Venue: Warminster Civic Centre Sambourne Rd, Warminster BA12 8LB
Contact: Jessica Croman
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and invited members of the board to introduce themselves. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:
Cllr Ridout: Member of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service and of the Warminster Branch of the Royal British Legion.
Cllr Newbury: Member of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service.
Cllr Davis: Business supporter of the Warminster Radio Station. |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will introduce the Announcements included in the agenda and invite any questions. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman referred to the announcements included in the agenda pack. |
Updates from Partners To receive updates from any of the following partners: Ø Wiltshire Police Ø Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Ø Warminster and Villages Community Partnership Ø Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives
Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda. Supporting documents: Minutes: Some written updates had been received before the meeting and were included in the agenda.
Inspector Andy Fee introduced Helen Daveridge, Community Co-ordinator, and referred to the report in the agenda. Members were invited to attend the weekly tasking meetings, which were held at Trowbridge Police station on Wednesday’s at 11am, to discuss emerging community issues and concerns.
A couple of questions were asked regarding local issues. In response it was noted that body cameras were being worn and intervention work undertaken to tackle antisocial behaviour with youths, parents were also involved with the intervention work. During checks on youths in August no knives were found. A campaign would take place throughout September with metal detectors to check areas for any discarded knifes.
It was also noted that PSCO Mary Moore had left the police force and moved on to new challenges. She was thanked for all her services.
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
District Commander Richard Humphrey introduced his report which focused on:
· Safe & Well scheme – advisors were able to attend the homes of the elderly and vulnerable to help pre-plan for fires, check fire alarms, provide information on healthier living and life style changes and sign post to other organisations. To identify someone who would benefit from a safe and well visit would be a CHARLIE, which is someone who met at least one of the following criteria: Care and support needs, Hoarding and or mental health issues, Alcohol and medication use, Reduced mobility, Lives alone, Inappropriate smoking and the elderly – 65+.
· Safety tips were provided when having an open fire such as BBQs and during wildfires and bonfires.
· Requirement – The fire service was looking for recruits who lived within 5 minutes of their local fire station.
· What3words – a mobile app which had been adopted by many emergency services. The app provided 3 specific words according to a particular location and emergency services were able to pinpoint someone’s exact location.
Warminster TC
It was noted that a schedule of work had been agreed to start as soon as possible on the youth building which was a community asset transfer. Cllr De Rhe-Philipe was thanked for the amount of work carried out.
Neighbourhood Tasking Group
Graeme Morrison, Community Engagement Manager, explained that the NTG was under review to look at the way forward, currently there were two options. The first to transform the NTG into a community safety forum or the second to formally end the group. A suggestion was made to include the NTG on the Area Board agenda for a themed meeting on community safety.
It was:
To include the neighbourhood tasking group on the Area Board agenda and to review in one year. |
Local Youth Network Update and Youth Activities Grant Applications i. Update ii. Grants Supporting documents: Minutes: The Community Engagement Manager (CEM) explained that he had been in contact with Kingdown school to arrange some youth meetings and was hopeful to have a new LYN up and running in the near future.
The CEM then introduced the grant applications and it was;
To award Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service £4000 for a Warminster Salamander Course.
To award Westbury and Warminster Youth Club £1900 for a joint youth club.
Health & Wellbeing Management Group i. General Updates ii. Grants
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Deborah Gogarty, Older Peoples Champion, gave an update noting that the recent health and wellbeing forum was well attended and very knowledgeable, the safe places project was being revived in Warminster, they were currently looking at holding a weekly health and wellbeing event.
The CEM introduced the grants and it was;
To award the Warminster and Villages Community Partnership £1000 for a pedestrian map reprint.
To decline Abel Mosaics £3840 for mosaic workshops, noting that more work was required. |
HealthPitch Camilla Vickers – HealthPitch: HealthPitch are a new organisation who visit care homes and similar surroundings and provide professional standard operatic performances. Camilla will present on how their work improves the wellbeing of their audiences, and her plans for working in the Warminster Community. Minutes: Camilla Vickers, HealthPitch, gave a presentation on the story and mission of HealthPitch. It was explained that HealthPitch were a new organisation who visited care homes and similar surroundings to provide professional standard operatic performances. The performances were accessible, fun and intimate productions of a profession level that could be taken anywhere. So far the productions had taken place in dementia units, mental health hospitals, brain injury rehab centres, conference workshops for health care providers and village halls.
The productions were used to raise awareness by demonstrating that the arts could help people keep well, aid recovery. support longer lives, save money within health and social care, help staff and help meet major challenges facing health and social care. It was hoped that the performances inspire dialogue on how to bring quality music engagement to those facing difficult times.
Information was provided on a performance which was taking place in Codford on the 14 September and it was hoped that more performances could take place within the Warminster area.
The Chairman thanked Camilla for her presentation. |
Local Area Coordinator Claire Lowman, Local Area Coordinator: Claire has recently been appointed as the local area coordinator for Warminster. The role involves Claire working with individuals with issues ranging from Mental Health issues, unemployment and others, and helping them to re-engage with the community. Minutes: Claire Lowman, Local Area Coordinator (LAC), gave a presentation giving details of her role. It was noted that the new scheme in Wiltshire had produced very good results in other areas in England. The role aimed to; support people of all ages, across ‘service types’ on a one to one basis to support people to identify, pursue and achieve their personal vision for a good life, to offer a universal service which meant there was no eligibility criteria, no “referral” system, no assessments or time limits. It was a one-stop / holistic approach which dealt with all aspects of a person's situation including family and community life.
The focus of the LAC was on those not yet known to the services, people at risk of becoming dependant on services and people who were already dependant on services.
More information could be found here:
The Chairman thanked Clair for her presentation. |
Southern Electricity Mel Grace, Southern Electricity: Mel Grace will present on some of the services which Southern Electricity provide which are especially valuable to socially isolated individuals. Minutes: Mel Grace, Southern Electric, gave details on schemes Southern Electric provided during power cuts for the elderly and vulnerable in communities. Residents were urged to sign up to priority Services, which was a scheme that offered priority treatment during power cuts, connection to emergency services, emergency power supplies, safety advice, provisions for communities and peace of mind. The service was available to all regardless of their electricity supplier. Southern Electric also had a partnership with Wessex Water which meant that once residents signed up on the priority services they would automatically be registered with both priority schemes.
Advice was also given on how to stay safe and prepare for power cuts such as using glow sticks instead of candles and purchasing a power bank to keep mobile phones charged.
The Chairman thanked Mel for her presentation. |
Carer Support Wiltshire Judy Walker, Carer Support Wiltshire: Judy is the recently appointed CEO of Carer Support Wiltshire and will present on some of the work they are doing locally to support carers. Minutes: Judy Walker, Carer Support Wiltshire, gave a presentation on the services of Carer Support Wiltshire. Carer Support Wiltshire helped carers sustain their health and wellbeing by sign posting, providing training courses, caring breaks, emotional support, hosting support groups, offering volunteering opportunities and involving carers in the policy making process.
The Chairman thanked Judy for her presentation. |
Warminster Regeneration Working Group To receive an update. Minutes: A meeting had taken place in July where interesting conversations took place with the possibility of future opportunities. |
Community Area Transport Group Minutes: Cllr Davis noted that the next meeting of the CATG was on the 26 September 2019 and that the proposal for a speed limit on the Lower Marsh Road near the nature area had the backing of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. |
Area Board Funding - Community Area Grants To consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme. Supporting documents: Minutes: The area board considered funding applications seeking 2019/20 Community Area Grant funding which was;
RESOLVED To award Friends of WCR £5000 for a refurbishment project.
(Cllr Davis did not vote and left the room).
To the Warminster Branch of the Royal British Legion £1000 for the Warminster Dementia Centre access lighting.
(Cllr Ridout referred to her declaration and did not vote).
To the Warminster Lions £750 for the Santa Shed on a Sledge with Warminster Lions. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
9pm |
Future Meeting Dates The next meetings of the Warminster Area Board will be on: 14 November at 7pm at the Warminster Civic Centre.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board would take place on the 14 November 2019 at the Warminster Civic Centre. |