Agenda and draft minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 28 November 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Alderbury Village Hall, Rectory Road, Salisbury, SP5 3AD

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.





There were none.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 4th September 2019

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting held on 4 September 2019, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:


·       New Waste Collection Arrangements

·       Boundary Review – Final Recommendations


Web page for final recommendations:


New Waste Collection Arrangements

The council will be changing the way it collects materials for recycling in the new year. As part of these changes, some recycling collection days may change. Residents will receive further information through the post, including details of any new collection days, in advance of changes being made. Look out for a letter from the council from mid-January onwards. A wide-ranging communications campaign is planned and lots of extra information will be available via the council’s website. 


The changes will make it even easier for residents to use the kerbside recycling collection service and will reduce the number of vehicles required, further reducing our impact on the environment. In summary, the changes are:


  • Paper and cans will be collected for recycling with plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, cartons and cardboard from the blue-lidded bin


  • Glass bottles and jars will continue to be collected from the black box, alongside textiles which should be clean and in securely tied bags to prevent them from getting wet 
  • Blue-lidded bins and black boxes will be emptied on the same day, using the same vehicle in most areas.


You should continue to put paper and cans in your black box until we notify you of the date for change.



Boundary Review

The Boundary Review had finished its work and final recommendations were available via the web link that was displayed on the agenda and at the meeting. These recommendations would go through Parliament next year.



To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Wiltshire Council Updates

1.     Fly Tippers

2.     BT Proposed payphone removal

3.     Community Governance Review

4.     Wiltshire Green Pledge



·       Current consultations




Permit Scheme

In accordance with Regulation 3 of the Traffic Management Permit Scheme (England) regulations, the Council are consulting with specified organisations and individuals before they bring a permit scheme into legal effect.

09/10/19 – 04/12/19




Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written information items attached to the agenda, and available online:

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Wiltshire Council Updates:

1.     Fly Tipping

2.     BT proposed payphone removal

3.     Community Governance Review

4.     Wiltshire Green Pledge


·       Current Consultations:




Matters of Community Wide Interest

a) Parish Council Showcase – Downton Carers Group


b) Community Policing local issues and priorities - Inspector Pete Sparrow or PC Matt Holland


c) Community Engagement Manager – Karen Linaker


·       Youth Activities Provision - Update

·       Community Safety Directory  - Update

·       Rights of Way event feedback

Supporting documents:


Parish Council Showcase – Downton Carers – Jane Brentor

In Downton, we have a carers group made up of lots of organisations in the area, including the Police, Chemist, Dentist and the Church. Between us we have carried out a number of projects, one of those was to produce a slideshow detailing information on the different services that organisations provide across the area. This was produced with the aim of showing it in the GP surgery, to be viewed by people whilst they wait.


Why did we do this?

Downton is a fantastic village with an above average proportion of older people. 30% of older people report feeling isolated or lonely, but we recognised that it was not just older people that felt this way.


There are 32 different clubs or organisations in the village. The more we did, the more we found out about the village, and in doing this, we realised that there were a lot of people that didn’t know about these organisations.


It took over a year to finish the project, one hurdle was getting the info slides back when we requested them. We also found out that the surgery’s computer was not compatible with the slideshow, so the Parish Council kindly paid for a re-conditioned laptop to run these slides at the surgery.


We ended up with a huge slideshow, with over 90 slides and produced a paper booklet of all the contact details for the organisations. We also have a small group of volunteers who are able to go to attend first sessions at the groups and clubs, for those that find this first step difficult.


We have been invited to attend the GP practice meeting to speak to the GPs and staff, to ask them to encourage patients to use some of the businesses and organisations that Downton has to offer.


We hope to use this in a variety of other settings, maybe the library. Our Parish surgery covers a wider area other than just our parish.


The Chair thanked Jane and noted that this was a really worthwhile project, and suggested that maybe there were other areas that could take this idea forward as a collaborative effort to replicate it in their areas.


Community Policing – Inspector Pete Sparrow

There have been several changes to staffing. John Hutchings was promoted to Inspector and would not be replaced.


·       Neighbourhood Community Issues slightly delayed at the moment

·       4 new PCSO’s in the area, creating a shuffle of staff

·       Simon Nash remains rural

·       Matt Smith had moved to Wilton, and continued with his rural focus and John Taylor had replaced Matt


Key areas:

·       In Downton there had been a series of antisocial behaviour incidents and low level offenses carried out by a group of teenagers. We have worked to get on top of this and there had been several arrests.


·       Catapults – We would like to see some change to the law around the use of catapults.


·       Burglary – There had been a rise over  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.



Community Based Eco Projects - 'The Village to the world via Wiltshire'

Exploring small community based eco initiatives as important community projects in their own right, but also as contributions to wider environmental issues.


Presentations from:


  • Cllr Richard Clewer, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts, Tourism, Housing, Climate Change and Military-Civilian Integration - WC Carbon Neutral Pledge
  • Tracey Carter, Waste Management & Carbon Reduction Lead – Wiltshire Council initiatives
  • Downton Green Group – Jane Bretnor

·       East Grimstead Nature Group – Rosie Wilkinson

·       Coombe Bissett Down Butterfly Bank – Melanie Evans

·       Lover Repair Café – Paul Bromage

·       Winterslow Warriors – Eleanor Hambly

·       Salisbury Area Greenspace Partnership – Nicola Lipscombe





The Chairman noted that all of the modest projects taking place locally really did make a contribution to the wider programme to address climate change and in their own right were really worthwhile community projects.


The Board then received the following presentations:


Cllr Richard Clewer, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, Heritage, Arts, Tourism, Housing, Climate Change and Military-Civilian Integration presented on Wiltshire Council’s Carbon Neutral Pledge. The key points from the presentation were:


In February 2019 Wiltshire Council resolved to:

  • Acknowledge that there is a climate emergency
  • Seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030
  • Establish carbon baseline and renewables baseline


Wiltshire Council Cabinet committed to make Wiltshire Council carbon neutral by 2030. A Global Warming and Climate Emergency task group had been established to consider:


Renewable energy generation, energy use and efficiency in the following areas: -

  • Planning
  • Transport and air quality
  • Waste
  • Land use
  • Business and industry
  • Carbon baseline and renewable energy baseline


Residents were asked to consider a Green Pledge and act on some of the


  • Leave the car at home and walk more
  • Take shorter showers and turn off taps when brushing teeth
  • Try and use as little single-use plastic as possible
  • Use a reusable cup
  • Use bags for life
  • Recycle as much as you can
  • Turn off lights when not using them
  • Install a smart meter to help you manage energy use


The Council approved £5.2 million to carry out work to improve carbon emissions and generate income from the 138 buildings it operates from. There would also be the introduction of solar canopies on the Park & Ride sites, with the inclusion of some electric charging points.


Housing was more tricky, new build was easier, but existing buildings harder to deal with emissions from housing. The Council’s Task Group was looking at this in detail, and Cllr Clewer would be working with them to develop the Carbon Reduction Strategy for next year.


Waste routes –  Following the implementation of the changes to the recycling service early next year, there would be one route instead of 2, reducing the carbon footprint, cutting back from 3 to 2.


Friends of the Earth stated that Wiltshire was the most climate friendly County in England and Wales. Please sign up to the Green Pledge!



  • This is all very positive, one thing before you spend £12m on upgrading streetlights, could you look at the solution of each street light having its own generator above it, what it gives out it takes in.

Answer: The LED programme was approved a year ago, I will see if that can be added in.


  • It is hard to find places to recycle some items like crisp packets.

Answer: We have a new version of the My Wilts app so we are looking at adding in a function to show where people can recycle different items.




Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To consider any recommendations for funding from the last meeting held on 25th September 2019, detailed in the report attached to the agenda and listed below:


·       Issue 7134 – Bishopdown to Old Sarum cycle route - £1200

·       C12 Nunton – Footway Improvement works, topographical survey - £1500 (subject to a 25% contribution from PC)

·       Issue 6529 – Installation of kerbs in The Borough, Downton - £3000


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the recommendations for funding from the last meeting held on 25September 2019, as detailed in the report attached to the




The Southern Wiltshire Area Board approved the CATG recommendations for the following schemes:


·       Issue 7134 – Bishopdown to Old Sarum cycle route - £1200

·       C12 Nunton – Footway Improvement works, topographical survey - £1500 (subject to a 25% contribution from PC)

·       Issue 6529 – Installation of kerbs in The Borough, Downton - £3000



Area Board Funding

Delegated Powers

To consider the recommendation to award delegated powers to the CEM for small grants of up to £100, in consultation with the Chairman.


Community Area Grant Scheme

To consider four applications for funding, as detailed in the report, and listed below:



Amount requested

Applicant: Coombe Bissett Parish Council
Project Title: Speed Indicator Device for Coombe Bissett and Homington.
View full application


Applicant: River Bourne Community Farm
Project Title: River Bourne Community Farm - Long Barn Renovation
View full application


Applicant: Alabare Christian Care and Support
Project Title: Old Sarum Development Centre Cafe Kitchen
View full application


Applicant: Nomansland Community Events
Project Title: Portable Floodlights
View full application




Youth Funding

To consider a bid for funding, as detailed in the report, and listed below:



Grant Amount

Applicant: The Bridge Youth Project
Project Title: The Bridge Youth Project Mentoring Scheme




Health & Wellbeing Funding

To consider 2 bids for funding, as detailed in the report, and listed below:


·       Carers Support Wiltshire – Make a Friend, Be a friend - £2256

·        Salisbury Pride UK – Salisbury Pride UK Festival - £5000



Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the applications for funding and the proposal to award delegated powers to the CEM, as detailed in the agenda pack.


Delegated Decisions

The Board considered the recommendation to award delegated decision powers to the CEM in consultation with the Chairman, for small grant applications of up to £100. Applicants would still be required to complete an application in line with current criteria.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award delegated powers to the Community Engagement Manager in consultation with the Chairman, for small grant applications of up to £100, with the condition that any such delegated funding decisions would be reported back to the Board at the next scheduled meeting as part of the Funding Item.


Community Area Grant Scheme

The Board considered four applications for funding, as detailed in the agenda.


Coombe Bissett Parish Council requested £800 towards a Speed Indicator Device (SID) for use in Coombe Bissett and Homington.



Coombe Bissett PC was awarded £800 towards the purchase of a SID for Coombe Bissett & Homington.


The application met the Community Area Transport Grants Criteria for 2019/20.


River Bourne Community Farm (RBCF) requested £4500 towards the Long Barn Renovation.



·       Is there a PC contribution? Answer: Yes £900 confirmed.

·       Your reserves are substantial, you are only contributing £300 to this project. Answer: Part of this was also funded by the Princes Charitable trust. The balance is covered from the RBCF.

·       What is the total amount involved? Answer: The contribution from RBCF is actually £1500

·       Is the Chicken hatchery area a free-range set up? Answer: Yes. This is a small-scale project that the secondary children will be directly involved in, small quantities of rare breeds.



River Bourne Community Farm was awarded £4500 towards the Long Barn Renovation.


The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria for 2019/20.


Alabare Christian Care and Support requested £4000 towards the Café Kitchen project at the Old Sarum Development Centre.



·       Have the PC contributed? – Answer: Yes £1000 confirmed

·       Total cost is £37,700, there seems a shortfall of £9k. Answer: There was a shortfall of £9850, so that’s now £8950, we will do a further application to the Clothworkers Foundation.

·       Where do your clients come from? Answer: That depends on current needs and clients moving in to our areas.

·       Why have you opted for shipping containers instead of portacabins?

Answer: They are recycled and replaceable and can be moved to different locations.

·       This will provide isolated people with an everyday place that people can go to.

·       There would need to be a condition on the funding being given subject to the other funding being secured.



Alabare Christian Care and Supportwas awarded £4,000 towards the Café Kitchen project at the Old Sarum Development Centre, with the following condition:

  • the funding is awarded subject to the other funding being secured.



The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria for 2019/20.


Nomansland Community Events  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75.





The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.


The next meeting was on Thursday 30 January 2020, 7.00pm at Whiteparish Memorial Centre.