Venue: Trafalgar School, Breamore Road, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3HN
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
Cllr Richard Clewer was welcomed as this was his first meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
Apologies Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 1 June 2017. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 1 June 2017, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: The following declarations were made in relation to the Youth Funding Item:
· Cllr Clewer noted that his daughter attended the Whiteparish Youth Club – he did not take part in the discussion or vote on this application.
· Cllr Randall noted that he was a member of Whiteparish PC which supported the Youth Club. As this did not constitute an interest, he was able to take part in the discussion and vote on this application. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: There were none. |
Current Consultations To note the attached information on the following current consultations:
· Housing Site Allocations Strategy. link:
· New Waste Management Strategy & Information on your local Household Recycling Centres link:
Consultation portal link:
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the current consultations running:
· Housing Site Allocations Strategy
· New Waste Management Strategy & Information on Local Household Recycling Centres.
7.05pm |
Community-wide reports a) Written reports from:
· Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue · Wiltshire Council Update – Emergency Planning & Rough Sleepers
b) Area Board Theme updates:
· Youth · Footpaths
c) Parish Council /Community reports
You are free to raise any issue on the night, but for a more detailed response please let us know in advance.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the following written updates attached to the agenda:
· Fire & Rescue · WC Rough Sleepers
The following verbal updates were received:
Area Board Themes
Youth Some parishes had not yet responded to our invite to attend a meeting. The Board would like nothing better than for young people to look at the grant applications, but this had not been possible in the past. Activities were still taking place in the youth clubs and Tom was meeting with Cllr McLennan soon to look at a revised approach.
Question: What was the situation regarding the youth worker vacancy for our area? Answer: The official line was that the youth worker would not be coming back, the Area Board had been given additional funding to compensate for this.
Footpaths Cllr Randall noted that work had been quiet at the moment, and urged more Parish Councils or groups to come forward with some suggestions. The main theme on the next agenda would be footpaths and all matters ‘green’.
Police PC Matt Holland gave an outline of the written report circulated at the meeting.
The team was a few PCSOs short across the area so some were covering extra areas during this time. Currently recruiting for PCSOs, please spread the word locally in your communities that we are recruiting.
There was an ambitious Special Constable recruitment project underway which aimed to recruit 500 across Wiltshire.
A recent operation was recently carried out to tackle metal theft. This had identified prolific offenders and 4 search warrants had been carried out.
Matt Smith & Nicola Clarke both PCSOs from this area were running the rural crime operations.
It had been established that some house burglaries carried out in Whiteparish, were part of a series going on in Hampshire.
The Chairman added that there was a project running to improve the 101 service. The Police and Crime Commissioner had also allocated additional funding to recruit more specials.
David Burton – Laverstock & Ford Parish Council
There had been a reoccurring issue of tacks being placed on a cycleway at Clarendon. He asked whether the Area Board CCTV camera could be positioned at this site. Answer: The Police had looked at the installation of a camera, the idea from their perspective was not practical. For the Board it would be a very serious decision as would require a magistrates order and would divert the only covert camera we have monitoring fly-tipping to a different cause.
Cllr Devine noted that the Police had knocked on every door to alert people that they were aware of the issue. There was not a lot more that we can do. |
7.20pm |
Waste Management Strategy Consultation on the new Waste Management Strategy and information on your local Household Recycling Centre.
Officer: Tracy Carter, Associate Director Minutes: Tracy Carter, Associate Director for Waste and Environment delivered information on the consultation for the new Waste Management Strategy, to shape how the Council collects and manages household waste and recycling. The Council had adopted a 10-year business plan, and would now produce a strategy to support delivery of that plan.
The Council was also carrying out a programme of refurbishment of its Household Recycling Centres (HRC). Churchfields would close for these refurbishments from 9th – 18th November, during that time the Amesbury and Warminster sites would remain open on their usual scheduled days.
Tracy then asked those present to take part in a multiple-choice question session, using a small number of questions selected from the consultation. Those responses were collected for consideration as part of the consultation.
For the full consultation about the Waste Management Strategy, please visit Closing date: 14th November 2017.
Questions and comments received included:
· Information on how the energy would be drawn from waste would be useful as it could influence the way in which we answer some of the questions. The consultation needs to be in a format so that it is straight forward enough for people to feel comfortable in taking part.
· There are a series of measures that have to be taken to reduce costs of the recycling operation, and there had been a decrease of recyclables from the previous year, was that a coincidence? – Answer: No, the main impact came from charging for the garden waste kerbside collection.
· One issue I expected to see was an increase in the type of materials we are able to recycle. - Answer: From June 2018, we would only be collecting glass in the black box, everything else would go into the blue lid bin, with the addition of plastic trays, tubs and pots. We would not however be able to recycle plastic film.
· As this was a rural area where there was a lot of fly-tipping, this would increase if the charges were introduced. Answer: Nationally there was an increase in fly tipping in areas that had some charges already as well as areas that did not. The majority of what was fly tipped was commercial waste, where the householder had paid someone to take it away and then they dump it.
· There was concern about the suggestion of penalties for inappropriate recycling. Answer: In terms of charges we would only charge the cost of the charges to dispose of that material. It would be subject to a Cabinet member decision so members could feedback at the time.
· Can householders put their paint tins in the household waste? Answer: We are aiming to work with households to assist everyone in recycling as much as possible. The paint tins are not normal domestic waste, and can be taken to the HRC.
· Was the cost of clearing up fly tipping covered by the Waste budget? Answer: Particular types of materials like hazardous material was ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
7.35pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To approve the sum of £5000 (subject to a contribution of £1250 from Winterslow Parish Council) for signage and layout improvements at Dunstable Crossroads on the Firsdown – Winterslow road.
Minutes: The Chairman noted that as the last Area Board meeting had been cancelled, there was one outstanding CATG recommendation for consideration by the Board, as detailed in the agenda.
It was confirmed that Winterslow, Pitton & Farley and Firsdown parish councils had met and discussed the request for a financial contribution towards the scheme. They had agreed an amount between them to put in a total of £1,250.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board allocated £5,000 for signage and layout improvementsat Dunstable Crossroads on the Firsdown Winterslow Road, subject to a contribution of £1,250 from Winterslow Parish Councils.
7.40pm |
Grants The Board will consider applications for funding as detailed below:
Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered two applications for funding as detailed on the agenda.
Decision The application from Winterslow Scout Group was deferred until the next meeting. Reason The applicant was not present to speak on the project.
Whiteparish Youth Group confirmed that their request had now reduced to £1,000, as there had been a parish council contribution and funding from the Waitrose green tokens award.
The Chairman noted that the club should consider how it could be placed on a more sustainable financial footing for the future.
The CEM noted that the funding was to help maintain a voluntary youth worker in the area. If other youth clubs came forward and asked for similar support for workers, then the board would be able to consider each application on its own merits, as it would want to maintain the provision for our young people.
Decision Whiteparish Youth Group was awarded £1,000 towards a paid Youth Worker. Reason The application met the Youth Funding Criteria for 2017/18
8.00pm |
A Focus on Health & Well-being in Southern Wiltshire · What do we mean by “Health & Wellbeing” · What does Health & Wellbeing look like in a village · Examples of what some villages are already doing · What does your village look like in comparison? · What do we need to be doing next?
Supporting documents: Minutes: Chairman explained that there were two important themes contained within the councils Business Plan, these were Sustainable Communities and Health and Wellbeing (H&WB).
H&WB was an important theme that the Board wished to pursue.
Lead Member Cllr Richard Clewer noted that the H&WB Group is to meet to discuss how to improve the H&WB for the southern Wilts community area. They will look at the work already going on and how that could be improved and some areas of work that was not yet established.
This initiative would work best on a community level, as the Board could draw on the use of volunteers and organisations that we already had.
The Chairman had put together a list of ideas which has been circulated at the meeting.
The Board then heard some examples of work already underway in some villages:
Downton’s caring community – Jane (former Head of Adult Social Care)
· Downton was a good-sized village with a lot going on and many people were already involved. · They had started off with dementia friends training, this simple approach gave them a core of people that could then be make use of. · Liaising with the Doctors surgery, pharmacy and keeping Police informed. · They also used the Safe Places approach, this was a good start for a village, involving businesses and encouraging people to go out in the community in places that display the logo. · They had asked the people in the chemist to talk to the people in the surgery, getting people together and asking them to share information.
Intergenerational project with Age UK/Trafalgar School– Sue Wight Sue had been involved in an Area Board project taking place in Trafalgar School in Downton, sharing skills and finding ways forward and having a legacy effect.
Within the written report circulated at the meeting, there were proposals for consideration.
Wiltshire online has an existing system which we have drawn from. Equip older people with the skills needed for using online systems.
The school has been fantastic with their input in to this project. Tom met with the head teacher who felt that the project could be used as a starting point to develop further areas of work.
Cllr David Burton added that all the secondary schools in Laverstock also wanted to run with this.
Music for Wellbeing CIC - Olivia McLennan Olivia had been involved with dance based projects to help people with dementia and other long term conditions. The Board was then shown a DVD which showed some of the group sessions in action.
Three outcomes had been drawn from this work, creating a greater social involvement and Improving friendship and community connection.
There were on average, 12 to 14 participants per session.
Tom then drew attention to the paper circulated at the meeting and asked those in attendance to consider their village, in how well it provided for young and vulnerable people. Groups were asked to put some ideas down on paper, these were collected at the ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
8.50pm |
Close Minutes: The next meeting will be held on Thursday 7 December 2017 at Whiteparish Memorial Hall. |