market place.


The festival will take place in Salisbury but would be involving all Southern Wiltshire schools and young people in the event and workshops leading up to it. The funding bid is yet to be drawn up as the project is still in planning stages but the Community Area Manager recommend that the Area Board sets aside any remaining youth funding to this project. A further application for funding towards this project could also be submitted at the June 6th meeting.



That the Southern Wiltshire Area Board allocates the remaining £827.60 in the Youth Funding budget for 20012/13, to the Youth Music Project, due to take place in July 2013.











Delegation of Authority

Due to the elections in May, there will be a longer gap between area board meetings than usual, with the next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board being scheduled for Thursday 6 June 2013.


Therefore to facilitate the smooth and efficient running of Area Board business and to reduce the need for unnecessary extraordinary meetings, the board will consider whether to grant a delegation authority to the Community Area Manager, in consultation with the relevant unitary councillors on the Area Board, to make any necessary decisions (such as agreement of CATG funding allocations and Community Area Grant Funding). 


Report attached


Supporting documents:


This item was withdrawn from the agenda.



Closing Remarks - Four Years of our Area Board

Supporting documents:


As this was the last Southern Wiltshire Area Board meeting of a four year  cycle, the Chairman highlighted some of the achievements of the board during that time.


The Area Board had helped to fund around 80 individual community projects over the last four years, by awarding £207,329 of Area Board funding, which had been instrumental in levering around three times that amount in additional other funding, towards these projects.


Due to the elections in May, there would be a four month gap until the next scheduled Southern Wiltshire Area Board meeting on Thursday 6 June 2013. Work would not stop during this time, Board Members remain in post until the elections, and would be working with Officers to progress Area Board projects within the community area.


Community Plan – Action Points

A copy of the Southern Wiltshire Community Plan Action Report was attached to the agenda, detailing tangible action points for the Area Board, on what had already been carried out and work that still needed completion. The report also includes a list of suggested actions for parish councils. The Chairman invited parish councils areas of the document specific to them.


As this was the last meeting, the Chairman thanked the Officer’s and Members for their contribution to the board over the last four years.


The Chairman also received congratulations from Board Members and Parish Councillors for his efforts as Chairman over the past four years.  





Supporting documents: