Venue: The Cley Room, Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster, BA12 8LB
Contact: Ben Fielding Democratic Services
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Warminster Area Board and invited members of the board to introduce themselves. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Simon Todd (Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service) and Heather Parks (Heytesbury, Imber and Knook Parish Council Clerk). |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2021 were presented for consideration and it was;
To approve the minutes as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
7.10pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chair:
· Changes to Wiltshire’s Taxi Tariffs · Update on Leisure Centres Transferring to Wiltshire Council · Wiltshire Youth Council Update · Police and Crime Plan Consultation and Precept Questions Survey · Local Successes Supporting documents:
Minutes: The chairman gave the following updates:
· Changes to Wiltshire’s Taxi Tariffs The Chairman drew attention to a briefing note attached to the agenda which provided an update regarding the proposed changes to the Taxi Tariff Schedule for Hackney Carriages in Wiltshire. The note included information that was shared with the Licensing Committee at its meeting on 13 September 2021. Approval had already been provided for the proposals to be implemented, which will take place on 4 January 2022 subject to the proposals being advertised and undergoing standard consultation processes.
· Update on Leisure Centres Transferring to Wiltshire Council The Chairman drew attention to the leisure insourcing project, which would see 10 leisure centres currently managed by Places Leisure move over to Wiltshire Council. This transfer would include Warminster Sports Centre and further information, and a frequently asked questions section can be found on a webpage via the included link in the report.
· Wiltshire Youth Council Update The Chairman referred to the report attached to the agenda which provided an update on the Wiltshire Youth Council. The Wiltshire Youth Council will start next year, with representatives from secondary schools across the county elected to speak out on issues that are important to them. Schools have been invited to encourage 11–17-year-olds to put themselves up for election, with elections due to take place between 31 January 2022 and 4 February 2022. Further information on the Wiltshire Youth Council, can be found in the agenda pack.
· Police and Crime Plan Consultation and Precept Questions Survey A major survey and consultation to shape the future of policing in Wiltshire was launched by the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner on Monday 18 October. It will set out how the PCC’s pledges and priorities will be delivered throughout Wiltshire and will be the blueprint for strategic policing and crime priorities until 2025. Further information and access to the survey itself can be found via links in the agenda pack.
Police and Crime commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, Philip Wilkinson stated that the survey started 3 weeks ago and so far, has received over 4,000 responses. Once the survey has been completed, priorities and resources can be allocated in draft form and then the PCC will hold town hall meetings across the county to allow residents to reaffirm their priorities, before finalising the Police and Crime Plan at the end of the year.
Congratulations were offered to the following organisations and individuals, for the following respective achievements: · Warminster School pupil Matthew Hodgson who was awarded Commander’s Special Achievement coin by Brigadier Dan Reeve in recognition of his appointment as the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet for Wiltshire for 2020-2021. · Tim White from Maiden Bradley, who was the winner of the Farmers Weekly Innovative Farmer of the Year for Sheep Breeding. · Sarah Jeffries, Parish Clark of Maiden Bradley and Horningsham who has qualified to compete in the British Triathlon European Sprint Duathlon. |
7.20pm |
Partner and Community Updates To receive updates from any of the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police · BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning · Group (CCG) · Warminster and Villages Community Partnership · Local Youth Network · Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives
Some written updates have been received and are included in this agenda. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates were received from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police The Area Board received a verbal update from Inspector Al Lumley. An overview was provided of the performance over the last 12 months to August 2021, which included the following points:
· Inspector Lumley drew attention to comparative data tables, included in the agenda pack, which illustrated how Warminster compared to the rest of the Police force. · It was noted that there were no irregularities for Warminster and that crime types taking place in Warminster were similar to that experienced by the rest of the force. · Stop and Search data was provided, and this aligned with what had happened in the last quarter across the rest of the force.
An overview of the local priorities for Warminster was provided, which included the following areas:
· Officer Verification Checks – Following the tragic events of the Sarah Everard murder in London, there has been a loss of confidence in the Police force. Wiltshire Police have been working hard to rebuild this confidence and have set up a process whereby a member of the public can ask for the officer to verify their business is genuine and lawful. This is completed through the Police radio on loudspeaker in order to offer reassurance. · Drug Dealer Conviction – Following an investigation, Wiltshire Police have secured a custodial conviction for a prolific Warminster drug dealer. The sentence will be for 32 month and teams are focused to ensure that the individual’s void is not filled by his peer group. · Op Sceptre – Plans have been put in place for the annual Op Sceptre, which focuses on knife crime reduction within communities. This involves amnesty bins placed in key locations as well as multi-agency enforcement against those believed to be carrying or distributing weapons. · Remembrance Parades – As Warminster has a special tie to the military, the Police team have been working with partners to effectively run safe remembrance parades. · Community Engagement – Work has been done to increase community engagement opportunities, to ensure that the Police are available to as many people as possible. This included being interviewed on Warminster Community Radio as well as reinvigorating a number of pre-Covid drop-in locations.
Following the verbal update there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:
7.35pm |
Community Police Task Group (CPTG) To agree the Terms of Reference for the Community Area Police Task Group (CPTG). Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Pip Ridout presented to the Area Board a proposed Terms of Reference for the Community Police Task Group (CPTG). Councillor Ridout stated that the next meeting for the CPTG would take place on 9 December at Warminster Civic Centre, with a start time of 7:00pm. The aim of the CPTG would be to meet every quarter to discuss items that might not be immediate crimes but rather concerns to the community.
The following amendments to the Terms of Reference were suggested:
It was agreed that the Area Board is content for the Community Police Task Group to establish its own membership. |
7.40pm |
Health & Wellbeing Management Group To receive an update from the Health and Wellbeing Management Group. Minutes: Councillor Pip Ridout provided an update on the Warminster Health and Wellbeing Management Group. The update noted that there would no longer be a separate Health and Wellbeing Management Group from the Health and Wellbeing Forum. Additionally, the next meeting would be in December and therefore a report would be brought to the next Area Board in February. |
7.45pm |
Warminster Regeneration Working Group To receive an update from the Warminster Regeneration Working Group. Minutes: Councillor Tony Jackson provided an update on the Warminster Regeneration Working Group, that the group had not had a meeting since the last Warminster Area Board. Warminster Town Councillor Sue Fraser updated that the Town Council is working with Wiltshire Council on how the Central Carpark area can be improved as well as other areas around the town. Additionally, Wiltshire Council is currently looking at the Old Police Station, with a consideration towards social housing, however this is yet to be decided and the meeting date for the next Warminster Regeneration Working Group is yet to be set. |
7.50pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider the notes and actions log of the previous meeting of the Community Area Transport Group held on 27 October 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Andrew Davis introduced the minutes and recommendations from the CATG meeting held on 27 October 2021. Councillor Davis updated that the previous meeting had been positive with a number of issues cleared or moved forward. Attention was also drawn to the remaining budget of £17,983.52 as well as one issue in particular that was raised concerning junction improvement in Knook, which had been included in the agenda pack.
The minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 27 October 2021 and the remaining budget were agreed as a correct record. |
7.55pm |
Area Board Funding To consider the following applications for funding:
Area Board Initiatives
1. Warminster Community Area Board - £5,000 towards Parish Fingerposts.
2. Warminster Area Board Health and Wellbeing Management Group - £999 towards Health and Wellbeing Group Event.
Community Area Grants
1. Kingdown School - £3,900 towards improving mental health and wellbeing for Warminster children.
2. Tynings Allotments Association - £4,500 towards Tynings Allotments road works.
Health and Wellbeing Grants
1. Stepping Stones - £5,000 towards Garden Upgrade. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:
Area Board Initiatives:
1. Warminster Community Area Board - £5,000 towards Parish Fingerposts.
Warminster Community Area Board was awarded £5,000 towards Parish Fingerposts.
2. Warminster Area Board Health and Wellbeing Management Group - £999 towards Health and Wellbeing Group Event.
Warminster Area Board Health and Wellbeing Management Group was awarded £999 towards Health and Wellbeing Group Event.
Community Area Grants:
1. Tynings Allotments Association - £4,500 towards Tynings Allotments road works.
Tynings Allotments Association was awarded £4,500 towards Tynings Allotments road works.
2.Stepping Stones - £5,000 towards Garden Upgrade.
Stepping Stones was awarded £1,200 towards Garden Upgrade subject to Community Engagement Manager, Graeme Morrison liaising with the Wiltshire Council Commissioning team.
Local Youth Network Funding:
1. Kingdown School - £3,900 towards improving mental health and wellbeing for Warminster children.
Kingdown School was awarded £3,900 towards improving mental health and wellbeing for Warminster children. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: It was noted that Sutton Veny Parish Council are currently seeking a replacement clerk. |
Future Meeting Dates The next meeting of the Warminster Area Board will be on 3 February 2022. Minutes: |