Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Wednesday 2 October 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Leighton Recreation Centre, Wellhead Ln, Westbury BA13 3PT

Contact: Ben Fielding - Senior Democratic Services Officer  01225 718656, Email:

Note No. Item




To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from:

·       Inspector Lou Oakley (Wiltshire Police) who had arranged for Sergeant Joe Sadowski to attend the meeting in her absence.

·       White Horse News.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2024 were presented for consideration and it was;




To approve and sign as a true and correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2024.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee or Monitoring Officer.


There were no declarations of disclosable interests.


Chairman's Announcements and Information Items

To receive the following announcements and briefing notes from the Chairman:


·       Update on FACT Transitional Safeguarding Project

·       Update on the Families and Children's Transformation (FACT) Family Help Project

·       Overview of Wiltshire Youth Council

·       Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Consultation

·       Cost of Living Update

Supporting documents:


The Chairman of the Area Board drew attention to the following information items, which were contained in the agenda pack:


  • Update on FACT Transitional Safeguarding Project
  • Update on the Families and Children's Transformation (FACT) Family Help Project
  • Overview of Wiltshire Youth Council
  • Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Consultation
  • Cost of Living Update



Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:

·       Wiltshire Police

·       Town and Parish Councils Nominated Representatives


Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:

·       BSW Together

·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

Supporting documents:


Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

The Area Board noted written updates attached to the agenda. In addition, Sergeant Joe Sadowski provided a verbal update which covered the following points:

·       An outline of the Warminster/Westbury Neighbourhood Policing area was provided, with it noted that this was the largest area covered in Wiltshire including over 50 Parish Councils.

·       An overview of the Neighbourhood Policing Team was provided.

·       The Neighbourhood Policing Pillars of Engaging Communities, Solving Problems and Targeting Activity were discussed as well as the work which had taken place in each of these areas.

·       A Cadet Unit in Warminster was set to be set up with it hoped that this would be running by November and would be held at the Garrison Community Centre for those 13-16 years on Tuesday evenings.

·       Detail was provided about new mobile Police stations which had been acquired and would allow the Police to be more visible and conduct drop-in sessions in the rural villages with such sessions set to take place in early October. It was hoped that this would enable better working with Parish Councils.

·       A Local Parish Forum had been set up by Chief Inspector James Brain which would run four times a year providing residents a chance to hold the Neighbourhood Policing Team to account.

·       Detail was provided on the problem solving that was taking place within the Westbury Area, with problems noted including anti-social behaviour including a spate of graffiti that had taken place. Investigations were currently taking place with lines of enquiry leading towards a suspect with action to be taken.

·       Additionally, it was noted that were longer and hidden problems to be resolved including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT). The impact of such hidden crimes was discussed as well as that guidance was set to be provided for residents to help identify such crimes.

·       The Police’s approach to proactive and targeted activity was discussed including searches in the past week that had led to arrests within the area.

·       The importance of reporting crime and incidents was stressed, with it noted that reporting incidents should be conducted using 101 and 999 for emergencies. The Police can then use data to effectively manage incidents and resources within the area.

·       It was outlined that there was an aim to build up the Shop Watch capability ahead of December.


·       Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

The Area Board received the following verbal update from Cllr Sheila Kimmins on behalf of Westbury Town Council. The update covered the following matters:

·       Gratitude was placed towards the Neighbourhood Policing Team for their work towards the problems with graffiti and rubbish bins. The use and impact of the upgraded CCTV system was discussed as well as how the clarity of the pictures produced enable the Police to identify suspects.

·       Last Saturday the Wiltshire Chili Festival took place with thousands of people attending despite the weather. Many stallholders also expressed an interest in returning both next year and to the Christmas event which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



Wiltshire Police Chief Constable

To receive an update from Catherine Roper, Wiltshire Police Chief Constable.


The Wiltshire Police Chief Constable provided her update directly after the Neighbourhood Policing Update.


The Area Board received an update from Catherine Roper, Wiltshire Police Chief Constable. The update included but was not limited to the following points:

  • It was outlined that in the summer of 2022, Wiltshire Police had been placed into “Engage” by the independent auditor after it had not provided a satisfactory service. Since then, in May, the force had recently been taken out of “Engage”, which demonstrated that it was making process with investigations, protecting the vulnerable and responding to crime.
  • Wiltshire police had since had a further PEEL inspection on 15 August, where significant improvements had been made over the ten graded categories, with no areas graded inadequate with all areas showing an increased improvement, particularly in community engagement.
  • Whilst some areas were recognised as improving, some were recognised as not being where they should be, therefore the Chief Constable aimed to improve these areas.
  • It was outlined that regarding the Control Room, there was a statutory duty to respond to 999 calls within 10 seconds and that previously Wiltshire had been the worst performing force for this but had since improved to rise 8 places and answer more calls within 10 seconds.
  • The impact of the re-establishment of dedicated Neighbourhood Teams was discussed.
  • It was outlined that there had been a drive to increase the Police’s online presence.


After the update, there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:

  • Clarity was provided that a “Right Care, Right Person” approach had been implemented by Wiltshire Police at the end of 2023 with an aim of recognising the right service for the right situation. This approach had been implemented on three levels with partners invited to attend group meetings. In the coming weeks a review was set to take place to investigate whether the Police should always need to attend 999 calls with it acknowledged that sometimes they aren’t the right service for the emergency.
  • A point was raised regarding the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, with it suggested that there was a rural bias within the document, though it had been suggested that the plan would be data driven. It was also suggested that residents were unhappy with spending £100million and £20million on police facilities in Devizes and Salisbury. The Chief Constable suggested that it would be inappropriate for her to respond to these points as this would be within the remit of the Police and Crime Commissioner, though she would be happy to pass the points that had been made onto the Commissioner.
  • The Chief Constable provided assurance that rural crime was within the three priority areas that she had identified for the policing approach, which was aligned with data and demand.
  • Gratitude was given to the Neighbourhood Policing Team for their work on drug misuse and selling, with there being a clear decline in the crime rate once individuals are arrested.
  • A suggestion was made that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership

To receive an update from Perry Payne, Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership Manager.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received an update from Perry Payne, Wiltshire & Swindon Road Safety Partnership. The update included but was not limited to the following points:

  • It was outlined that road safety is not the remit of one organisation; therefore, the Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership allows organisations to work together.
  • The organisations of the Partnership were outlined.
  • The three main workstreams of the Partnership were identified as Engineering, Education and Enforcement.
  • An overview of engineering work which had been carried out was provided as well as the analysis used to identify projects.
  • Currently education has a focus on the #Fatal5, which it was explained are the five main contributors to road traffic collisions.
  • The education provisions of Wiltshire Council and Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service were outlined.
  • Gratitude was placed towards the work of Community Speed watch teams, with it stressed that these people were volunteers making a significant contribution.
  • Community Speed watch data was provided for Westbury from July 2020 to August 2024, with it noted that 518 watches had been conducted with 1,466 letters sent.
  • Additionally, twelve traffic survey speed assessments had taken place with 6 requiring speed education.
  • The enforcement aspect of the Partnership was outlined, including the role of Community Speed Enforcement Officers who between 1 January 2023 and 22 August 2024 had been active in 909 locations, issued 13,530 speed awareness courses, 1,803 fines/points and 184 individuals referred to court.
  • Specifically, to Westbury, the Community Speed Enforcement Officers who between 1 January 2023 and 22 August 2024 had been active in 32 locations, issued 11 speed awareness courses, 17 fines/points and 2 individuals referred to court.
  • The work of the Road Policing Unit was outlined.
  • An emerging trend had been identified of an increase in pedestrians distracted by mobile phones and stepping out into roads.


After the update, there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:

  • Clarity was provided on the use of VR headsets in classrooms and at events to enable people to have a road safety related experience.
  • Gratitude was placed for the presentation with road safety acknowledged as being an important topic.



Area Board Priority Update

To receive updates from Lead Councillors for the local Area Board priorities:


·       Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Our Community – Cllr Gordon King

·       Wellbeing for Young People and Positive Activities – Cllr Carole King

·       Local Environmental Action – Cllr Matthew Dean

·       Combatting Child Poverty – Cllr Suzanne Wickham

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received updates from Lead Councillors in relation to the following local Area Board Priorities:


Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Our Community (Cllr Gordon King)

  • The revitalisation and continuation of the digital literacy programme to support the combatting of loneliness in older adults was taking place. Through the provision of digital education, it was suggested that participants should be able to talk to family & friends, have online consultations with health professionals.
  • Work had commenced in partnership with the ICB, PCN and local volunteer network to establish a Neighbourhood Collaborative. It was outlined that the ICB had made available its readiness review for completion, therefore Graeme Morrison Strategic Engagement Partnerships Lead (SEPM), and Cllr Gordon King would be meeting with the White Horse Practice, shortly, to ensure its completion.

Wellbeing for Young People and Positive Activities (Cllr Carole King)

  • Reference was made to the reports attached to the agenda provided by three youth clubs in the area.
  • The Local Youth Network group continues to meet, having last met on 24 September 2024.
  • It is hoped that Warminster and Westbury Youth Club will be able to offer a special needs club, starting in Warminster on Tuesday evenings.

Local Environmental Action (Cllr Matthew Dean)

  • A lot of work has been conducted to arrange a large environmental event in conjunction with the Town Council, potentially encompassed within one of the Town Council’s other large events. A keynote speaker had been lined up for the event as well as another asset. It is hoped that this event will take place next summer.
  • Gratitude was placed to the Town and Parish Councils who had been involved in wildflower seed planting projects over the last six months.

Combatting Child Poverty (Cllr Suzanne Wickham)

·       A cookery course for primary school children and their parents had been set up to enable working together and healthy eating. This had taken place in Grassacres Hall, with the food provided by Funky Foods. On reflection, the session was a success however the next iteration would likely be arranged within a school to enable greater attendance.



Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Older & Vulnerable

Young People





Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


YMCA Kingfisher Nursery of the YMCA Brunel

Group - YMCA Kingfisher Nursery outdoor play area



Bratton Jubilee Hall Management Committee - Solar Panels for Bratton Jubilee Hall



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Westbury Parochial Church Council All Saints Church - Friday Fun Youth Club



Delegated Funding


The Board is asked to note any funding awards made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, between meetings due to matters of urgency:


  • Westbury Area Board Initiative – £270 towards Cookery Sessions from Funkyfood.


Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.

Supporting documents:


Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Lead (SEPM) informed the Area Board of the opening balances for grant funding. The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:


Community Area Grants:


YMCA Kingfisher Nursery of the YMCA Brunel Group - £1,000 towards YMCA Kingfisher Nursery outdoor play area.




YMCA Kingfisher Nursey of the YMCA Brunel Group was awarded £1,000 towardsYMCA Kingfisher Nursery outdoor play area.  


Moved – Cllr Gordon King

Seconded – Cllr Matthew Dean


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Bratton Jubilee Hall Management Committee - £5,000 towards Solar Panels for Bratton Jubilee Hall




Bratton Jubilee Hall Management Committee was awarded £3,000 towards Solar Panels for Bratton Jubilee Hall.


Moved – Cllr Suzanne Wickham

Seconded – Cllr Carole King


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Youth Grants:


Westbury Parochial Church Council All Saints Church - £5,000 towards Friday Fun Youth Club.




The Area Board noted that Westbury Parochial Church Council All Saints Church grant application had been withdrawn at the request of the applicant.


Delegated Funding:


It was ratified that the following funding award had been made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, due to matters of urgency:


·       Westbury Area Board Initiative – £270 towards Cookery Sessions from Funkyfood.



Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 25 July 2024, as set out in the attached report.


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the minutes and recommendations from the LHFIG meeting held on 25 July 2024.


After which, it was;




The minutes of the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group meeting held on 25 July 2024 were agreed as a correct record as well as approving the spending recommendations within.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


Cllr Matthew Dean provided his apologies for the next meeting of the Area Board, set to take place on 4 December 2024.



Close and Future Dates

Future Meeting Dates:


·       4 December 2024


For information on applying for a grant or grant application deadlines for these meetings, contact the Engagement and Partnership Lead:
