Venue: Online
Contact: Ben Fielding Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board.
The Area Board observed a minute’s silence in respect of the tragic car accident, which took place in Westbury, Friday 5 February. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Debbie Grimsey, Westbury Leigh Primary School. |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held Online, on 10 December 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2020were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chairman at a later date. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: Councillor Gordon King stated that whilst he had applied for membership for the governing body of Matravers School but has not yet been appointed. Councillor Gordon King confirmed that he would have a transparent and open mind when making decisions. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chair:
Ø Local Plan Review and Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Consultations
Ø Covid-19
Ø Community Led Housing Supporting documents:
Minutes: The chairman gave the following updates:
· Local Plan Review and Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Consultations · Covid-19 · Community Led Housing |
Partner and Community Updates To receive updates from any of the following partners:
6.a. Wiltshire Police
6.b. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
6.c. Parish and Town Councils
6.d. CCG
6.e. Health Watch
6.f. Chamber of Commerce
6.g. BA13 Community Area Partnership
6.h. POPCAN – Penleigh Park Group
Some written updates have been received before the meeting and are included in the agenda pack. Supporting documents:
The Area Board received and noted updates from the following partners:
6.a Wiltshire Police
The Area Board received an update from Sergeant Kevin Harmsworth and Inspector Simon Cowdrey on behalf of Wiltshire Police. The update covered the following matters:
· Following the road traffic collision on Friday 5 February, an investigation is currently on-going ran by the collision investigation unit. The neighbourhood team are working with the families. · There have been 15 Covid regulation breaches in Westbury, official numbers can be found on the police Facebook page regarding the sites involved, arrests and ticket numbers. · The police are in regular contact with White Horse Medical Centre and there have been concerns regarding an overspill of traffic, with Leigh Park Community Centre being used as an overflow carpark. The medical centre has been encouraged to discuss with the Wiltshire Council Highways team a contingency plan for overspill traffic. · A young female has been interviewed in relation to 10 activities of anti-social behaviour. Social services are now involved and there is a view to bring her into the justice system with policing moving to enforcement. · The police supported speed watch 5 times during January, further details can be requested over email. · The police are promoting a national counter-terrorism campaign, “Act Early”. This campaign aims to provide online advice as due to restrictions people are spending a lot more time online.
6.b. Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
The Area Board received an update from Station Manager Richard Humphrey on behalf of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. The update covered the following matters:
· Richard Humphrey paid respect to all those who were involved in the tragic accident that took place Friday 5 February, as well as to the emergency responders. This incident was included in the report as part of the agenda. · The fire and rescue service is maintaining an emergency response and work has been altered to reduce face to face contact, however this has been maintained for the highest risk groups. · Uniformed colleagues are supporting ambulance colleagues to crew ambulances with some also working as volunteer groups at vaccination hubs.
The following points were received in response to the update:
· In the report it was noted that there were 8 false alarms in February, however it was clarified that there was no evidence to suggest that this was detrimental to the service needs. · In the Community Safety Plan there was mention of sharing buildings with the police to reduce costs, as well as possible closures and downgrading sites. It was clarified that this would not have an impact on Westbury fire station.
6.c. Parish and Town Councils
The Area Board received an update from Kathy Hutt on behalf of Dilton Marsh Parish Council. The update covered the following matters:
· Dilton Marsh Parish Council are continuing with basic general functions and are supporting people as and when needed. · The Board were updated on a dangerous building located in Petticoat Lane. The wall of this building has now been knocked down and the ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Community Engagement Manager Update To receive an update from Graeme Morrison, Community Engagement Manager.
Ø Local Area Status Report Supporting documents: Minutes: Graeme Morrison, Community Engagement Manager (CEM), provided an update on the Local Area Status Report. A written copy of the report can be found within agenda supplement 2. The presentation covered the following matters:
· The aim of the report was to establish emerging themes from Covid19 in order to act as a starting point for a recovery plan. There is a focus on impacts and ensuring community voice is included in the recovery plan process. · Themed public meetings took place in December 2020, with a focus on the impacts on young people, older people, working age people and families as well as local businesses. Information was collected through an online survey which ran until January 2021. · The information collected allowed headline findings of impacts to be produced for each of the four themes. Themes included an increase in mental health issues, deterioration of physical health, an increase in isolation and loneliness. · Next steps included establishing a Local Covid Recovery Group, with meetings before the next Area Board to shape the recovery plan, which will be a live document. It is aimed that the recovery plan will be produced and then presented at the next Area Board. · All those who attended the themed meetings will be invited to be part of the Local Covid Recovery Group, as well as anyone who would like to get in touch.
The following points were received in response to the presentation:
· It was queried when the final report would be completed. The CEM clarified that both of the documents will be live documents and aim to be finalised at the next Area Board meeting. |
Health and Wellbeing Management Group Update To receive an update on the Health & Wellbeing Management Group from Graeme Morrison and Councillor Gordon King. Minutes: Graeme Morrison and Councillor Gordon King provided an update on the Health & Wellbeing Management Group. The update covered the following matters:
· The Health and Wellbeing Management Group had their first meeting on 19 January 2021, which included an opportunity to discuss the aims and objectives of the group as well as a networking session. The following objectives were identified: to improve access to services for older and more vulnerable people; to improve the general health of older and more vulnerable people; to reduce social isolation and loneliness. · The group has decided to embark on a Digital Literacy and Connectivity project, which will involve identifying 30 older and more vulnerable people in the community who have no internet connectivity. These people will then be provided with a device along with training to get online as well as how to use the device to do things such as emails and online banking. · The project will also identify a further 30 people of a similar age, who have a device but may not know how to use it. These people will be invited to join the training with the other 30 people. · The project successfully applied for 5 laptops from the Wiltshire Digital Drive. |
Community Area Transport Group To consider the notes and actions log of the previous meeting of the Community Area Transport Group held on 29 January 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Carole King introduced the minutes from the CATG meeting held on 29 January 2021.
The minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting held on 29 January 2021 were agreed as a correct record and the Area Board agreed to move payment of the recommendations of the meeting. |
Area Board Funding Community Area Grant Funding:
To consider the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:
Ø Leigh Park Community Centre, £346.75, towards a fogger machine.
Ø Bratton PCC, £5,000, towards Bratton church bells and tower restoration and refurbishment.
Ø Open Westbury Foodbank, £5,000, towards Westbury area foodbank.
Youth Grant Funding:
To consider the following Local Youth Network Grant Applications for funding:
Ø Matravers School, £4,000, towards wellbeing support for pupils returning from second school closure.
Westbury Area Board Initiatives
To consider the following applications from Westbury Area Board Initiatives for funding:
Ø Westbury Area Board – Cllr Gordon King, £3,700, towards HWB Group Digital Literacy Connectivity Project.
Ø Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham, £4,600, towards IT support for Westbury Area Heads Group. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the funding requests as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
a) Community Area Grants
1) Leigh Park Community Centre, £346.75, towards a fogger machine.
Debbie Cole spoke in support of a grant towards a fogger machine for Leigh Park Community Centre.
Decision To award Leigh Park Community Centre £346.75 towards a fogger machine.
2) Bratton PCC, £5,000, towards Bratton church bells and tower restoration and refurbishment.
Peter Sharland spoke in support of a grant towards Bratton church bells and tower restoration and refurbishment.
Decision To award Bratton PCC £5,000 towards Bratton church bells and tower restoration and refurbishment.
3) Open Westbury Foodbank, £5,000, towards Westbury area foodbank.
Ian Cooper spoke in support of a grant towards Westbury area foodbank.
Decision To award Open Westbury Foodbank £5,000 towards Westbury area foodbank.
b) Youth Funding
1) Matravers School, £4,000, towards wellbeing support for pupils returning from second school closure.
Councillor Suzanne Wickham spoke in support of a grant towards wellbeing support for pupils returning from second school closure.
Decision To award Matravers School £4,000 towards wellbeing support for pupils returning from second school closure.
c) Westbury Area Board Initiatives
1) Councillor Gordon King, £3,700, towards Health and Wellbeing Group Digital Literacy Connectivity Project.
Councillor Gordon King spoke in support of a grant towards the HWB Group Digital Literacy Connectivity Project.
Decision To award Health and Wellbeing Group £3,700 towards Digital Literacy Connectivity Project.
2) Councillor Suzanne Wickham, £4,600, towards IT support for Westbury Area Heads Group.
Councillor Suzanne Wickham spoke in support of a grant towards IT support for Westbury Area Heads Group.
Decision To award Westbury Area Heads Group £4,600 towards IT support. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: Councillor Carole King was congratulated for her chairing of the meetings over what has been a difficult year.
Councillor Russell Hawker was thanked for both his service as a councillor and for his work for the Area Board. |