Venue: Trafalgar School, Braemore Road, Downton, Salisbury, SP5 3HN
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 1 February 2018. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting, held on Thursday 1 February 2018, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none.
Chairman's Announcements To receive Chairman’s Announcements.
Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
Police Inspector Sparrow had sent his apologies as he was unavailable due to the major incident in Salisbury. His written update was noted later in the agenda but the Chairman highlightes the main points.
The Roll of the Area Board One of the priorities that came out of the peer review, was to consider enlarging the roll of the area board. At the Cabinet meeting yesterday, this was discussed, and because of the Salisbury incident recently and that mopping up large numbers of staff, it was announced that this matter would be on hold at present.
We could take this opportunity to give the matter some thought of our own, how could the role of area boards be enlarged, what do people think about the idea of devolving other areas of the council’s budget to area boards?
The question was then asked whether people would like to participate in a discussion to explore ideas with the view of putting some proposals together.
Questions and comments:
Chris Hall, Downton - I was involved with Area Boards from the start, but I now feel that part of the Area Boards primary function no longer happens. We were promised the Area Boards would make the council more democratically accountable. We were told that we would have a Cabinet member at all meetings to talk about their area of work. It would have been an ideal opportunity for the Highways cabinet member to come tonight for the highways improvements schedule item, so that they could be challenged.
You seem to have less powers than Parish Councils.
Answer: A Cabinet member or portfolio holder would always attend if invited to do so for a specific topic relating to them.
We have had Tracey Carter as our Associate Director, Deputy Leader Cllr Thomson and even the Leader Cllr Jane Scott in attendance when we invited them.
I see the role of the Area Board to try and bring about improvements in our communities, we see our roll to facilitate our parish councils and working groups in moving projects forward. Some of the initiatives we have started have really paid great dividends.
Our other role is to raise the issues highlighted in our JSA events and encourage actions to tackle those issues.
We depend heavily on working with and through parish councils to bring about improvements for our residents.
Cllr Clewer – As a Cabinet Member, we have had discussion recently, where there were conflicting views on whether there should be a portfolio holder in attendance at Boards occasionally. We have said that if people want a portfolio member there then let us know.
Some of the Boards did not want Cabinet Members in attendance. We should see them in attendance occasionally, but they should be invited for a reason. With regard to devolving Planning to the Area Boards, Planning needs to be followed through a specific process that could not be dealt with by the Area Board. 1% of ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night · Healthwatch Wiltshire – March Update · Clinical Commissioning Group – March Update · Fire
There were no new consultations at the time of publication, but to keep up to date on future consultations online follow the link: Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the following written papers attached to the agenda:
· Healthwatch Wiltshire – March update · Clinical Commissioning Group – March update · Fire & Rescue
The Fire and Resvcue Station Manager for Southern Wiltshire, covering Amesbury to Salisbury and Wilton. This new patch was the same as Inspector Pete Sparrow’s from the Police, we are pretty much aligned.
The budget for the coming year was £54.5m, that included a 5.8% cut. To compensate we have increased the precept, further details were detailed in the report.
Reported incidents for Jan and Feb, were standard. Appliance availability in Jan was good but reduced in February.
Questions received included:
· The availability in February was lower than in January, is that just a one-month blip or is there an ongoing issue? Answer: I was surprised to see that, I was expecting Jan to be lower. Until we see the figures for March I will not be able to see that, it is pretty unusual. · Has the Salisbury incident been a drain? Answer: Yes there had been a drain on the service, and there would be a financial implication. The additional staff levels will need to be paid. · A couple of meetings ago we had an update on addressing parishes to present information, have you had much uptake from parishes on this? Answer: There have been some starting to come through, everyone in south Wiltshire is outside of the 10-minute coverage area, so the Safe and Well talk would benefit all villages. · The update from the Clinical Commissioning Group is too general, whilst it is quite interesting, what we really want are some facts. Answer: Email Tom with the sort of info you are looking for and we will ask them.
Matters of Community Wide Interest a) Parish Councils and Community groups
b) Community Policing – local issues and priorities
Minutes: Community Policing Team (CPT) – Update read by the Chairman
The South Wiltshire CPT will merge with parts of the East policing areas of Amesbury and Tidworth, so the CPT will be enlarged. This is at the request of Inspector Sparrow, as he felt there were natural links with those areas and Salisbury.
PCSO Tina Rowlance had moved to Amesbury and had been replaced by PCSO Simon Nash.
Report on local crime concentrated on lead thefts in Downton and copper in Laverstock, there was a focused effort in addressing that.
7.20pm |
RSPB Franchises Lodge To receive an update from RSPB on their plans for Franchises Lodge.
Minutes: The Board heard from Nick Tomalin, Site Manager for a new reserve in the forest, which had been 4 years coming. Nick gave details on the plans for Franchises Lodge.
· On 23 March, a public announcement was made notifying that the lad had been acquired for use.
· The land was on the New Forest boundary, in the north of the New Forest, entirely in Wiltshire. It was private land, not common access land, and sat in Landford and Redlynch.
· The site comprised of mixed types of forestry.
· Native woodland had been lost over the last century which the RSPB were keen to restore. Any information was welcomed.
· There were 2 Rights of Way across the area with no current plans to open up an additional access. Checks around the estate would be carried out to establish further information about the site.
· There were no facilities at present, no parking or toilets.
· Franchises Lodge will become our office and centre of operations in due course.
· We have an empty property in the woods, which was isolated and very run. Some ideas on what we may do with this property include the option to make it into some kind of education or research centre.
· Funding streams will be accessed to develop the building.
· The National Park Authority is keen to see the restoration of some grazing on the site.
· The time frame had been tight, the land was acquired last Wednesday, by Friday the press release went out, with info on what we have achieved and how people could be involved in voluntary tasks. We will be holding some events in April and May, details available from Nick if interested.
· If you have information or you want to be involved, please do come to us, we want to extend the consultation further, we want to engage with you and find out more about this area with local support.
· Any advice and assistance on the community engagement and any key contacts that you feel we should speak to as a priority, please get in touch., 01722 412038, 07594 083291.
The Chairman thanked Nick for the advance notice on this exciting development.
· What was the timescale of the centre? Answer: This summer we plan to do as many surveys of species on the site as possible, and mapping the ecology of the site. Natural habitats and wildlife will be our first priorities. As we establish more about what interest there is in the site we will be able to develop the site further with some type of community interest, but not for at least 6 months.
7.35pm |
Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) An update on local priorities and achievements following the JSA events in 2017.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received an update from the Community Engagement Manager, Tom Bray, on local priorities and achievements following the JSA events in 2017.
A table of the actions was included in the agenda pack, including some of the priorities which came out of the JSA event a year ago. Tom would email out full details and ask for feedback.
Going in to the new financial year there was a move to align Board funding to the projects which met the needs of some of the issues raised.
There were lots of community activities already happening that also meet the priorities. Tom aimed to work more closely with those groups on this.
The Chairman added that it was encouraging, when you consider the points raised, a great many of the projects we help fund, did address those priorities and issues the JSA revealed in our community area.
7.45pm |
Highways Investment Programme 2018/19 The Board is asked to agree a proposed road resurfacing and maintenance programme with a list of proposed local schemes for 2018/19.
It is recommended that the Area Board:
(i) Acknowledges that there has been a substantial improvement in the overall condition of Wiltshire’s roads in recent years, but further investment is still required.
(ii) Approves the highway maintenance scheme list for this community area in 2018/19 prepared for the Area Board.
(iii) Notes that a new five year programme will be developed shortly, making use of the Council’s new Highways Infrastructure Asset Management System (HIAMS), to ensure best value for money and whole life costing for the highways asset. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the proposed road resurfacing and maintenance programme for the area, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
He suggested that if any parish council had a particular proposal of a project that they felt was of higher priority than those in the schedule proposed, to please let Tom know so he could take that request forward to the highways officers for consideration.
Cllr Clewer noted that we were at the worst time of the year for potholes this month. There had been substantial improvement, although there was still a great deal of work to do.
Questions and comments: · We are only getting 2.5% of the proposed funding, for what they consider our road mileage was. If we had the 3.8% of funding going on their figures then that would give us more funding. We should have the Associate Director here to discuss the proposals and answer questions on his report. There is an unfair division of money in this area. We have a higher proportion of roads in poor condition than the proportion of funding allocated. · A query was raised about the resurfacing of the A336. Answer: Email Tom with the question and he will seek an answer from the officer.
Cllr Clewer – The road improvements need to be prioritised on safety first. It has to be the top priority, the works cannot be prioritised by area boards.
The Chairman suggested that the Board did not accept the list as it currently was, but instead waited to see if there were any required changes.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board:
Health & Wellbeing Update and Funding To consider one bid for funding from the Health & Wellbeing budget for 2017/18, as detailed in the attached papers.
· Laverstock Memory Group - £2,000 Supporting documents:
Minutes: Cllr Clewer, noted that the HWB Group had a pot of funding and had met a couple of times to consider funding projects put forward.
The Board considered one bid for funding from the Health & Wellbeing budget, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda, along with the proposal from Cllr Clewer that the remaining funds be allocated to
Decision The Laverstock Memory Group was awarded £2,000 of Health & Wellbeing funding.
Decision The balance of the £2,292 was ring fenced for future similar rural isolation bids.
8.05pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider applications for funding:
Youth Funding
Community Area Grant Scheme
Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered applications for funding as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Youth Funding: Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects. Following discussion and clarification, the Board then voted on each application.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board awarded £3,025 to the Scouts for the World Jamboree event in 2019. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision The application by Wiltshire Council for the artificial turf pitch had been deferred by the applicant.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board awarded £5,325 to the Old Sarum Skate Park Fund with the condition that the total project cost was raised. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Community Area Grants: Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects. Following discussion and clarification, the Board then voted on each application.
Decision Winterslow Parochial Church Council was awarded £1,626 towards the restoration of the Winterslow WW1 War Memorial. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision BWSCA was awarded £5,000 towards an automated irrigation system at the Bowling Club. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision The Old Sarum Community Centre was awarded £1,000 towards a CCTV Security provision. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision The application from Laverstock & Ford PC was deferred pending further discussions by the Cabinet Member to try and secure funding via a 106 agreement with the developer.
Action: Cllr Clewer to feedback to the CEM
Decision Winterslow PC was awarded £3,000 towards new flooring at Barry’s Field. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision Salisbury Wildlife Group was awarded £915 towards tools and equipment. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision The application from Alderbury VH for a refresh of the electrics at the hall was refused. Reason The Board felt the works were routine maintenance and therefore did not justify an award outside of the criteria.
Decision Salisbury City Marauders American Football was awarded £3,250 towards the start-up of a youth team. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision Grimstead PC was awarded £398.88 to the installation of a petanque terrain. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
Decision Downton Community Pre-School was awarded £5,000 towards the furniture and equipment for the new pre-school. Reason The application met the criteria for 2017/18.
9.00pm |
Close Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
The next meeting would be held on Thursday |