Agenda and minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 23 May 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Winterbourne Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury, SP4 6HA

Contact: Lisa Alexander  (Senior Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Election of a Chairman for 2024/25

The Democratic Service Officer will call for nominations for Chairman for 2024/25.


Nominations for Chairman were sought.


It was;




That Councillor Rich Rogers was elected as Chairman for 2024/25.



Election of a Vice-Chairman for 2024/25

The Chairman will call for nominations for Vice-Chairman for 2024/25.


Councillor Rich Rogers in the Chair



Nominations for Vice-Chairman were sought.


It was;




That Councillor Andy Oliver was elected as Vice-Chairman for 2024/25.





To receive any apologies.



There were no apologies.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last meeting were presented.


It was;




The minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.




Chairman's updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.


The Chairman gave the following updates on outcomes and actions since the last meeting:



Since the last meeting, the Area Board had been reviewing the JNSA
data and conducting reviews within the health and well-being
and youth-partnership forums and other groups to provide context
to the empirical data.


The Board would continue to have group discussions to help inform and shape the work priorities of the Area Board going forward. However, it was noted that there was a wealth of data highlighting many issues, and that
resources were limited, so there would be the need to cut the cloth accordingly and ensure the focus was targeted appropriately.


Volunteer Event

The Area Board had held a successful volunteer event in Downton on 29 April 2024, to showcase the excellent work carried out by the area’s community partners and to encourage more volunteers to get involved in voluntary work.


It had been encouraging to see around 40 new volunteers in attendance including 10 young people engaged in the DoE award scheme.

Winterslow had also held a similar, more local event, producing a handy booklet of groups, part funded by the Area Board. In addition, Silver Salisbury was also planning a similar event in the near future.


Volunteers Week would take place from 3-9 June 2024, and a dedicated website was available providing resources and information as to how people could get involved.


Wiltshire Council was encouraging residents to consider becoming foster careers, particularly to help keep brothers and sisters together. If people felt they may be able to help or would like further information, details were available at:




Information Items

The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   Draft Licensing Policy 2024-29 Consultation

o   Local Nature Recovery Strategy Engagement Update

o   Multiply – National Numeracy Day

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the Information Items as set out in the agenda pack, these were:


·    Community First

·    Healthwatch Wiltshire

·    Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·    Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·    Wiltshire Council Information Items:

-       Draft Licensing Policy 2024-29 Consultation

-       Local Nature Recovery Strategy Engagement Update

-       Multiply – National Numeracy Day




Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team – Inspector Tina Osborn

·       Parish Councils and Community groups

·       Update from the 16 May Local Youth Forum of Partners meeting



Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:

·       Police

·       Fire & Rescue webpage: Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service | News & Incidents (

·       Health & Wellbeing Group Summary of May meeting



Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:


Neighbourhood Police Team – Inspector Tina Osborn

In addition to the written update in the agenda pack, Inspector Osborn gave a summary of the local priorities, which included:


Officers had attended three dwellings in Downton following burglaries and with the use of video doorbell camera footage, had managed to identify a suspect, in collaboration with Hampshire Police. That suspect was now in custody.


Numbers of reported offences were currently low, seasonal offences were expected to rise over the next few months.


A bike marking event recently took pace with around 25 bikes being marked.


A press release highlighting a current scam targeting vulnerable elderly people had been circulated. The scam involved scammers pretending to be police officers, contacting victims to advise that their bank card had been cloned and used in Tesco, then they ask the victim to go to the bank to withdraw money. If anyone receives a call like this, call 999 to verify details, do not use the telephone number provided by the scammers.


There were 2 new members of the team, PC Ramsey and PC Evans, a meet the team event was planned shortly and would be publicised in due course.


Police Road Safety Partnership – Perry Payne

Perry gave a summary of the data provided within the pack, followed by an opportunity for questions, which included: 


Q – When completing the form to be a Speedwatch volunteer, the first line advises not to complete the form unless a speed survey had been done. I volunteered 3 years ago and tried 3 times and gave up then went on a course and now run 2 groups. The whole process is made to be too difficult to get trained and on a group.

A – I will take that back to the Speedwatch Team.


Q – I cycle for commuting and have a camera and see people speeding, but  when I fill the police form out it asks you to complete a second form, which most people will not bother to do.

A – I will feed that back, there are some legal issues around video upload times. The process is being looked at currently.


Q – Laverstock & Ford had the same issues over 2 years with trying to get a team set up, now we have been told that all training is out of date and have to retrain. The delays in the process are frustrating.

A – I will take that back to the Speedwatch Team.


Q – Winterbourne PC had road safety and speeding as a priority for some time. Without the traffic survey there is a limit to what can be requested, we now have the road traffic survey. The two things we can do are CSW and speed indicator displays (SIDs). Anything you can do to make it easier for parishes to get up and running with those the better outcome for all.

A - Email  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.



Highways Matters Update

To note the responses to the questions raised at the 22 February 2024 Highways Matters meeting (as attached).


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the responses to the questions raised at the 22 February 2024 Highways Matters meeting as attached to the agenda.


The Chairman thanked the Highways team for their input across the whole of the county through these events.




Major Maintenance Programme Update

An update from the Chairman on the Major Maintenance Programme.


The Chairman gave an update on the Major Maintenance Programme, which was also available online.


The Board had met with the Highways team in April to discuss additional schemes and preventative maintenance. Highways were assessing those requests and an update would be provided once it was established which schemes would be progressed.




Area Board Priorities

The Board is asked to note the End of Year 2023/24 Report and to renew the Area Board Priorities, as informed by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.



Supporting documents:


The Board noted the End of Year 2023/24 Report and received an update from the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Karen Linaker on the findings of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. CAJSNA 2024 - Southern Wiltshire Wiltshire Intelligence


The update included a summary of Area Board Investments through Grant funding, a quintile investment table and details on the existing three Area Board Local Priorities, which were:




Older & Vulnerable Adults Health & Wellbeing


The Board would work towards resetting new priority themes and actions, with the view of reporting back on a new workplan at the next meeting in September. 


Comments and questions included:


How could the Board penetrate areas of work on issues such as self-harm? 

Answer: Teams met to discuss this topic and found that having more places for people to come forward and feel safe in a comfortable environment, where they could talk or share their issues, in addition to increased support from statutory services.


It was noted that realistically the Area Board did not have the resources to address all of the issues listed and several of the areas strayed into the Integrated Care Boards, neighbourhood collaborative work.


Flooding was also noted as a key issue for Southern Wiltshire which required further exploration.


The data available may not clearly paint an accurate picture of what the communities were experiencing. There was an awareness of what services were available to the community, the challenge would be to connect the dots between the existing groups, transport links and more volunteers.


The Area Board had limited resources and in setting any priorities the Area Board would need to ensure they were achievable, feasible, and appropriate.


Often the experience in the community was that groups relied heavily on a small number of people to take on the leadership roles across the various services. It could feel quite vulnerable to those people if one of those fall by the wayside.

In some areas community-based activities had greater impact, like Downton Down Time, which provided activities for people living with dementia.

Answer: We would like to replicate the Downton Down Time activity across the community area but recognise that each community was different.



One objective moving forward was greater support from statutory services, there were aspects where people get frustrated, like waiting 5 months for an occupational therapist visit. 

Answer: The volunteers were regularly the same people across our services. The Board would encourage more people to volunteer. There was a decline after covid in reduced numbers in volunteering. There were known barriers and challenges in volunteering which the Board was trying to overcome.


A linking theme was exercise, which could help with mental health and physical health.


What was the current position on the Salisbury to Amesbury cycle route, as that would touch on health, the environment and highways?

Answer: Work was still ongoing, a compulsory purchase of land may be required, proposals were being worked towards.


Flooding had been really prominent in residents’ concerns, maybe the Board could look  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.



Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Budgets for 2024/25:


Community Area Grant

Young People

Older & Vulnerable





Officer: Karen Linaker, Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager



Area Board Initiatives:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Celebration of Community Intergenerational Event at Longford School


Total project cost £900



From the H&W budget


Note: A copy of the Health & Wellbeing Group meeting notes, where the above grant was considered, are attached to item 8 on the agenda.


Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust

Chalk Stream and Meadows Sensory Trail


Total project cost £7413.00



Old Sarum and Longhedge CIO

OSL Community Pantry New Freezer


Total project cost £1775.98



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Nomansland Landford and Hampton Youth Club

Tuesday evening open access youth club for Nomansland, Landford and Hamptworth.


Total project cost £8,330



Delegated Funding

No awards of delegated funding have been made since the last meeting.



Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.




Supporting documents:


The Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of their project followed by any questions by the Board.


The Board noted the budget allocation for 2024/25 as:


Community Area Grant

Young People

Older & Vulnerable





Area Board Initiatives:


Project Name: Celebration of Community Intergenerational Event at Longford

School on 11 June 2024 - requested £500. Karen Linaker, Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager presented the application.  


Cllr Richard Clewer moved the motion to award in full.

This was seconded by Cllr Zoe Clewer.



The Area Board Initiative, Intergenerational Event at Longford School was awarded £500 of Older & Vulnerable funding.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25



Community Area Grants:


Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust - Chalk Stream and Meadows Sensory

Trail - requested £2,000. The Applicant spoke in support of the project which would provide an accessible trail through a water meadow and down to a chalk stream.


Cllr Ian McLennan moved the motion to award in full

This was seconded by Cllr Andy Oliver.



Devenish Bradshaw Charitable Trust was awarded £2,000 towards the Chalk Stream and Meadows Sensory Trail.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25


Old Sarum and Longhedge (OSL) CIO - OSL Community Pantry New Freezer - requested £887.99. The Applicant spoke in support of the project which provided support to 150 families.


Cllr Andy Oliver moved the motion to award in full.

This was seconded by Cllr Ian McLennan.



Old Sarum and Longhedge (OSL) CIO was awarded £887.99 towards the OSL Community Pantry New Freezer.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25



Young People Grants:


Nomansland Landford and Hampton Youth Club - Tuesday evening open access youth club for Nomansland, Landford and Hamptworth - requested £3,000. The Applicant spoke in support of the project.


Cllr Zoe Clewer moved the motion to award in full.

This was seconded by Cllr Ian McLennan.



Nomansland Landford and Hampton Youth Club was awarded £3,000 towards the Tuesday evening open access youth club for Nomansland, Landford and Hamptworth.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2024/25


Delegated Funding:

There had been no awards of delegated funding since the last meeting.


Information links: Area Board Grants &  Grants Criteria




Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG) Update

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 23 April 2024, as set out in the attached report.


Recommendations for funding:


·       4m – Common Road, Whiteparish - Disabled Bay - £1125

·       4p – A338, Allington and Boscombe – SID infrastructure - £1500

·       4r – Stock Lane, Landford – Kissing gates - £300

·       5g – Dunstable crossroads (borders Firsdown, Pitton and Farley & Winterslow) – Topographical survey - £5192.50



Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.


Supporting documents:


The Board considered the report and funding recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 23 April 2024.


It was;




To approve the LHFIG funding recommendations to the following schemes:


·         4m – Common Road, Whiteparish - Disabled Bay - £1125

·         4p – A338, Allington and Boscombe – SID infrastructure - £1500

·         4r – Stock Lane, Landford – Kissing gates - £300

·         5g – Dunstable crossroads (borders Firsdown, Pitton and Farley & Winterslow) – Topographical survey - £5192.50




Nominations for Outside Bodies and LHFIG

To nominate Lead Councillors to Outside Bodies and the LHFIG, as set out in the attached report.

Supporting documents:


The Board considered the Outside Bodies and Non-Priority Working Group report.


It was;




That the Area Board agreed to:


a)    Appoint Members as Lead Representatives to Outside Bodies and the LHFIG, as set out in Appendix A;

b)   Note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B