Agenda and minutes

Trowbridge Area Board - Thursday 7 November 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: The Cotswold Space - County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Contact: Kieran Elliott  Email:

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Steve Oldrieve.



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2019 were presented for consideration, and it was,




To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Councillor Edward Kirk declared an interest in a public query which was raised under Minute 61 by the manager of a preschool at Holbrook School, as he had contracts to supply uniforms to early years at Holbrook.


Chairman's Announcements

To include the following:


a)    Focusing on the Future – public event for local tax payers 7 November 2019 – 1730—1900

b)    Community Governance Review – a briefing note on the forthcoming Community Governanve Review will follow in a supplement.

Supporting documents:


Details were provided on the timescales for the Community Governance Review which had commenced on 1 November 2019, as well as details of requested schemes which had already been submitted by local parishes. Initial comments could be made against submitted schemes, and there would be consultation taking place in 2020.


Public Questions


The Area Board received a statement from the manager of a preschool at Holbrook School regarding their lease of a building on the site and amounts which had been requested for maintaining the building. The Community Engagement Manager provided additional details from the Wiltshire Council Estates Team.


The Area Board noted the comments and ongoing negotiations, and several members noted they would support efforts to help keep the preschool at its present location.


Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the



a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)    Town and Parish Councils

d)    Local Youth Network

e)    TCAF Update

Supporting documents:


Updates from partners were received as follows:


     i.        Wiltshire Police

The written update was noted. In a verbal update it was noted a reorganisation of the neighbourhood teams would mean Westbury, Warminster, Tisbury and Mere would no longer be in the same wide area as Trowbridge. There were also queries relating to police action, where appropriate, to anti-social behaviour and begging.


    ii.        Dorset Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written update was noted.


  iii.        Town and Parish Councils

The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was received. It was noted that Trowbridge contained the only Lower Super Output Area in Wiltshire which was within the bottom 10% of areas in England in terms of deprivation, and had two other areas of high deprivation. Communication would take place with Wiltshire Council on how the areas could receive more assistance. It was also stated the Council had received a Gold award for the investment in and quality of its staff, which only 16% of organisations who applied received.


In response to queries it was stated that the town council was calculating how much it was reasonable to charge for the use of their newly acquired street sweeper, and would be happy to hire it out to other parishes.


From North Bradley it was stated a new member had been co-opted to ensure a full complement of members, and there had been increasing issues relating to speeding and HGVs. It was hoped the Neighbourhood Plan would complete the Inspector stage within a week or two, although there might be delay due to the elections.


The parish would also coordinate with other rural parishes around Trowbridge regarding the Community Governance Reviews.


From Hilperton it was also confirmed that after co-option the council was up to a full complement of members. There were surveys ongoing regarding blocking off the Devizes Road, in relation to traffic issues through the village.


  iv.        Local Youth Network

Secondary schools would be met with the week after the area board meeting, and there was interest in seeing if a school would be interested in hosting an area board meeting.


    v.        Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

The written report was noted, and it was noted that the organisation was changing its name to simply Trowbridge Future.



Rough Sleeping

To receive a presentation from Alabare and the Wiltshire Council Rough Sleeping team regarding rough sleeping in the Trowbridge area.


The Chairman introduced the item, noting that he had previously had a very closed view of rough sleeping and of rough sleepers, but that after witnessing the work of the Haven project along with Alabare and the Rough Sleeper team, had changed his perspective, and so had arranged the agenda item to inform Members of the nature of the issue and how it was being tackled.


A presentation was received noting the creation of the Rough Sleeping team in October 2018 following a rise in rough sleeping. Beds were funded at Haven in Trowbridge, and others around the county. Outreach team members would seek in a persistent manner to understand the reasons someone had become homeless, and come up with a plan to find accommodation and help with other issues. It was acknowledged some rough sleepers did not want to engage, but teams continually sought to improve this.


The area board discussed the presentation, seeking details of how many rough sleepers there were, trauma and substance abuse support, assisting in the claiming of benefits, preventative measures to work with the housing options team to stop someone becoming homeless in the first place, as there was now a duty to assign a prevention officer. Details were provided of the Haven project, and the need to tackle the problems leading to homelessness, not just move the problem on.


A statement was also received from Revered Dearlove from Breakthrough Trowbridge, that the work of his organisation running day centre for four years had not received support from the council, and that many people were suffering as a result.


It was noted that a new Homeless strategy would be considered by the Council on 2 November, and that outreach work was needed, as in some cases this only extended to a bed for the night..


On a proposal from Councillor Edward Kirk, seconded by Councillor Horace Prickett, and after debate, it was,




That up to £5000.00 be made available from Area Board funds for the Community Engagement Manager to provide support to appropriate agencies and groups to seek to increase activities during the day in particular for outreach and support.


Economic Development and East Wing Update

Chris Hilton, interim Head of Economic Development, Wiltshire Council, will present regarding:


·         Trowbridge Masterplan Refresh

·         Future High Streets Fund Bid

·         East Wing Update, including an update on leisure and the CCG)


An update from the Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group is attached.

Supporting documents:


Chris Hilton, Interim Head of Economic Development, provided an update on economic development within Trowbridge. A presentation is attached to these minutes.


In relation to the Trowbridge Masterplan, which identified zones of development and enhancement across the town centre, this had been approved a number of years ago and it was intended there be a refresh to identify what had not been delivered, and if it had not could it still be delivered. Consultants had been procured for this work in order to enable the bidding of government funding, with a business case draft to be considered it was intended in March 2020, and a bid in June 2020.


In relation to the East Wing site opposite County Hall, it was confirmed the Clinical Commission Group had decided not to utilise the site, and there remained concerns regarding leisure options on the site. The leisure aspects were being identified from December 2019 to March 2020, with an options analysis prepared for April 2020.


The Board discussed the update, with the Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group asking that the existing feasibility study for East Wing be used to speed the process, and that workshops be held to discuss options as they emerged.




To note the update


Councillors Peter Fuller and Ernie Clark left the meeting at 2100.



Community Area Grants

i)             Applicant: Trowbridge Sports Forum

Project: Longfield Muga Enhancement

Amount: £20,000.00


ii)            Applicant: Trowbridge Town Football Club

Project: Woodmarsh

Amount: £4030.00


Community Youth Grants

iii)           Applicant: Trowbridge Community Area Future

Project: Trowbridge Future

Amount: £5000.00


Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Recommendations


iv)           Issue 19-19-3 Broadcloth Lane, Clothyard and Weavers Drive, Trowbridge – 20mph speed limit assessment - £1875 subject to Trowbridge Town Council contribution of £625


v)            16-19-4 (also 16-19-10)College Roa/Sycamore Grove, Trowbridge – additional bollards - £750 subject to Trowbridge Town Council contribution of £250




vi)           The Area Board will be presented with costed options for signage promoting grants awarded by the Area Board, for delegated approval by the Community Engagement Manager.



Supporting documents:


The Area Board deferred consideration of the grants included with the agenda pack.


Community Area Transport Group


An update was received on recent work of the CATG. It was then




To approve Issue 19-19-3 Broadcloth Lane, Clothyard and Weavers

Drive, Trowbridge 20mph speed limit assessment - £1875 subject

to Trowbridge Town Council contribution of £625


To approve Issue 16-19-4 (also 16-19-10)College Road/Sycamore Grove,

Trowbridge additional bollards - £750 subject to Trowbridge Town

Council contribution of £250



The Board was provided estimated costs for production for plaques and other signage for larger capital projects to indicate the Area Board had funded or part funded those projects, with ranges from £80-120 per plaque.


It was agreed that Members could request such plaques, and this could be circulated to other members between board meetings for consideration.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.